German Chancellor Angela Merkel Warns Cooperation with Trump Depends on Respect for Equality

German Chancellor Angela Merkel Warns Cooperation with Trump Depends on Respect for Equality

Angela Merkel
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that her country’s cooperation with Donald Trump is very much dependent upon his stance on equality.

enda-kennyWhile other EU leaders including UK Prime Minister Theresa May and Irish Taoiseach Enda Kenny (right) have simply congratulated Trump on his victory, Merkel said:

“Germany and America are connected by values of democracy, freedom and respect for the law and the dignity of man, independent of origin, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or political views.

“I offer the next President of the United States close cooperation on the basis of these values.”

Merkel, however, has made it clear she does not endorse same-sex marriage–a dissenting view in western Europe. Though she says she does support civil partnerships.

RELATED: German Chancellor Angela Merkel: Marriage is Between a Man and a Woman

According to Huffington Post, on Trump’s election, UK Prime Minister May said:

“Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise.“We are, and will remain, strong and close partners on trade, security and defence. I look forward to working with President-elect Donald Trump, building on these ties to ensure the security and prosperity of our nations in the years ahead.”

Kenny backed down on previous comments that Trump is a racist, instead saying he “wants Ireland to continue its close relationship with the economic powerhouse,” reports the Irish Examiner.

Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, said Trump’s victory was a “very difficult moment” but that the EU would respect America’s decision. He added that the victory was a “protest” vote similar to Brexit.

Meanwhile, the Guardian reports that top EU officials have invited Trump to Europe for an urgent US-EU summit.

In a joint letter, Donald Tusk, president of the European council and Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European commission, urged him to come to Europe for talks “at your earliest convenience”.

The letter said:

“It is more important than ever to strengthen transatlantic relations. Only by cooperating closely can the EU and the US continue to make a difference when dealing with unprecedented challenges such as Da’esh [Isis], the threats to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, climate change and migration.”

“We would take this opportunity to invite you to visit Europe for an EU – US summit at your earliest convenience. This conversation would allow for us to chart the course of our relations for the next four years.”

(Merkel image via Wikipedia. Kenny image via Twitter)

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel Warns Cooperation with Trump Depends on Respect for Equality

Metropolitan Police Appeal

Metropolitan Police Appeal
Metropolitan Police Appeal

The Metropolitan Police are seeking to question this man following an incident in which homophobic abuse was shouted at two men in Charing Cross, London, on Saturday 13 August 2016.

Anyone in the UK with information can call the police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Donald Trump Says He’s “Fine” With Marriage Equality… For Now

Donald Trump Says He’s “Fine” With Marriage Equality… For Now


Donald Trump sat down with 60 Minutes over the weekend for his first televised interview since last Tuesday’s election, where he was asked about a whole slew of topics, including gay marriage.

On the campaign trail, the reality-TV-star-turned-President-elect had expressed a desire to overturn the Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage equality because, hey, why not? His running mate, Mike Pence, is also vehemently opposed to same-sex marriage, or any law offering protections, or as he likes to call them “entitlements,” to LGBTQ Americans.

Related: 4 Early Signs The Trump Presidency Will Be A Disaster For All Things LGBTQ

When asked on 60 Minutes about undoing marriage equality last weekend, he said it’s no longer an issue he cares to pursue.

“It’s irrelevant because it was already settled,” Trump said. “It’s law. It was settled in the Supreme Court. I mean it’s done… these cases have gone to the Supreme Court. They’ve been settled. And… I’m fine with that.”

But that logic doesn’t apply to all Supreme Court rulings, like, for instance, Roe V. Wade. When asked about a that, Trump implied a woman’s right to make her own decisions about her healthcare is still up for debate.

“I’m pro-life,” he said. “The judges [I appoint] will be pro-life.”

Related: 8 Obama-Inspired Equality Measures That Face The Trump & Pence Axe

He went on to say that if Roe V. Wade were overturned, “it would go back to the states” but said that it “has a long, long way to go” before reaching that point.

Watch Trump talk about marriage equality below. Or don’t.

h/t: LGBTQNation

4 Early Signs The Trump Presidency Will Be A Disaster For All Things LGBTQ

4 Early Signs The Trump Presidency Will Be A Disaster For All Things LGBTQ


It’s not even a week ago that the idea of a Donald Trump White House seemed unthinkable. It may still be unthinkable, but it’s happening anyway.

As the reality sinks in, we’re seeing the early signs of what a Trump administration might look like.

It’s not good.

Whether Donald Trump will govern the same way he campaigned–which is to say as chaotically and offensively as possible–is an open question. But the early decisions that Trump, or at least the people around him, are making suggest that his administration is going to be really, real bad for us and a lot of people we love.

Here are four early signs that we’re in for a really rough ride:

Mike Pence

Mike Pence. Photo by Gage Skidmore, via Flickr

Mike Pence is calling the shots

For a while, the more moderate New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was heading Trump’s transition team. But Christie pretty much disappeared when two of his closest aides were convicted in the Bridgegate scandal that implicated Christie as well. So now Mike Pence is in charge of the transition. Given Pence’s ultra-conservative (and antigay) bent, that means applicants with Pence’s views will have a leg up for open positions. By contrast, Christie likely would have been a more moderating influence.

peter-thiel-2.giPeter Thiel is helping with the transition

The Facebook billionaire (aka Captain Seasteading) was one of the few prominent business leaders to bet on Trump. Thiel’s interests and ours rarely intersect despite his homosexuality. After all, his campaign contribution helped give us Sen. Ted Cruz. Thiel could be the token gay in the Trump inner circle, and if he’s the sounding board for gay issues, that won’t be good. At the moment, Thiel is in Tokyo celebrating his boyfriend’s birthday, which could signal he’s not paying much attention to the transition. Let’s see what he does to stick up for us, if anything. (Don’t hold your breath.)

Ken BlackwellThe religious right is already over represented

In addition to Thiel, the Trump transition team includes a number of religious right luminaries. Ken Blackwell, who was at the Family Research Council when it was designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, is a long-time loopy homophobe who has compared same-sex couples to farm animals. Kay Cole James is another FRC alum, who has likened being gay to being an alcoholic “or anything else sinful.” Blackwell and James will be following Pence’s lead, recruiting other antigay religious right personnel for key government positions.


The potential Cabinet choices include some real wingnuts

Secretary of Education Ben Carson? Secretary of State Newt Gingrich? Secretary of the Interior Sarah Palin? HHS Secretary Mike Huckabee? The list of would-be Cabinet members that Trump’s team floated includes some of the worst antigay politicians of recent memory. The mix also includes former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer and former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. But even the ones who aren’t household names aren’t much better. For example, Jeb Hensarling (Treasury Secretary) was one of a handful of Congressmen who pushed for the repeal of D.C.’s marriage equality law.

No matter who is chosen, the Cabinet will have a strong antigay bias. It’s not pretty.

Supermoon, New Zealand Earthquake Cows, The Simpsons, Chelsea Clinton, Disco: HOT LINKS

Supermoon, New Zealand Earthquake Cows, The Simpsons, Chelsea Clinton, Disco: HOT LINKS

supermoon lunar eclipseTONIGHT. The largest Supermoon until 2034 is here, and you can still see it Monday night. “The last time the moon sailed this close to Earth was on Jan. 26, 1948, when it came 30 miles closer. The next time won’t be until Nov. 24, 2034, when the distance between the two bodies will be 40 miles less.”

NEW ZEALAND EARTHQUAKE. Magnitude 7.5 strikes: “A tsunami alert was issued for all coastal areas of New Zealand, with warnings waves could be from three to five metres high between Blenheim and Banks Peninsula. The earthquake just after midnight was centred 15km north-east of Culverden, near Hanmer Springs, at a depth of 15km. Shortly before 8.15am the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management (MCDEM) said a tsunami marine and beach threat was in force from Napier to north of Dunedin. Unusually strong currents and unpredictable water flows could be expected near the shore.

Some cows had a lucky moment:


THE SIMPSONS. The show predicted Trump’s presidency and feels terrible about it: “Bart Simpson scrawled “being right sucks” on his class chalkboard, in a clear nod to the show’s forecast from the year 2000 that the reality TV personality would one day run the country.”


Chelsea ClintonDYNASTY. Chelsea Clinton to run for office? “She’ll make a move sooner rather than later,” a heavy hitter in New York state Democratic politics assures me. “What a great way to avenge her mother.”

IVORY, RHINO HORN, TIGER PARTS. Vietnamese wildlife traffickers are using Facebook and social media: “The results of an 18-month sting by the Wildlife Justice Commission (WJC) – shared with the Guardian – will be presented at a public hearing on 14 and 15 November at the Peace Palace in the Hague. They will show how social media sites such as Facebook are allowing traders greater access to customers. ‘It’s wildlife trafficking on an industrial scale,’ said Olivia Swaak-Goldman, the executive director of the WJC.

Polar Bear

WORLD’S SADDEST POLAR BEAR. He was temporarily removed from the hideous Chinese mall where he’s been on display but he’s going back: “The move is only temporary, however, with the Grandview Aquarium in Guangzhou saying that he would be returned following renovation works. The mall posted on Chinese social media that it would “await Pizza’s return”. Almost a million people have signed a petition to close the aquarium in Guangzhou where Pizza is kept.”

RIP. Leonard Cohen’s son Adam thanks his fans on social media.

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HATS OFF. To these guys.

Hats off to these guys

ESCAPE OF THE DAY. Giorgio Moroder, “Good For Me” featuring Karen Harding.

HANG IN THERE HUNK. Rodrigo Ribeiro.

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Instagram Photo

The post Supermoon, New Zealand Earthquake Cows, The Simpsons, Chelsea Clinton, Disco: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Supermoon, New Zealand Earthquake Cows, The Simpsons, Chelsea Clinton, Disco: HOT LINKS

Sarah McBride's Post Election Message To The Transgender Community

Sarah McBride's Post Election Message To The Transgender Community
Sarah McBride's Post Election Message To The Transgender Community

Following the results of the Presidential Election, many people across the country are left feeling disheartened, unsure and scared. As we look ahead to Transgender Awareness Week, which we’ll honor Nov. 14-20, HRC National Press Secretary Sarah McBride has a powerful message for LGBTQ community, particularly transgender youth, on combatting bullying and continuing the fight toward equality until we are all treated with the dignity and respect we deserve.

You can also view HRC Foundation’s Welcoming Schools project’s training film "What Can We Do? Bias, Bullying, and Bystanders" which addresses bias-based bullying in schools and how we can stand up for one another: