We’re Very, Very Thankful For All The Male Celeb Photo Leaks Of 2016
To put it gently, 2016 has been something of a bummer… but let’s not delve into that too deeply for a moment.
Instead, let’s become forcefully superficial and slide down the surface of things. Not admirable behavior, but certainly understandable.
One upside to 2016: It was the year male celebs, quasi-celebs, and even not-quite-quasi-celebs decided full-frontal nudity was something the world needed to see.
For all intents and purposes, they were correct. And we have the photos to prove it.
Perhaps it all began with Mr. Alex Bowen, the aggressively handsome star of reality series Love Island, who couldn’t have been too terribly upset when an explicit photograph of himself started making the rounds back in June. You really can’t buy that kind of publicity.
A-List Hollywood apparently took note, with Orlando Bloom soon joining the coveted coven of male celebs with their own jaw-dropping penis pic leaks. Not to be outdone, fellow star, occasional romantic rival, and all-around runt Justin Bieber once again took off all his clothes to prove, once and for all, that he can be nude with the best of them.
Then he proved it again.
And again.
Hey, he proved it last summer, too.
Related: Ass Appeal: Queerty’s 10 Favorite Male Photo Leaks
Well, 50 Cent must’ve read about all this nudity business and decided he wanted in on the action — although he unconvincingly feigned outrage when an episode of Starz! original series Power (which he produces) showed him very naked indeed, apparently without his permission. Which, that was weird.
All of this must’ve weighed heavily on skier Gus Kenworthy, who ultimately decided he should probably stop being such a baby, and start being unequivocally nude instead.
Hunky Brazilian Gymnasts Arthur Zanetti And Sergio Sasaki followed suit when some intriguing video footage surfaced.
And to be clear, this nudity of which we speak was a worldwide sensation: Leaked photos of former Dr. Who star Matt Smith demonstrated that the British actor does not always wear pants and on occasion has been known to doff his shirt. So now you know.
Oh, and there’s also that Finding Prince Charming guy Robert Sepulveda, who no one finds particularly charming. But no one can deny he’s often extraordinarily naked. Except, perhaps, his lawyers.
Who did we miss? Who will be next? What are you wearing? Sound off in the “Comments” section below if that’s what makes you happy.