Mayor Threatened With Homophobic Note Sent From Anonymous Coward

Mayor Threatened With Homophobic Note Sent From Anonymous Coward


27-year-old Alex Morse has accomplished a lot in his young life. After graduating from Brown University with a degree in Urban Studies and Planning, he was elected mayor of Holyoke, Massachusetts (pop. 40.135) in 2011 when we was just 22, becoming the town’s youngest and first openly gay mayor. He was reelected in 2013, and again in 2015.

Over his tenure, he has received plenty of angry letters, tweets, and emails criticizing him and his policies. But earlier this week, he received a different kind of note:

“Alex, you are one of the most selfish people I know due to your ‘gay’ lifestyle,” it read. “You are going down.”

The note was not signed and had no return address.

Related: Swastikas Carved Into Home Of Gay, Jewish New York State Senator Brad Hoylman

Morse chose to share it on Facebook.

“It’s a more threatening message than usual,” he tells the Boston Globe, “and given the context of the culture that seems to have been elevated since the Trump election, I thought it was important to shine a light on this language and behavior.”

He continues: “It’s different than writing a note that says, ‘I don’t support gay marriage,’ or ‘I don’t support rights for someone.’ But to demean someone’s humanity based on their sexuality takes it to another level.”

Related: A Brief History Of Incoming Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ Horrific Antigay Record

Morse added that the current political climate in America is “disappointing” but emphasized that it is “more important than ever before to speak out and come together.” He also said that he plans to file a criminal report about the note.

See the note and read Morse’s Facebook post about it below…

Tom Daley Gives Diving Lessons to Ellen’s Producer Andy: WATCH

Tom Daley Gives Diving Lessons to Ellen’s Producer Andy: WATCH

Tom Daley diving lessons

As we know, Presidential Medal of Honor recipient Ellen DeGeneres does have a bit of a sadistic streak, and she enjoys sending her executive producer Andy Lassner to take on various tasks that could possibly humiliate him for her pleasure.

This week’s task is perhaps one of his most enjoyable, and most successful: diving lessons with the extremely fit British Olympian Tom Daley, who reveals himself to be not only a kind guy, but a great teacher as well.

Many compliments were exchanged.

“What are you keeping in there?”, asked Andy, as Tom stripped down to his Speedo.

“Most people don’t look like that when they jump in,” said Daley, impressed by Andy’s entrance into the pool.

“Most people don’t look like this ever,” said Andy.

diving lessons Tom Daley


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Tom Daley Gives Diving Lessons to Ellen’s Producer Andy: WATCH

NYC Councilman Threatened With Execution by Trump Supporter Leads March to Trump Tower: WATCH

NYC Councilman Threatened With Execution by Trump Supporter Leads March to Trump Tower: WATCH


jimmy-van-bramer-queens-new-york_2Gay New York City Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer (above and right) received death threats last week after he announced plans to hold a march protesting Donald Trump’s presidency.

Queens rep Van Bramer was threatened with execution in a hate-filled homophobic email attacking him for not supporting Trump

The anonymous email read:

“Rest of the people from Queens do not agree with your homosexual lifestyle, so get the [expletive] out of this country, you [expletive] traitor! I will keep a close eye on your every moves so that when it’s time to execute traitors I will try my best so that your name is included in that list of traitors. Execution is the penalty for a traitor, that is the Law of This Land!”

According to the NY Daily News, another email sent last Tuesday from the same Gmail account read:

“I know that you are a gay man and you can do whatever you want at your own privacy. But don’t push your agenda to other normal males and normal kids as we find that pretty disgusting.”

Accompanied by around 500 Queens residents, Van Bramer went ahead with the protest march on Saturday to let Trump know his rhetoric is not indicative of his native borough’s values.

Speaker @MMViverito CM @JimmyVanBramer march from Queens 2 Trump Tower to protest racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia & hateful rhetoric.

— NYC Council (@NYCCouncil) November 20, 2016

Prior to the march, Van Bramer said:

“That’s unfortunately the times we live in. I’m not scared and we’re not stopping our peaceful and patriotic opposition to some of the really horrible things that this administration has promised to do. We’re not backing down.”

He also said Mayor de Blasio called to say that “all of New York is standing with me.”

NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill has said police are zeroing in on a suspect.

Watch Van Bramer speak at the protest below.

(Images via Twitter)

The post NYC Councilman Threatened With Execution by Trump Supporter Leads March to Trump Tower: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

NYC Councilman Threatened With Execution by Trump Supporter Leads March to Trump Tower: WATCH



もっと見る: ライフスタイル, Lifestyle, Lgbt, 五輪憲章, オリンピック, ダイバーシティ, 国際オリンピック委員会, トランスジェンダー, 杉山文野, Japan News

2016 Taiwan LGBT Pride Parade

2016 Taiwan LGBT Pride Parade

*dans posted a photo:

2016 Taiwan LGBT Pride Parade

Officials from the European Economic and Trade Office are to attend the gay pride parade in Taipei today, handing out EU flags, of which the golden stars have been replaced with rainbow colors in a gesture of support to the gay community. 一年一度的同志大遊行將在29日登場,台北市政府表示,當天市府頂樓將升起一面彩虹旗,以實際行動對多元文化表達力挺。 市府於同志遊行期間懸掛彩虹旗的做法,是由民進黨市議員何志偉在議會提出,經以民進黨籍為主的34名議員連署通過建請案。據《風傳媒》報導,民政局長藍世聰證實,在市長柯文哲許可下,將遵循議會的建議升旗,希望有助多元文化的交流。 歐洲經貿辦事處今下午發布新聞稿表示,該處與澳洲、奧地利、比利時、加拿大、法國、荷蘭、紐西蘭、英國及歐盟駐台代表處,為了推廣全世界同志的平等、尊嚴及包容,將正式組成「外國代表處隊伍」參加遊行,將加入紫色大隊。 時間:13:30集合,14:30出發 集合地點:景福門圓環西側(凱道旁) 遊行路線:(與市警局協調完成,如有更動依此頁面為準) 北路線 [綠藍紫] 中山南路→青島東路→林森南路→忠孝東路一段→忠孝東路二段→新生南路一段→仁愛路二段→仁愛路一段 南路線 [紅橙黃]​ 信義路一段→信義路二段→新生南路→和平東路一段→羅斯福路二段→羅斯福路一段→中山南路​
Taipei, Taiwan. 2016/10/29

2016 Taiwan LGBT Pride Parade