Gay Curling Leagues Are A Thing, Reports New York Times

Gay Curling Leagues Are A Thing, Reports New York Times


Hey, you know what, in this strange upsetting time, any chance to come together with other people for support is a good thing.

A delightful little travelogue in the New York Times (which, despite the ravings of some lunatics, has experienced a surge in readership and subscriptions) takes us to the gay curling leagues of Vancouver. The whole thing is as wonderful and Canadian as can be, once again reminding us that when someone calls America “the greatest nation on Earth” the only correct response is laughter.

Anyway. Curling! It’s hot! Who knew?

Vancouver’s gay curling league is called “Pacific Rim Curling League.” We won’t make the obvious joke. The name is a bit like that WoW league called “Spreading Taint,” so we don’t know how to feel about it. Anyway, the league marched in a Pride parade with t-shirts that said “I swept with your husband” so apparently they know how to double and entendre.

As you’re probably aware, Canada is a decade or two ahead of the US on LGBTQ issues (probably even further, starting soon). They had marriage and military service and decriminalization long before anyone in America, and also poutine and Celine Dion. And of course, their PM is a dreamboat whose father was friends with Fidel Castro — ooh, that’s a complicated fact so you may unpack it as you see fit.

Among their team names: Curls Gone Wild, Fruit of the Broom, and Sweeping Beauties. They occasionally dress as characters from The Golden Girls and The Wizard of Oz and “slutty sailors.” There is cautious secretive drinking during the matches, and open carousing afterwards.

We’ll let you go now so you can change your OkCupid profile to indicate that you are looking for a Canadian husband.

Wanda Sykes Booed After Calling Trump Racist, Sexist, Homophobic: ‘F**k All Y’all!’ – WATCH 

Wanda Sykes Booed After Calling Trump Racist, Sexist, Homophobic: ‘F**k All Y’all!’ – WATCH 

wanda sykes

Out comedienne and actress Wanda Sykes recently performed in Boston for a charity event and flipped off a booing crowd after she blasted Donald Trump as an “orangutang” and a racist, sexist homophobe.

EW reports: 

The clash occurred during the 22nd annual Comics Come Home fundraiser, which benefits The Cam Neely Foundation for Cancer Care, at the TD Garden arena, according to the Boston Herald.

“I am certain this is not the first time we’ve elected a racist, sexist, homophobic president,” said Sykes during her set, a video of which is below. “He ain’t the first one. He’s just the first confirmed one.”

Within a matter of seconds, the crowd and Sykes turned on each other. “F— you, motherf—ers,” Sykes said as the crowd’s boos intensified. “F— all y’all. F— all y’all.”

She added, “How can you say he’s not racist? ’Grab them by the p—y’? How can you say he’s not sexist? How can you say he’s not racist? How can you say he’s not homophobic?”

Watch, below.

[h/t Instinct]

The post Wanda Sykes Booed After Calling Trump Racist, Sexist, Homophobic: ‘F**k All Y’all!’ – WATCH  appeared first on Towleroad.

Wanda Sykes Booed After Calling Trump Racist, Sexist, Homophobic: ‘F**k All Y’all!’ – WATCH 

Diner Overhears Table Discussing “Awful, Gay Nephew;” What Happens Next May Surprise You.

Diner Overhears Table Discussing “Awful, Gay Nephew;” What Happens Next May Surprise You.


Need some positive news in your life?

A woman named Natalie was having dinner at a restaurant in Addison, TX when she overheard the table next to her strike up a conversation.

Related: Restaurant Owner Shuts Down Homophobe On Facebook, Gets Huge Boost In Business

It was a Christian couple. They were discussing their “awful, gay nephew” who “they need to pray for.” Natalie, a lesbian who used to work for the Human Rights Campaign, didn’t say anything to the couple. She didn’t butt in or try to confront the couple.

Instead, she paid for their meal then left the following note on their receipt:


Natalie left before she had a chance to see the couple respond. After posting her story to Facebook, it has been shared by nearly 60 people and liked over 600 times and counting.

“This is how we beat hate,” one person commented on the post. “I love it!”

“The world is made better by actions of compassion and love,” another person said. “Thank you!”

“This is love. This is amazing,” a third person wrote. “God bless you.”

Related: After Orlando, This Random Act Of Kindness Towards A Gay Couple Will Help Restore Your Faith In Humanity

h/t: Patheos

German Chancellor Angela Merkel Warns Cooperation with Trump Depends on Respect for Equality

German Chancellor Angela Merkel Warns Cooperation with Trump Depends on Respect for Equality

Angela Merkel
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that her country’s cooperation with Donald Trump is very much dependent upon his stance on equality.

enda-kennyWhile other EU leaders including UK Prime Minister Theresa May and Irish Taoiseach Enda Kenny (right) have simply congratulated Trump on his victory, Merkel said:

“Germany and America are connected by values of democracy, freedom and respect for the law and the dignity of man, independent of origin, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or political views.

“I offer the next President of the United States close cooperation on the basis of these values.”

Merkel, however, has made it clear she does not endorse same-sex marriage–a dissenting view in western Europe. Though she says she does support civil partnerships.

RELATED: German Chancellor Angela Merkel: Marriage is Between a Man and a Woman

According to Huffington Post, on Trump’s election, UK Prime Minister May said:

“Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise.“We are, and will remain, strong and close partners on trade, security and defence. I look forward to working with President-elect Donald Trump, building on these ties to ensure the security and prosperity of our nations in the years ahead.”

Kenny backed down on previous comments that Trump is a racist, instead saying he “wants Ireland to continue its close relationship with the economic powerhouse,” reports the Irish Examiner.

Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, said Trump’s victory was a “very difficult moment” but that the EU would respect America’s decision. He added that the victory was a “protest” vote similar to Brexit.

Meanwhile, the Guardian reports that top EU officials have invited Trump to Europe for an urgent US-EU summit.

In a joint letter, Donald Tusk, president of the European council and Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European commission, urged him to come to Europe for talks “at your earliest convenience”.

The letter said:

“It is more important than ever to strengthen transatlantic relations. Only by cooperating closely can the EU and the US continue to make a difference when dealing with unprecedented challenges such as Da’esh [Isis], the threats to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, climate change and migration.”

“We would take this opportunity to invite you to visit Europe for an EU – US summit at your earliest convenience. This conversation would allow for us to chart the course of our relations for the next four years.”

(Merkel image via Wikipedia. Kenny image via Twitter)

The post German Chancellor Angela Merkel Warns Cooperation with Trump Depends on Respect for Equality appeared first on Towleroad.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel Warns Cooperation with Trump Depends on Respect for Equality

Metropolitan Police Appeal

Metropolitan Police Appeal
Metropolitan Police Appeal

The Metropolitan Police are seeking to question this man following an incident in which homophobic abuse was shouted at two men in Charing Cross, London, on Saturday 13 August 2016.

Anyone in the UK with information can call the police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.