Greg Louganis is First Openly Gay Man to Serve as Grand Marshal of Rose Parade

Greg Louganis is First Openly Gay Man to Serve as Grand Marshal of Rose Parade

Greg Louganis Rose Parade

Greg Louganis will serve as Grand Marshal for the 128th annual Rose Parade with fellow Olympic medalists Janet Evans and Allyson Felix, making him the first openly gay person to be given that honor, the Mercury News reports:

Aaron Saenz, board president of the San Gabriel Valley LGBTQ Center in Arcadia, said the announcement is in line with what the organization is working to do lately in increasing the visibility of LGBTQ individuals.

“It’s really forward thinking,” said Saenz. “It’s adding to the conversation that a respected Olympian, who also happens to be gay and living with HIV, can receive such a great honor and is part of the community at large.”

The Rose Parade takes place to coincide with the Rose Bowl college football game on January 2.

Some folks will recall that in 2014 conservatives flipped out when one of the floats in the parade recognized marriage equality and a couple was married atop the float.

Watch the Louganis announcement:

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Greg Louganis is First Openly Gay Man to Serve as Grand Marshal of Rose Parade

Antigay Christian Law Firm That Represented Kim Davis Is Only Getting Started

Antigay Christian Law Firm That Represented Kim Davis Is Only Getting Started


If you thought you’d seen the last of Kim Davis, wait until you get a load of the Kim Davis clones that are coming next year.

The law firm that took advantage of Kim to elevate their name, Liberty Counsel, has been hard at work on preparing somewhere around two dozen anti-gay bills through legislatures around the country. The group just sent out a donation-beg to support their work: “Liberty Counsel is working pro bono with 22 different states in fighting the outrageous ‘bathroom’ movement,” they say.

Related: Deodorant Ad Perfectly Nails What’s Wrong With The Trans Bathroom Debate

That means you haven’t heard the last of the lies about “men in the women’s room.” And because Liberty Counsel is rabidly anti-gay, they’re probably also working on more of those turn-away-the-gays bills, which they call “religious freedom restoration acts.”

The country’s been so distracted by the Donald Trump sideshow for the last few months, you might even have forgotten that those bills were even a thing. But they are, and they’re only going to expand. Anti-gay activists have been scheming to roll back nondiscrimination ordinances at the local level, to pass turn-away-the-gays at state levels, and they have a federal version that Donald Trump has promised to sign. (Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has pledged to sign a nondiscrimination bill — just in case you were still unsure about which candidate is on your side.)

Related: This Flow Chart That Destroys Religion’s Case Against Gay Marriage Is So Easy, Any Zealot Can Use It

So what’s to be done about this? It’s hard to say. We could stand to see a massive reduction in LGBT equality, particularly in the south. Despite having lost (mostly) on the Kim Davis case, Liberty Counsel is as dangerous as the National Organization for Marriage used to be, and there’s no clear strategy in place for fighting back.

Kelly Clarkson Covers ‘It’s Quiet Uptown’ from ‘Hamilton’, and It’s Devastating – LISTEN

Kelly Clarkson Covers ‘It’s Quiet Uptown’ from ‘Hamilton’, and It’s Devastating – LISTEN

kelly clarkson it's quiet uptown

Kelly Clarkson has covered “It’s Quiet Uptown” from Lin-Manuel Miranda’s smash hit Hamilton and it’s devastatingly beautiful.

The track is just one of many on Miranda’s ‘Hamilton Mixtape’, an album of covers and re-workings of songs from Hamilton by popular artists.

The full tracklist was released on Thursday. The album is currently available for pre-order.

But wait there’s more! #HamiltonMixtape

— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) November 3, 2016

Social media reactions to Clarkson’s rendition of “It’s Quiet Uptown” could best be summed up as #UglyCry.

I was NOT emotionally prepared for Kelly Clarkson’s “It’s Quiet Uptown.” #HamiltonMixtape

— Caroline Szumski (@CarolineSzumski) November 4, 2016

@HamiltonMusical @kelly_clarkson @theroots Emotion! Feelings! Mixtape! Thanks!

— Miss Faux Kissed (@noelleerox) November 4, 2016

Dear @kelly_clarkson, your ‘Quiet Uptown’ ranks a full ten on the scale of perfect ugly cries. Thank you (and you, @Lin_Manuel).

— Julie Plec (@julieplec) November 4, 2016

Clarkson shared that she recorded the song while pregnant with her son, saying it was one of the hardest things she has ever done in her life.

Recording It’s Quiet Uptown while being pregnant with my son was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. 😳😩 #HamiltonMixtape

— Kelly Clarkson (@kelly_clarkson) November 4, 2016

For the uninitiated, “It’s Quiet Uptown” is about Alexander Hamilton trying to cope with the death of his son, going through “the unimaginable.”

Listen, below.

Also released was The Roots’ and Busta Rhymes’ take on “My Shot.”

[h/t Mashable]

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Kelly Clarkson Covers ‘It’s Quiet Uptown’ from ‘Hamilton’, and It’s Devastating – LISTEN

Rachel Bloom And Her Famous Friends Want You To Effing Vote!

Rachel Bloom And Her Famous Friends Want You To Effing Vote!


Look, we get it: this election cycle has been a slog. It has left most of us feeling as mentally drained and emotionally soiled as a circuit queen after a three-day holiday weekend. But in case you needed a reminder, Holy shit, you have got to vote!

Like, that should go without saying, right? Particularly in light of the well documented efforts at voter suppression in battleground states like North Carolina—not to mention the Trump campaign’s own voter suppression initiatives. But in case you needed a little reminder, here’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend star and creator Rachel Bloom and a bunch of her lefty, Hollyweird, media elite pals—Moby, Elizabeth Banks, Ruby Rose; Jane Lynch, Jesse Tyler Ferguson and Patti Lupone make appearances despite being too famous to actually show up at the studio—to get your head right before Election Day.

LOLs, right? But seriously, if you live in a swing state, we urge you to do everything in your power to get out the vote. Talk to your friends and neighbors. Explain to them why voting in this election is so very important, and that we cannot afford to be apathetic or discouraged when the very fate of the Republic hangs in the balance. Cover shifts for your co-workers so that they can vote. Offer rides to others so that they can make it to their polling places and vote. The more you do to get out the vote, the better you’ll feel sipping a glass of wine and watching the returns roll in on Election Night.

Who are we kidding? We’ll all be in a state of existential panic next Tuesday.

Rachel Maddow Connects Deeply Disturbing Links Between FBI and Trump Campaign: WATCH

Rachel Maddow Connects Deeply Disturbing Links Between FBI and Trump Campaign: WATCH

Maddow FBI Trump

Earlier we posted about Don Lemon’s suggestion to Michael Moore that Trump surrogate Rudy Giuliani knew about the Comey letter two days before it was released and couldn’t help but let on that he knew a big “surprise” was coming.

Last night, Rachel Maddow offered a brilliant segment connecting the dots for all of us – from Trump’s top aides and to the latest false reports from their lackeys at FOX News.

RELATED: Don Lemon: Rudy Giuliani Bragged About ‘Surprise’ Two Days Before Comey Letter

Maddow starts back in April, when the New York field office of the FBI brought a bunch of anti-Hillary Clinton Breitbart stuff to a meeting:

This week, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal reported that there has been, I guess you’d call it, like, a breakout? There’s been a breakout from this otherwise insular little corner of conservative media and political activism.

Those two papers reported that apparently there are fans, there are true believers, there are people who buy this stuff who are working inside the New York field office of the FBI.

The New York Times and Wall Street Journal were first to report that the New York field office of the FBI used that anti-Hillary Clinton book, and the DVD of the same name, from the guys, from the editor and his boss who’s now the head of the Donald Trump campaign, the one funded by Donald Trump’s biggest donor, right? They actually used that, anti-Hillary Clinton book as their source for launching a local FBI inquiry into Hillary Clinton. That was their evidence. That was their research.

These agents in the New York field office reportedly decided that they needed to look into what was saying about Hillary Clinton. It all sounds terrible. Sounds totally legit. We should look into that. We’re the FBI.

It had previously been reported that New York FBI agents had brought this anti-Hillary Clinton Breitbart stuff to a meeting — excuse me, they had brought this anti-Hillary Clinton stuff to a meeting with career Justice Department prosecutors back in February, and one of the participants in that meeting described it as, quote, “one of the weirdest meetings I have ever been to.” But, all we knew before now was that they had brought some stuff about Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation to that meeting.

We now know, based on this new current reporting, that what the New York agents brought prosecutors at meeting wasn’t just generic anti-Hillary Clinton stuff, or Hillary Clinton stuff they had cooked up on their own. No, it was this stuff that had been cooked up at Breitbart. It is the stuff that came from the ‘eco-sexuals having sex with trees’ website. That is what they had, that is what they brought to career Department of Justice prosecutors, and reportedly the career prosecutors were like, “uhh, where you did you get this? I’m not sure that’s a case.”

Thanks to lord knows whatever’s going on, apparently, inside that New York field office of the FBI, that little adventure, which is now reportedly over, that little adventure of the readers inside this one FBI field office, that’s what’s out now in today’s news five days before the election. That’s what was breathlessly reported on Fox News last night based on FBI sources, breathlessly reported on Fox last night as a whole new Hillary Clinton FBI investigation. One that was definitely going to lead to an indictment.

Thursday morning on FOX News, Bret Baier walked back the “breathless nighttime report about ‘possible indictments’ connected to the Clinton Foundation” he had given on Wednesday night, but the Trump campaign is running with the false report anyway. “The damage is done” according to cheery Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway.

And the Trump campaign is running with the false story of course.

Said Maddow:

“Of course the Trump campaign is running with this. They bought and paid for this. Trump’s biggest donor paid the people who created this story to create this story. And so of course the Trump campaign is going to use it. It’s one thing to cook up a dubious conspiratorial political attack and fling it at your political opponent. It’s another thing altogether to cook up a dubious conspiratorial political attack like this – and have the FBI fling it at your opponent. And that is what the FBI, at least part of the FBI, is now doing in this election. They’re using stuff from as their research, as their evidence, and then they’re leaking about their new investigation into this evidence to FOX News, right before the election.

“And here’s the really creepy part. Here’s the prospect that the anti-Clinton Breitbart readers in this one office of the FBI – they’re not just leaking this stuff to FOX News [and] the conservative media. Here’s the prospect that they’re leaking this stuff to the Trump campaign directly.

Maddow then gets into the Rudy Giuliani “surprise” disclosure also brought up by Don Lemon last night.

“How did Rudy Giuliani know that? Did somebody at the FBI leak to the Trump campaign two days in advance that the FBI was about to throw an anti-Hillary Clinton grenade into the presidential race?”

Spencer Ackerman, national security editor for The Guardian, who wrote another recent must-read article on the topic, The FBI is Trumpland, joins Maddow to talk about it all.


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Rachel Maddow Connects Deeply Disturbing Links Between FBI and Trump Campaign: WATCH

Robert Sepulveda Jr. Reveals Escort Past, Picks Winner On ‘Finding Prince Charming’ Finale: RECAP

Robert Sepulveda Jr. Reveals Escort Past, Picks Winner On ‘Finding Prince Charming’ Finale: RECAP

Finding Prince Charming finale

We did it, guys! We made it to the end of Robert Sepúlveda Jr.’s search for love among rejected SoulCycle trainers. Well, I did at least. Based on your comments and tweets, none of you guys are still watching this show.

I do hope you tuned in to last night though, because that was one truly bizarre finale. We had “shocking” revelations, traumatic injuries and not only the most awkward date, I’ve ever seen, but probably the most awkward “human” “interaction” committed to film.

Let’s dish about all the twists, turns and Little Toots that went down in Palm Springs in our recap, below!

Finding Prince Charming finale

We start with the usual clichéd nonsense every reality competition finale starts with: Let’s pretend somehow, despite of weeks of evidence to the contrary, all the finalists are neck-and-neck. Robert has feelings for all the guys. The guys all have feelings for Robert. Robert has a small doubt about each guy. Each guy questions if their connection is strongest. The drama! The intrigue! It’s anybody’s game! Don’t touch that dial!

Only problem is there are zero stakes here. At the end of The Bachelor, he proposes. At the end of Finding Prince Charming they … I don’t know, share a account? Sign up for a family plan at Crossfit? Combine Boy Butter supplies?

Have we really just been watching a bunch of dudes fight over the chance to sleep with the hottest guy in their immediate vicinity? Because that’s like the whole entire concept behind Grindr, and I can watch that all the time already with significantly less circuit workouts.

Finding Prince Charming finale

There’s not a ton of time to really overthink it, because the guys are busy packing for what might as well be a staycation in Palm Springs. Seriously. They couldn’t even get these guys a LIMO. Their Uber XL (who knows, it may have even been a Uber POOL and they picked up some Brodney or Rik to ride shotgun along the way) shows up, and they pile in.

They arrive at the Hacienda at Warm Sands, and it’s immediately insufferable. Robert has left them all a handwritten note and a tiny sign on which he wrote their completely nonsensical hashtags from the first episode (Eric = #bemyself, Brandon = #happiness, Dillon = #spontaneity, I = #gladthisisalmostover). The guys read the notes aloud, which all include Robert’s usual word salad of empty platitudes about following his heart and the essence of happiness and junk like that.

Of course, it’s only a matter of time before the guys hop in the pool. And that’s when it happens. Gird your loins, ladies, because it’s about to get real.

The guys are just sort of bobbing around in the water like big, gay rubber duckies when Robert drops the bombshell. He tells them they’ve all been honest with him, so now it’s his turn to be honest with them. IS THIS HAPPENING? IS HE REALLY ABOUT TO SPILL IT?

Finding Prince Charming finale

He is! He tells them he was an escort. After weeks of him talking about his traditional values and acting like the least interesting man on Earth (and after the rest of the world already heard about Robert’s past and watched every available nasty video), he comes clean with the guys. Basically. I mean, he doesn’t go into all the gory details (and, gurl, they are GORY), but do you blame him?

I do blame all the other guys, however, for not pushing this further. They hear this news and embrace Robert. They tell him the past is the past. They move on, AND THEY DON’T TALK ABOUT IT AGAIN. That’s insane. If that was me, I would have at least a couple of follow-up questions. But nope! This is one incurious group. I am not saying I judge Robert for what he did in the past, but I am saying that I once dated a guy whose ex did porn, and, once I found out, I didn’t sleep for two days until I saw every single video. That’s just me.

Eventually Lance Bass jumps out of the bushes, and all the guys are like “HE FOUND US!”  (Just kidding.) The fourth most talented member of ‘N SYNC (sorry, Joey) explains they’ll be going out this week painting a rainbow sidewalk in Palm Springs. The guys are like “HARD PASS. I’VE GOT TO GO FIND A BUSINESS CENTER SO I CAN FRANTICALLY GOOGLE ROBERT’S RENTBOY PROFILE INSTEAD!” “Sounds fun!”

They paint the sidewalk rainbow, and then they spend some time being super proud of themselves for reasons that aren’t entirely clear. Did this sidewalk raise money for something? Did it tell kids it gets better? I’m not exactly sure how the sidewalk contributes to the LGBT community, but I guess we can just chalk it up to “awareness.” Hooray?

Finding Prince Charming finale

While celebrating their good deed, Brandon snaps his Achilles tendon. No, seriously. He holds it together, but it looks bad, y’all. Medical professionals would later tell him it might be a year of recovery.  If that was me, I’d be in full Nancy Kerrigan wailing agony. (Also, it’s a good thing Westboro Baptist Church doesn’t subscribe to Logo, because footage of a gay guy snapping his Achilles tendon while skipping down a rainbow sidewalk alongside the three other guys he’s kind of dating could be pretty compelling video evidence that maybe God does hate gays.)

With Brandon out of commission, Robert asks Eric out on a date. Then he heads to Dillon’s room, where Dillon decides he wants to be the one to be pursued for a change. It’s kind of a weird realization/demand to make when you’re one of several suitors in a competition for one guy’s affection. But, ok, Dillon! Go for it! Robert is honest with him about how their relationship is not as strong as the others, prompting Dillon to pack up his hideous light denim jacket and make his exit on his own terms. If they decide to pick one of these guys to come back as the Prince next year, I would put my money on Dillon to be the guy. (Sorry, Robby fans. He’s great, but he’s also taken. Let it go.)

Finding Prince Charming finale

Honestly, Dillon probably dodged a bullet. Robert and Eric’s dinner date isn’t just awkward or uncomfortable; it’s straight-up dark. It’s like watching two people struggle through an improv 101 class. Here is a word-for-word transcript:

Robert: “Today was interesting.”  

Eric: “It was an interesting day.”

Robert: “Poor Brandon.”

Eric: “Yes, Brandon.”

Robert: “His foot.”

Eric: “His foot.”

Robert: “Here we are.”

Eric: “I’m glad we’re here.”

Robert: “Let’s enjoy a nice dinner together in Palm Springs.”

Eric: “Yes, Palm Springs.”

OK, guys, great agreement, but I think you need to heighten the scene a bit. It’s “yes, and” not just “yes.”

Even Robert, certainly no paragon of personality himself, is like Eric, dude, are you OK? After some prodding, this leads to one of those faux deep convos about how Eric is afraid of being hurt, or whatever. They do a little night swimming/making out when they get back, and I guess it’s fine. They’re obviously attracted to one another, but whether there’s a deeper connection is hard to say considering how shallow they both seem.

Due to Brandon’s injury, his date with Robert is basically just lying in bed together?  It’s like watching that video about the professional cuddler. They’re just lying there, stroking each other’s arms and maintaining direct eye contact like a couple of creeps. Without all the unnecessarily complex gym workout routines, this kind of date at least allows the guys to talk (and do more making out). I think Robert’s kissing with Brandon is slightly less gross than when he kisses Eric, so I’m pulling for him. 

Robert eventually takes Brandon out to dinner. Brandon then gives a very, very articulate, passionate, rom-com climax-worthy speech about loving each other in the everyday moments. It’s the kind of powerful thing you know Robert is always desperately trying to communicate, but he fails to ever come off as authentic or thoughtful as Brandon does here. That is why I don’t think Robert will pick him. Robert wants to be the wise, sensitive one in the relationship.

Cut to preparing for the final Black Tie Affair (and cue the weekly shot of Eric putting a shirt on).  Lance and Robert do their usual chat about the remaining guys, and if there is a sadder sight than Robert weeping on a hideous sofa in the Hacienda at Warm Sands while wearing a tuxedo, I’m not sure I want to see it.

Finding Prince Charming finale

The time comes for them to stand out in this big, tacky grotto for the final Black Tie Affair. After much hemming and hawing and sobbing, Robert decides to send Brandon home. It’s a shame. Brandon is a great guy. Probably the best of the bunch, honestly. He’s adorable, he’s sensitive, he doesn’t take himself too seriously. He’s a little too into “energy” and all that, but it’s kind of charming and overall harmless. He’s a hideous dancer, I couldn’t take him anywhere. Wait a second, what am I stressing about?

Oh my god! I love Josh Brandon! I’m majorly, totally, butt crazy in love with Josh Brandon!

The worst part about his elimination is that he has to hobble over on his crutches to give Robert his tie back. The tie gimmick is sincerely the best/worst part of this show, and I will be devastated if they don’t bring it back next season. 

That leaves Robert and Eric to prance merrily off to their destiny. I think Finding Prince Charming handled Eric’s story with exceptional grace and dignity. It sends a powerful message against HIV stigma with him winning the whole shebang.

That doesn’t mean I think he’s got a great (or any!) personality. At the end of the day, I think that’s exactly the kind of guy Robert was after all along. You two dummies deserve each other.

What did you think of the finale? Did Robert pick the right guy?

I’ll be back next week with highlights from the reunion and some final thoughts on Finding Prince Charming’s first season.

The post Robert Sepulveda Jr. Reveals Escort Past, Picks Winner On ‘Finding Prince Charming’ Finale: RECAP appeared first on Towleroad.

Robert Sepulveda Jr. Reveals Escort Past, Picks Winner On ‘Finding Prince Charming’ Finale: RECAP