Trump Foundation Ordered to Stop Raising Money in NY Immediately

Trump Foundation Ordered to Stop Raising Money in NY Immediately

Eric schneiderman trump doundation

New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman has issued a cease and desist order to the Trump Foundation.

The letter sent on Friday and made public on Monday says the organization has been operating without certification required of a charity to solicit donations.

The NYT reports: 

“The Trump Foundation must immediately cease soliciting contributions or engaging in any other fund-raising activities in New York,” wrote James Sheehan, the chief of the charities bureau.

Mr. Trump’s foundation has come under increasing scrutiny amid questions about his fulfillment of large charitable pledges and his lack of financial support in recent years.

The foundation’s compliance with the rules that govern nonprofit groups has also been a concern. The New York Times reported last month that Mr. Trump’s foundation does not show up on the charity registers in many states and The Washington Post subsequently reported that the foundation did not have the certification necessary to solicit money in New York.

Last month, The Washington Post also reported that Trump used money from his charity to settle personal lawsuits.

PREVIOUSLY: Trump Foundation, Donations Under Scrutiny as NY Atty General Launches Investigation, Dems Demand DOJ Probe

Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks said in response to the cease and desist order,

“While we remain very concerned about the political motives behind A.G. Schneiderman’s investigation, the Trump Foundation nevertheless intends to cooperate fully with the investigation. Because this is an ongoing legal matter, the Trump Foundation will not comment further at this time.”

Trump has 15 days to provide the state with documents it has requested. Should the Trump Foundation not comply, the state attorney general’s office said they would view the defiance as an “act of fraud” perpetrated upon the people of New York.

NBC’s Katy Tur shared a copy of the letter on Twitter.

#BREAKING NY AG sends Cease and Desist to Trump Foundation for operating without proper certification.

— Katy Tur (@KatyTurNBC) October 3, 2016

The post Trump Foundation Ordered to Stop Raising Money in NY Immediately appeared first on Towleroad.

Trump Foundation Ordered to Stop Raising Money in NY Immediately

Trump’s Refusal to Support Open Military Service by Trans People Builds on Anti-LGBTQ Platform

Trump’s Refusal to Support Open Military Service by Trans People Builds on Anti-LGBTQ Platform

Today, HRC slammed Donald Trump for refusing to support the Obama Administration’s decision to finally end the ban on transgender Americans serving openly in our military. When asked this morning about transgender military service Trump said, “We’re going to get away from political correctness.”

“Allowing transgender people to serve their country isn’t about politics, it’s about extending them the respect and dignity every service member deserves. This is yet another example of the grave threat that Donald Trump and Mike Pence pose to LGBTQ Americans,” saidHRC Communications Director Jay Brown. “Working for years with senior members of the military, the Secretary of Defense rightly ended a discriminatory policy this year, bringing long-overdue recognition to transgender service members, strengthening our military and our nation. Just like Mike Pence’s record defending the discriminatory, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” Donald Trump’s comments today are a reminder that he puts at risk all the gains made by the LGBTQ community over the last eight years.”

In addition to the United States, 18 other nations, including the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and Israel, already allow transgender people to serve openly in their militaries.

In addition to his opposition to transgender people serving openly in the military, the Trump-Pence campaign’s anti-LGBTQ platformincludes: a vow to reverse nationwide marriage equality, support for North Carolina’s dangerous and vile HB2, and support for the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), which would enable Kim Davis-style discrimination in our federal government. Trump has also expressed support for repealing President Obama’s executive orders, meaning the executive order protecting LGBTQ employees working for federal contractors is at risk.

As a member of Congress, Mike Pence opposed the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” by saying it would turn the military into “a backdrop for social experimentation.”

According to the Williams Institute, there are approximately 15,500 actively serving transgender members of the U.S. military, making the Department of Defense (DoD) the largest employer of transgender people in America. These courageous men and women were forced to serve in silence by out-of-date and medically out-of step regulations prohibiting their service and requiring their separation from the military if discovered.

Unlike the statutory ban that interfered with lesbian, gay, and bisexual service members from serving (known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”), the ban on transgender military service was just policy and required only  action by the DoD to update. That action could be reversed by a Trump administration.

Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump attacked, belittled and maligned anyone and everyone he considers different. That includes the LGBTQ community, which is as diverse as our nation, and includes women, immigrants, Muslims, people of color, people living with disabilities, asylum seekers and others Trump has attacked for political gain.


Paid for by Human Rights Campaign PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Internet Responds In All Sorts Of Ways To Married Conservative Mike Yenni’s Boy Trouble

Internet Responds In All Sorts Of Ways To Married Conservative Mike Yenni’s Boy Trouble


Tongues have been waging ever since Republican politician Mike Yenni from Louisiana was outed for allegedly sexting with a 17-year-old Catholic school boy, gifting the teen designer underwear and kissing him in a mall bathroom before discarding him like, well, just another summer fling.

Related: Married Conservative Politician Outed For Sexting Teen Boy, Kissing Him In Mall Bathroom

Since the story went viral on Friday, Yenni has gone into hiding. He hasn’t been into the office, nor has he answered any phone calls or emails. And his social media pages, both professional and personal, have not been updated either.

Related: Mike Yenni Responds To The Whole Sexting-With-A-Teen-Boy Scandal Then Promptly Goes Into Hiding

But just because Yenni’s been keeping a low profile doesn’t mean the rest of the world has. Both Twitter and Facebook were abuzz with talk of the 40-year-old married father of one’s extracurricular activities. And the responses have been quite mixed.

Let’s take a look at what folks have been saying…

Some people have offered words of support to the politician…


— Michaelle Poche’ (@michaellepoche) October 2, 2016

Would Mike Yenni be prosecuted for this if he weren’t the Parish President?

— CJ Mordock (@CJMordock) September 30, 2016

Others were much more critical of him…

So while Hillary is busy shattering glass ceilings, this dude is shattering the glass house in which he lives….

— John Paul Valdez (@johnpaulvaldez) September 30, 2016

@MikeYenni I can’t believe if true I voted for you. Just a disgrace to the people of Jefferson

— Edward P. Leon (@edwardpleon) September 30, 2016

@MikeYenni If this is true you need to resign. Not for being bi but for being a fraud. #NOLA #jeffersonparish #MikeYenni

— ZanderFromNola (@ZanderFromNola) September 30, 2016

@BigIrishJerk @MikeYenni He needs to resign and stop brainwashing the young twinks

— J (@jhrizzy) September 30, 2016

Then there were those who weren’t quite sure how they felt about the whole thing…

@MikeYenni Mike Yenni, I’ve seen all the stories and the blog post written by Alex Daigle. It’s it true? What’s going on?

— jw (@JayWillee) October 1, 2016

@lcalegan What the heck is going on in Jefferson Parish?

— Ben (@BenAtLarge) October 2, 2016


Some didn’t have much sympathy for the teen who outed Yenni…

Struggling to understand how @Alexandr_Daigle was “abused” in this story. @MikeYenni #MikeYenni #NOLA #LGBT

— NOLA Gayzer (@NOLAGayzer) October 1, 2016

@BonnevilleCJ @MikeYenni You’re not a “victim” for having sexual desires and being attracted to someone older

— JoeyCumley (@JoeyCumley) October 1, 2016

But our favorite responses came from those who found themselves deeply attracted to Yenni and took to Twitter to hit on him…

@MikeYenni Hi Honey

— C. W. (@username00122) October 1, 2016

@MikeYenni kinda sexy there Mike

— RODD CLARK (@RODDCLARK) September 30, 2016

@gaystarnews @MikeYenni He can send me some

— nipper baker (@nipperbaker) September 30, 2016

@MikeYenni would love to sit on yer lap while we deep tongue kiss

— freddie (@philadelphia44) October 1, 2016

How fast can we get @MikeYenni my number cause he’s cute as fuh ??

— joel hashtag king (@JoelHashtagKing) September 30, 2016

In Leaked Video, Top Mormon Apostles Reveal Suspicions Of Gay Conspiracy

In Leaked Video, Top Mormon Apostles Reveal Suspicions Of Gay Conspiracy


Looks like the Mormon Church has a spy amongst their ranks. Some anonymous source has leaked a whole bunch of footage of internal meetings of top officials from between 2007 and 2012, and as it turns out church leaders are exactly as nuts as you thought: they’re convinced that there’s a gay conspiracy in the media, because of course they are.

As with most leaks, some of the material is pretty dull. But then there are the juicier bits: conversations about marijuana, the age at which to marry, the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, and how the religious officials plan to influence politics. There’s also lots of conversation about homosexuality, a topic of some obsession for many Mormon leaders.

For example, they were particularly fascinated by Chelsea Manning. And at least one official, Dallin Oaks, said that he’s convinced the news media conspires to cover up negative information about gays. Officials also expressed suspicion that Manning and Julian Assange are gay.

Speaker: There was, Elder Oaks, initially a concern of the possibility that he had been reprimanded for homosexual issues. But that was not in the news afterwards. He is, I think, openly homosexual. And the reports were, as Elder Cook was mentioning, that his companion left him and he became depressed, and that seems, based on his Facebook writings, one of the features that caused him to do what he did.

Dallin H. Oaks: The reason I ask the question is not related to this presentation, but I’m suspicious that the news media cover up homosexuals when it would work to the disadvantage of the homosexual agenda and so on. I just wondered if there was some of that in this.


Speaker: My own sense is that when you listen to this particular man, Julian Assange, the rhetoric is surely a nice idea that there should be freedom of information. But when you listen to him and you get a feel from him you get much more of the anarchist than the freedom fighter.

M. Russell Ballard: Is he gay?

Speaker: I don’t know. He was under indictment as you’re alluding to for sexual assault but it seemed to be rape charges that he was coming under, not, not for being gay.

Boyd K. Packer: Well, thank you I think! chuckles

Yup, here are your leaders, Mormons: a bunch of old out-of-touch weirdos who still use the term “gay agenda.” They sure seem trustworthy.

Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump Thinks You’re Stupid – WATCH

Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump Thinks You’re Stupid – WATCH

hillary trump taxes

Hillary Clinton has released a new ad hitting Donald Trump on the subject of his taxes.

The ad comes in the wake of the NYT’s bombshell story that suggested Trump may not have paid federal income taxes for 18 years. 

Says the narrator in the ad, “You work hard. You pay your taxes. So why didn’t Donald Trump pay his? He claims he’s worth $10 billion. But a new report shows he may not have paid any federal taxes for almost 20 years.”

The ad then shows a clip from last week’s presidential debate in which Trump said that not paying federal income taxes ‘makes him smart.’

The narrator chimes back in, “If he thinks that makes him smart. What does he think of you?”

The ad then cuts to video of Donald Trump speaking at a campaign rally, asking, “How stupid are the people of this country?”

Watch, below.

Millions of Americans work hard and pay their taxes. So why doesn’t Donald Trump pay his?

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 3, 2016

The post Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump Thinks You’re Stupid – WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump Thinks You’re Stupid – WATCH

Chris Christie Tells a Flummoxed Chris Wallace That NYT’s Bombshell on Trump’s Taxes is a ‘Good Story’ – WATCH

Chris Christie Tells a Flummoxed Chris Wallace That NYT’s Bombshell on Trump’s Taxes is a ‘Good Story’ – WATCH

chris christie chris wallace

Chris Christie went on Fox News on Sunday and told anchor Chris Wallace that The New York Times’ bombshell about Donald Trump’s 1995 tax return was a “good story” for Donald Trump.

According to the Times, Donald Trump declared $916 million in losses in 1995 which meant that under current tax law he could have avoided paying federal income taxes for 18 years.

Attempting to spin the story, Christie, the beleaguered governor of New Jersey and head of Donald Trump’s presidential transition team (should he be elected), told Wallace, “This is actually a very good story for Donald Trump.”

Wallace was incredulous. “Wait,” he said, “You’re saying it’s a good story for Donald Trump that he failed to pay any federal income taxes–first of all, that he took a billion dollar loss–and that he failed to pay any federal income taxes for years, that’s a good story?”

Christie came back with, “You don’t know that he didn’t pay any federal income taxes.”

Wallace drew attention to Trump’s response to the Times’ story, which he called, a “non-denial denial,” adding, “I assume that if [Trump] had paid lots of taxes over those years he would have told us so.”

Christie responded, “That’s a big assumption on your part.”

Wallace pressed Christie again, asking, “Just to sum this up: as a top Trump advisor, as the head of his presidential transition team, your reaction to the story in the Times today is no apologies?”

Said Christie, “Oh for gosh sakes, no apologies for complying with the law.”

Watch, below

The post Chris Christie Tells a Flummoxed Chris Wallace That NYT’s Bombshell on Trump’s Taxes is a ‘Good Story’ – WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Chris Christie Tells a Flummoxed Chris Wallace That NYT’s Bombshell on Trump’s Taxes is a ‘Good Story’ – WATCH

Watch Tom Daley And Greg Louganis Syncro-Dive Together

Watch Tom Daley And Greg Louganis Syncro-Dive Together


Tom Daley saw one of his lifelong wishes come true over the weekend. The 22-year-old Olympian got to do some synchronized diving with his icon, fellow gay Olympian Greg Louganis. And, lucky for us, they had a camera in tow.

Related: PHOTO: Greg Louganis Goes Fully Nude For ESPN Magazine — At Age 56

The pair slipped into their speedos and met up in Mission Viejo, CA, where Louganis first got his start diving back in the 1970s.

“This is where I learned a lot of my dives,” Louganis says in the video. “It’s time for a renovation, for both the platform and me, too.”

Related: PHOTO: Instagram Pic of Tom Daley And Greg Louganis Oddly Moving

“I can’t believe I’m about to do a synchronized dive with Greg Louganis!” Daley says, excitedly, before mounting the board.

Check out the video below. Happy Monday!