RuPaul Judge Lucian Piane: Trump Is More Trustworthy than Hillary, LGBT Issues Shouldn’t Be Deciding Factor in Election

RuPaul’s Drag Race music producer and recurring judge Lucian Piane made waves on social media on Monday night when he denounced Hillary Clinton using many of the same talking points put out by the Trump campaign.
Piane, a former supporter of Bernie Sanders, says that while he doesn’t know who he is going to be voting for yet in the general election, he definitely will not be voting for Hillary Clinton.
Piane wrote on Facebook,
“Y’all are so brainwashed to think that saying politically correct things makes a good president. I happen to think political correctness is mind control and oppression of the freedom of speech. I’d rather trust a loud-mouthed buffoon over some politically contrived and politically correct corporate servant. Sure, I disagree with at least half of what Trump says but at least he says it!”

Wrote Piane on Twitter, ” I will ABSOLUTELY NOT be voting for Hillary Clinton.”
I will ABSOLUTELY NOT be voting for @HillaryClinton
— Lucian Piane (@RevoLucian) October 4, 2016
Piane insists he is not necessarily voting for Trump, though he does support his message. His attacks were also near verbatim regurgitations of Trump’s many attacks on Clinton and her candidacy.
Piane repeatedly insisted that the election is about fighting corruption, something he sees Clinton as an emblem of.
Never said I was voting for him, I just said I trust him more than her.
— Lucian Piane (@RevoLucian) October 4, 2016
I don’t think Americans understand how corrupt our country truly is.
— Lucian Piane (@RevoLucian) October 4, 2016
I think voting against a politically corrupt establishment is far more important.
— Lucian Piane (@RevoLucian) October 4, 2016
I think the main divide here is that for some reason people seem to believe what @HillaryClinton says. I don’t.
— Lucian Piane (@RevoLucian) October 4, 2016
The day Bill stepped foot on Loretta Lynch’s plane, Hillary lost my vote.
— Lucian Piane (@RevoLucian) October 4, 2016
Piane said that backlash to his attacks on Clinton were evidence of a “new liberal…Hillary-bot world” that censors free speech and has used ‘tribe narratives’ to erode humans’ ability to think critically.
The backlash from saying “I won’t vote for Hillary” is further proof that y’all have forgotten how to think.
— Lucian Piane (@RevoLucian) October 4, 2016
Apparently if you have any amount of “privilege” you aren’t allowed to speak in the new liberal, “left”, Hillary-bot world.
— Lucian Piane (@RevoLucian) October 4, 2016
Because this is about breaking form from the narrative the liberal left is trying to make you believe is the only way… people get scared.
— Lucian Piane (@RevoLucian) October 4, 2016
Yes, hivemind! No one thinking for themselves. Critical thinking is being eroded by tribe narratives.
— Lucian Piane (@RevoLucian) October 4, 2016
I will always trust someone who speaks their mind over someone who tells you what they think you want to hear.
— Lucian Piane (@RevoLucian) October 4, 2016
He went on to argue that not supporting Clinton does not make him racist. However, he believes that those who support Clinton to be sexist.
Racist cause I won’t vote for Hillary. Now y’all have lost me completely. Is there something in the water y’all are drinking?
— Lucian Piane (@RevoLucian) October 4, 2016
I find this blind support of Hillary to be entirely sexist.
— Lucian Piane (@RevoLucian) October 4, 2016
Piane also said that “many gays have been brainwashed by the liberal media” into supporting Clinton. As for LGBT issues in the election, Piane said they should not be deciding factors in how people cast their votes because “people are dying.”
Seems many gays have been brainwashed by the liberal media.
— Lucian Piane (@RevoLucian) October 4, 2016
LGBT issues should be nowhere near the top of deciding factors for this election. People are dying. Wake up.
— Lucian Piane (@RevoLucian) October 4, 2016
Piane also said he would love to know how Clinton would have prevented the Orlando massacre because President Obama wasn’t able to.
I’d love to know how Hillary Clinton would have prevented a tragedy like Orlando. (Obama wasn’t able to) How does this make sense?
— Lucian Piane (@RevoLucian) October 4, 2016
As for the vow Trump made to evangelicals to appoint Supreme Court justices that would overturn same-sex marriage, Piane says he’s “not concerned about that.”
@HeyYo_JClick we don’t get married? I’m not concerned about that when our country is murdering innocent children abroad
— Lucian Piane (@RevoLucian) October 4, 2016
As a refresher, Trump has presided over the most virulently homophobic Republican party platform in the GOP’s history. He has also claimed to be a friend of ‘the gays’ while courting favor of the anti-LGBT right. In other words, he is an ally in name only.
A dragging ensued on Twitter quickly after Lucian’s tweets and Facebook posts began circulating.
Lucian Piane. Lucian Wintrich. Chadwick Moore.
Why do the worst gay people always have the Slytherin-iest names?
— Carlos Maza (@gaywonk) October 4, 2016
I’m glad in between making jingles for Drag Race, Lucian Piane manages to campaign on Facebook for the racist running for President
— Ira Madison III (@ira) October 4, 2016
@RevoLucian Excuse me? You called Trump trustworthy, praised his rhetoric, and basically called him a decent businessman.
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) October 4, 2016
*Me staring at @RevoLucian ‘s mentions*
— Eliel Cruz (@elielcruz) October 4, 2016
Lucian Piane’s politics are as bad as his songwriting, which is really saying something.
— Adam Feldman (@FeldmanAdam) October 4, 2016
Milo Yanninodpekfk whatever his name is, @NicoHines, @RevoLucian
Anyone else we need to eject from 2016 or…
— Andrew Perez (@awpz) October 4, 2016
How you go from being so pro Bernie to “trusting” Trump is beyond me but it shows you didn’t actually believe in Bernie’s msg @RevoLucian
— Andrew Perez (@awpz) October 4, 2016
I just made $200 contribution to @HillaryClinton to honor @RevoLucian cluelessness. mama @RuPaul pls spank your tone-deaf child? #ImWithHer
— Jay Lassiter (@jay_lass) October 4, 2016
Lucian Piane has joined the ranks of gays blinded by privilege & working against the well-being of our community’s most vulnerable members
— JamesMichael Nichols (@jamesmichael) October 4, 2016
.@RevoLucian if u trust him more than u trust her, you’ve been seduced by a snake oil salesman, and I feel sorry for your gullibility.
— Jeff Chatterton (@jeffchatterton) October 4, 2016
@RevoLucian @msnoellesly blame the editing, dude 😬
— Willam (@willam) October 4, 2016
Clean up on aisle 🙄. @RuPaul @michellevisage please address this mess on your podcast.
— Ξvan Ross Katz (@evanrosskatz) October 4, 2016
[Top photo via Facebook]
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RuPaul Judge Lucian Piane: Trump Is More Trustworthy than Hillary, LGBT Issues Shouldn’t Be Deciding Factor in Election