GLAAD launches #MyMississippi campaign to spotlight LGBTQ voices

GLAAD launches #MyMississippi campaign to spotlight LGBTQ voices


Today, GLAAD launched #MyMississippi, a new campaign to amplify the voices of anyone who has ever called the Magnolia State home, to make clear the importance of, and need for, full equality and acceptance in Mississippi. The campaign is part of a larger, multi-faceted effort that will include the release of a new song, “My My Mississippi,” written by DMI Music & Media Solutions’ Tena Clark and performed by renowned R&B, pop, and jazz singer Patti Austin, as well as a march and rally in Jackson, MS, in December to call attention to the state’s treatment of its LGBTQ citizens. Follow GLAAD for updates on how to take part in #MyMississippi online and in person.

Visit the #MyMississippi Tumblr page here. 

Despite Mississippi having always been home to LGBTQ people, many of whom live at the intersection with additional marginalized identities, local legislation does not always protect all of its residents. In spring 2016, Governor Phil Bryant signed HB 1523 into law, a harmful “license to discriminate” bill. Many have criticized HB 1523, including celebrities, advocates and politicians, and the bill was challenged in court over the summer. Participating in #MyMississippi is one way people can speak out about the lived impact of discriminatory bills like HB 1523 that pop up across the country.

A state with a landscape as full as its history, Mississippi has always been home to many members of marginalized communities, though their existance and experiences are not always recognized by others, be they neighbors in the state or others across the nation. By sharing their stories on social media with #MyMississippi, past and present Mississippi residents are making their voices heard on their complicated relationships with the place they’ve called home.

While people often dismiss LGBTQ Mississippians by urging them to cut ties with the state, many in the LGBTQ community know Mississippi as home to their families and friends and religious communities, and as the place they learned their values, even if their home hasn’t always welcomed them fully. In fact, across the United States, Mississippi has the highest proportion of same-sex parents raising biological, adopted, or step-children, according to a 2013 Williams Institute study. Some stay on the ground working to change their neighbors hearts and minds to foster acceptance, while others have found it best to build new communities elsewhere. #MyMississippi provides space for these many diverse voices and complicated experiences.

Here are just some of the ways you can get involved, take action, and answer the question, “What is #MyMississippi?”:

  • Post pictures, videos, and messages across social media using #MyMississippi
  • Create original artwork for #MyMississippi and share it far and wide
  • Write open letters to local politicians explaining why all Mississippians need full equality and acceptance
  • Share your story online using #MyMississipi and with the local media

Learn more at, where you can check out posts from Missippians and submit your participation for a chance to have it appear on GLAAD’s #MyMississippi Tumlbr site.

One of first participants was Reverend Brandiilyn Dear, founder of the radically welcoming Joshua Generation Metropolitan Community Church and a leading on-the-ground advocate in Mississippi. She also appeared in the documentary L Word Mississippi: Hate the Sin:

Others from around the state have already taken to social media to participate, as well:

#MyMississippi was first introduced at the GLAAD Atlanta gala on Wednesday, October 26, as part of GLAAD’s Southern Stories initiative.

This is not the first time that GLAAD has worked to amplify Mississippians’ voices. For the past two summers, the Magnolia State has been a vital stop on GLAAD’s Southern Stories Tour, during which GLAAD’s team speaks with and hear from LGBTQ and ally locals about their Mississippi. In the past on tour stops in Mississippi, GLAAD was able to meet with Mitchell Moore of Campbell’s Bakery, the creator of the “If You’re Buying, We’re Selling” campaign; GLAAD co-hosted with the Gulfport Rainbow Center a fellowship dinner and community discussion on the coast; attending a riverside baptism and Sunday church service with Joshua Generation Metropolitan Community Church; met with local advocates in Hattiesburg at the Spectrum Center; held a screening and panel event with cast and crew members of the GLAAD Media Award-winning documentary, L Word Mississippi: Hate the Sin; and more.

Additionally, for media outlets and experts in Mississippi who are looking for ways to accurately and effectively report on the local LGBTQ community, GLAAD released a guidebook resource specifically about Mississippi

In late 2014, GLAAD commissioned Harris Poll to measure attitudes towards LGBTQ Americans. The research found that beneath legal and policy progress lies a layer of uneasiness and discomfort. While the public is increasingly embracing LGBTQ civil rights and equal protection under the law, many are still uncomfortable with having LGBTQ people in their families and the communities where they live. The numbers found that Southerners feel significantly more discomfort about their LGBT family, friends, and neighbors than is found in other regions of the country. To learn more about GLAAD’s year-round work to close this gap, check out

October 27, 2016

Founder Of Scruff Recalls Severe Antigay Bullying In High School

Founder Of Scruff Recalls Severe Antigay Bullying In High School


Who’d have guessed — the founder of Scruff is just like all of us, in that he had a rough time growing up and was mercilessly teased.

It’s tempting to think “oh, I was such a unique outcast as a kid,” but the truth is that all people are outcasts, no more so when they are teenagers. In the case of Scruff founder Johnny Skandros, high school classmates gave him the usual business: harassment, an occasional fight, teachers turning a blind eye.

That’s not to say that this stuff should just be common or accepted. Of course there should be programs in place to prevent it. But teenagers are ruthless horny monsters, and if they’re not torturing each other about one aspect of sexuality they’ll find another.

Johnny reflects back on his difficult teen years in a new interview, and also reveals that his mother raised him herself because his father drifted away. Apparently his dad resented that being pregnant changed his mom’s figure… evidence that some people never grow out of being horrible.

When he came out to his mom at age 15, she was encouraging, and eventually he met friends who welcomed him, including another gay student. That kid had the honor of having a cigarette put out on his face at one point — some truly terrible treatment.

But it was in his early 30s that Johnny started looking for a way to help the gay community make connection, and that’s when Scruff was born. Once the victim of discrimination, now he’s a bridge for gay guys to connect. And also, to filter each other by race.

Two-Thirds of World’s Wildlife to Vanish by 2020, Says Dire New Report

Two-Thirds of World’s Wildlife to Vanish by 2020, Says Dire New Report

A new report from the World Wildlife Fund presents some grim numbers: we’re set to lose two-thirds of the world’s wildlife population by 2020 unless something is done.

The Guardian reports:

The analysis, the most comprehensive to date, indicates that animal populations plummeted by 58% between 1970 and 2012, with losses on track to reach 67% by 2020. Researchers from WWF and the Zoological Society of London compiled the report from scientific data and found that the destruction of wild habitats, hunting and pollution were to blame.

The creatures being lost range from mountains to forests to rivers and the seas and include well-known endangered species such as elephants and gorillas and lesser known creatures such as vultures and salamanders.

We’re in a new geological epoch called the Anthropocene, says the report’s summary:

During the Anthropocene, the climate is changing rapidly, oceans are acidifying and entire biomes are disappearing – all at a rate measurable during a single human lifetime. The future of many living organisms is now in question. And not only wild plants and animals are at risk: increasingly, people are victims of the deteriorating state of nature. Climate and other predictive models suggest that without action during the Anthropocene the Earth will become much less hospitable to our modern globalized society.

Given our current trajectory toward the unacceptable conditions that are predicted for the Anthropocene, there is a clear challenge for humanity to learn how to operate within the environmental limits of our planet and to maintain or restore resilience of ecosystems. Our central role as driving force into the Anthropocene also gives reason for hope. Not only do we recognize the changes that are taking place and the risks they are generating for nature and society, we also understand their causes. These are the first steps to identifying solutions for restoring the ecosystems we depend upon and creating resilient and hospitable places for wildlife and people. Acting upon this knowledge will enable us to navigate our way through the Anthropocene.

wildlife chart

The post Two-Thirds of World’s Wildlife to Vanish by 2020, Says Dire New Report appeared first on Towleroad.

Two-Thirds of World’s Wildlife to Vanish by 2020, Says Dire New Report

Bullying Prevention Film Streaming for National Bullying Prevention Month

Bullying Prevention Film Streaming for National Bullying Prevention Month

Post submitted by: Charles Girard, Welcoming Schools Project Coordinator

In honor of National Bullying Month, HRC’s Welcoming Schools is streaming for free, What Can We Do? Bias, Bullying, and Bystanders. The film, which was produced by Welcoming Schools, spotlights teachers using Welcoming Schools’ lesson plans on bias-based bullying for the first time, revealing that all educators can use Welcoming Schools lesson plans to create a safer classroom community.

The majority of bullying in schools is bias-based, meaning that the bullying is based upon a student’s personal identity. More than 75 percent of students who are harassed are targeted based upon race, gender, actual or perceived sexual orientation, national origin, religion or ability. Almost 75 percent of students who identify as LGBTQ report being bullied in the last year. New data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recently revealed that LGB students skip school due to feeling unsafe, experience physical dating violence and are cyber bullied at higher rates than their straight peers. According to the CDC, 14 percent of straight youth experience cyberbullying and 28 percent of LGB youth.

We can all contribute to changing the narrative and making a difference. Supporting the youth in your life as a mentor, working against stigma by volunteering on school committees, and working to end bullying through enumerated district-wide policies are all ways that adults can help LGBTQ youth.

In Washington, D.C., and in state capitals across the nation, HRC fights for safe schools legislation that protects LGBTQ young people from discrimination and bullying. Many states have already adopted inclusive legislation, but there remains work to be done to implement  laws and policies through educator-focused professional development to increase the cultural competence of educators and other school personnel that are requesting help and support.

For more resources on bullying, click here. For resources on cyberbullying, click here.

Learn more about ending bullying and watch the 12-minute film What Can We Do?

HRC’s Welcoming Schools is the nation’s premier program dedicated to creating respectful and supportive elementary schools in embracing family diversity, creating LGBTQ-inclusive schools, preventing bias-based bullying, creating gender-expansive schools and supporting transgender and non-binary students.We envision a day when all schools will truly be Welcoming Schools.

NJ Police Arrest Catholic Priest on 40 Felony Counts of Sexual Abuse of Children: VIDEO

NJ Police Arrest Catholic Priest on 40 Felony Counts of Sexual Abuse of Children: VIDEO

kevin-a-gugliotta catholic priest

A Catholic priest in New Jersey has been removed from his ministry at Holy Spirit Church in Union following his arrest on charges of child pornography.

In July, 54-year-old Kevin A. Gugliotta was accused of possessing or viewing child pornography and disseminating photographs or video of child sex acts. reports that “he faces 40 counts of sexual abuse of children — 20 counts of possession of child pornography and 20 counts of dissemination of child pornography.”

According to a statement from Wayne County District Attorney Janine Edwards, an investigation into Gugliotta’s activities began in August after a detective received a report an image of child pornography was uploaded to a chat room from the former cleric’s IP address.  “Several other reports,” note the statement, “were received that numerous other images of child pornography were being uploaded from that same IP address.”

RELATED: Anti-Gay Activist Josh Duggar Was Investigated For Child Molestation in 2005

Asbury Park Press reports that police were unable to find a device used to upload the images during a search on Gugliotta’s home in late September. Wayne County detectives, along with detectives from the Union County Prosecutor’s Office later interviewed the suspect. On October 20, Edwards approved criminal charges and Magisterial District Judge Bonnie Carney signed off on an arrest warrant.

In a statement, Jim Goodness, a communications director for the Archdiocese of Newark, said the Gugliotta was removed from ministry “the day we found out about the expected charges.”

Goodness added:

“It is important to remember that the American system of justice assumes the presumption of innocence of the accused. This is a serious and difficult matter that must proceed, as required, through the court process of the state of Pennsylvania. As a result, the Archdiocese is not in a position to discuss the details of Father Gugliotta’s situation at this time.”

Watch a report on Gugliotta’s arrest below.

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NJ Police Arrest Catholic Priest on 40 Felony Counts of Sexual Abuse of Children: VIDEO

PinkNews Hits Back At Criticism Over David Cameron 'LGBT Ally' Award

PinkNews Hits Back At Criticism Over David Cameron 'LGBT Ally' Award
A gay publication has hit back at criticism over its decision to name David Cameron “ally of the year”.
PinkNews chief executive Benjamin Cohen to…

Read more: UK News, UK Media, David Cameron, Lgbt, LGBT News, Gay News, LGBT Voices, UK Lgbt, LGBT Issues, Gay Marriage, UK News