Ezra Klein Illuminates the Brilliance of Hillary Clinton’s Debate Strategy Against Trump: WATCH

Ezra Klein Illuminates the Brilliance of Hillary Clinton’s Debate Strategy Against Trump: WATCH

Ezra Klein

Vox’s Ezra Klein takes a riveting look at Hillary Clinton’s three stunning debate performances against Donald Trump and how she pulled off a strategy that left Trump’s campaign in “smoking ruins.”

Explains Klein:

“The way Clinton won is non-traditional. It’s not the way we’re used to candidates winning. We’re used to candidates winning because they themselves just did a good job – they delivered a brutal zinger, they just killed it on the answers, and Clinton did some of that. But the real way she won, the real achievement here, and it is one of the most stunning political achievements in modern campaigning, was that she figured out her opponent’s weaknesses and basically goaded him into basically completely collapsing.”

He adds:

“She and her campaign analyzed Donald Trump, figured out what it was they could exploit, and then relentlessly, ruthlessly did so.”

From calling him “Donald” in the first debate to questioning his wealth, Clinton sparked meltdowns in Trump that he was never able to recover from. Like the Alicia Machado trap, which was “the beginning of the conversation over Donald Trump’s language and treatment of women, the context for the Access Hollywood tape” that “forced Trump into a corner” he’s still in.

She also created a preparation gap between her and Trump that was really effective.

“Trump is losing, and he’s losing in part because he’s a flawed, vulnerable candidate. But Clinton is winning because she had a strategy, a fairly high risk strategy actually. And she executed it, she stuck to it, she did it at every single debate, and it actually worked.”


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Ezra Klein Illuminates the Brilliance of Hillary Clinton’s Debate Strategy Against Trump: WATCH

HRC Releases New Florida Ad in Spanish and English: “Ricardo”

HRC Releases New Florida Ad in Spanish and English: “Ricardo”

Today, HRC released a new digital ad in Florida: “Ricardo.” It features Ricardo Negron-Almodovar, an Orlando resident and survivor of the tragic June attack on the Pulse nightclub, who emphasizes the importance of voting to make real change. Today is the first day of in-person early voting in Florida.

Ricardo, who will cast his first-ever vote in a presidential election this November, talks about what it means for him to participate in the political process: “You have to vote. Let your voice be heard. Every issue that we face has a root at the political level. We are a force to be reckoned with if we organize.”

Watch: “Ricardo” (30 seconds, English)

Watch: “Ricardo” (30 seconds, Spanish)

In a longer version of the ad, Ricardo movingly shares the horror he experienced during the Pulse nightclub shooting that left 49 people dead and 53 wounded, and how it underscored the importance of political participation by Latinx and LGBTQ people: “Many of [the victims] were immigrants coming here looking for a better life, only to lose their lives in such a tragic way. But what it brings out is how Latino issues and LGBT issues are issues that affect everybody.”

Watch: “Ricardo Full Story” (90 seconds, English)

“What happened in Orlando wasn’t just an attack on the Pulse nightclub that stole the lives of 49 innocent people, most of them members of the Latinx community — it was an attack on the fundamental right of LGBTQ people to live and love,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “People like Ricardo are a reminder that despite this horrific attack, our community will never be silenced or defeated. We must continue to stand up and ensure our voices are heard. The most effective way to do that is at the ballot box this November.”

Ricardo” is part of HRC’s digital campaign that is targeting pro-equality voters across Florida, focusing on Orlando, Jacksonville, Broward, and Miami-Dade. In Orlando, half of the millennial voter contacts HRC is making are Hispanic. There are an estimated 550,000 LGBTQ voters in Florida, a state where the margin of victory in the 2012 presidential election was 74,309.

The campaign is part of a larger get-out-the-vote effort aimed at mobilizing the 10 million LGBTQ voters nationwide.

Paid for by Human Rights Campaign Equality Votes and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


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성소수자 부모모임: [커밍아웃 스토리] 2. 나를 성장시켜준 아들

성소수자 부모모임: [커밍아웃 스토리] 2. 나를 성장시켜준 아들
아들이 동성애자라는 것을 알게 된 것은 16살을 넘길 무렵이었다. 난 머릿속이 멍한 상태가 되어 한참 동안 그대로 머물러 있었다. 그리고 곧 아들을 설득하려는 마음으로 조급해지기 시작했다. “네가 성인이 되어도 자신을 동성애자라고 생각한다면 엄마가 인정해줄게” 당시 난 아이의 생각을 돌리기 위해 할 수 있는 건 다 해야 한다는 생각밖에 없었던 것 같다. 아이의 마음이 어떤지 헤아릴 생각조차 하지 못했다. 아들은 실망스러운 표정으로 “엄마가 좋은 엄마인 줄 알았더니 잘못 알았다”고 했다.

기사 보기: 성소수자 부모모임, 게이 아들, 성소수자, 부모모임, 동성애, 사회, Korea News
