Eric Trump, Russia, Justin Hartley, Fin Whale, Michael Steele, Bermuda Triangle: HOT LINKS

Eric Trump, Russia, Justin Hartley, Fin Whale, Michael Steele, Bermuda Triangle: HOT LINKS

LEMONADE. Eric Trump stole lemonade from In-N-Out. “Eric Trump holds a free, clear, plastic cup, which is supposed to be used for water.”

this is a photo of my homey grant with trumps kid at in-n-out & trumps kid is drinking lemonade outta the free water cup…

— Kush Vonnegut (@xwnklmnx) October 20, 2016

MICHAEL STEELE. Former RNC Chair won’t be voting for Trump: “I will not be voting for Clinton. I will not be voting for Trump either. I was damn near puking during the debates.”

JUSTIN HARTLEY. The Smallville stud got soaked on Ellen.

Justin HArtley

NASTY WOMAN. The best internet responses to Trump’s nasty comment.

IT WASN’T JUST YOU. Yes, the internet did get attacked.

vladimir putinPROPAGANDA. Russia sought to monitor U.S. elections: “In an apparent move to embarrass the United States over Donald Trump’s claims of a “rigged” presidential election, Russia sought to send monitors to U.S. polling stations for the Nov. 8 vote, Russian media revealed Thursday. The bid was sharply rebuffed by the State Department, and one state election official threatened criminal action if Russian monitors showed up, according to state-controlled Izvestia daily and broadcaster RT.”

BEARDY. Jon Bernthal is looking bearish on the set of Punisher.

MYSTERY. Fin whale beached on east coast of Britain: “It should not be in those waters,” he told the BBC. “We see fin whales occasionally on the southern coast or more the west coast of the UK, so Ireland, right up to Scotland. But you never get them in the North Sea, so what it was doing there, we have no idea at the moment.”

Hopefully not a repeat saga like beached Sperm Whales earlier in the year.. #finwhale #Holkham

— Fenbirder (@Railraptor) October 21, 2016

HUGE. Massive prehistoric shark tooth unearthed by Hurricane Matthew. “We had been there maybe 15 minutes, standing in ankle deep water and all of a sudden I looked to my left and within two feet I saw this shark’s tooth, which I thought it was a shark’s tooth but I’ve never seen anything that large,” Campbell said. “My wife though it was a rock. And I reached over and picked it up and I saw the serrated edges so I knew then that it was a big shark’s tooth, but I had no idea it was a Megalodon.”

Hurricane Matthew unearths huge prehistoric shark tooth

— Fox News (@FoxNews) October 20, 2016

BERMUDA TRIANGLE. Has the mystery been solved? “’These types of hexagonal shapes in the ocean are in essence air bombs. They’re formed by what is called microbursts and they’re blasts of air.’ The blasts of air are so powerful, they can reach 170 mph — a hurricane-like force easily capable of sinking ships and downing planes.”

ARMREST WARS. A bold passenger reclaims what he believes is rightly his.

FRIDAY FLASH. Kaiserarmz.

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Eric Trump, Russia, Justin Hartley, Fin Whale, Michael Steele, Bermuda Triangle: HOT LINKS

HRC President Chad Griffin in Colorado to #turnOUT the Vote!

HRC President Chad Griffin in Colorado to #turnOUT the Vote!

HRC President Chad Griffin joined us in Colorado this week for several #turnOUT events. Griffin spent time with our local members, volunteer leaders and U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet, reminding Coloradans to turn in their ballots early.

Griffin visited our two largest cities, Denver and Colorado Springs, meeting organizers, phone bank volunteers, college students and parents.

“What you’re doing, and the time you’re giving, is not only electing the first female president in the history of our country, but you’re also saving our country,” Griffin told HRC members and supporters who are working to #turnOUT the vote.

Coloradans, check your mailboxes this week for ballots! Click here to learn more about where to vote and what’s on your ballot. If you are an active registered voter in Colorado, you will receive your ballot by mail. Please remember to return your ballot by mail, drop it off at a collection center in your neighborhood or even vote in person. There are so many ways to #turnOUT and vote!

HRC is counting on our members and supporters to mobilize and #turnOUT the pro-equality vote in November. HRC members are volunteering thousands of hours for endorsed candidates and are visible at campaign events across Colorado and across the country.  Please contact us at [email protected] to learn more about our work in Colorado and to volunteer!

Learn more about Chad’s visit by watching the video below, as well as this Facebook live stream featuring Griffin, Sen. Bennet and local Elections Captain Ethan Wade discussing LGBTQ equality and what’s at stake in this election

HRC President Chad Griffin in Colorado to <a href=#turnOUT the Vote!” src=””>

Paid for by Human Rights Campaign PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Cardinal Dolan Spills the Tea on the Al Smith Dinner: Trump Called Clinton ‘Tough and Talented’ in Private

Cardinal Dolan Spills the Tea on the Al Smith Dinner: Trump Called Clinton ‘Tough and Talented’ in Private

Cardinal Dolan

NYC Cardinal Timothy Dolan sat down with the TODAY show to spill the tea on last night’s Alfred E Smith dinner, at which Donald Trump was booed for turning caustic against Hillary Clinton.

RELATED: Hillary Clinton Rips a Humorless Rudy Giuliani at Al Smith Dinner: WATCH

Dolan sat between the candidates as the host of the annual gala, which benefited Catholic charities.

Dolan said that in private he asked the candidates to pray together and after the prayer Trump told Clinton, “You know you are one tough and talented woman. This has been a great experience, the whole campaign – as tough as it’s been.”

And Clinton responded, “Donald, whatever happens, we need to work together afterwards.”

RELATED: Donald Trump Booed for Caustic ‘Jokes’ about Hillary Clinton at Al Smith Dinner: WATCH

Trump changed his tune in public. “Hillary is so corrupt that she got kicked off the Watergate commission,” he told the crowd.

“We’ve learned so much from WikiLeaks,” he added. “For example, Hillary believes that it’s vital to deceive the people by having one public policy and a totally different policy in private.”

It got worse.

“Here she is in public pretending not to hate Catholics,” Trump continued.


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Cardinal Dolan Spills the Tea on the Al Smith Dinner: Trump Called Clinton ‘Tough and Talented’ in Private

GLAAD Campus Ambassadors unite their colleges and universities on #SpiritDay

GLAAD Campus Ambassadors unite their colleges and universities on #SpiritDay

GLAAD Campus Ambassadors

GLAAD Campus Ambassadors are uniting their peers in celebration of Spirit Day. Across the U.S., these student-activists worked with their university allies to create various on-campus events, programming, and multimedia digital engagements. Together, they are setting a standard for inclusive and intersectional LGBTQ advocacy within and beyond their universities. Learn how they brought Spirit Day to life on campus:

Leah Ciccone – Western Connecticut State University

Campus Ambassador at Western Connecticut State University, Leah Ciccone, engaged her peers by creating an informative and inspiring video about Spirit Day. Leah’s video touches upon her own experience with bullying the importance of spirit in LGBTQ lives.

Check it out:

Kaivon Pearson – University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Organized by the gay-straight alliance club, Uniquely Defined (@udefinedumes), the Campus Ambassador for University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Kaivon Pearson and his peer leaders held a “die-in” on their campus to bring awareness to LGBTQ people who have lost their lives to anti-queer violence and suicide. 

The students held pride flags and handmade signs; one sign read, “We Stand in Solidarity with lost & bullied LGBT+ Youth… #SPIRITDAY #UMES.” Some of the protest highlights are featured in the video below. 

Uniquely Defined’s Twitter account also went purple in solidarity with Spirit Day and posted images and messages of support throughout the day. One of their most striking posts (below) featured images of students holding signs that told their stories and experiences with anti-queer hate. The tweet that accompanied the images served to remind the viewers that speaking out against hatred saves lives.

Hate exists here too #umes. As #spiritday concludes, remember to #choosekindness and speak our against hatred. Your support saves lives.

— Uniquely Defined (@udefinedumes) October 21, 2016


Patrick Koslecki – Caldwell University 

Patrick Koslecki, Campus Ambassador at Caldwell University, spent his morning at Nutley High School in New Jersey, speaking with students about the importance of addressing LGBTQ youth bullying, and supporting LGBTQ communities. 

Continuing his day of advocacy, Patrick led Caldwell University’s first official Spirit Day celebration. Advocating for acceptance within his Catholic university, Patrick spoke to a crowd of students and faculty about his experiences as a LGBTQ advocate, gay student, and person of faith. Caldwell promoted their LGBTQ event through all-student emails leading up to Spirit Day, and sent out a letter from Patrick after the event.

Joon Park – Boston College

Joon Park, GLAAD Campus Ambassador at Boston College, took part in Spirit Day 2016 by engaging his LGBTQ & ally peers in a purple photo series. Joon also wrote a blog piece on GLAAD’s Spirit Day blog page entitled, “Boston College students show their support for LGBTQ youth on #SpiritDay”

In his piece, Joon reflected upon the importance of intersectional LGBTQ allyship. He writes, “As we continue to define allyship and what it means to stand against bullying for queer youth, it’s important that we practice intersectionality and also condemn bullying against queer youth of color and trans and non-binary individuals.”

Christianne Bharath – Johns Hopkins University

Christianne Bharath, Campus Ambassador at Johns Hopkins University, worked with her team at the JHU Office of LGBTQ Life to promote Spirit Day on campus and online. Christianne and JHU asked their students to wear purple and take a stand against bullying. The Office of LGBTQ Life also gave out rainbow bracelets to anyone who wore purple. Additionally, the Office of LGBTQ Life turned their Facebook page purple in support of Spirit Day and LGBTQ youth.


Additional Campus Ambassadors #SpiritDay moments:

Leo Thornton – University of Michigan

Priyank Pillai – University of Houston

Nick Mion – University of Pennslyvania 

About Spirit Day

Each year, millions of people “go purple” for Spirit Day in a united stand against bullying and to show support for LGBTQ youth. According to a 2015 GLSEN survey, more than half of LGBTQ students report being victimized based on sexual orientation, with a further three quarters of students who report hearing anti-LGBTQ remarks in school. Started in 2010 by high school student Brittany McMillan, Spirit Day now draws the participation of celebrities, corporations, media outlets, sports leagues, schools, faith institutions, national landmarks, and individuals around the world, who join together in a united stand against bullying.

Check out for more about how to stand against bullying and show support for LGBTQ youth. Also follow @GLAAD on Twitter to keep up to date with #spiritday news.

Spirit Day is made possible by the generous support of its presenting partners Target and Wells Fargo, official partners, NBA and WNBA, NFL, Viacom, and WWE, and supporting partners, American Eagle Outfitters, Barilla, Comcast NBCUniversal, Kellogg’s, Kirkland & Ellis, Toyota Financial Services, and Zipcar. The translation of GLAAD’s Spirit Day Resource Kit into multiple languages is made possible by a generous grant from Google supporting GLAAD’s Global Voices Initiative. Global Spirit Day resource kits are presented by Logo’s Global Ally campaign.

Past participants in Spirit Day include the White House, the Empire State Building, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Cher, Laverne Cox, Kim Kardashian, Demi Lovato, Ariana Grande, Shaquille O’Neal, Good Morning America, The Today Show, The View, The Talk, The Tonight Show, MTV, the NBA, the NFL, Major League Baseball, NASCAR, WWE, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, the Las Vegas Strip, and more.

GLAAD Campus Ambassadors – in their inaugural year – are a volunteer network of LGBTQ and ally college and university students who work with GLAAD and within their local communities to build an LGBTQ movement to accelerate acceptance and end hate and discrimination. If you would like to learn more about the GLAAD Campus Ambassador Program, please contact Clare Kenny— GLAAD Youth Engagement Strategist.

October 21, 2016

New Hillary Ad Champions LGBTQ Rights

New Hillary Ad Champions LGBTQ Rights


There’s a new Hillary Clinton ad from the Human Rights Campaign, and it’s quite sweet.

“Equality is about of course passing laws, but it also is changing hearts and minds,” she says. “We need to build an America where nobody has to worry that they can get married on Saturday and get fired on Monday. Where kids aren’t bullied just because of who they are and where every American has the chance to live up to his or her God-given potential no matter who they are or who they love.”

It concludes with a reminder to vote, which is of course crucially important if you live in a swing state. If not, you can still have a say in the election by quitting your job to volunteer, or by donating thousands of dollars.

Hillary’s relationship with LGBT people is occasionally a bit rocky — she’s endured some justifiable criticism for not supporting marriage sooner. But most of the criticisms against her either aren’t true, or don’t tell the full story.

The good news is that queer people overwhelmingly support Clinton, by a margin of 80% for her and 20% for Trump. Is she perfect? Hahaha, no, but neither is John F. Kennedy or Cher or Abraham Lincoln or Walt Whitman or Helen Mirren or whatever other idols you have. Nobody is perfect, but in this bonkers country we only get two choices for president. One is pretty good and the other isn’t even worth discussing, so all things considered, it could be worse. Hey, there’s a great national slogan — “America: It could be worse.”

Gold Star Father Khizr Khan Questions Trump in Powerful New Hillary Clinton Ad: WATCH

Gold Star Father Khizr Khan Questions Trump in Powerful New Hillary Clinton Ad: WATCH

Khizr Khan ad

“I want to ask Mr. Trump, would my son have a place in your America?”

The father of Captain Humayun Khan, the Muslim-American US soldier who sacrificed his life for his unit in Iraq in 2004, appears in an emotional ad for Hillary Clinton in which he grills Donald Trump.

Khan made international headlines over the summer when he appeared at the Democratic National Convention and held up a copy of the US Constitution, defying Donald Trump for his plan to ban all Muslims from the country.


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Gold Star Father Khizr Khan Questions Trump in Powerful New Hillary Clinton Ad: WATCH

#turnOUT the Early Vote in North Carolina

#turnOUT the Early Vote in North Carolina

Submitted by: Noreen Elnady, Field Organizer for TurnOUT North Carolina

Thursday was a very exciting day for me especially, since it was my first-ever time voting. I only became a U.S. citizen a couple of months ago, so this was my first chance to have my voice heard, and it was even more meaningful to me that it was in such a crucial election.

This election is very important to me not just because of the consequences of it on the national level, but also on the local level, with HB2 being such a hot topic. HB2 is the reason I am now a field organizer with TurnOUT NC, trying to get as many pro-equality candidates elected this November. But my fight against HB2 started earlier. I actually used to be an intern at the NC General Assembly for a year and a half. In my time there, I was privileged to witness the inner workings of our political system, but also its flaws.

This is where HB2 comes in. The day of the special session, which was a long one but felt like a moment, I was there to witness all of it. I sat through committee meeting and sessions, where I watched our legislators take away the most basic rights of the people in this state, but I also watched the brave transgender people in our community come out and speak up against this awful legislation. That day is when I realized we need to do more.

That is why I am working with TurnOUT NC to get these pro-equality candidates elected. I cannot stress enough the importance of this election. If we achieve our goals, it will send a message across the nation that if you’re an elected official that passes anti-trans legislation, we will work to vote you out of office.

That is why I stood out there as one of the first people in line to early vote, and I hope everyone goes out and does the same. If you want to early vote (which you should!), here is the link to find early voting locations near you

Today, there are an estimated 255,800 LGBTQ adults living in North Carolina — a substantial population given that the state was won in the last three presidential elections by an average of 180,500 votes. Nearly 90,000 LGBTQ adults live in the Charlotte Metro Area alone. The LGBTQ voting bloc in North Carolina will play a pivotal role in the presidential, gubernatorial and other down ballot races.

Click here to sign up to volunteer at our Charlotte or Raleigh offices. If you have questions about HRC’s work in North Carolina to #turnOUT voters, please contact HRC Associate Regional Field Director Ryan Wilson at [email protected].

It’s not too late to register to vote in North Carolina. During the early vote period that runs through Saturday, November 5, North Carolina residents can register to vote and cast a ballot at the same time at any early voting location in their county.

Lady Gaga Shades Madonna; Twitter Erupts

Lady Gaga Shades Madonna; Twitter Erupts


It all began innocently enough; just your average promotional interview.

On October 21, Lady Gaga made an appearance on Apple Music’s Beats 1 show, where DJ Zane told Gaga: “There is another artist who has lived a very parallel existence based on this story, which I’m sure you can relate to.”

“You know Madonna tells a very similar story… overprotective father… ‘Papa Don’t Preach’… you know what I mean?”

As Attitude reports, that’s when things took an awkward turn.

“Madonna and I are very different,” Gaga replied. “Just saying. We’re very different.”

I wouldn’t make that comparison at all and I don’t mean to disrespect Madonna, she’s a nice lady, and she’s had a fantastic huge career, biggest pop star of all time.

I play a lot of instruments. I write all my own music. I spend hours and hours a day in the studio. I’m a producer. I’m a writer. What I do is different.

There is spontaneity to my work. I allow myself to fail. I allow myself to break. I’m not afraid of my flaws.”

Gaga setting it straight with the Madonna comparisons

— EXPOSED (@Exposing_celebz) October 21, 2016

She also stated that her style isn’t “just rehearsing over and over again to put on a show.”

And after emphasizing that she didn’t mean disrespect in any way, she said:

I just will not be compared to anyone anymore I am who the f–k I am and this is me. My life story is my life story, just like yours is. The thing is we all express things in different ways, but my rebellion at my father for him being angry with me, that has ended. It’s like finally I can bite back.”

Twitter went feral regarding the comments: 

Gaga: *slurs* “Madonna and I are very different. I wouldn’t make that comparison at all”.

— Nice Lady (@DitaElectronica) October 21, 2016

Gaga: “I’m Different Than Madonna, I Write My Own Songs”

Oh Really @ladygaga Please See This & Next Time Stfu & Take A Seat

— Shady Madonna Facts (@ShadyMFacts) October 21, 2016

interviewer: so Miss Ga-
Gaga: call me Joanne
interviewer: what inspired Joanne?
Gaga: I did it for the memes, something Madonna can’t do.

— GRIGIOGIRL666 (@BibleGirl666) October 20, 2016

Lady Gaga just left a hilarious reply making a reference to Madonna’s “Bedtime story” to a fan. ???

— THE MUSIC TEA (@MusicFactsTea) October 19, 2016

Lady Gaga is a real musician and a performer extraordinaire. Madonna is a poser musician,but a great performer.

— Dan Birch (@Mabolzich) October 21, 2016

Gaga shouldn’t have said that about Madonna honestly. She’s right, people should stop making the comparison, but what she said was wrong.

— Lisanne (@LisanneCM) October 21, 2016

I take nothing away from Gaga’s talent but her music does nothing for me. I could be wrong but Madonna has done ALL.OF.THIS. ?

— Remy LeBeau (@ThereGoTerry) October 21, 2016

Madonna lacks talent?….Lady Gaga lacks respect for that comment, Madonna a walking goddess.

— Chetanna #Achilles (@kanecruz) October 21, 2016

@ohmadonnaa You are right. I’m done. It’s that damn interview Gaga gave. Makes me pissed. Focus back on @Madonna The True artist!

— Melanie Wiseman (@MelanieCWiseman) October 21, 2016

People are saying Lady Gaga threw shade at Madonna, but shade takes creativity, which Gaga doesn’t have ?… Now bitch THAT’S shade

— Mark Ball (@artist_mjb) October 21, 2016

Oprah to Undecideds: ‘You Don’t Have to Like’ Hillary Clinton, But There’s Only One Choice – WATCH

Oprah to Undecideds: ‘You Don’t Have to Like’ Hillary Clinton, But There’s Only One Choice – WATCH

Oprah Hillary

Oprah taped a sit-down interview with Pastor TD Jakes to air next week in which she explained why she has been silent over the past few months about the presidential race.

Said Oprah:

“The reason why I haven’t been vocal, other than saying I’m with her, is because I didn’t know what to say that could actually pierce through all the noise and the chaos and the disgusting vitriol that’s going on and actually be heard…”

She also had a few words for the undecideds out there:

“There really is no choice, people. All the people sitting around talking about they can’t decide. This is what I what I wanna say — wait a minute. I hear this all the time. You get into conversations — and there’s not a person in this room who hasn’t been in the same conversation — where people say, ‘I just don’t know if I like her.’”

She added:

“She’s not coming over to your house! You don’t have to like her. You don’t have to like her. Do you like this country? Do you like this country? You better get out there and vote. Do you like the country? Do you like freedom and liberty? Do you like this country? OK. Do you like democracy or do you want a demagogue?”


The post Oprah to Undecideds: ‘You Don’t Have to Like’ Hillary Clinton, But There’s Only One Choice – WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Oprah to Undecideds: ‘You Don’t Have to Like’ Hillary Clinton, But There’s Only One Choice – WATCH