Dr. Jill Stein, Laverne Cox, and Tony The Tiger (!) Celebrate #SpiritDay

Dr. Jill Stein, Laverne Cox, and Tony The Tiger (!) Celebrate #SpiritDay


Loads of corporations, brands, celebrities, and politicians got into the spirit of things for GLAAD’s Spirit Day — which, yeah, is today — by showing their support for LGBTQ youth on Twitter and taking a stance against the bullying that goes on for many.

Related: Here’s How Miss Celie Celebrates Spirit Day

GLAAD created pre-made social media shareable graphics, both on their site and their Facebook page, although they were down earlier in the day. So get on over there and grab an image to show your spirit.

Related: Elvis Duran Show Talks About Spirit Day On Air #SpiritDay

In addition to sharing pre-made graphics and statements, brands are crafting their own custom graphics as well as turning their logos purple.

So without further ado here are all the amazing brands showing their support today on Spirit Day:

Happy #SpiritDay! @Target sponsored a @Spotify playlist so you can jam out to LGBTQ and allied artists all day t.co/H8O1Be2oU9

— GLAAD (@glaad) October 20, 2016

I stand against LGBTQ+ bullying. Most LGBTQ youth have experienced harassment or assault. This has no place in our school system. #SpiritDay

— Dr. Jill Stein (@DrJillStein) October 20, 2016

Today @NBA goes purple to take a stand against bullying as we celebrate @glaad #SpiritDay! #NBACares pic.twitter.com/kdAL7tBFnK

— NBA (@NBA) October 20, 2016

These lips are proud to go purple for @GLAAD #SpiritDay. #RockyHorror pic.twitter.com/0WB4cdtPvW

— Rocky Horror on FOX (@RockyHorrorFOX) October 20, 2016

Gone purple in support of #SpiritDay. Let’s stand w/LGBTQ youth and against bullying. t.co/XAX3XIHj4b ??? pic.twitter.com/phkkh7uj7p

— Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) October 20, 2016

I’m joining @glaad and taking a stand against bullying for #SpiritDay! Join me t.co/V9yCC6D4hJ

Laverne Cox (@Lavernecox) October 20, 2016

We’re going purple for #SpiritDay to stand against bullying and support LGBTQ youth. Let’s grow a better future together. pic.twitter.com/bVsrBa1bsj

— MorningStar Farms (@MorningStrFarms) October 20, 2016

I stand with @GLAAD because the best way to #LetYourGreatOut is to be yourself. #SpiritDay pic.twitter.com/wIK9lnPZaP

— Tony the Tiger (@realtonytiger) October 20, 2016

Join @imarleneking and @SleepintheGardn by wearing purple for @GLAAD #SpiritDay TOMORROW. ? #ChooseKindness t.co/21UT3GwOxj pic.twitter.com/YUMK5MJAYU

— Pretty Little Liars (@PLLTVSeries) October 20, 2016

Join me in taking a stand against #bullying & support our #LGBTQ youth by taking the #SpiritDay pledge on Oct 20th. t.co/GSVNk11bFm pic.twitter.com/G79hXHFr5t

— tori amos (@toriamos) October 19, 2016

Kicking off #SpiritDay with my fans tonight! Everyone go purple tomorrow with @GLAAD to stand with #LGBT youth ????? t.co/iGazSbAAAA

— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) October 19, 2016

Hear what Troye Sivan has to say about taking a stand against bullying on #SpiritDay, Oct. 20.
Pledge your support ??t.co/ifrY7pi86k pic.twitter.com/C1faBimSeU

— Troye Sivan Updates (@TroyeSivanUpdts) October 17, 2016

ATTENTION NERDS! @HMLYearbook2017 will be going around taking pics all day and during lunch #SpiritDay #itsyOURturn pic.twitter.com/lZ7pVOqMYb

— HMLYearbook (@HMLYearbook2017) October 10, 2016

Wondering how your Catholic school can go purple for #SpiritDay? Find resources here –> t.co/mIiolCSEWz #catholiced #catholicedchat

— New Ways Ministry (@NewWaysMinistry) October 9, 2016

Proud to go purple on #SpiritDay to stand up against bullying and support #LGBTQ youth. pic.twitter.com/PTcKOEfPk5

— Eric Fanning (@SECARMY) October 20, 2016

We’re wearing purple in honor of @glaad‘s #SpiritDay! #ChooseKindness Learn more: t.co/17QgsLpPKc t.co/Vo25xv7qoB

— The View (@TheView) October 20, 2016

.@jaimecamil es una de las millones de personas que llevan morado para #SpiritDay t.co/VXyTOM4SGq pic.twitter.com/tXJcj0vY7p

— Jaime Camil Veracruz (@JCamilVeracruz) October 20, 2016

We are all more free when we are treated as equals. Today, White House staff stand against bullying and in support of LGBTQ youth #SpiritDay pic.twitter.com/kI4HcDlyDI

— The White House (@WhiteHouse) October 20, 2016


Colbert Asks Nate Silver to Predict What Will Happen if Trump Won’t Concede: WATCH

Colbert Asks Nate Silver to Predict What Will Happen if Trump Won’t Concede: WATCH

Nate Silver Stephen Colbert

Election prognosticator Nate Silver joined Stephen Colbert on The Late Show following last night’s final debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to talk about the debate, his predictions, where things stand, and what will happen if Trump defies the electorate.

RELATED: Recap and Highlights of the Final Debate Between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump: WATCH

Currently Silver’s site puts Clinton at an 86.2% chance of winning.

“It’s not looking too good for Donald J. Trump,” says Silver, noting that Clinton came in with a 7-point lead in the polls before the debate.

Silver and Colbert then talked about undecided voters.

“Who’s undecided?”, asks Colbert. “I think at this point those people don’t need more information, they need more medication.”

Finally, Colbert asks Silver “What are the odds that this is over on November 9, because Trump says, ‘yeah, I’ll let you know.’”

Silver says odds are high that people will just tell Trump to basically f–k off.


Colbert also had his own reaction to the debate:

“Democracy’s gonna end with a cliffhanger. I guess we’re all gonna have to wait until November 9th to find out if we still have a country – if Donald Trump is in the mood for a peaceful transfer of power, or if he’s just gonna wipe his fat ass with the Constitution…”

He added:

“This was Trump’s last chance to make an impression on undecided voters, people who haven’t heard about him in the last 16 months. So…forest-dwelling hermits and crab fisherman who have been swept out to sea.”


The post Colbert Asks Nate Silver to Predict What Will Happen if Trump Won’t Concede: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Colbert Asks Nate Silver to Predict What Will Happen if Trump Won’t Concede: WATCH

#AM_Equality Tip Sheet: October 20, 2016

#AM_Equality Tip Sheet: October 20, 2016

COUNTDOWN and #TurnOUT: 19 days until Election Day and the stakes for LGBTQ Americans could not be higher. With 10 million LGBTQ voters, the equality vote will make a key difference in this election. Through Nov. 8, we’ll use this space to highlight compelling numbers on the power of the LGBTQ vote. Check out the graphic below for more and HRC’s blog here.

The #LGBTQ vote could make all the difference in the battleground states. We must #turnOUT! Register at t.co/JHpdNpaaIg pic.twitter.com/Mi3KVpUB47

— HumanRightsCampaign (@HRC) October 20, 2016

IN FINAL DEBATE, HILLARY CLINTON’S MESSAGE OF UNITY RESONATES; TRUMP PLODS ON WITH RECKLESS, HATEFUL, DIVISIVE CAMPAIGN: True to form, last night we heard Hillary Clinton share her vision of an America that is stronger together in its unity. Meanwhile, Donald Trump delivered a fear-based vision of a divided union. While Clinton outlined her goals of maintaining a Supreme Court that will ensure equal dignity and respect under the law for LGBTQ people and common-sense gun safety measures, as well as her support for comprehensive immigration reform and crucial access to women’s health care, Trump continued to use LGBTQ people as political props to support his Islamophobic views, refused to distance himself from Vladimir Putin, and even declined to affirm he would respect the election outcome. This week, HRC released a new ad highlighting presidential candidate Donald Trump’s alarming promise to appoint judges like late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Read HRC President Chad Griffin’s (@ChadHGriffin) recent op-ed for NBC News on the dangers of giving Trump the power to appoint judges.

.@RealDonaldTrump didn’t seem too concerned about #LGBTQ people abroad when he visited an anti-#LGBTQ hate group in Florida #DebateNight

— HumanRightsCampaign (@HRC) October 20, 2016

This nation was founded on justice, equality & hope. Only one candidate on that stage emulated those ideals tonight. #ImWithHer #debate

— Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) October 20, 2016

ON EVE OF EARLY VOTING IN NORTH CAROLINA, VP NOMINEE TIM KAINE JOINS HRC AND ENC DEBATE WATCH PARTY: With early voting kicking off today in North Carolina, a special surprise guest dropped by the HRC and Equality North Carolina (ENC) Debate Watch Party in Charlotte last night — none other than Vice Presidential Nominee Senator Tim Kaine.  “If we win in North Carolina, it’s over!” said Kaine, addressing a packed crowd fired up for the debate. With 255,000 highly motivated LGBTQ voters in North Carolina (remember HB2 anyone?), the event was one in a series of GOTV activities from #TurnOUT NC — a project of the HRC and ENC Action Fund PAC to elect pro-equality candidates up and down the ticket. Early vote rallies, phonebanking and canvassing are planned throughout the week around today’s early voting start in the crucial swing state.

Surprise guest and next VP @timkaine joins @HRC and @equalitync debate watch party to cheer on @HillaryClinton! pic.twitter.com/mZsPSLpETB

— Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) October 20, 2016

ICYMI, SCOTUS IS VITAL: Yesterday afternoon, marriage equality plaintiff Jim Obergefell (@JimObergefell) took over HRC’s Twitter account to talk about the importance of the U.S. Supreme Court in advancing LGBTQ equal rights, and the danger a Trump presidency would pose to historic progress in the fight for equality. He shared his personal journey, marrying his husband John just before he died of ALS — then fighting to be recognized as his surviving spouse after John passed. His story of love and tireless advocacy helped bring marriage equality to the United States, and now he is working just as hard to protect those hard-won victories by advocating for Hillary Clinton. More here.

FEDERAL JUDGE IN TEXAS DOUBLES DOWN ON TRANSGENDER DISCRIMINATION: In Texas v. United States, U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor recently blocked the Department of Justice from enforcing the guidance that clarifies transgender students have a right to be free from discrimination in schools, including using restrooms and other facilities consistent with their gender identity. In a decision late Tuesday, Judge O’Connor denied a request to limit his injunction to the 13 states that brought suit against the administration. In March of 2015, Judge O’Connor also sought to block Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) rights for legally married same-sex couples despite the Supreme Court of the United States’ decision in United States v. Windsor (2013). More from HRC.

THROWBACK THURSDAY: This week marks the seventh anniversary of the passage of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate crimes Prevention Act. The act, approved by Congress on October 22, 2009,  expands federal hate crime law to include gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. While the bill had bipartisan support, there was one notable dissenter — current vice presidential nominee Mike Pence, who called the act a “radical social agenda.” The law was signed by President Barack Obama on October 28, 2009.

AT LEAST EIGHT ALABAMA COUNTIES STILL REFUSING TO MARRY SAME-SEX COUPLES: Marriage equality has been the law of the land since June 2015, but eight Alabama counties are still refusing to issue marriage licenses to any couples, reports AL.com. Connor Sheets (@ConnorASheets) writes probate judges in the following counties are not been granting any marriage licenses: Autauga, Choctaw, Clarke, Cleburne, Covington, Elmore, Pike and Washington. #Shameful #DoYourJob

I DEFINITELY THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO HELL:” Coming out as LGBTQ while in school can be difficult — especially if your school lacks a welcoming climate or inclusive policies. In a piece for The Atlantic, Marissa Higgins (@marissahiggins_) relates the heartbreaking experiences of Salem, a nonbinary student, who told the reporter that because of bullying and abuse in school, “I actually thought I was inhuman. I definitely thought I was going to hell.” Salem’s experiences reflect those raised up in a new GLSEN report, “Teasing to Torment: School Climate Revisited,” highlighting the struggles LGBTQ students have succeeding in school when they are targeted for discrimination and bullying. More from The Atlantic.

MAN CONTRACTS RARE STRAIN OF HIV WHILE ON PrEP: This week, researchers at the 2016 HIV Research for Prevention (HIVR4P) Conference announced that a man in the U.S. has acquired HIV despite regularly using Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP). In an interview with TheBody.com, Dr. Howard Grossman says the man had acquired a rare strain of HIV that is resistant to both of the drugs found in Truvada, the only medication that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for PrEP. This is only the second documented case of someone contracting HIV while consistently using PrEP. More from HRC.

NEW GLOBAL SURVEY FINDS ONE IN THREE PEOPLE SUPPORT MARRIAGE EQUALITY: A new survey by the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, in partnership with Logo, has found that nearly one in three adults support marriage equality. Two thirds of respondents believe that “human rights should be applied to everyone regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.” More from On Top Magazine.

  • Marriage Momentum in Mexico: Polling out of Mexico shows that support for marriage equality more than doubled between 2010 to 2015, highlighting momentum for marriage equality in the largely Catholic country. More from The Huffington Post.


KERA News shares a letter gone viral from a church revoking the membership of an openly gay member… RadioFreeEurope / RadioLiberty reports on a Ukrainian LGBTQ Film Event disrupted by nationalists… The Guardian discusses the ways LGBTQ people face discrimination when reporting domestic violence… Vox’s Matthew Yglesias (@MattYglesias) writes that the  loudest voices this year aren’t speaking for the majority — it’s a new “silent majority” that will propel Hillary Clinton to the White House in November…

Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]Click here to subscribe to A.M. Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!


Celebs go purple for #SpiritDay to support LGBTQ youth and stand against bullying

Celebs go purple for #SpiritDay to support LGBTQ youth and stand against bullying

Photo Credit: GLAAD

Many of your favorite celebs are celebrating #SpiritDay and going purple to share their support for LGBTQ youth! You can join them by going purple NOW on social media, find out more at glaad.org/SpiritDay.

Kicking off #SpiritDay with my fans tonight! Everyone go purple tomorrow with @GLAAD to stand with #LGBT youth t.co/iGazSbAAAA

— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) October 19, 2016

Happy #spiritday!! t.co/cNtHB2nJs7 pic.twitter.com/5WvNMgYcPg

— Elvis Duran (@elvisduran) October 20, 2016

These lips are proud to go purple for @GLAAD #SpiritDay. #RockyHorror pic.twitter.com/0WB4cdtPvW

— Rocky Horror on FOX (@RockyHorrorFOX) October 20, 2016

Bullying happens every day. Take a stand against bullying w/ @WWE and support @glaad #SpiritDay today. Learn more at t.co/OimL2Qh18i pic.twitter.com/rmpafJLpwt

— Stephanie McMahon (@StephMcMahon) October 20, 2016

I’m going purple for #SpiritDay on 10/20 to stand against bullying and support LGBTQ youth. Join me! @glaad pic.twitter.com/HtaKoJ35Kf

— Thom Allison (@thomallison) October 20, 2016

You can make a difference. You can have somebody’s back. Even if you’re Lil’. #SpiritDay pic.twitter.com/oRDidlM5Oe

— Eerily Andraculas (@emtothea) October 20, 2016

Go purple NOW and take a stand against bullying for #SpiritDay 10/20. Stand up for LGBTQ youth: t.co/nFAsVP0nvV #NoBully4President

— Justin Mikita (@JustinMikita) October 20, 2016

It’s #SpiritDay! Take a stand against bullying and show your support for #LGBTQ youth: t.co/VhAhlbiZPq pic.twitter.com/1w69BHKxbW

— Carson Kressley (@CarsonKressley) October 20, 2016

Join @imarleneking and @SleepintheGardn by wearing purple for @GLAAD #SpiritDay TOMORROW. #ChooseKindness t.co/21UT3GwOxj pic.twitter.com/YUMK5MJAYU

— Pretty Little Liars (@PLLTVSeries) October 20, 2016

Take a stand against bullying and support #LGBTQ youth by going purple for #SpiritDay on Oct. 20th: t.co/vR5bFSBdqA

— Jen Richards (@SmartAssJen) October 20, 2016

Happy #SpiritDay! I’m proud to go purple today and take a stand against bullying–Join me! t.co/OvwFE8YmMS pic.twitter.com/uxDv9Y3nWp

— Shane Bitney Crone (@ShaneBitney) October 20, 2016

Hey tweeps! It’s #SpiritDay! Let’s all go purple to support #LGBT youth and take a stand against bullying! t.co/f26GR1d3ft pic.twitter.com/3JWOec8Ekp

— Jamie Clayton (@MsJamieClayton) October 20, 2016

Flying the flag against oppression and discrimination#gopurple #LGBTQ#letsallbekindtoeachother t.co/QfJz1OqUYQ

— Freema Agyeman (@FreemaOfficial) October 20, 2016

Take a stand against bullying and support #LGBTQ youth by going purple for #SpiritDay on Oct. 20th: t.co/B7y5Za3G5p

— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) October 20, 2016

I stand with LGBTQ youth, against bullying. @glaad #SpiritDay pic.twitter.com/shgxsAxVqq

— Trey Pearson (@treypearson) October 20, 2016

It’s #SpiritDay! Wear your best purple outfit to join us & @Alaska5000 to support LGBTQ youth & stand up against bullying! #EverybodySayLove pic.twitter.com/m88wrkMIP0

— RuPaul’s Drag Race (@RuPaulsDragRace) October 20, 2016

Join @CarterJenkins by wearing purple for @GLAAD #SpiritDay TOMORROW. #ChooseKindness t.co/WE8jVnIajj pic.twitter.com/XXfRZ0myaR

— Famous In Love (@FamousInLoveTV) October 20, 2016

Support squad for life. #SpiritDay #OITNB pic.twitter.com/NReKZw0cW9

— Orange Is the New… (@OITNB) October 20, 2016

We’ve gone purple with @glaad for #SpiritDay to show we are against bullying! We demand safe #LGBTQ inclusive spaces for our children. pic.twitter.com/YJ3qDtaWo7

— Daniel Franzese (@WhatsupDanny) October 20, 2016

that unicorn totally showed up after the picture developed. Happy #SpiritDay let us keep learning to be kind to all of ourselves pic.twitter.com/RqUQXK7woh

— Kirsten Vangsness (@Vangsness) October 20, 2016

Happy #SpiritDay Everyone! Put on your purple everythings and rock out! t.co/LcZ2z0lloj

— Melanie Scrofano (@MelanieScrofano) October 20, 2016

Go purple TODAY with @LucyHale and @GLAAD to stand with #LGBT youth. #ChooseKindness #SpiritDay www.glaad.org/spiritday

A video posted by Pretty Little Liars (@prettylittleliars) on

Today is #spiritday and I’m joining @glaad in their fight to raise awareness against lgbtq bullying!

A photo posted by justin tranter (@tranterjustin) on

Each year, millions of people “go purple” for Spirit Day in a united stand against bullying and to show support for LGBTQ youth. According to a 2015 GLSEN survey, more than half of LGBTQ students report being victimized based on sexual orientation, with a further three quarters of students who report hearing anti-LGBTQ remarks in school. Started in 2010 by high school student Brittany McMillan, Spirit Day now draws the participation of celebrities, corporations, media outlets, sports leagues, schools, faith institutions, national landmarks, and individuals around the world, who join together in a united stand against bullying.

Check out glaad.org/spiritday for more about how to stand against bullying and show support for LGBTQ youth. Also follow @GLAAD on Twitter to keep up to date with #spiritday news.

Spirit Day is made possible by the generous support of its presenting partners Target and Wells Fargo, official partners, NBA and WNBA, NFL, Viacom, and WWE, and supporting partners, American Eagle Outfitters, Barilla, Comcast NBCUniversal, Kellogg’s, Kirkland & Ellis, Toyota Financial Services, and Zipcar. The translation of GLAAD’s Spirit Day Resource Kit into multiple languages is made possible by a generous grant from Google supporting GLAAD’s Global Voices Initiative. Global Spirit Day resource kits are presented by Logo’s Global Ally campaign.

Past participants in Spirit Day include the White House, the Empire State Building, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Cher, Laverne Cox, Kim Kardashian, Demi Lovato, Ariana Grande, Shaquille O’Neal, Good Morning America, The Today Show, The View, The Talk, The Tonight Show, MTV, the NBA, the NFL, Major League Baseball, NASCAR, WWE, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, the Las Vegas Strip, and more.

October 20, 2016


Dentro del armario

Dentro del armario

SigridValkyrie posted a photo:

Dentro del armario

Con esta imagen quiero mostrar los sentimientos reprimidos, todos, aunque la idea inicial va hacia la sexualidad puede plasmarse hacia cualquier situación, y como esto puede llegar a herirnos; como reprimir nuestras emociones, ocultarnos, puede ser letal (y a veces lo hacemos de forma inconsciente).

Dentro del armario

Donald Trump’s New British Defender Has A Gay “Prettiest Rent Boy” Past

Donald Trump’s New British Defender Has A Gay “Prettiest Rent Boy” Past

anthony-gilberthorpe-and-mrs-thatcher-in-2003Donald Trump’s response to most of his growing list of women with credible accusations against him of sexual impropriety has largely been to say that they lied and were too ugly in any case. But the campaign has trotted out one purported eyewitness to discredit Jessica Leeds, who said Trump groped her when they were seatmates on a flight more than 30 years ago.

And what a credible witness he’s turned out to be.

Anthony Gilberthorpe says he clearly remembers the incident in question because of his excellent memory. In an interview with the Trump-friendly New York Post, Gilberthorpe says Leeds was “shrill” and confided to him that she wanted to marry Trump.

“I mean, no decent human being could sit by and have a woman go on television and tell the United States of America — accuse an individual of sexually molesting,” Gilberthorpe insisted. “It’s wrong for Trump, it’s wrong for me. But you know something else? It’s wrong for the American people.”

Of course, it’s not wrong if it’s true. And Gilberthorpe’s concern for America is touching, considering he’s a Brit.

With a penchant for putting himself in the middle of sex scandals, some of them self-created. Like the time he recorded an MP friend of his having sex with his 18-year-old mistress so he could sell the story to the tabloids.

Gilberthorpe has been a fixture in the British press for three decades, and not in a good way. If he was on the flight with Trump and Leeds, he was around 17 or 18 years old. How could a teenager afford a first-class seat? According to Buzzfeed, Gilberthorpe “inherited £250,000 from an elderly bachelor whom he lodged with.”

In case you’re wondering if that suggests Gilberthorpe is gay, you’ll be interested to hear that he was involved in a lawsuit in which he took on three newspapers for insinuating that he “had AIDS and was a promiscuous homosexual.” What made the lawsuit interesting is that one reporter said the source of the AIDS claim was Gilberthorpe himself.  Gilberthorpe originally won the case, but the newspapers appealed, citing new information, and eventually Gilberthorpe settled for an amount that didn’t cover his legal costs.

Then there was the wedding announcement splashed all over the papers, in which Gilberthorpe announced he was engaged to an American designer named Leah Bergdorf-Hunt. As it turns out, Gilberthorpe was not engaged to Bergdorf-Hunt, because no such person exists.

Gilberthorpe’s most recent foray into the news was to put himself forward as a pimp in the 1980s procuring “the youngest and prettiest” rent boys, some of them underage, for prominent Tory politicians, including Cabinet ministers in Margaret Thatcher’s government. Conveniently enough, the politicians in question were dead, so they could not respond.

This is Donald Trump’s idea of a character witness.


UK Unveils ‘Alan Turing Law’ to Pardon 49,000+ Gay Men Convicted For Gross Indecency

UK Unveils ‘Alan Turing Law’ to Pardon 49,000+ Gay Men Convicted For Gross Indecency

Alan Turing law

UK lawmakers have finally unveiled a new law which will posthumously pardon thousands of gay and bisexual men convicted under gross indecency legislation.

Justice Minister Sam Gyimah said the government aims to implement the ‘Alan Turing law’ through an amendment to the Policing and Crime Bill. The law will effectively act as an apology to those convicted for consensual same-sex relationships before the 1967 decriminalization of homosexuality in England and Wales.

RELATED: British Govt Says It Is ‘Committed’ to Pardoning 49,000+ Gay Men Convicted of Gross Indecency

Following decades of campaigning, last year the family of enigma code breaker Alan Turing delivered a petition to Downing Street. Public pressure led to all major political parties pledging to introduce the law in memory of Turing who according to Winston Churchill made “the single biggest contribution to the allied victory” in World War II.

RELATED: New Alan Turing Letters Reveal Turmoil Over Sexuality, ‘Gay Cure’ Hormone Therapy

Turing lost his job with the secret service following a conviction for gross indecency and was forced to undergo chemical castration. Two years later took his own life. It is estimated that around 49,000 people were convicted under similar outdated laws. Turing was granted a posthumous royal pardon in 2013.

Speaking to the Independent, Turing’s great niece Rachel Barnes said:

“This is a momentous day for all those who have been convicted under the historic laws, and for their families. The gross indecency law ruined peoples’ lives. As Alan Turing received a pardon, it is absolutely right that those who were similarly convicted should receive a pardon as well. It is great news for all those who have worked so hard for years to bring about this new legislation”.

Liberal Democrat peer Lord Sharkey, who put forward the amendment, added:

“I am very grateful for the Government’s support and the support of many of my colleagues in Parliament.

“It is a wonderful thing that we have been able to build on the pardon granted to Alan Turing during Coalition by extending it to the thousands of men convicted of sexual offences that existed before homosexuality was decriminalized in 1967 and which would not be crimes today.”

The Government has also announced a new statutory pardon for the living in cases where offenses have been successfully deleted through the disregard process, which removes any mention of an offense from criminal record checks.

This is obviously better than nothing, but still a tragic case of “too little, too late.” t.co/RHr5WicZQh

— Scary Kate (@SarahKate26) October 20, 2016

A separate proposal – set to be debated tomorrow – to provide a blanket pardon for the living without the need to go through the disregard process will be opposed by the government. According to Gyimah, such a proposal “could see people guilty of an offence which is still a crime” pardoned.

The post UK Unveils ‘Alan Turing Law’ to Pardon 49,000+ Gay Men Convicted For Gross Indecency appeared first on Towleroad.

UK Unveils ‘Alan Turing Law’ to Pardon 49,000+ Gay Men Convicted For Gross Indecency

La legge Turing "libera" finalmente gli omosessuali: grazia (postuma) anche per Oscar Wilde

La legge Turing "libera" finalmente gli omosessuali: grazia (postuma) anche per Oscar Wilde
Da 50 anni l’omosessualità non è più un crimine in Gran Bretagna, ma in passato molti gay, tra i quali anche personaggi illustri, furono condannati…

Continua a leggere: Gay, Gay Voices, Diritti Gay, Diritti Lgbt, Alan Turing, Alan Turing Legge, Legge Diritti Gay, Legge Grazia Gay, Grazia Omosessuali, Italia-Diritti, Italy News
