Mexicans Whack Donald Trump in Piñata Protest
Mexicans Whack Donald Trump in Piñata Protest
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Pima County Public Library posted a photo:
Rainbow Storytime was held at Woods Memorial Library and is held at numerous library’s throughout the month of October, which is LGBT month.
“Slutty Halloween Costume” Guy Is Back With A New Array Of Looks
You may remember Jack Merridew from last Halloween: He created a video that quickly went viral, in which he asked his mom for advice regarding what “slutty” costume he should wear.
Related: YouTuber Asks Mom To Rate His Slutty Halloween Costume Contenders
Well, now he’s back — with a handful of new costumes that will “let his true inner slut shine through.”
Slutty mechanic. Slutty homecoming king. Slutty chef. Slutty football player. All the sluts are represented.
Last year, Queerty comments were somehow even more unnecessarily vicious than usual when it came to Merridew. He confronted those trolls here.
So what do you think of his latest Halloween vid?
Related: YouTuber Criticized While Showing Off Sexy Halloween Costumes Responds To Your Hate
South African Man Jailed For 17 Years For Burning Gay Man Alive
A 30-year-old South African man has been jailed for 17 years following a hate crime in which he assaulted, strangled, tortured and set alight his gay victim.
In January, Christo Oncke was found guilty of the brutal assault and murder of Dawid Olyne in March 2014. Oncke had maintained his innocence throughout the trial, admitting only that he had hit and kicked Olyne after his victim propositioned him for sex.
State prosecutor Advocate Ntsoaki Mabilietse said:
“The deceased was severely assaulted, strangled, tortured, tied up and set alight while still alive. The court ruled in its judgement that this was a hate crime. The gay community has a right to be protected as it has become common for members of this community to be assaulted everyday.”
According to IOL, although Mabilietse asked the court to hand down a life sentence, Judge Siraj Desai said he found compelling and substantial reasons to deviate from the minimum sentence required by legislation.
Christo Oncke has been found guilty of murdering David Olyne, who was gay, in Ceres in 2014….
— Quintin – CEO @ ADA (@Imthedrugexpert) October 12, 2016
Desai said that although Oncke initiated the assault, he had not acted alone. He also found Oncke’s diminished intellectual capacity to be a mitigating factor. The judge added that although Oncke had six previous convictions, they were for petty crimes.
However, Desai admitted that Olyne’s murder “had the hallmarks of a hate crime”. He acknowledged that homophobia was prevalent in South Africa and said he had asked the Human Rights Commission and the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development to run a programme on issues of gender and homosexuality.
(Image via Twitter)
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South African Man Jailed For 17 Years For Burning Gay Man Alive
Céline Dion a un message spécial pour Fierté Montréal (VIDÉO)
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«Queer»: l'ex-président de Gai Écoute à la défense de Jasmin Roy (VIDÉO)
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Non, cette photo n'a pas fuité du téléphone d'Étienne Boulay
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Tirée de l’exposition Les coup…
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François Doyon: La peur de l'islamophobie renforce l'islam radical
Tolérer le port de signes religieux à l’école et dans la fonction publique, minimiser l’homophobie de la culture musulmane par peur de passer pour islamophobe, c’est renforcer l’islam radical.
Lisez la suite: Islam, Islamophobie, Blogues, Religion, Politique, Politique Fédérale, Laicité, Gauche Inclusive, Laicité Inclusive, Musulmans Canada, Homosexualité, Lgbt, Homosexualité Islam, Islam Radical, Radicalisation, Homophobie, Culture Musulmane, Port Du Voile, Voile, Femmes Voilées, Port De Signes Religieux, Signes Ostentatoires, Signes Religieux éCole, Signes Religieux Fonction Publique, Michel Seymour, Canada Quebec News
Une municipalité de l'ÎPÉ refuse le drapeau LGBT
MONTAGUE, Î.-P.-É. – L’administration municipale de Montague, à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, refuse de permettre que le drapeau gai multicolore flott…
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