New Series “Feral” Looks At Gay Love In The Bible Belt

New Series “Feral” Looks At Gay Love In The Bible Belt


What if the action of HBO’s “Looking” was dropped right in the middle of Memphis, Tennessee? That’s the question creator Morgan Jon Fox sets out to answer with “Feral,” a new original television series following a wayward band of gay twenty-somethings as they stumble through life and love.

Related: More LGBT People Are Moving To “Red” States

Fox describes his characters as “kids who are left on their own, whether it’s financially, whether it’s identity, or whether their lovers are deceased. Whatever that is, they’re left to their own devices to carve their own way.”

Related: Two Bold Gay Teens Face Smalltown Haters Of Their Newly Formed GSA In Tennessee

The story centers on Billy and Daniel, two best friends who have shacked up in a bungalow situated in the frenetic, artistic queer community of Memphis. Things get off to a bumpy start — they have to kick out their third roommate, because that roommate has a heroin habit he can’t kick — and they only get bumpier as the tale progresses.

“My characters have their issues,” Fox says, ““but I didn’t want them to be based in cynicism. I wanted their motives and struggles to be pure and honest in a way that wasn’t just, ‘I’m a spoiled rich person without meaning in my life.’” To his mind, the fact that the characters are gay is almost besides the point.

“There are so many stories that are set in New York or L.A., but I feel that we have a story to tell that is uniquely southern,” he says. “Memphis is a big city, but because we are in a sense living off the grid, in the Bible Belt, and without the supportive institutions that exist in big coastal cities, we have created our own community, and I think that’s what’s so beautiful about coming up in Memphis.”

“Feral” debuts Oct 6th on Dekkoo.

Rosie O’Donnell Ran into Ivanka Trump at a NYC Restaurant and They Had a Talk

Rosie O’Donnell Ran into Ivanka Trump at a NYC Restaurant and They Had a Talk

Rosie Donald

Rosie O’Donnell ran into Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka at the NYC restaurant Nobu in midtown Manhattan last night.

O’Donnell, of course, has been in a vocal feud with Donald Trump for years, and was mentioned at the end of last week’s presidential debate.

Spurred on by accusations from Clinton about his derogatory remarks toward women, Trump brought up O’Donnell out of the blue, saying, “Rosie O’Donnell, I said very tough things to her, and I think everybody would agree she deserves it.”

After the debate, O’Donnell tweeted, “HE WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT.” She also tweeted the video which started the feud in the first place and referred to Trump as an “orange anus.”

It was the second time Trump had mentioned O’Donnell in a presidential debate. In the primary, he mentioned her too when host Megyn Kelly asked Trump about his off-color remarks about women over the years – calling them “fat pigs,” “dogs,” “slobs,” and “disgusting animals.”

Trump responded by saying “Only Rosie O’Donnell,” which, while untrue, drew a huge round of cheers and applause from the crowd.

It’s unclear what Rosie and Ivanka discussed, but Rosie tweeted about it afterwards. Neither Ivanka nor Donald Trump have commented on the meeting.

@IvankaTrump in a city of 8 million – we meet face 2 face – i thank u 4 listening – mother 2 mother – on this new years week – my best 2 u

— Rosie (@Rosie) October 6, 2016

O’Donnell was referring to the Jewish new year.

@billritter7 @IvankaTrump @ABC7NY – NOBU 57 – 9 pm this evening

— Rosie (@Rosie) October 6, 2016

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Rosie O’Donnell Ran into Ivanka Trump at a NYC Restaurant and They Had a Talk

Take In the Cuteness as Adele Invites Two Gay Dads and Their Baby to Her Stage in Toronto

Take In the Cuteness as Adele Invites Two Gay Dads and Their Baby to Her Stage in Toronto

At a concert in Toronto on Tuesday, Adele invited a gay New York couple, Jon and Steve, on stage with their toddler Jackson. Jackson was wearing noise-canceling headphones, which the singer then signed after she took a selfie with the family.

Hello…it’s me! And @grover5678 & #JacksonHC with @Adele!!! BEST NIGHT EVER!!! #OnStageSelfie #Adele #adeletoronto #Toronto

— Jon Huston (@Jon_Huston) October 5, 2016

Lucky fans & their baby got a selfie with @Adele !! Cuteness overload! #Adele #Toronto

— Virgin Radio Toronto (@VirginRadioTO) October 5, 2016

Watch the moment unfold:


Luckiest baby ever! @Adele is the 8th wonder of the world.

— Caitlin Green (@caitiegreen) October 5, 2016

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Take In the Cuteness as Adele Invites Two Gay Dads and Their Baby to Her Stage in Toronto

‘Empire’ Cast Stars in New Ad for Hillary Clinton, Directed by Lee Daniels: WATCH

‘Empire’ Cast Stars in New Ad for Hillary Clinton, Directed by Lee Daniels: WATCH

The cast of FOX’s Empire appears in a new ad for Hillary Clinton, directed by creator Lee Daniels, which appeared during last night’s episode.

Says the cast in the ad:

“What will I tell my son? What will you tell your daughter? Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland, Freddie Gray, Philando Castile. The violent and nasty rhetoric against mankind is unacceptable. If Trump gets into office, it will only get worse. Hillary has pledged to close the Charleston loophole on guns. I would like a president that will protect Obamacare. Somebody who understands personally the plight of a woman. I want a president who stands up against intolerance. there’s only one person in this race who said Black Lives Matter. So many women and men died for us to have the right to vote. Every time we sit out we dishonor their sacrifices.”

Gabourey Sidibe, Tasha Smith, Jussie Smollett, Trai Byers, Bryshere Gray, Grace Byers, Taraji P. Henson and Daniels star in the ad.

Notably absent is Terrence Howard.

The post ‘Empire’ Cast Stars in New Ad for Hillary Clinton, Directed by Lee Daniels: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

‘Empire’ Cast Stars in New Ad for Hillary Clinton, Directed by Lee Daniels: WATCH

Tips for Coming Out As Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming or Gender Fluid

Tips for Coming Out As Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming or Gender Fluid

Almost five years ago, I came out as transgender to my family, friends, and, eventually, my broader community.  I was blessed with a warm and welcoming response from those who loved me.  Since announcing my news and living openly, I’ve met countless transgender people and heard a range of coming out experiences.

In honor of National Coming Out Day on Oct. 11, here are some helpful tips that I’ve picked up along the way for anyone coming out as transgender, gender non-conforming or gender fluid.

There is no wrong way to be you.
When I came out, I worried that some people wouldn’t believe me unless I conformed to their preconceived notions of a “trans narrative.” But the most important thing to remember is that there is no one way to be trans. Do and say what feels right for you. You are the best expert on who you are and what you need.

Prepare yourself.
Part of preparing yourself is doing as much research as you can and thinking about answers to questions you anticipate coming up.  Mostly, though, prepare yourself for diverse responses. Even the most supportive reactions may not be as positive or enthusiastic as you hope. Unfortunately, some reactions may be as negative as you might fear and it is important to seek out community and support for those challenging times.

Research doctors.
While not everyone who is trans will transition medically, if you do, take some time to research medical professionals in your area. Some of you may live in areas with limited options, but it is important to explore your options. Oftentimes we must be our own advocates in health care settings. For more information on health care and providers, you can visit the Gay & Lesbian Medical Association or check out HRC’s transgender resources.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to other trans people.
While not every out transgender person is able to provide mentorship and guidance, do not be afraid to seek out other transgender people for help. Often we are afraid to ask for others’ time, but I’ve found that there is a strong “pay it forward” belief in the community. Gaining insights and advice from a handful of trans people who had walked that path before me provided invaluable help as I began to chart my own course.

Know the policies and laws in your area.
When you are preparing to come out, research the policies in your workplace or school, including their nondiscrimination policy and insurance plan. It is also helpful to know the laws in your city or state. Many places have passed gender identity protections, which may provide recourse should you face mistreatment or discrimination along the way.

Each of us live out our lives with various privileges, challenges, and unique circumstances.  Every journey is different. But as you take the steps to have the world see and respect you as the person you are, know that you are worthy, you are valued, and there are people – many of whom you may never know – who are fighting to make this world a little better, safer, and more welcoming for all of us. None of us are alone.

For more information and resources on National Coming Out Day, visit HRC’s Coming Out Center and follow the hashtag #ComingOut.