=== News – 1 new result for [chat room] === Facebook Messenger Rooms Feature Coming Soon? Here’s What Clues In Messenger’s iOS … Tech Times Facebook has an unreleased featured named Rooms hidden in its source … The feature allows groups of users to publicly chat on a specific topic or …
Monthly Archives: September 2016
#AM_Equality Tip Sheet: September 14, 2016
#AM_Equality Tip Sheet: September 14, 2016
IN TODAY’S EDITION: Memo to McCrory: Repeal HB2 and apologize…. HB2 fallout continues to rain down on McCrory… Duke’s Coach K supports NCAA decision… Raleigh Observer says McCrory responsible for HB2 fallout… NC women respond today to ludicrous, offensive claims about sexual assault…
MEMO TO MCCRORY — REPEAL HB2 AND APOLOGIZE FOR VILE ATTACKS: HRC hailed the NCAA’s decision to stand up for LGBTQ equality and slammed Gov. Pat McCrory for sanctioning a series of attacks on the organization rather than working to repeal HB2. “Governor McCrory is so blinded by his own prejudice that he would rather sanction attacks on the NCAA while it stands up for fairness and equality than fix the problem and repeal HB2,” said HRC Senior Vice President of Policy and Political Affairs JoDee Winterhof. “The NCAA sent a direct message that dangerous laws targeting student athletes, fans and employees won’t be tolerated. Governor McCrory showed the nation yesterday his misplaced priorities. Instead of attacking the NCAA for doing the right thing, he should immediately apologize for his over the top attacks and repeal HB2.” More from HRC.
- The News & Observer and Reuters report on HB2’s ongoing damage to McCrory’s political future, while legendary Duke basketball coach Mike “Coach K” Krzyzewski says he’s in “full agreement” with the NCAA’s decision.
- The first North Carolina Republican lawmaker has called for the repeal of HB2. More must follow her lead. More from WRAL.
- “A BLOW TO OUR WAY OF LIFE… AND IT’S MCCRORY’S FAULT”: The front of the Greensboro, N.C., News & Record’s sports page yesterday:
HAPPENING TODAY: NC WOMEN RESPOND TO LUDICROUS, OFFENSIVE STATEMENTS BY NC GOP LEADERSHIP: Today at 11 a.m. in Raleigh, a group of advocates for women in North Carolina will hold a press conference in response to the ludicrous and deeply offensive statements by Governor Pat McCrory, Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest and the state Republican Party leadership on the NCAA’s decision to move all championship games out of the state. The advocates will make clear their opposition to the state’s deeply discriminatory HB2 law and call out the harms of the measure to women and children. The press conference will take place at Halifax Mall, 300 N. Salisbury St.
WHAT WE’RE READING WEDNESDAY: New York Times Magazine’s Emily Bobrow (@EmilyBobrow) takes a deep dive into the lives of a transgender couple, Zackary Drucker (@ZacharyDrucker) and Rhys Ernst (@RhysErnst), both producers on the hit show “Transparent.” Touching photographs documenting their relationship are featured in the piece. Read the article and see the stunning photographs here.
ARKANSAS CATHOLIC DIOCESE ISSUES HARMFUL ANTI-LGBTQ POLICY: The Catholic Diocese of Little Rock, Ark., has issued an offensive new policy designed to discourage LGBTQ young people from attending Catholic schools in the state. The harmful measure calls for expulsion of LGBTQ students. Students also may not “advocate, celebrate, or express same-sex attraction,” the policy says, and must behave “in a manner consistent with their biological sex.”
WEEKS BEFORE TRANSGENDER DAY OF REMEMBRANCE, TRANS WOMAN FOUND MURDERED IN CHICAGO: Monday, Windy City Times reported that a transgender woman named T.T. was found murdered in Chicago’s Garfield Park this past weekend. Her close friend said of T.T., “[s]he was laughing all the time. You could be going through a bad day but once you saw [T.T.], she was such a happy cheerful person all that changed.” Including T.T., at least 18 transgender people are known to have been murdered in the U.S. this year. More from HRC.
GAY MAN SHOT IN THIRD ANTI-LGBTQ ASSAULT IN DETROIT SINCE JULY: Kaleel Williams, 19, is in police custody after convincing a gay man to meet him and then shooting him twice while yelling homophobic slurs. The victim is recovering, WXYZ reports. More at The Daily Dot.
HATE-MONGERING PASTOR BANNED FROM ENTERING SOUTH AFRICA: Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba announced yesterday that American pastor Steven Anderson has been banned from entering the country. Anderson is a pastor for the Arizona-based Faithful Word Baptist Church, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has designated as a hate group. More from HRC.
Anti-LGBTQ pastor Steven Anderson banned from entering South Africa, visiting Botswana next t.co/dluXY7UFgd pic.twitter.com/lbc3ftnF5Z
— HumanRightsCampaign (@HRC) September 14, 2016
OPENLY GAY CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR OFFICE IN RUSSIA: Two openly gay men are making history by running for office in Russia, despite its horrifying anti-LGBTQ laws. More from Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.
The Guardian reports that Australia’s Cabinet has approved $15 million in public funding for a vote on marriage equality… The Huffington Post shares a Minnesota restaurant’s awesome response to a customer who thought there were “too many gay people” there… South Florida Gay News tells the history of the Bea Arthur Residence for homeless LGBTQ youth (to open in early 2017)… Mischa Haider reflects on being a transgender mother for The Advocate… Glamour shares nine stories of LGBTQ women dealing with discrimination…
Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to A.M. Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!
Orlando shooting inspires Houston photographer to create 'Pride Portraits'
Orlando shooting inspires Houston photographer to create 'Pride Portraits'
Photo Credit: P.R.I.D.E. Portraits
In the wake of the mass shooting in Orlando this past June, photographer Eric Schell “was at a loss for words, feelings and an understanding as to why we as a [LGBTQ] community are sometimes treated like non-humans.” In response, Schell created a project titled “P.R.I.D.E. Portraits: Photographs Representing Individuals Deserving Equality”.
Living and working in Houston, Texas, Schell began his project after working on a video shoot about the Orland mass shooting.
“I started looking at the photographs I had shot that day, and realized what a wonderful collection I had captured of our southern Houston community of LGBTQ+” Schell said.
The project quickly grew to over 300 individuals from the Houston community, inspiring Schell to set a goal to photograph 10,000 people around the U.S. Schell explains that “the mission for this project is simple. People will see these photographs, read these stories and say to themselves ‘that person is relatable to me’ and prompt them to educate themselves about our community.”
Schell’s portrait of Lou Weaver was featured on the cover of GLAAD’s resource, “Southern Stories: A Guide for Reporting on LGBT People in Texas.”
Schell has recently partnered with local artist Hugo Perez, who painted a one of a kind canvas, inspired by the LGBTQ community, which will serve as the backdrop to Schell’s photos.
Together, Schell and Perez are turning the photo-campaign into a nonprofit. In Houston, they have already donated to AIDS Foundation Houston, and The Montrose Center, with plans to continue this charity and advocacy in each city that they visit.
Schell’s next photoshoot destination is Eugene, Oregon, where he is partnering with Aydian Dowling and Point 5CC, a trans clothing company, on September 23rd.
Click here for more information, and to view all of Schell’s portrait series.
GLAAD launches Snapchat filter to promote acceptance during anti-LGBTQ conference
GLAAD launches Snapchat filter to promote acceptance during anti-LGBTQ conference

GLAAD launched a Snapchat filter at the 2016 Values Voter Summit this past weekend to stand up against the conference’s anti-LGBTQ activism.
Among the causes that VVS sessions will advocate for are the reversal of marriage equality, so-called “religious freedom” bills and fighting against LGBTQ-inclusive, nondiscrimination ordinances that would allow people to use bathrooms that align with their gender identities. VVS is organized by the Family Research Council, a conservative group classified as an anti-LGBT hate group in 2010 by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The filter, which read “Our kind of values: Equality Acceptnace Love,” allowed LGBTQ and allied Snapchat users near the conference to accelerate acceptance amongst their own, personal networks.
GLAAD has worked with Snapchat previously, launching a Spirit Day filter with Target last October. Snapchat also stood up for LGBTQ equality when it launched filters on June 26, 2015 in honor of the landmark Supreme Court decision that legalized marriage equality nationwide.
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John Lewis Shares an Inspiring Message at HRC's #NationalDinner
John Lewis Shares an Inspiring Message at HRC's #NationalDinner
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Beaming Blonde
Beaming Blonde
jessicajane9 posted a photo:
Apparently they have more fun?….I enjoyed going blonde for a change
Dad Fears Makeover Will Turn 5-Year-Old Son Gay
Dad Fears Makeover Will Turn 5-Year-Old Son Gay
She knows how ridiculous it sounds, but she’s praying that the teeming masses over at Reddit will be able to offer some timely advice on a matter that’s rending her household asunder.
“Our daughters had the idea to give their brother a makeover,” Ollyolyfreetimes writes. “They all thought it was hilarious and my husband did not say anything at the time but apparently he ‘died inside’ when he saw our son with makeup on.”
Related: Little Boy Owns Runway, Melts All The Hearts
Now he’s going on rants about how their five-year-old son is gay, and how their daughters have corrupted his pliant mind and given him a taste for wearing the demon makeup. Next, he thinks, they will “put him in a dress.”
In her words, “He is a nervous wreck and I am over his attitude. Is there anything I can do?”
Redditors were quick to huddle together to sing their words of wisdom and offer her the help she so desperately needs in this trying time of transgressive rouge and lipliner application.
Related: Barbie-Loving Boy Is The Best Thing You’ll See This Week
“You need to have a conversation about your husband’s homophobic comments in general,” responds Usrname52, after carefully emphasizing that nothing makes you gay. “Why is it a bad thing if your son is gay? You have 5 kids. How is he going to react if one of them comes out?”
PennyLisa concurs. “Your husband needs to realize that when he has a child the child is his own person, and may have likes, dislikes, sexual orientations, etc that he doesn’t approve of.”
“My best friend does drag,” reveals HereComesBadNews, “and his two year old nephew has been getting in to his uncle’s makeup since he could hold on to things.”
I even gave the nephew a soft powder brush of his own to play with. He’s also obsessed with his dad’s backhoe and loves to get dirty. Nobody bats an eyelash at any of this because he’s a kid and kids are just going to play with what’s fun. Makeup is fun.”
“Years later, photo evidence of these events will turn up at major events, regardless of sexuality,” writes whichwitch9, who we like. “It is the right of the older sibling to ensure future embarrassment photos are secured before the younger sibling is old enough to protest.”
“We used to paint our little brother’s nails and dress him in our Disney princess dresses,”cornflake reveals. “He loved it and would ask us to dress him up. He isn’t gay (not that it would matter if he was). Funnily enough my sister and I, the owners of those princess dresses, are both dating other women.”
Related: 12-Year-Old Boy Has Incredible Showdown With 11,000 Homophobes
Our advice? She should wait until her husband is asleep and then assiduously apply a battery of L’oreal products to his face, so he can awaken in the morning and discover his own signature look for gorgeous eyes. Perhaps then he’ll realize that makeup will not make you gay, even when it makes you feel very pretty indeed.
Plus, as this story illustrates, a young boy like Ethan Wilwert (pictured above) can undergo an intense makeover and totally own it.
What do you think this woman should do with her bummer husband? Weigh in in the comments below.
PHOTOS: Up, Close And Personal With Dan Sarachev
PHOTOS: Up, Close And Personal With Dan Sarachev
Dan is a restless nomad from London who loves the outdoors and is always full of wanderlust. These are the things we know about Dan.
It’s not a lot, but paired with a scroll through his Instagram feed, it’s just enough.
We hear you, Dan. We hear you loud and clear.