Is Peter Thiel Angling For Donald Trump Supreme Court Nomination?

Is Peter Thiel Angling For Donald Trump Supreme Court Nomination?


Here’s a frightening thought: Proud gay Republican/anti-government tech billionaire Peter Thiel as your next Supreme Court Justice. According to the Huffington Postthis may not be outside the realm of possibility under a President Donald J. Trump.

A source close to the Trump campaign says the Republican nominee for President “deeply loves Peter Thiel” and thinks that he would make an excellent Supreme Court justice. So much so that he may have already offered him a spot, should he be elected to the oval office.

Related: Peter Thiel Believes Injecting Himself With The Blood Of The Young Will Help Him Live Forever

Thiel acquired a J.D. from Stanford Law School in 1992. He briefly clerked for Judge J. L. Edmondson of the United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit the year after he graduated, and worked a whopping seven months at a New York law firm. But that’s about the extent of his legal experience. (Aside from the whole hiring a team of lawyers to sue Gawker out of existence thing.)

Huffington Post adds:

It’s not clear whether Trump has indeed offered to nominate Thiel ? only that Thiel has said Trump would nominate him and that Trump’s team has discussed Thiel as a possible nominee. Both sources requested anonymity, given that Trump and Thiel have each demonstrated a willingness to seek revenge against parties they feel have wronged them. In Thiel’s case, he secretly financed lawsuits against with the intention of destroying the publication. He succeeded, and his role in the assault was only revealed in the final stages.

Trump’s press secretary said there is “absolutely no truth” to rumors that Trump had offered Thiel a seat on the Supreme Court. Thiel’s rep also denied the claims, saying he “hasn’t had any conversations about a Supreme Court nomination and has no interest in the job.”

Of course, being nominated for a seat on the Supreme Court and actually getting the job are two different things. Thiel would still need to be confirmed by the Senate, which we’re pretty sure would never happen. But it’s still a terrifying thought nonetheless.

Related: Five Reasons To Explain Mystery Of Why Peter Thiel Supports Donald Trump

Ivanka Trump Suggests Gay Male Couples Are Out of Luck in Donald Trump’s Family Leave Plan

Ivanka Trump Suggests Gay Male Couples Are Out of Luck in Donald Trump’s Family Leave Plan

ivanka trump gay

In a tense phone interview with Cosmopolitan magazine, Ivanka Trump suggested that when it comes to her father’s plan for paid family leave, gay men are not in the picture.

Ms. Trump has been credited as being the chief architect behind her father’s plan, which she has said makes him a pro-woman candidate. And while Donald Trump has claimed to be a friend of ‘the gays’, his family leave plan makes no mention of paid paternity leave, something that would obviously benefit gay couples.

Yet in addressing the absence of paternity leave in her father’s plan, Ms. Trump went out of her way to invoke the plan’s benefits for same-sex couples.

“This is a giant leap from where we are today, which is sadly, nothing,” Ms. Trump said. “Both sides of the aisle have been unable to agree on this issue, so I think this takes huge advancement and obviously, for same-sex couples as well*, there’s tremendous benefit here to enabling the mother to recover after childbirth. It’s critical for the health of the mother. It’s critical for bonding with the child, and that was a top focus of this plan.”

She added, “So it’s meant to benefit, whether it’s in same-sex marriages as well*, to benefit the mother who has given birth to the child if they have legal married status under the tax code.”

But when asked about why the policy excludes family leave for gay couples, “where both partners are men”, Ms. Trump replied, “The policy is fleshed out online, so you can go see all the elements of it. But the original intention of the plan is to help mothers in recovery in the immediate aftermath of childbirth.”

The exchange got even more tense when the Cosmopolitan interviewer attempted to clarify the issue. “So I just want to be clear that, for same-sex adoption, where the two parents are both men, they would not be receiving special leave for that because they don’t need to recover or anything?”, Cosmopolitan asked.

Ms. Trump came back with, “Well, those are your words, not mine. [Laughs.] Those are your words. The plan, right now, is focusing on mothers, whether they be in same-sex marriages or not.”

The interview was ultimately cut short after additional tense exchanges.

[*emphasis added]

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Keith Olbermann: Clinton Was Wrong, ALL of Trump’s Supporters are Deplorable – WATCH

Keith Olbermann: Clinton Was Wrong, ALL of Trump’s Supporters are Deplorable – WATCH

keith olbermann deplorables

Keith Olbermann issued his third takedown of Donald Trump and his supporters in three days with a new video posted on Thursday.

The latest episode of Olbermann’s web series for GQ, titled The Closer, focuses on Hillary Clinton’s remarks made over the weekend that half of Trump’s supporters are what she calls “a basket of deplorables.”

While Clinton has received a lot of flack for her remarks, Olbermann suggests that yes, Clinton was wrong to call half of Trump supporters deplorable. Because all of his supporters are deplorable.

PREVIOUSLY – Hillary-Hating Hypocrite Rudy Giuliani is Next on Keith Olbermann’s Expose and Destroy Mission: WATCH

Olbermann went on to expose high profile surrogates and campaign staffers working for Trump who have said deplorable, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, sexist, and Islamophobic remarks.

“If they’re not talking to a basket of deplorables who are they talking to? Why would you have them there?”, Olbermann wondered.

“You say stuff like that at work you get fired. You say it at school you get suspended. But happily Trump is there to say, ‘No it’s okay to hate!’ Better than that, ‘You can hate out loud.’ We’ll just call it ‘freedom of speech’ and ‘make America great again.’”

RELATED: Keith Olbermann Channels Edward R. Murrow in Blistering Takedown of Donald Trump – WATCH

Where Hillary screwed up, Olbermann says is in her calculation about Trump supporters.

He explains,

“If you support Trump, if you think he should be president regardless of how much he and his advocates hate, and mock and punch old women with portable oxygen canisters, if you’re not condemning this madness and repudiating these deplorable people and you are not racist, not sexist, not homophobic, not xenophobic, or not Islamophobic, if you’re supporting him not for those things but in spite of them, you are even more deplorable. The correct number, Secretary Clinton, is not 50%, it’s 100.”

Watch, below.

The post Keith Olbermann: Clinton Was Wrong, ALL of Trump’s Supporters are Deplorable – WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Johnny Weir, Troye Sivan, Adele, Mexico, Brian Brown, Qantas, Uber, Michael Stipe, Trump Doctor’s Letter: HOT LINKS

Johnny Weir, Troye Sivan, Adele, Mexico, Brian Brown, Qantas, Uber, Michael Stipe, Trump Doctor’s Letter: HOT LINKS

2016 ELECTION. Donald Trump releases completely undetailed medical document:

Good news for transparency: Trump releases medical document.

Bad news: It’s only this….

— Mark Murray (@mmurraypolitics) September 15, 2016

susie bright gop convention recapDONALD TRUMP JR. We can’t release tax returns because people would examine them! “Because he’s got a 12,000-page tax return that would create … financial auditors out of every person in the country asking questions that would detract from (his father’s) main message.”

CHICAGO. Transgender woman found slain on west side: “According to the Chicago Police Department and subsequent reports by the Chicago Sun-Times and Chicago Tribune, he body was discovered in the 4500 block of West Monroe Street. He throat had been cut and a knife found nearby. Saffore’s death makes her the 20th known U.S. transgender individual killed in 2016.”

alan-joyceGAY QANTAS CHIEF ALAN JOYCE. No public vote on marriage equality in Australia: “I’ve had people come up to me or write to me saying that they fear worse is to come – their fear is a plebiscite will be open season for most damaging, hurtful language about LGBT people. Given that the rate of depression for gay Australians is much higher than the national average, that’s a serious concern.”

adeleADELE. Singer says she’ll take 10-year break from touring to raise her son: “Angelo is the number one priority for Adele. He is the most important thing in her life. She has brought him everywhere with her on tour but as he is starting school next year, he won’t be able to join her any more. Adele doesn’t want to miss a moment of Angelo growing up and it’s an easy decision for her to give up touring for him. Right now she is saying she won’t do another massive world tour like the current one for another ten years.”

MICHAEL STIPE. Free Chelsea Manning.

nom brian brownBRIAN BROWN. National Organization for Marriage leader mobilizing to hit Mexico for World Congress of Families: “WCF is launching a petition drive to give you and citizens across the globe the opportunity to add your own voice to the National March for the Family in Mexico City. Even though most people can’t be there in person, you can lend your name and voice to the effort to uphold marriage, protect children from “gender ideology” and support the right of parents to direct their children’s education according to their own values and principles. I will personally deliver this petition to the leaders of National Front for the Family, including my friend, Rodrigo Ivan Cortes, when I meet with them in Mexico City.”

JULIAN SALGADO. Mexican artist pays tribute to the 12-year-old pro-equality activist:

ncaaRICHARD HUDSON. GOP Congressman threatens NCAA and ACC’s tax-exempt status over North Carolina exit: “This is political theatre by the NCAA and ACC. If these multi-million dollar, tax exempt organizations were interested in social change and not making a political statement, they would proceed with their marquee events in North Carolina and enact any transgender bathroom policy they wanted. This blatant political move – less than two months before the election – brings into question their tax exempt status. This is an avenue we intend to explore.”

uberON THE ROAD. Uber’s self-driving taxis have hit the streets in Pittsburgh: “But don’t get too excited about taking one for a spin yourself, an engineer will be in the driver’s seat to get things started and make corrections if the car makes a mistake. And notably, the “partially autonomous” part is of importance, as  drivers are always supposed to keep their hands loosely on the steering wheel so they can takeover when needed. To clarify, the car is the one doing the driving, but humans are needed for oversight.”

TROYE SIVAN. Fans go nuts after ‘almost nude’ photo leaks:

Troye Sivan nearly nude! Damn the dude is fucking hot as hell!

— 1D Erection (@1DErectionCB) September 14, 2016


PERFECT ILLUSION. Johnny Weir returns to the ice, to Lady Gaga. “Of course, Weir has been a longtime Gaga fan – even building an entire routine around her 2008 hit “Poker Face” for his 2009 performance at Fiesta on Ice.  He repeated the glitzy, passionate number for his 2010 exhibition go-around at the 2010 Nationals – placing third in the competition.”

Instagram Photo


THIRSTY THURSDAY. Andres Castañeda.

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Instagram Photo

The post Johnny Weir, Troye Sivan, Adele, Mexico, Brian Brown, Qantas, Uber, Michael Stipe, Trump Doctor’s Letter: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Google Alert – chat room

=== News – 2 new results for [chat room] === Gene Collier’s all-sports chat transcript: 9.15.16 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Gene Collier: That chat room is open. Please make yourselves at home. Talk among yourselves and I’ll start answering queries at noon. There’s beer … McKenzie man sentenced to 15 years on child porn charge WBBJ-TV Investigators say Saldivar used an app called Kik to moderate a chat room where sexually explicit images of female minors were shared. They say he … – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Unsubscribe from this Google Alert: Create another Google Alert: Sign in to manage your alerts:

HRC and ENC Release Key North Carolina Endorsements & Plans for TurnOut NC Program

HRC and ENC Release Key North Carolina Endorsements & Plans for TurnOut NC Program

Today, HRC and Equality NC, the statewide organization working to secure equal rights and justice for LGBTQ North Carolinians, announced key state legislative endorsements for the fall election. HRC and ENC also committed to supporting the endorsements by launching TurnOut NC, a project to mobilize pro-equality voters and elect pro-equality leaders in Raleigh.

“Governor Pat McCrory and his allies in the legislature have repeatedly refused to listen and to learn, putting discrimination above the well-being of their state. By standing behind HB2 in the face of an overwhelming chorus of bipartisan voices demanding repeal, they have failed in their elected duties,” said HRC Senior Vice President of Policy and Political Affairs JoDee Winterhof. “Together with Roy Cooper as governor, these candidates will help repair the damage inflicted on North Carolina and ensure everyone, including LGBTQ people, can live free from fear of discrimination. We’re proud to endorse these candidates in the fight to repeal HB2.”

“I am excited about these candidates who will support full equality — an important value here in North Carolina,” said Chris Sgro, executive director of Equality North Carolina. “I know LGBT North Carolinians and our many allies will stand up for Roy Cooper and these legislative candidates, who will help repair our reputation and stop the economic damage by working to repeal HB2.”

The joint endorsements include:

For House of Representatives: Rep. John Ager (D), Cynthia Ball (D), Chaz Beasley (D) Mary Belk (D), Jane Campbell (UNA), Sue Counts (D), Terence Everitt (D), Jennifer Ferrell (D), Judge Joe John (D), Rochelle Rivas (D) Rep. Brian Turner (D).

For State Senate: Sen. Jay Chaudhuri (D), Sen. Jeff Jackson (D), Sen. Joyce Waddell (D) and Susan Evans.

HRC and Equality North Carolina have both previously endorsed Roy Cooper’s campaign for Governor.

The LGBTQ vote has the power to impact elections up and down the ticket in North Carolina. An estimated 331,000 LGBTQ adults of voting age live in the state — a substantial population given that the state was won in the last three presidential elections by an average margin of 180,500 votes.

The endorsements come after the ACC announced it would stand up for the safety of its employees, players, and fans by moving championship games out of North Carolina due to the state’s refusal to repeal its anti-LGBTQ HB2 law. The NCAA this week announced it would also move all 2016-2017 championship events out of the state of North Carolina due to HB2 because lawmakers had declined to repeal the law.

Prior to the NCAA and ACC, the NBA previously announced it was moving the 2017 All-Star Game because of the failure of the General Assembly to repeal HB2, costing North Carolina an estimated $100 million in All-Star Game related profits.

Paid for by Human Rights Campaign PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Turn OUT 2016: The LGBTQ Vote & Battleground North Carolina

Turn OUT 2016: The LGBTQ Vote & Battleground North Carolina

Turn OUT 2016: The LGBTQ Vote & Battleground North Carolina – Download the PDF

This November, a growing and highly engaged LGBTQ voting bloc in North Carolina will play a pivotal role in the presidential, gubernatorial and other down ballot races. Today, there are an estimated 331,412 LGBTQ adultsliving in North Carolina — a substantial population given that the state was won in the last three presidential elections by an average of 180,500 votes2

North Carolina LGBTQ population

This November, there are 9.4 million LGBTQ people of voting age in the United States. Turnout among LGBTQ voters is also reliably high. In 2012, an astounding 81 percent of eligible LGB voters nationally cast a ballot, compared to just 58 percent of all eligible voters. This bloc was a crucial piece of the puzzle for President Obama’s victory: in the last election, President Obama received 76 percent of all LGB votes, according to national exit polls3. In total, roughly 6 million LGB voters cast a ballot in 2012 — an election President Obama won by just under 5 million votes.4

HB2 is Galvanizing the LGBTQ Vote 
No issue is more profoundly motivating to LGBTQ voters across North Carolina than Governor McCrory’s hateful HB2 law. In the months since North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory and state lawmakers rammed through the anti-LGBTQ law — which also targeted millions of other minorities, women and people of faith across the state — the real harms and economic consequences have continued to mount. Donald Trump and Mike Pence, who have both endorsed Governor McCrory and backed his hateful HB2 law have added more fuel to the electoral fire in favor of pro-equality candidates. HB2 is an issue that also resonates with countless fair-minded voters around North Carolina. While Gov. McCrory continues to face backlash over his discriminatory HB2 law, the reality is that a majority oppose the law/think the law should not have passed, and a 64 percent majority of North Carolina voters support a statewide LGBTQ non-discrimination law. Today, only 30 percent of North Carolina voters support HB2 law, and, by a 12-point margin, voters say Governor McCrory’s handling of HB2 makes them less likely to cast a ballot for him. In an August poll, a stunning seven in 10 North Carolina voters said HB2 has been bad for the state’s reputation.

North Carolina money lost HB2

The economic fallout from HB2 has also continued to grow as Gov. McCrory refuses to fix the mess he and state Republican lawmakers created — further antagonizing the business community and voters across the state. In total, the reckless, discriminatory law has cost the state an estimated $448 million in economic loss. The NBA, which took a strong and public stand for equality by announcing that it is moving its 2017 All Star Game from Charlotte to New Orleans — a move which cost NC an estimated $100 million. The NCAA and ACC have since followed suit, pulling their championships from the state because of the dangers faced by players, employees and fans. More than 200 major CEOs and business leaders, including those representing many of North Carolina’s largest employers, have called for full repeal of HB2 because of the risk the law poses to their employees and customers. Dozens of conventions and performers have pulled out of the state citing similar concerns.

Trump & Pence: Not Helping
North Carolinians will see three of the worst anti-LGBTQ politicians in America on their ballots this fall: Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and Pat McCrory.

In recent weeks, Donald Trump has not only endorsed HB2, but campaigned with Gov. McCrory, calling him a “great governor” who’s “doing a fantastic job.” Gov. McCrory introduced Trump at one such campaign event by cracking bathroom jokes and making light of the harm he’s caused. Making matters worse, Mike Pence is one of the only governors across the nation with a potentially more dismal track record of promoting LGBTQ discrimination than Gov. McCrory. The anti-LGBTQ cred Trump and Pence bring to the ticket includes:

  • Vowing to roll back nationwide marriage equality by appointing Supreme Court justices willing to help overturn Obergefell.
  • Pledging to sign the so-called “First Amendment Defense Act,” or FADA,  legislation that would enable taxpayer-funded discrimination against LGBTQ people in the federal government.
  • Backing Pence’s “right to discriminate” bill, which intended to allow Indiana businesses to discriminate and deny services to LGBTQ people because of who they are or whom they love.
  • Pence’s effort to divert HIV funding to promote the abusive practice of so-called “conversion therapy.”
  • Undermining the U.S. global efforts to advance LGBTQ equality through our foreign policy.
  • Opposing Department of Education guidance on transgender students’ right to access bathrooms consistent with their gender identity.

Hillary Clinton: A Known Champion for Equality
States where LGBTQ people can be fired

LGBTQ and pro-equality voters are also looking to the top of the ticket for an ally who will keep building on the progress of the last 8 years, and crucially, sign the Equality Act into law. Hillary Clinton has laid out the most robust plan for advancing LGBTQ equality of any presidential candidate ever — from championing the Equality Act, to wiping out HIV, to addressing hate violence and more.

Most Americans are unaware that today, in 31 states — including North Carolina — LGBTQ people are still at risk for being hired, fired, evicted or denied services because of who they are. The Equality Act, a top priority for LGBTQ voters, would rectify that by adding these protections for LGBTQ people into our longstanding civil rights laws. This law has bipartisan backing in Congress and the support of more than 80 leading companies — and the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) found this year that 71 percent of Americans favor such a bill. In fact, 84 percentof all voters already believe it’s a law we already have on the books. What’s more, there is little support for HB2-style laws nationally. PRRI’s August poll found 64 percent of voters nationally oppose HB2-style laws, while only 35 percent support them.

The choice for pro-equality voters is clear and, in North Carolina, their votes will make the winning difference.

1Derived from state by state analysis on percentage of LGBT population released by Gallup and compared with overall state population. Gallup report ( ) is co-authored by Gary J. Gates, a national expert in LGBT demographics, and the Williams Distinguished Scholar at the Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

2Average of vote difference in North Carolina general election results for 2004, 2008, and 2012.

3Exit polls did not ask demographic information to identify transgender voters.

4The 2012 NEP reported that 5% ( of the 129,085,403 voters ( in that election identified as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, which means that approximately 6,454,270 voters identified as LGB. According to the Williams Institute (, there are about 8 million LGB adults in the United States. 2012 LGB voters then participated at a rate of 81% compared to the LGB voting-age-population.

5Greenberg Quinlan Rosner for Human Rights Campaign: January 25-31, 2015

Paid for by Human Rights Campaign PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

VIDEO: Salesforce Chairman and CEO Marc Benioff honored in San Francisco

VIDEO: Salesforce Chairman and CEO Marc Benioff honored in San Francisco

Marc Benioff

Last week, Salesforce Chairman and CEO Marc Benioff received the Ric Weiland Award at GLAAD Gala San Francisco in recognition of his tireless support of the LGBTQ community. The Ric Weiland Award specifically honors an innovator in tech and new media and is named after Ric Weiland, a computer software pioneer and philanthropist. Together with his surviving partner Mike Schaefer, Weiland is known for his dedication to LGBT and HIV and AIDS organizations. The award was presented to Benioff by Re/code Executive Editor Kara Swisher. During his acceptance speech, Benioff announced that he would match all donations that evening – a pledge that led to an over $200,000 match.

Check out the video below!

“Marc Benioff is an innovator not just in technology and business, but also in his advocacy to advance acceptance for the LGBT community,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, GLAAD President & CEO. “He is at the forefront of the corporate movement to stop discriminatory anti-LGBT bills across the country and his commitment to fairness and equality is steadfast.”

Benioff has been a vocal supporter of LGBT equality, especially following a series of anti-LGBT, discriminatory laws, starting in Indiana in 2015. As soon as Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed the state’s so-called “Religious Freedom Restoration Act,” Benioff vowed to use the power of Salesforce to urge a repeal of the Indiana law. The company canceled events, made plans to pull investments from outside of the state and Benioff even offered $50,000 relocation packages to employees that felt unsafe or unwelcomed in the state.

September 14, 2016

Google Alert – webcams

=== News – 1 new result for [webcams] === Hide Your Face: FBI Director Says Cover Laptop Webcams Laptop Mag Covering up your webcam to prevent creeps from peeping on your private life may be a hallmark of paranoia, but don’t tell that to the feds. According … – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Unsubscribe from this Google Alert: Create another Google Alert: Sign in to manage your alerts: