GOP Lawmakers Who Met With Caitlyn Jenner Won’t Reveal Their Identities?

GOP Lawmakers Who Met With Caitlyn Jenner Won’t Reveal Their Identities?


Poor Caitlyn Jenner had a humiliating sit-down with some of her gross friends this week — this time a group of Republicans barely willing to be seen in public with her.

Jenner was in Washington on behalf of the American Unity Fund, a group that believes against all evidence that Republicans can be persuaded to support LGBT equality. As we’ve seen, the only time the GOP supports queers is if the politician discovers they have a gay family member, is outed in a sex scandal, or meets a queer person with money. So at least two of those conditions were satisfied by Caitlyn’s visit.

Among those present was Florida (of course) representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, whose son is trans. “Caitlyn is going to continue this outreach and I think it’s a positive message of love and outreach.” Ileana said later.

The other lawmakers who were present scuttled away like cockroaches before they could be identified. When pressed, Ileana refused to say who else was there.

Of course, if it’s a message of “love and outreach” that Caitlyn and Ileana are after, they’ll have a tough time making their case to the party that killed tens of thousands of queer people through the HIV epidemic; that did everything in its power to stop same-sex couples from having even basic rights, and whose party to this day still supports abusive “ex-gay” torture camps.

If only there was a party that actually stood on the side of equality and due process and justice for all. If only.

Caitlyn Jenner Met GOP Congressmen to Talk LGBT Issues, But Only 1 of Them Wants to Be Identified

Caitlyn Jenner Met GOP Congressmen to Talk LGBT Issues, But Only 1 of Them Wants to Be Identified

On Wednesday, Caitlyn Jenner went to Capitol Hill in Washington, DC to talk to Republican lawmakers about issues of concern to the LGBT community. While a number of representatives reportedly met with Jenner, only one has come forward admitting they met with the transgender activist.

Jenner shared a photo of her trip to Washington on Instagram, showing her and Republican gay rights activist Margaret Hoover in front of the Capitol building. She captioned the photo, “Big day at Capitol Hill. @m_hoov and I got to chat with a few #Republican reps about #LGBT issues. It’s a time for change!”

Instagram Photo


Jenner and Hoover were taking meetings in coordination with billionaire Paul Singer’s conservative LGBT rights Super PAC American Unity Fund. Hoover is the president of American Unity Fund.

Among those with whom Jenner and Hoover met was South Florida Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who became a co-sponsor of the Equality Act last Friday. Ros-Lehtinen was the only Republican congress member who as of this posting has come forward as saying they met with Jenner. Ros-Lehtinen has a transgender son, Rodrigo.

Ros-Lehtinen shared photos of her meeting with Jenner and Hoover on Twitter, writing, “Met @Caitlyn_Jenner about her gender transition story + how we can help #trans Americans live as their true selves.”

Met @Caitlyn_Jenner about her gender transition story + how we can help #trans Americans live as their true selves

— Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (@RosLehtinen) September 15, 2016

Spoke w @Caitlyn_Jenner @AmericanUnity @zackarydrucker @TransEquality abt impt of inclusive policies 4 #LGBT cmty

— Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (@RosLehtinen) September 15, 2016

According to CNN, Ros-Lehtinen was not willing to identify any of the other Republican congressmen whom Jenner met with:

“She talked about her faith and her journey and how the Republican Party should be open to hearing these kinds of stories,” Ros-Lehtinen said after the meeting, noting that LGBT issues can be difficult for those in her party. “Caitlyn is going to continue this outreach and I think it’s a positive message of love and outreach.”

The Florida Republican told reporters other GOP members attended the meeting with Jenner, but she declined to identify who they were, saying she wasn’t sure they wanted to discuss the session.

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Lady Gaga Reveals the Personal Meaning Behind Her New Album, ‘Joanne’ – LISTEN

Lady Gaga Reveals the Personal Meaning Behind Her New Album, ‘Joanne’ – LISTEN

lady gaga joanne

Lady Gaga has revealed that her upcoming album will be titled Joanne and is slated for an October 21 release.

Gaga made the announcement on social media and during an interview with Zane Lowe on Beats 1. She says she hopes to have her first solo album since Artpop completed within the next 48 hours. Tick tock.

PREVIOUSLY – Lady Gaga Lets It All Hang Out at First ‘Perfect Illusion’ Performance in London as New Remix Drops: WATCH

Gaga also revealed the very personal meaning of the album’s title, as Rolling Stone reports: 

Gaga also said that Joanne was named for her late aunt, whose death from lupus at age 19 left a lasting wound on the singer’s father’s family (Gaga’s middle name is also Joanne). Gaga called the album’s title track “the true heart and soul of the record” and of the album as a whole added, “As I returned to my home life and spending time with my friends and family and getting out of the mainstream limelight for a minute, the experiences of our family and our challenges that make us who we are. It’s everything about Joanne … it’s all the toughness of the pain of losing her that made us all strong and made us who we are. She is the woman of my past who is becoming and helping me bring more of my honest woman self into the future.”

Listen to the interview below.

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Man Found Guilty in ‘Dallas BBQ’ Attack Sentenced to 9 Years 

Man Found Guilty in ‘Dallas BBQ’ Attack Sentenced to 9 Years 

Bayna-Lehkiem El-Amin

Bayna-Lekheim El-Amin, 42, the man at the center of a brutal attack in a New York restaurant in 2015, was sentenced on Thursday to nine years in prison and three years post-release supervision.

El-Amin was found guilty in May of attempted assault in the first degree and assault in the second degree for an attack on a gay couple at Dallas BBQ in Chelsea.

ethanThe couple who El-Amin attacked were Jonathan Snipes, 33, and, Ethan York-Adams, 26. The pair have since split.

Video of the attack went viral almost immediately after it surfaced. And though the incident was initially construed as an anti-gay hate crime, additional footage revealed that Snipes had earlier in the evening assaulted El-Amin with a “light purse.” After that altercation ended, there was an interlude before El-Amin retaliated by hitting Snipes over the head with a chair.

Gay City News reports on Thursday’s sentencing:

“The jury rejected your claim of self-defense,” said Arlene Goldberg, the judge who heard the case in Manhattan Supreme Court, on September 15. “That you did not cause serious physical injury to them was only a matter of luck.” […]

“The case boils down to this defendant took it too far,” said Leah Saxtein, the prosecutor on the case, during the sentencing. “He decided to get revenge… He used a dangerous instrument to strike them in the most vulnerable part of the human body.”

As news of the incident played out in the media, what was first thought to be an anti-gay hate crime was reinterpreted by some as underscoring a dangerous message about race:

On May 27 of this year, Robb Stone, an artist who now lives in Los Angeles, posted a Facebook picture of Snipes and York-Adams with lengthy text that described them “a pair of Privileged assholes.” Within 10 days, the post had 569 shares and 769 likes.

Ultimately, the view became that El-Amin was facing multiple felony charges because Snipes and York-Adams were white and El-Amin was black.

RELATED – New Footage of ‘Gay Bashing’ at NYC’s Dallas BBQ Raises Questions: WATCH

The judge disagreed with this interpretation, saying, “I know that you want to cast this, your supporters as well, as an issue about race. I don’t see it that way… When you picked up that chair that was a criminal act that cannot be excused.”

During the sentencing, El-Amin referred to Snipes and York-Adams as “drunk white men who felt they were entitled to swing on me.”

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Keith Olbermann: Clinton Wrong, 100% Of Trump Supporters ‘Deplorable’

Keith Olbermann: Clinton Wrong, 100% Of Trump Supporters ‘Deplorable’

Keith Olbermann

Just how many of Donald Trump‘s supporters are deplorable? Hillary Clinton estimated half, with her “basket of deplorables” comment, before backing down shortly after. Keith Olbermann, in his new position as GQ‘s political correspondent, has released a new video in which he says that all of Trump’s supporters belong in that basket.

Related: New Studies Prove Hillary Clinton Is Right About Trump’s ‘Deplorable’ Supporters

Funny, Olbermann notes, that we are in a position of not debating whether or not a presidential candidate’s supporters are deplorable, but rather how many of them are.

Clinton called Trump supporters, “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and Islamophobic.”

Olbermann looks at the campaign insiders, starting with vice presidential nominee Mike Pence, who refused to denounce David Duke as deplorable. Then there is Trump surrogate Carl Palodino, who called for Loretta Lynch to be lynched and sent out a video of an African tribal dance with the email title “Obama inauguration rehearsal.”

Racist? Check.

Olbermann then mentions Trump making sexist comments about Megyn Kelly, Mika Brzezinski, Heidi Cruz, and Carly Fiorina.

Sexist? Check.

Then there’s Robert Jeffress, the Texas megachurch pastor, who led the prayer at a Trump rally in June, a year after he said that gay rights will pave the way for the Antichrist.

Homophobic? Check.

Related: Mike Pence’s Seven Most Viciously Antigay Moments 

Palodino’s name is evoked once again, for smearing Khzir Khan by speculating that he might be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood or a supporter of ISIS.

Islamophobic? Check.

Katrina Pierson is called out next for her bigotry. She tweeted out, “Perfect Obama’s dad born in Africa, Mitt Romney’s dad born in Mexico. Any pure breeds left?” Oh, and Pierson is also antigay (surprise, surprise).

Xenophobic? Check.

“These are campaign leaders, surrogates, friends of Mr. Trump. If they’re not talking to a ‘basket of deplorables’ who are they talking to?” Olbermann asks. “Why would you have them there? You say stuff like that at work, you get fired, you say it at school, you get suspended. But, happily Trump is there to say, ‘No, it’s okay to hate. Better than that, you can hate out loud! We’ll just call it ‘freedom of speech’ and ‘Make America Great Again.’”

There are also the supporters, who have routinely turned violent at rallies, including recently in Asheville, North Carolina, where a man assaulted protesters inside the rally and another man punched an elderly woman in the face for telling him he better learn Russian (due to the Trump campaign’s apparent coziness with the Putin dictatorship).

Related: Donald Trump Supporters Too Intolerant To Pass His “Extreme Vetting” Test

But is it not possible to be a Trump supporter who doesn’t harbor these despicable worldviews?

“If you’re not condemning this madness and repudiating these deplorable people, and you are not racist, not sexist, not homophobic, not Islamophobic or not xenophobic, if you’re supporting him not for those things but in spite of them, you are even more deplorable,” Olbermann says.

Watch the video below.

16-Year-Old Figure Skater Shuts Down Antigay Internet Trolls

16-Year-Old Figure Skater Shuts Down Antigay Internet Trolls

Donovan Carrillo, via ISU, YouTube.

16-year-old figure skater Donovan Carrillo performed a routine in the recently held Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating in Japan to the song “Hasta Que te Conocí,” by Juan Gabriel that earned him adoration and a spot at the ISU World Junior Figure Skating Championships.

Unfortunately, it also caught the attention of some homophobic trolls. Slurs and derogatory remarks began coming in, and Carrillo decided to meet them head on in a series of tweets:

“I’m not bothered being called gay because I’m not. It infuriates me that people see the word ‘gay’ as a joke or an insult towards my hard work.”

No me molesta que me llamen gay porque NO lo soy. Me enfurece que vean la palabra gay como una burla o un insulto a mi esfuerzo.

— Donovan Carrillo (@DonovanDCarr) September 13, 2016

“I admire and respect the LGBT community because I’m friends with a lot of their members, but I am not part of that community.”

Admiro y respeto a la comunidad LGBT porque convivo con muchos de sus miembros pero no soy parte de esa comunidad.

— Donovan Carrillo (@DonovanDCarr) September 13, 2016

“The fact that I’m an ice skater does not mean that I’m gay. Just like a soccer player isn’t automatically heterosexual.”

El hecho de que yo patine no quiere decir que lo sea. Así como un futbolista no garantiza que sea heterosexual

— Donovan Carrillo (@DonovanDCarr) September 13, 2016

Related: Soccer Player Richard Chaplow Banned Two Games For Verbal Abuse Of Openly Gay Robbie Rogers

“I thank everyone for your congratulations and words of encouragement. I hope to not disappoint you. I will continue to train.”

Agradezco todas sus felicitaciones y palabras de aliento. Espero no decepcionarlos. A continuar con el entrenamiento!

— Donovan Carrillo (@DonovanDCarr) September 13, 2016

“My mom is a big, BIG fan and it’s a song that brings her a lot of memories,” Carillo said on Twitter when asked about his song choice. “It’s an ode to my mother and an homage to the Divo.”

@johannheroz Mi mamá es muy, MUY fan y es una canción que le trae muchos recuerdos a ella. Es una oda a mi madre y un agradecimiento al Divo

— Donovan Carrillo (@DonovanDCarr) September 13, 2016

Gabriel recently passed away. He never came out during his life, although he was presumed to be gay by many. When asked by an interviewer about his sexual orientation he famously said, “Don’t ask about something that is obvious.”

Related: Juan Gabriel, “The Mexican Elton John,” Reveals Intimate Video With Another Man

Watch Carrillo’s performance in the video below.