Boxers or Briefs? Shirtless Aussies Drop Their Shorts and Spill – WATCH

Boxers or Briefs? Shirtless Aussies Drop Their Shorts and Spill – WATCH

shirtless aussies

It’s almost Friday, which means you deserve a little something to get you over the final hurdle of the week.

Enter, the latest installment of The Underwear Expert’s web series “Boxers of Briefs?”

The new episode features shirtless Aussies including dancer Locky Brownlie and YouTuber Kaine Blake.

Previously, UE has talked with guys with hairy chestscat loversPokemon Go playerstatted up guyshot yogisshirtless fitness instructors, dog loversnaked Tom of Finland models, shirtless parkour athletesDemocratic primary votersdodgeball playersWeHo kickball playersDJsdancersCrossFit-ersmale models, and men on the street in HollywoodWeHo, and Santa Monica about what they like to wear under their shorts.

Watch, below.

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Kylie Minogue’s Hot, Pro-Gay Fiancé Joshua Sasse Displays Full Rising Talent

Kylie Minogue’s Hot, Pro-Gay Fiancé Joshua Sasse Displays Full Rising Talent


Gay marriage still isn’t legal in Australia, and you can be sure that ticks off one of the country’s finest exports — Kylie Minogue.

But you can count her fiancé, British actor Joshua Sasse, among those who are equally as peeved.

“He’s so adamant to fight for gay rights in Australia and it’s coming from the most genuine place,” Kylie has said of her beau. “He just can’t fathom that same-sex marriage hasn’t been legalised and of course I back him up on that, we are waiting for it to happen.”


Now that sounds like a real man — way to go, Kylie.

If you haven’t been introduced to Sasse, his progay politics aren’t the only satisfying quality he possesses.

It’s not hard to see why the pop princess fell for him. And if you want the full view (and who doesn’t?), our friends at C&C have vigilantly catalogued some of Josh’s other rising talents.

Texas ‘Ex-Gay’ Group Defends Billboard Promoting Reparative Therapy: VIDEO

Texas ‘Ex-Gay’ Group Defends Billboard Promoting Reparative Therapy: VIDEO


A Texas organization has come under fire for posting billboards supporting “ex-gay” therapy in Waco.

Sponsored by Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX), the billboard reads “Ex-gays prove change is possible.” PFOX has posted images on Facebook calling homosexuality a “dysfunction” and stating “I was born a sinner but Jesus changed my orientation.”


Reverend Charley Garrison of Central Metropolitan Church Central told ABC:

“Ex-gays implies there’s something wrong with gay, lesbian, and transgendered people. I understand why someone would be drawn to that sort of billboard. Ex-gay therapy does not do any good and in fact, can do harm in increasing the suicide rate in the LGBTQ community.”

However, defending the billboard, David Pickup, a licensed psychotherapist and board member of PFOX said “the people who are criticizing this, they are automatically assuming for everyone homosexuality is genetic or inborn. Because they are assuming this about everyone they are hurting a lot of people who have traumatic causes for their homoerotic feelings. So that’s why need billboards like the one in Waco that tell the truth.”

RELATED: Model Featured on ‘Ex-gay’ Virginia Billboard Fires Back in Brilliant Counter Ad: ‘I Was Born Gay’

Pickup added that reparative therapy does not aim to convert people but seeks to address unresolved emotional issues.

Garrison has considered launching a billboard in response to PFOX. However, having discussed the issue with friends and assessed the costs involved he is instead hoping to organize an LGBTQ pride event.

Watch Matt Baume’s Horrible History of Ex-Gay Cures below.

(Images via Facebook)

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Seth Meyers Compares Scandals Surrounding Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump – WATCH

Seth Meyers Compares Scandals Surrounding Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump – WATCH

seth meyers scandals

Seth Meyers dug into scandals that have dogged each of the two major presidential campaigns this cycle, and came up with a maybe not surprising result: one of these things is not like the other.

Meyers touched on Clinton’s emails and her use of a private server during her tenure as Secretary of State, but he also got into accusations of ‘pay-for-play’ involving both the Clinton Foundation and the Trump Foundation.

And it turns out there are some pretty stark differences.

Said Meyers, “It’s not exactly clear what the Trump Foundation does. The Clinton Foundation provides lifesaving care to AIDS patients. While the Trump Foundation once gave $250 to the Special Olympics and $100 to the March of Dimes. Did he think the name meant that you could only give dimes?”

Meyers also dove into the Trump Foundation’s illegal campaign contribution to anti-gay Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, who dropped an investigation into Trump University around the time Trump made that donation.

Watch, below.

The post Seth Meyers Compares Scandals Surrounding Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump – WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.