Kundgebung zur Abschaffung des Paragraphen 218 in Berlin

Kundgebung zur Abschaffung des Paragraphen 218 in Berlin

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Kundgebung zur Abschaffung des Paragraphen 218 in Berlin

Aktivisten des Bündnisses für sexuelle Selbstbestimmung protestieren auf dem Wittenbergplatz in Berlin für die Abschaffung des Paragraphen 218.
Die Kundgebung findet eine Woche vor dem “Marsch für das Leben” statt, auf dem alljährlich christliche Fundamentalisten, darunter auch Politiker der rechten AfD, gegen das Recht auf Abtreibung demonstrieren.

Kundgebung zur Abschaffung des Paragraphen 218 in Berlin

Davey Wavey Interviews Brent Corrigan About The Ins-And-Outs Of The Adult Film Industry

Davey Wavey Interviews Brent Corrigan About The Ins-And-Outs Of The Adult Film Industry


Does this turn you on? Unavoidable YouTube personality Davey Wavey just interviewed adult film star Brent Corrigan for his Business of Sex web series, eking out stories about his early beginnings in the adult film industry, why he wants to steer clear of promoting King Cobra, and his lifelong obsession with horses.

Related: The 5 Lives Of Sean Paul Lockhart, AKA Brent Corrigan

“Gay porn is a way of life,” Corrigan intones. “It’s a day in and day out thing, cultivating fans, traveling.”

A couple of years ago I got to a point where porn wasn’t giving me what I thought it would. I stepped back and thought – what would make me happy? For me, my passion was always horses. I went back to jumping with horses.”

Elsewhere, they discuss James Franco‘s King Cobra, loosely based on his sketchy beginnings in the porn biz.

Related: Brent Corrigan Blasts Hollywood For “Bastardizing” His Life, Cashed That Check All The Same

“I didn’t want to be a part of that film if they weren’t going to tell my story,” he says. “I read the script – and it wasn’t my story.”

Now he’s “being brave” and self-publishing his own version of the story.

“I’m aiming for an October 31st release date, on my 30th birthday.”




Tom Ford Talks Depression, Death And His New Film, “Nocturnal Animals”

Tom Ford Talks Depression, Death And His New Film, “Nocturnal Animals”

Tom Ford

Tom Ford at 2009 Venice Film Festival. Photo by Nicogenin on Flickr. CC 2.0.

Tom Ford sat down with The Hollywood Reporter for an interview that started off cagey and ended up going deep, with Ford touching on his battles with depression and anxiety, as well as constant thoughts of death, and how the realization some years ago that money truly cannot buy happiness has affected him.

Related: In The Spirit Of Giving, Christians Help Tom Ford Sell His Penis Necklaces

Ford is doing press for his new film “Nocturnal Animals,” his first since 2009’s critically acclaimed “A Single Man.”

Whereas “A Single Man” told the story of a middle-aged English professor trying to move on with his life in the wake of his longtime partner’s death, “Noctural Animals” follows a woman struggling to find meaning among the materially obsessed and emotionally vacant art world crowd.

“Susan [played by Amy Adams] is quite literally me,” Ford says. “She’s someone who has material things but realizes — maybe this happened to me seven or eight years ago — those aren’t the things that are important. She is struggling with the world that I live in: the world of absurd rich [people], the hollowness and emptiness I perceive in our culture.”

“[Life] can be an endless, unfulfilling quest for some sort of happiness that is elusive,” he continues. “Because the whole concept of happiness as peddled by our culture doesn’t exist. Nobody lives happily ever after. If you buy this and do that and build this house, you’re not going to be happy. Life is happy, sad, tragic, joyful. But that’s not what we’re taught, that’s not what our culture pounds into our heads.”

He recounts a childhood marked by fear, handed to him by overprotective parents, which still leads him to feel anxious that something might go wrong at any time to this day.

“I live in constant fear that something could change or go wrong. And it’s exhausting, and it’s draining, and it can be upsetting, and it can lead to unhappiness,” he says. “I’m always afraid something could happen.”

Related: Tom Ford Says Half His College Friends Died Of AIDS Before 1990

Ford, who lives in L.A. with his husband and their four-year-old son, reports that he is “in a very good place” now, but it was a peace of mind that was hard won.

“I can remember early thoughts of suicide at 8 or 9 years old,” he says. “Those things are often hereditary — people in my family have had that — as is alcoholism, and that’s also something I’ve dealt with.”

He has been sober for years and attributes that, as well as a strong family life and staying active to keeping depression in check. Still, he admits to having to constantly fight off dark thoughts.

“Death is all I think about. There is not a day or really an hour that goes by that I don’t think about death. I think you are born a certain way. I think you just come out that way,” he admits.

His fashion line remains hugely profitable and successful, yet it seems his interest is more squarely in the film category these days.

Interviewer Stephen Galloway notes that Ford seemed “considerably less passionate” when the subject switched from his new movie to fashion. He says that while he believes some fashion designers are “true artists” he feels “too cynical” to be considered one of them.

“So who is the real Tom Ford?” the publication asks. “He’s a modernist who speaks with nostalgia about the past. A radical who considers himself old-fashioned (‘Loyalty is very important to me’). An insomniac who drinks multiple cups of coffee a day (‘I completely rely on sleeping pills and tranquilizers to go to sleep’). A recovering alcoholic who sees a therapist once a week (‘It used to be two or three times a week’). And an A-lister who critiques the very lifestyle that has made him rich (though never the people who live it, paying $200 for his sunglasses or $3,000-plus for his suits).

“Most of all, he’s both a cynic about the fashion world that made him a star and also a pure romantic when it comes to the film world he now finds himself a part of.”

Related: Trans Model Stands Tall In Dress Made Of Flags From Countries Where Being LGBTQ Is Illegal

“Nocturnal Animals,” which was picked up by Focus Features for $20 million, is currently making the rounds at film festivals.

Ford also recently launched his new fall line in New York, one of the first to experiment with a “see now, buy now” approach, making the clothes on the runway available at stores immediately.


10 Reasons to Join HRC’s #NotOurValues Tweet Up & Speak Out Against Mike Pence at #VVS2016

10 Reasons to Join HRC’s #NotOurValues Tweet Up & Speak Out Against Mike Pence at #VVS2016

This weekend, Donald Trump and Mike Pence became the the first Republican ticket to ever address the so-called “Values Voter Summit” — a gathering of the most anti-LGBTQ activists in America. In this not so surprising new low, Donald Trump delivered remarks yesterday consist with the values that have defined his campaign from the very start: hatred, division, and fear.

But that was just the warm up. Today, the man who became nationally known for pushing Indiana’s anti-LGBTQ law,  Mike Pence is set to deliver the main event. As Governor of Indiana, Trump’s running mate has given us all a preview of his vision for America — a future where the rights and safety of LGBTQ people are put at risk because of who they and who they love. Pence has made discrimination against our community a cornerstone of his political career.

In a marked contrast, Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate Tim Kaine is set to speak out for equality at the 20th annual HRC National Dinner tonight. On the same day Kaine stands alongside the Human Rights Campaign in support of LGBTQ people here and across the globe, Pence is across town courting support from the most notorious anti-LGBTQ extremists in the nation. 

The Trump-Pence ticket has embraced an anti-equality agenda from the start — holding tight to positions that threaten LGBTQ people in their homes, schools and communities. With breathtaking disregard, their campaign even went as far as opening a field office across the street from Pulse nightclub in Orlando.

Yesterday, HRC called upon our online community of supporters to participate in coordinated social media engagement that speaks out against the far-right’s agenda of discrimination.

Today, we’re back at it!

Here are 10 reasons you should join HRC for a Tweet Up during Pence’s remarks, today at 11:30 a.m. EST using the hashtags #NotOurValues and #VVS2016:

1. Governor Pence became a national disgrace in 2015, for his “license to discriminate” bill that would have allowed businesses to deny service to LGBTQ people — and subsequently defended the bill over an outcry from the business community and a majority of Hoosier voters. In a now notorious interview with ABC last year, Pence refused to answer eight separate times when asked whether businesses should be able to discriminate against LGBTQ people. 

2. Pence opposed the Supreme Court’s nationwide marriage equality ruling, saying, “Like many Hoosiers, I believe marriage is the union between one man and one woman…”

3. Voters in Indiana continue to have strongly negative feelings toward Pence. In a recent poll, only 36 percent said that Pence deserved re-election, and they gave their governor a net negative job disapproval rating. Only 40 percent approved of his job performance and 42 percent disapproved.

4. When serving in Congress, Pence voted against the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”  

Hoosiers don’t believe in discrimination MT @thegarance: Pence opposed DADT repeal as “mainstreaming homosexuality”: t.co/MKTCJRmjcw

— Josh Barro (@jbarro) March 31, 2015

5. Trump’s running mate opposed guidance from the Department of Education that clarifies that transgender students have a right under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to access restrooms consistent with their gender identity, saying, “The federal government has no business getting involved in issues of this nature.”

6. While in Congress, Pence voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. He said that compliance with protections derived from the law could mean “the employer has to ban employees from having a Bible at the workplace for their break time, or displaying Bible verses. He continued, “We must stand for the right of every American to practice their faith according to the dictates of their conscience, whether it be in the public square or in the workplace.”

7. Pence voted against the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, calling it a “radical social agenda.”

8. Mike Pence signed a bill to that would jail same-sex couples who applied for a marriage license.

Dear Gov. Pence: if I was still in IN, I’d be in jail. Please reconsider #freedom2marry #lgbt t.co/tVcJjjwruU

— Brooks L-A (@brooksa09) July 9, 2013

9. Pence attempted to divert federal dollars from HIV prevention to conversion therapy. He claimed it was an attempt to ensure that funds “were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus… and that “resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.” So-called “conversion therapy” has been rejected by every mainstream medical and mental health organization for decades, but due to continuing discrimination and societal bias against LGBTQ people, some practitioners continue to conduct conversion therapy. Minors are especially vulnerable, and conversion therapy can lead to depression, anxiety, drug use, homelessness, and suicide.

10. Mike Pence opposed cracking down on countries that target LGBTQ people with criminal prosecution and praised Vladimir Putin as a “stronger leader.”


Donald Trump’s Bromance With The Awful Vlad Putin Is Killing Us

Donald Trump’s Bromance With The Awful Vlad Putin Is Killing Us

Trump Putin

Once again, Donald Trump has reminded us how much of a crush he has on Vladimir Putin. This time, Trump praised Putin as “a stronger leader” than Obama with great poll numbers.

Trump also appeared on RT, an English-language Russian propaganda outlet, to tell Larry King that he thought it was “unlikely” that the Russians would try to influence the U.S. election. Of course, in July Trump all but invited the Russians to do just that by releasing emails it would presumably hack from Hillary Clinton‘s private server, the classic definition of treason.

Trump loves to be outrageous because he knows it will get him media attention, but his love affair with Russia and Putin in particular is a very bad sign indeed.

Praising Putin is bad enough. Trump has strongly signaled that he will let Putin do pretty much what he wants, including invading NATO members. And that bodes really badly for LGBT rights in Russia.

Trump would have you believe, based on one comment at the GOP convention, that he’s a great defender of LGBTQ despite his promise to overturn marriage equality. It should go without saying that anyone who is a friend of Putin’s is no friend of ours. Under Putin’s leadership, Russia has become a state of perpetual siege for the LGBT community, a fact that Putin simply dismisses. Violence is common, as are arrests and harassment.

In short, the very type of terrorism that Trump purports to save us from is commonplace in Russia. But you won’t hear Trump speaking up about that. If he is elected President, Trump will likely use the same “we’re not innocent either” rhetoric that he’s employed in talking about Russian aggression.

6 Reasons For Donald Trump’s Insane Man-Crush On Vladimir Putin

Worse still, Trump is normalizing this outrageous belief among fellow Republicans. The number of Republicans who think of Putin “very unfavorably” dropped from 51% in 2014 to 22% in 2016. That will have a ripple effect among Republican elected officials, who will be even less inclined to condemn Putin for fear of angering their conservative base.

Thinking about your peers half the world away isn’t always easy. But keep this in mind: Trump would accept homophobic violence as the sign of a “strong leader.” In doing so, he’d let homophobes in other countries know that he’s not going to lecture them on LGBT rights the way the Obama administration did.

So ask yourself this question: With friends like that, who needs enemies?


Google Alert – chat room

=== News – 1 new result for [chat room] === Top-down corporate culture hinders competitiveness koreatimes (press release) That was the embarrassing message that Park, a third-year marketer at a midsize company, read at 10:43 p.m. Tuesday, in the group chat room on … – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Unsubscribe from this Google Alert: Create another Google Alert: Sign in to manage your alerts:

Google Alert – webcams

=== News – 1 new result for [webcams] === Conviction overturned for Rutgers roommate who spied on Tyler Clementi with webcam Gay Star News Ravi spied on the Clementi’s dorm room encounter with another man then discussed what he saw on the webcam with friends on Twitter. After a … – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Unsubscribe from this Google Alert: Create another Google Alert: Sign in to manage your alerts: