Married Conservative Politician Outed For Sexting Teen Boy, Kissing Him In Mall Bathroom

Married Conservative Politician Outed For Sexting Teen Boy, Kissing Him In Mall Bathroom


Ruh-roh! A married conservative politician from Louisiana has been outed for allegedly having a teenage boyfriend.

According to his Twitter profile, Republican Mike Yenni is “the President of Jefferson Parish and happily married with one daughter.” But according to the several unnamed sources, he’s a closet case who has been sending some rather racy texts to a teen boy he met at a Catholic high school function while on the campaign trail last year.

Related: Antigay Politician Caught In Sex Scandal Can’t Stop Talking In Circles, Refuses To Resign

40-year-old Yenni and the teen, who was 17 at the time and whose name has not been released, were allegedly connected with each other by a mutual friend. The teen says he and Yenni, who was the Republican mayor of Kenner at the time, the city neighboring New Orleans, would talk on the phone and text one another regularly.

As Yenni and the teen’s relationship deepened, the politician would occasionally visit the young man at his job at a mall food court. Once, he says, they met in the mall bathroom where the teen says Yenni gave him a pair of designer underwear. Afterwards, they shared a kiss.

The texting continued, becoming more and more explicit as time progressed. In one of the texts, Yenni tells the teen that he “wants him naked.” In another, he asks if he’s worn the underwear he gave him, then says he would like him to model it for him. And in a third, he says he wants to perform a sex act on the teen that night.

While Yenni doesn’t appear to have much of a record when it comes to being for or against LGBTQ rights, he is a member of the political party that, in its most recently adopted platform, officially defines marriage as “between one man and one woman,” calls pornography harmful “especially on children,” and wants to police which restrooms trans people use in an effort to protect women and children from sexual predators. So it’s interesting, to say that least, that he would send dirty texts to a teenage boy then make out with said teenager in a mall bathroom. But we digress.

Related: Engaged Politician Admits To Hooking Up With Guys, At Center Of Sexting Scandal

The texts were provided by the teen to local news station WWL-TV on the condition that they not be directly quoted. The station verified that they did, indeed, come from Yenni’s personal cell phone, which is not billed to taxpayers.

The teen, now 19 and in college, tells WWL-TV that over time the texts started to make him uneasy, particularly one that suggested they have a threesome with the mutual friend who initially connected them.

“He asked me to go with him to his house in Oxford (Mississippi),” the youth said. “Also, the way he would describe the sexual things he wanted to do to me. And he asked me to be a secretary or assistant in his office; that way I could be with him and not be questioned.”

In June, he says he finally broke the affair off with Yenni.

According to WWL-TV, under Louisiana law, the age of consent is 17, so any sexual activity between Yenni and teen would not be illegal; however, the sexts may violate a federal law that bars the use of any telecommunications device to engage in “obscene” conversation with anyone under the age of 18.

Yenni has yet to comment on the allegations.

Related: Antigay Politician Busted For Boozing, Playing Strip Poker With Teen Boys

h/t: WWL-TV

Newt Gingrich And Crowd Of Conservative Gays Have A Good Laugh About Woman’s Weight

Newt Gingrich And Crowd Of Conservative Gays Have A Good Laugh About Woman’s Weight

newt gingrich log cabin republicans

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was the keynote speaker on Wednesday at the annual conference of the Log Cabin Republicans, where he joined his fellow overweight conservative Donald Trump in throwing stones from a glass house concerning former Miss Universe Alicia Machado.

Trump has a long history of denigrating women, which Hillary Clinton brought up during Monday night’s debate. She pointed to Trump’s treatment of Machado as one such example of his misogyny.

Related: The First Clinton, Trump Debate Boiled Down To Essential GIFs

Machado says Trump called her “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Eating Machine” when she gained some weight after winning the competition, which he owned at the time, as well as calling her “Miss Housekeeping,” a shot at her ethnicity.

“You’re not supposed to gain 60 pounds during the year that you’re Miss Universe,” Gingrich said on Wednesday, eliciting laughter. “But, not fair. Even my act of saying that is sexist and proves I’m not being sensitive.”

Of course, anyone with the ability to Google Gingrich’s past is already well aware that he is insensitive and sexist. So this comes as no surprise.

Trump is also doubling down, telling Fox News the day after the debate that she was “the worst we ever had” because she “gained a massive amount of weight, and it was a real problem.”

He also told Bill O’Reilly, “I saved her job because they wanted to fire her for putting on so much weight. And it is a beauty contest. You know, I mean, say what you want, Bill, I mean, they know what they’re getting into. It’s a beauty contest.”

Additionally, Trump tried to say that he did not know Machado when talking with O’Reilly, contradicting what he said during his “Fox & Friends” interview.

Meanwhile, Trump is a well known fast food lover who does not seem capable of maintaining a healthy weight. And while he isn’t trying to win a beauty competition, he is looking to run the country and his health has come up as an issue. He has done his best to release as little information on that front as possible.

Related: The Sky Isn’t Falling Because 20 Percent Of LGBTQ Voters Support Trump

Here he is waxing poetic about the joys of fast food hamburgers. He really loves those things. One might even say to a dangerous degree. One might even say it’s a real problem.

Clinton released a new campaign ad featuring Machado shortly after the debate to further seize on the moment.

Alicia Machado Responds to Trump’s ‘Sex Tape’ Attacks in Spanish, on Instagram

Alicia Machado Responds to Trump’s ‘Sex Tape’ Attacks in Spanish, on Instagram

Alicia Machado

Former Miss Universe Alicia Machado responded to fresh attacks from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in a post written in Spanish, on Instagram.

As we reported earlier, Trump spent the hours between 3 am and 6 am this morning on Twitter, accusing Machado of having a sex tape and urging the public to watch it.

RELATED: In Two-Hour Twitter Rant at 3 am, Donald Trump Urges Voters to Watch a Sex Tape

Said Trump in a series of tweets:

“Anytime you see a story about me or my campaign saying “sources said,” DO NOT believe it. There are no sources, they are just made up lies!…Wow, Crooked Hillary was duped and used by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as an “angel” without checking her past, which is terrible!…Using Alicia M in the debate as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT! Hillary was set up by a con… Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?”

The Daily Beast and other outlets have investigated and have found no evidence any such tape exists.

Machado responded in a post on Instagram:

Instagram Photo


Loose translation (apologies for any mistranslation, we’ll correct):

The Republican candidate and his campaign team are again generating attacks and insults, and trying to revive slurs and false accusations about my life. All this in order to intimidate and humiliate me again.

The attacks that have emerged are cheap lies and slanders with no foundation in truth, generated with bad intentions, and spread by sensationalist media. This, of course, is not the first time that I have faced such a situation. Through his campaign of hate, the Republican candidate seeks to discredit and demoralize women, which is definitely one of his worst traits. With this, he seeks to distract attention from real problems and the fact that he is not qualified to lead this great country.

When I was a young girl, the now candidate humiliated me, insulted me publicly, disrespected me in the cruelest way. It is clear that the same actions and behavior have been repeated with other women for decades. Therefore, I will keep standing, sharing my story, my absolute support for Mrs. Clinton on behalf of women, my sisters, aunts, grandmothers, cousins, friends and the female community. I want to thank you for all the support, love and respect you have given to my career, myself as a human being and my family. I became a citizen of this great country because my daughter was born here and because I wanted to exercise my rights, including voting.

I will continue standing firm in my experience as Miss Universe. I’ve been so happy with the many kind words, and grateful for so much love. I’m focusing on my busy career, in my work as mother and I will continue taking positive steps for the Latino community, I will continue as an activist for women’s rights so we can gain the respect we deserve. I appreciate all your love and all your support again, thanks. Thousands of blessings.

The post Alicia Machado Responds to Trump’s ‘Sex Tape’ Attacks in Spanish, on Instagram appeared first on Towleroad.

Alicia Machado Responds to Trump’s ‘Sex Tape’ Attacks in Spanish, on Instagram

Logo’s ‘Prince Charming’ Gets Bored By Perfection [RECAP]

Logo’s ‘Prince Charming’ Gets Bored By Perfection [RECAP]

Finding Prince Charming recap

Another week, another hour of watching Robert Sepulveda Jr. shuffle through potential mates like they’re manila envelopes full of Creatine and facial moisturizer. We’re at the point now where I at least feel like I know everyone’s name, but we’re still early enough in this courtship for the dates to crackle with all the passion and romance of the greeting card aisle at CVS.

With much less drama going on at the house, all the focus is back on our titular Prince, who is unfortunately the least interesting part of this show.

Is anyone closer to stealing his heart? Who will have to turn in their tie? And has anyone caught that pesky canary yet? Find out in our Finding Prince Charming recap, below.

Surprise! Robert’s here for a morning blitz. How many times can Robert or Lance “surprise” the guys at the house in the morning? They’re always aghast that they’ve still got their curlers in or whatever. At this point, shouldn’t they just assume that, I don’t know, if the cameras are there, they should be dressed, coiffed and lubed up, just in case?

The guys manage to put themselves together enough to cook breakfast with the Prince. I keep trying to get a handle on what they’re cooking, but the only finished dishes I spot are maybe a plate of eggs, some cantaloupes stuffed with cottage cheese and a bowl of sliced cucumbers. Someone was chopping peppers at one point, and someone made bacon, but I assure you there was not a carb in sight.

Robert pulls Paul away to reconnect, and Robby wonders what the Robert sees in him. I can’t say I disagree. I would say Paul is human Ambien, but I think that underestimates how fun Ambien can be in the right context.

Chad also wants to sneak in some alone time with Robert, so he wrangles him into one of those hanging rattan sex swings that are all over the patio. They start to kiss, and I feel like it’s the most successful, human adult kiss we’ve seen yet. You still catch glimpses of Robert’s tongue flopping onto Chad’s mouth like the midpoint of a drive-through carwash against a windshield, but I guess that’s just his signature move.

One more one-on-one chat, this time with Dillon, clears up any lingering tension following last week’s dust-up. With all that drama settled, it’s time for Lance Bass to appear and introduce the latest convoluted set-up to another round of sloppy kissing.

This week, Robert will go on a “three-course date” — one guy for the appetizer course, one for the main and one for dessert. Lance tries to explain this as seductively as possible, but it actually just kind of makes it sound like Robert is going to cannibalize them.

To keep things interesting (relatively speaking), Robert awards the dates to the three guys with whom he’s had the least one-on-one time so far. He chooses to have Robby for an appetizer (and Robby reacts as only RuPaul’s Drag Race’s Alaska as Mae West could). He’ll share a main course with Eric and then dessert with Brandon.

Finding Prince Charming

Robert keeps describing Robby as “ … fun” throughout the whole episode, complete with that little hesitation each time. He’s saying “… fun,” but what he means is theatrical, dramatic, feminine, light in the loafers, swishy. It’s what makes Robby so endearing and such a welcome presence among these bores, but it also seems like something that makes Robert a little uncomfortable.

On their date, Robert presses Robby to see if his humor is actually a coping mechanism to hide something dark and sinister within him. Robby, bless him, assures him that no, he just has a personality. In this crew, I can see how that warrants explanation. The two share a kiss, but it’s very brief and Robert keeps his tongue contained to his own mouth, which I think means he’s not very into it. You guys, I get the sneaking suspicion that Robert is just a terrible kisser.

Finding Prince Charming

Eric’s date with Robert is more successful, I guess. It gets interesting for a moment when Eric tells Robert he’s not into open relationships, even though they’re so prevalent in the gay community. It almost seems like this show is going to dive in and explore something interesting about the gay community, but nope! They both just immediately agree that it’s monogamy or bust and then start talking about whose parents hug each other more, or something. It’s very sexy dinner convo.

It’s a wonder they both weren’t crushed by the irony of having this entire conversation about the power of monogamy while on a reality show in which one of them is simultaneously dating a house full of strangers. They seem to enjoy their meal, despite numerous awkward silences between them. Eric is pretty, in a dead-eyed Abercrombie assistant manager sort of way, so I understand Robert’s interest. Still, I think I’d rather be waterboarded with Muscle Milk than have to sit through such a boring date.

Finding Prince Charming

Robert’s time with Brandon is the best of the three, and, dare I say, actually sort of charming. Brandon opens up about his recovery from alcohol and cocaine addiction, and the show resists the urge to play it up for drama.

Instead, Brandon is remarkably candid without being overly emotional about his recovery, and Robert says it’s sexy that he’s owning it. For all the ragging on this show I do (and will continue to do), I actually really enjoyed this scene, sincerely.

It would be easy to play up the drama of Brandon’s struggles with addiction, or, even easier for Robert to tell him how “brave” he is (which is so lazy and cliché). But, instead, he said it was sexy. Addiction is a huge problem in this country, particularly in the gay community. I love seeing this show frame recovery as empowering and sexy. Good job!

The next day, the other guys (Chad, Paul, Dillon and Justin) get to go on a group date at some terrible industrial warehouse fitness bootcamp nightmare hellscape.

Despite the fact each of these guys look like models, they all struggle to do the workout. Paul, who is built like an action figure, really struggles. He’s super uncomfortable, hesitant to even sit his clean white shorts on the floor. He tells the guys that his trainer gives him cold towels during his workouts so he doesn’t sweat, which is an insane thing to say on no less than three levels.

Watching Paul force a pained smile throughout this date is honestly worth sitting through the whole episode. It’s great. He can barely do situps, which honestly makes me wonder WHAT EVEN IS HIS BODY? IS HIS SKIN JUST FULL OF SAND? I’m so confused!

The whole excursion gets spun into Paul’s complex about being a perfectionist, although the impression I got from the footage we saw was that he was just uppity. It was less about being hard on himself and more about not being adaptable to the slightest amount of discomfort. Anyway, once he shows up to the Black Tie Affair wearing a suit that was either made entirely of leather or just obnoxiously shiny (either way, I’m sure it was stupid expensive), I get the sense his days are numbered.

It comes down to Paul and Robby, who might be too “… fun” for Robert. I swear, after losing Sam the loose cannon and Danique the freak, I’m not sure I can get through this show without Robby! In the end, Robert decides to keep Robby (with the warning that he’ll have to show his serious side), and he sends Paul packing.

Paul is disappointed with the outcome, but I can’t tell you everything he says before departing because I fell asleep halfway through his exit interview.

What did you think of this week’s episode of Finding Prince Charming?

The post Logo’s ‘Prince Charming’ Gets Bored By Perfection [RECAP] appeared first on Towleroad.

Logo’s ‘Prince Charming’ Gets Bored By Perfection [RECAP]

Angry Man Goes on iPhone Smashing Rampage in Apple Store: WATCH

Angry Man Goes on iPhone Smashing Rampage in Apple Store: WATCH

iphone smashing

A man in France was filmed as he went on a rampage inside an Apple store, smashing dozens of iPhones, iPads, and computers before he was stopped by security and then arrested. The damage was reportedly in the tens of thousands of Euros.

In the video, he is seen going around the display tables as customers back away.

He then yells: “Apple is a company that ‘violated’ European consumers’ rights. They refused to reimburse me, I told them: ‘Give me my money back’. They said no. So you know what’s happening? This is happening!”


The post Angry Man Goes on iPhone Smashing Rampage in Apple Store: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Angry Man Goes on iPhone Smashing Rampage in Apple Store: WATCH

The GLAAD Wrap: Jill Soloway's new series picked up, Gaga to perform at Super Bowl and more!

The GLAAD Wrap: Jill Soloway's new series picked up, Gaga to perform at Super Bowl and more!

Photo credit: David Bornfriend, courtesy of A24

Every week, The GLAAD Wrap brings you LGBT-related entertainment news highlights, fresh stuff to watch out for, and fun diversions to help you kick off the weekend.

1) Southwest of Salem, a documentary on the San Antonio Four, will expand to Laemmle Music Hall in LA today, before its network premiere on October 15th on Investigation Discovery. The documentary tells the story of four Latina lesbian women who were persecuted and wrongfully convicted over 20 years ago in San Antonio and their struggle for exoneration. Watch the trailer below.

2) Moonlight, which garnered critical acclaim at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival, will open the 11th Rome Film Festival on October 13. The film tells the story of a young black man from childhood to adulthood in a rough neighborhood of Miami “as he wrestles with a complex love for his best friend.” Moonlight will open theatrically October 21. In other film news, Netflix has picked up the documentary Glory Daze: The Life and Times of Michael Alig, about New York’s club scene in the 1990s.

3) Amazon has picked up Jill Soloway’s newest comedy I Love Dick for a full season.  The series follows a couple’s marital struggles as they move to a small town in Texas and stars Fun Home‘s Roberta Colindrez as a queer groundskeeper named Devon. Billy Eichner announced on Twitter that Billy on the Street will soon return for season five, and released a new trailer for the season to boot. Ellen DeGeneres is co-executive producing Little Big Shots: Forever Young, a spinoff of Little Big Shots that will feature “seniors [who] will showcase their hidden talents.”

4) The Strain, the vampire thriller drama adapted from novels by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan, will end its run on FX after its fourth season. The Mindy Project is continuing its unusual production path with a move into syndication. The show, which was originally on FOX and then bought by Hulu, has reached a syndication deal with VH1 and Freeform for the first five seasons, which will start airing in October.

5) Out actor Alan Cumming will star in a new drama series in development at CBS. Dr. Death is based on the upcoming book of the same name by James Patterson, and Cumming would play a former CIA operative recruited to stop a serial killer. Amandla Stenberg has been cast in the upcoming adaption of Alexandra Bracken’s Darkest Minds trilogy. The YA novel focuses on survivors of a mysterious disease who develop uncontrollable powers and are sent to “rehabilitation” camps.

6) Lady Gaga announced this week that she will be performing at the 2017 Superbowl Halftime show. She sang the National Anthem at this year’s big game. In other music news, Olly Alexander, the out frontman of Years & Years, donned an ensemble made of 86,000 Swarovski crystals in a video for “Meteorite,” the band’s first new material since their album Communion was released last year to widespread critical acclaim.

7) Tom Goss, who successfully crowdfunded and produced two music videos last year, has launched a new crowdfunding campaign  titled “Our songs, our stories: LGBT music videos.” Goss has plans for two new videos, one which is focused on telling the stories of LGBTQ seniors and another unique “Choose Your Own Adventure” style video where viewers can select everything from characters to settings. Find out more at Goss’s Kickstarter page.

September 30, 2016