Presidential Debate, Jose Fernandez, Arnold Palmer, Snap Spectacles, Barbra Streisand, Joe Jonas, Lester Holt, Raptor: HOT LINKS

Presidential Debate, Jose Fernandez, Arnold Palmer, Snap Spectacles, Barbra Streisand, Joe Jonas, Lester Holt, Raptor: HOT LINKS

SUPER ICKY. Super Trump II billboard to hit Times Square. “The newest “Super Trump” animation plays for 15 seconds, with repeated showings approximately every two minutes. It will rotate with other messages for four consecutive days, Tuesday through Friday, next week.”

bk_clintonFIVETHIRTYEIGHT.  Nate Silver puts Clinton at 52.8 percent, Trump at 41.8 percent. Bloomberg: deadlocked.

TONIGHT. First presidential debate: “All debates are from 9-10:30 PM Eastern and will be airing on all major networks (NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, CNN, Fox News, Fox Business, CNBC, MSNBC, Univision, and C-SPAN) simultaneously. There will be no commercial breaks. The candidates’ microphones will not be muted at any time. The debate will consist of six 15-minute segments. The segment topics will be preselected by Lester Holt.”

LESTER HOLT. Clinton campaign demands Holt fact-checks Trump. “All that we’re asking is that if Donald Trump lies, that it’s pointed out.”

GENNIFER FLOWERS. She won’t be there. Pence: “Gennifer Flowers will not be attending the debate tomorrow night. Donald Trump was using the tweet yesterday really to mock an effort by Hillary Clinton and her campaign to really distract attention.”

Barbra Streisand TrumpBARBRA STREISAND. Babs rips Trump in op-ed: “We cannot allow America to fall into the hands of a narcissist who has shown no regard for anyone but himself… a bigoted and misogynist reality-TV character with no political experience and no qualms about lying loudly and often. There is NO equivalency between these two candidates. Only Hillary Clinton has the skills, the knowledge, the temperament and the compassion to lead this nation.”

DEATHS. Sport’s world loses two giants, Arnold Palmer, and Jose Fernandez, over the weekend.

PALMER. Dead of complications from heart problems at 87: “Palmer, who was nicknamed “The King,” won seven major championships during his professional career, which spanned more than five decades. He won the Masters four times, The Open twice and the U.S. Open once.”

FERNANDEZ. Star Florida Marlins pitcher dead in tragic boating accident off South Beach. He was 24. “They found a boat that was up against the jetties,” Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Chief Todd Garofalo told WSVN. “They did do an initial search and they found three victims — two on top of the water, one underneath the boat and they had unfortunately passed away.”

Malcolm TurnbullAUSTRALIA. Gay marriage plebiscite appears dead for now: “The government says Labor is standing in the way of marriage equality after talks regarding the gay marriage plebiscite between Attorney General George Brandis and his Labor counterpart broke down.”

HOUSTON. Shooting at intersection injures at least six people.

GAY WEDDINGS. Lil Wayne married two inmates in prison, according to memoir: “He describes how he playfully married off two other male inmates, and they decorated the hall with toilet tissue and toasted with 13 bottles of Gatorade. He wrote, ‘Gatorade is liquid gold in this bitch . . . Imagine seeing grown-ass men in jail hanging tissue for wedding decorations. AND one of them is Lil Wayne. Crazy.’”

NEW JERSEYCape May City Manager Bruce MacLeod won’t sign off on proposed $369,000 settlement with a gay former police officer.

zappagagahouse21REAL ESTATE. Lady Gaga bought Frank Zappa’s former mansion in the Hollywood Hills: “Zappa purchased the property in the mid-1970s for around $75,000, and he lived, worked, and raised his family there until his death in 1993. The property remained in the hands of his widow, Gail Zappa, until she died in October of 2015, and the following June, the Zappa children — Moon Unit, Dweezil, Ahmet, and Diva — engaged in some infighting about who controls what in regards to professional usage of the family name and their father’s vast and valuable archives, at which point the compound came up for sale in a swarm of publicity with an asking price just short of $5.5 million.”

ENGAGED. Making a Murderer’s Steven Avery is engaged to a woman he has only met one time. “Despite all obstacles, and Steven’s wrongful conviction and incarceration, we plan to be married shortly after he is released.”

SPACEX. Elon Musk fires up Raptor engine that will launch interplanetary colonization beginning with Mars:

SpaceX propulsion just achieved first firing of the Raptor interplanetary transport engine

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 26, 2016

beekman-1802-brent-ridge-josh-kilmer-purcellBEEKMAN 1802. How Brent Ridge and his partner Josh Kilmer-Purcell built their mega lifetstyle brand.

IN DEVELOPMENT. Grace: “Penned by Podell and Stewart, Grace is set in the fictional town of Grace, Missouri. It centers on a family of adult siblings whose lives are upended when their stalwart minister father reveals to his family that he is gay. Grace is described as a serialized drama, a grounded, unfolding saga of a 21st-century American family and the everyday challenges they face as members of a community and as individuals, and how their faith both guides and complicates their lives.”

SAMSUNG. Smoking tablet diverts transatlantic flight.

WILL & GRACE. The reunion.

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CLAUSTROPHOBIC. Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato were trapped in an elevator for four hours:

SNAP SPECTACLES. Snapchat gets into the hardware business with sunglasses that contain a camera. “When you slip Spectacles on and tap a button near the hinge, it records up to 10 seconds of video from your first-person vantage. Each new tap records another clip.”

Snap Spectacles

iPhone 7. Viral prank has people drilling holes in their new iPhones to create headphone jack: “The prank video shows a man drilling a 3.5mm hole into the bottom left edge of the iPhone 7 held in a vice. It points to the row of small holes on the left side that replaced the headphone socket present on the iPhone 6S and claims that drilling into the second hole on the left reveals a hidden socket.”

MONDAY MUSCLE. Joe Kannapich.

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The post Presidential Debate, Jose Fernandez, Arnold Palmer, Snap Spectacles, Barbra Streisand, Joe Jonas, Lester Holt, Raptor: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Presidential Debate, Jose Fernandez, Arnold Palmer, Snap Spectacles, Barbra Streisand, Joe Jonas, Lester Holt, Raptor: HOT LINKS

Keith Olbermann Found 74 More Reasons Why Donald Trump Must Never Be President – WATCH

Keith Olbermann Found 74 More Reasons Why Donald Trump Must Never Be President – WATCH

keith olbermann trump

With the first presidential debate looming before us and millions poised to tune in, Keith Olbermann wants to remind America yet again why Donald Trump must never be elected president of the United States.

Olbermann returned to political punditry this year with his new GQ web series “The Closer”, the first installation of which saw him detailing 176 shocking things that Donald Trump has done during his “15-month assault on American democracy.”

However, Olbermann missed a few deplorables. It turns out that when you lie and court controversy as often as Trump does, it can be hard to keep an accurate tally. As Olbermann put it, paraphrasing Body Heat, “Sometimes the Trump comes down so heavy I feel like I should wear a hat.”

PREVIOUSLY: Keith Olbermann on Kathy ‘No Racism Before Obama’ Miller: ‘She IS the Trump Campaign’ – WATCH

To update his list, Olbermann chronicles 74 more insane things Donald Trump has done…in just the last month.

Among the items you might have missed? The fact that Trump “claims that he keeps himself in good physical shape by exercise consisting of making many hand gestures while he gives speeches.”

Olbermann also covers Trump’s Birther news conference, his son’s flirtation with anti-semitism and bigoted use of Skittles to describe the Syrian refugee crisis, and of course, Hillary Clinton’s bout with pneumonia.

Watch, below.

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Keith Olbermann Found 74 More Reasons Why Donald Trump Must Never Be President – WATCH

HRC Mississippi Holds Membership Event in Starkville

HRC Mississippi Holds Membership Event in Starkville

HRC Mississippi recently hosted a diverse and lively group for a house party in Starkville, Mississippi.  Home to Mississippi State University (MSU), Starkville is a vibrant community filled with students and local residents who are ready to advance LGBTQ equality in Starkville and beyond.

Project One America Director Ben Needham, an MSU alumnus, attended the event and shared several ways to be become engaged and a part of HRC Mississippi’s work. From house parties to pride events, HRC is traveling across the state to change hearts and minds. Click here to voice your support, text ONEMISSISSIPPI to 30644 to join us or become a member of HRC today.

#AM_Equality Tip Sheet: September 26, 2016

#AM_Equality Tip Sheet: September 26, 2016


Tonight, vice presidential nominee Senator Tim Kaine will join Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin and Orlando-area supporters to watch the highly anticipated presidential debates. It’s been less than a month since Senator Kaine addressed more than 3,600 LGBTQ advocates and allies at HRC’s National Dinner. There, he shared his and Hillary Clinton’s devotion to LGBTQ equality and rebuked Donald Trump’s attempts to pander to the LGBTQ community — pandering that started in the wake of the tragedy in Orlando. When it comes to LGBTQ equality, there couldn’t be more stark contrasts between a Trump-Pence and Clinton-Kain administration — with all the progress made in the last 8 years at risk.  Follow HRC on Twitter for live-debate reaction.

  • Florida’s LGBTQ voters are crucial to Election Day results … LGBTQ voters can have an impact up and down the ticket in Florida. Today, there are an estimated 709,500 LGBTQ adults living in Florida — a substantial population given that the state was won in the last three presidential elections by an average of just 230,579 votes.
  • #turnOUT 2016: There are only 42 days until Nov. 8 and HRC’s Chad Griffin is on the road for equality. Last week, he was in Phoenix and Minneapolis. Says Griffin, “With everything on the line for our community, mobilizing the equality vote is crucial.” More from HRC.
  • #ASKTHEGAYS: New NBC polling released on Friday shows that a large majority (72 percent) of registered LGBTQ voters support Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. If you’re wondering why that might be… see above. Also, a new Associated Press-GfK poll shows that more than half the country fears a Trump presidency.


— HumanRightsCampaign (@HRC) September 23, 2016

TOMORROW IN ORLANDO, HRC’S CHAD GRIFFIN JOINS GABBY GIFFORDS AND MARK KELLY FOR KICK-OFF OF COMMONSENSE GUN SAFETY TOUR: On the heels of the presidential debate, HRC President Chad Griffin will join Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and Navy combat veteran and retired NASA astronaut Captain Mark Kelly to urge the majority of Americans who support common-sense gun violence prevention laws to vote in November. The event marks the kick-off of a 14-state tour by Americans for Responsible Solutions PAC — which Congresswoman Giffords and Kelly co-founded. Four days after the devastating attack on Pulse, the Human Rights Campaign’s board of directors passed a resolution endorsing common-sense gun violence prevention policy measures. The Tuesday event will also feature Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla.; Rep. Patrick Murphy, D-Fla.; Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla.; Angel Colon, survivor of the Pulse shooting; Stephanie Murphy, candidate for Florida’s 7th District; Val Demings, candidate for Florida’s 10th District; and Carlos Guillermo Smith, candidate for Florida’s 49th District. More from USA Today.

TRUMP ADDS RICK SANTORUM AS ADVISER: In case you missed it, Donald Trump once again doubled down on his anti-equality agenda, hiring notoriously anti-LGBTQ politician Rick Santorum as an adviser. Santorum is infamous for his anti-LGBTQ positions. Let’s take a minute to review a few of his stances on the LGBTQ community:

  • Santorum said that discussing transgender youth in schools would promote “dangerous confusion.”
  • Santorum has literally said “I don’t believe in hate crimes.”
  • Santorum considers being LGBTQ to be a “lifestyle choice.”
  • Santorum supports the dangerous and debunked practice of so-called “conversion therapy.”
  • Santorum compared same-sex marriage to the September 11 terrorist attacks, beastiality and phedophilia.

More on Santorum and the rest of Trump’s associates from HRC.

ALSO IN HIS ANTI-LGBTQ CREW: Ted Cruz. Cruz endorsed Trump, saying the decision came from “prayers and searching [his] own conscience.” Cruz has consistently opposed equality for LGBTQ Americans. And he’s gone even further, attacking fellow Republicans for marching in pride parades, warning of the threat of “mandatory gay marriage” and calling 2016 the “religious liberty election.” He also vowed to make his opposition to LGBTQ equality a centerpiece of his presidential campaign prior to dropping out. More from HRC.

MONDAY MUST WATCH: On Sunday morning, equality activist Cleve Jones talked to the TODAY Show about the historic roots of the LGBTQ rights movement in San Francisco’s Castro District. HRC’s San Francisco action center and store is located in the former home of civil rights legend Harvey Milk. In his interview Cleve said, “These stories matter.” We couldn’t agree more. Watch here.

POTENTIAL HATE CRIME CHARGES FOR MURDER OF TRANS WOMAN: Mercedes Williamson’s murder may become the first federal hate crime prosecution involving a transgender person. Josh Vallum, who is serving a life sentence for the crime, may be charged with a hate crime — the first time in U.S. history the killer of a transgender person would be prosecuted under federal hate crime law. More from The Miami Herald.

HRC TAKES ACTION ON INJECTABLE ESTROGEN SHORTAGE: HRC has reached out to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials to express concern about the potential impact of a shortage of injectable estrogen on transgender women and others who utilize the drug. This shortage exist for both Delestrogen and its generic counterpart estradiol valerate. Because hormone therapy is such a critical component of many transgender individual’s gender affirmation process, lack of access to these vital medications has the potential to pose a serious health threat to transgender women. More from The Guardian.

LOL NOM: Perhaps it’s time for the National Organization for Marriage to change their name — at a planned protest of Mexican marriage-equality last week, the “national” organization drew an outstanding crowd in the single-digits. More from HRC.

LGBTQ RIGHTS AT THE UN: Last week, the United Nations held its highest-ever meeting on LGBTQ rights. During the event, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon highlighted the advancements the U.N. has made since his appointment as Secretary-General, including the launch of U.N. Free and Equal and the Human Rights Council’s recent vote to create the first-ever position of a U.N. Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. More from HRC.

PRIDE-GOERS BLOCKED BY UGANDAN POLICE: This weekend, more than 100 LGBTQ people attempted to attend a pride parade in Uganda, but many were blocked by police. Uganda is one of over 70 countries where same-sex relationships is illegal. More from BBC.


The Washington Blade interviews global LGBTQ advocates, including HRC Global Innovator Tarek Zeidan, about Donald Trump… The New York Times shares six locations significant to Britain’s LGBTQ history… The Advocate highlights the LGBTQ stories shared at the Smithsonian’s African-American Museum… BuzzFeed highlights historic bisexual women in a new comic… Hillary Clinton’s campaign released a powerful ad highlighting Trump’s terrible anti-women rhetoric… and The New York Times shares one professor’s take on asking students about their pronouns…

Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to A.M. Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!

Thrillseekers Get Swept Up by Massive Incoming Tidal Bore in China: WATCH

Thrillseekers Get Swept Up by Massive Incoming Tidal Bore in China: WATCH

tidal bore

Each year spectators (thrillseekers?) gather and watch the tidal bore of the Qiantang River in east China. A tidal bore is the initial wave that is formed in an inlet or river by the leading edge of an incoming tide.

It’s not as if they didn’t know it was going to happen, as these images from past tidal bore viewing events show.

Writes The Atlantic:

For hundreds of years, on the eighth month of the lunar calendar, people have gathered along the shores of China’s Qiantang River at the head of Hangzhou Bay to witness the waves of its famous bore tide. Higher-than-normal high tides push into the harbor, funneling into the river, causing a broad wave that can reach up to 30 feet high. If the waves surge over the banks, spectators can be swept up, pushed along walkways or down embankments.

Come at me, tidal bore. Come at me.

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Thrillseekers Get Swept Up by Massive Incoming Tidal Bore in China: WATCH

Cab Company Supports Driver Who Yelled Anti-Gay Slurs Outside Gay Bar, Then Fires Him After Public Outrage: VIDEO

Cab Company Supports Driver Who Yelled Anti-Gay Slurs Outside Gay Bar, Then Fires Him After Public Outrage: VIDEO


A Portland taxi firm which on Friday supported a driver who yelled homophobic abuse at patrons outside a gay bar in the city has now fired the driver.

A Portland Taxi cab pulled up outside Scandals in SW Portland last Tuesday evening. The driver allegedly told people outside the bar they were going to hell and offered to help them get out of a “difficult lifestyle.”


Portland Taxi Cab on #Yelp: Bigots.
Welcome to 2016
No company that supports alienating the gay community and their…

— Carlyn Blount (@CarlynBlount) September 24, 2016

According to KATU, some bar employees asked the man to leave. Bar patron Ty Raia – who posted a photo of the man to Facebook – said “another patron called the company to express their concerns that he was doing this while representing the company and he was told they don’t care.”

RELATED: Iraq War Vet Kicked Out of Taxi for Kissing Boyfriend: VIDEO

portland-taxiRaia said “I find it very surprising…Portland is a very liberal city and to hear that come from a company that depends on people in this city for their clients, I find that to be an interesting decision.”

The company told KATU that their driver was exercising his First Amendment rights and there would be no disciplinary action. A representaive added “If the gays don’t want to use our company then that’s good for us.”

Raia said “[Portland Taxi has] openly expressed they are OK with queers not using their company so maybe that’s what we should do.”

It was also noted that a Portland Taxi driver refused payment from a KATU News employee last March and told him he should be in jail because he is gay.

The cab company has now changed its tune:

[Ken Karkhu, the owner of Portland Taxi Company] showed text messages to KATU News to prove he had fired Svodboda Friday. The messages provided only indicated that Svodboda asked his boss if he was fired, the correspondence was then cut off. Another screen grab shows Karkhu telling the driver Saturday night that he’s been suspended.

Sunday night, both parties told KATU News that Svodboda had been fired.

Svodboda admits gay passengers have complained about how he’s treated them in the past. The company owner says none of those complaints were ever relayed to management.

Watch a KATU report on the incident below:

The post Cab Company Supports Driver Who Yelled Anti-Gay Slurs Outside Gay Bar, Then Fires Him After Public Outrage: VIDEO appeared first on Towleroad.

Cab Company Supports Driver Who Yelled Anti-Gay Slurs Outside Gay Bar, Then Fires Him After Public Outrage: VIDEO

Russia Bans Country’s Most Popular LGBT Website BlueSystem Without Warning

Russia Bans Country’s Most Popular LGBT Website BlueSystem Without Warning

vladimir putin, one of Russia’s most popular LGBT websites has been blocked without warning.

Described as the biggest news portal on the Internet in Russia, BlueSystem was visited by more than 100,000 people a day.

Administrators were not aware that a case was taking place and have not received any reason for the decision by a court in the Siberian town of Parable to block the site.

Russian media watchdog Roskomnadzor bans Pornhub, YouPorn & one of the top gay news & dating sites @MMuravyeva

— Jad Adams (@JadAdamsAuthor) September 24, 2016

On its Vkontakte page, BlueSystem wrote “The Kremlin is afraid of gays. On the eve of the State Duma elections, the Kremlin mobilized its repressive machine and blocked the most popular Runet gay site.”

Russia’s telecom regulator blocks, the country’s most popular LGBT news site.

— oDR (@opendemocracyru) September 20, 2016

Tanya Lokshina, Russia program director for Human Rights Watch, told The Daily Beast:

“LGBT resources get blocked as part of a broader crackdown on freedom of expression online. The authorities are also attempting to shut down Children-404 (Deti-404), an online support group for LGBT teens.”

RELATED: Russia Bans Social Network Support Group For LGBT Teens: VIDEO

Pavel Lobkov, a Russian television anchor, said:

“The BlueSystem website was mainly popular as a dating resource. Dating on the internet is like water flowing downhill, it finds its own level, and people will always find a new way to date online. The authorities do not understand that their banning machine is pushing LGBT people to hang out in parks, meet under trees, that sort of thing, which would definitely increase crime in Russia, as has happened in countries like Morocco.”

BlueSystem can still be accessed outside Russia.

According to the Moscow Times, European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA-Europe) ranks Russia in 48th place out of 49 European countries for their promotion of LGBT rights.

The post Russia Bans Country’s Most Popular LGBT Website BlueSystem Without Warning appeared first on Towleroad.

Russia Bans Country’s Most Popular LGBT Website BlueSystem Without Warning

The transgender circle of relatives the place the daddy gave delivery

The transgender circle of relatives the place the daddy gave delivery

videoİzle posted a photo:

The transgender circle of relatives the place the daddy gave delivery…

Media captionMeet Diane and Fernando – Ecuador’s first transgender family
Meet one in all South America’s most prime-profile transgender families.
“we don’t have a name yet – or quite we do – we are just waiting to announce it,” Diane tells me, not…