Justin Trudeau, Amy Schumer, Presidential Debate, Big Brother, Smithsonian, Houston Gunman, Oxygen: HOT LINKS
MALE MODEL MONDAY. 25-year-old Chinese model Hao Yun Xiang.
CUTENESS OVERLOAD. When HRH Prince George met Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (and denied the PM a high five).
SOCIAL MEDIA. Disney has entered the race to buy Twitter: “Bloomberg first reported on Monday that Disney is considering a bid, noting that the company both has deep enough pockets to potentially acquire the $20 billion social network, and the incentive to snap up a widely-used distribution channel.”
TRANSGENDER RIGHTS. Family sues Children’s Hospital San Diego for discriminatory treatment of transgender teen: “Katharine Prescott took her 14-year-old son, Kyler Prescott, to RCHSD in early April 2015 for suicidal ideation and for treatment of his serious self-inflicted injuries following an incident of transphobic harassment by his peers. The hospital was aware that Kyler was a transgender boy and Katharine made clear to hospital staff that her son must be treated as male for all purposes. But during his stay, hospital staff repeatedly addressed Kyler—who came out to his family as transgender at 13 and whose gender markers were legally changed to male—as a girl.”
WATCH WHAT HAPPENS LIVE. Amy Schemer and Ramona Singer to have their own debate tonight: “Following the presidential debate, Schumer, who is a Housewives aficionado, will go head-to-head with Singer over a topic of utmost importance. The aforementioned topic is a doozy—Which is better: Chardonnay or Pinot Grigio?”
RIGHT WING DISCORD. Glenn Beck grills Ted Cruz about backing Trump: “You had this information the day you dropped out of the race. And said that Donald Trump is a ‘sociopathic liar.’ You had all this information. Have you spent an enormous amount of time with Donald Trump? Do you have new information that has made you say, ‘Oh my gosh, he’s now not a sociopathic liar. He is not the guy that I very eloquently spelled out, for over a year, and now there’s suddenly a reason to believe him’?”
POLITICAL ADVERTISING. Audi drops debate-themed ad just in time for tonight’s melee: “It’s the perfect spot for what’s been a brutal political season—it’s violent and unrelenting and (literally) backwards. Yet it’s also the opposite of this election, in that the ultimate payoff is well worth the wait and something everyone can love. Its gender-opposite foes are equally matched, and they both want the same thing.”
REALITY TV. Digital season of Big Brother, Big Brother: Over the Top, reveals its contestants: “This season, fans will choose the winner of the show and they will also affect nominations, evictions, and more game-changing twists. The contestants will compete for $250,000 rather than the normal half million prize.”
“I, TOO, AM AMERICA.” President Obama offers moving address at the opening of the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC: “And so this national museum helps to tell a richer and fuller story of who we are. It helps us better understand the lives, yes of the president, but also the slave; the industrialist but also the porter; the keeper of the status quo but also the activist seeking to overthrow that status quo; the teacher or the cook alongside the statesmen. And by knowing this other story, we better understand ourselves and each other. It binds us together. It reaffirms that all of us are American. That African American history is not somehow separate from our larger American story; it’s not the underside of the American story. It is central to the American story. That our glory derives not just from our most obvious triumphs but how we’ve rested triumph from tragedy and how we’ve been able to remake ourselves again and again and again, in accordance with our highest ideals.”
GUN VIOLENCE. Gunman opens fire in Houston wearing a Nazi uniform: “Nathan Desai, believed the gunman according to multiple sources, including Click2Houston, shot at officers and ‘was neutralized by police,’ Interim Houston Police Chief Martha Montalvo said. A police spokesperson said 2600 rounds of live ammunition, along with two weapons, were found in or near his car. Police ‘sources said that the shooter was wearing what appeared to be an antique German uniform with Swastikas on it.’”
STUMPED. Earth continues to lose oxygen and scientists don’t know why: “Atmospheric oxygen levels have dropped by 0.7 percent over the past 800,000 years, and while scientists aren’t sure why, they’re rather excited about it.”
MISTER MONDAY. Fitness enthusiast, model, engineer Titanius Maximus (aka Jeison Melo).

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Justin Trudeau, Amy Schumer, Presidential Debate, Big Brother, Smithsonian, Houston Gunman, Oxygen: HOT LINKS