#AM_Equality Tip Sheet: September 23, 2016
HRC MEMBERS FIRST IN LINE TO VOTE EARLY FOR CLINTON IN MINNEAPOLIS: This morning, HRC members were the first in line to vote for Hillary Clinton at the downtown Minneapolis early voting site. HRC President Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) joined them outside the early voting location to discuss the importance of the LGBTQ vote in the upcoming elections — up and down the ticket. The morning kicks off a wave of activity by HRC in Minnesota to encourage its members to vote early — in Minnesota, the estimated population of LGBTQ is nearly 122,000, a substantial number of potential voters in a state which had a 207,402 margin of victory in the last election.
HITTING THE TRAIL IN ARIZONA: Yesterday, HRC President Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) traveled to Arizona to encourage the pro-equality vote and support candidates, kicking off a phone bank of HRC volunteers campaigning for Hillary Clinton. While there, he spoke with Univision Arizona about how the LGBTQ vote can impact elections up and down the ticket this year. Roughly 6 million LGB voters cast a ballot in 2012 — an election President Obama won by just under 5 million votes. With Donald Trump’s commitment to reverse nationwide marriage equality and support for dangerous and vile laws like North Carolina’s HB2, all the progress the LGBTQ community has made over the last eight years — and all the progress we have yet to make — is at risk in this election. In Arizona, the estimated population of LGBTQ adults exceeds 200,000.
So excited to be in PHX to #turnOUT the vote for @HillaryClinton & pro-equality candidates up & down the ballot. First stop? @UnivisionAZ! pic.twitter.com/7cTwCR9ecr
— Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) September 22, 2016
GLOBAL WORKPLACE LGBTQ EQUALITY PROGRAM LAUNCHES IN MEXICO: Yesterday, HRC, Francisco Robledo of Alianza por la Diversidad e Inclusión Laboral (ADIL) and Fernando Velazquez of FVConsulting – Consultores en Diversidad e Inclusion, S.C launched HRC Equidad MX: Global Workplace Equality Program, a new program that will work to promote LGBTQ workplace inclusion throughout Mexico. HRC Equidad MX: Global Workplace Equality Program will increase awareness about the importance of LGBTQ diversity and inclusion Mexico’s workplaces by developing consulting and education models for Mexican companies and organizations. It will also utilize HRC’s tools and relationships to engage interested companies in aligning their corporate policies on LGBTQ inclusion to international standards. More from HRC.
LOL OF THE WEEK: The Charlotte Observer created a roundup of the nation’s political cartoons taking a look at HB2. Check them out here.
The nation’s cartoonists gather in Durham, poking fun at North Carolina’s #HB2 bill: t.co/U9XgIPEW5s #ncpol #ncgov #charobs
— Kevin Siers (@KevinSiers) September 21, 2016
TIP OF THE HAT TO TIPPECANOE: This week, the Tippecanoe County, Ind. Board of Commissioners voted to add gender identity protections to their non-discrimination ordinance. In addition to gender identity, the ordinance adds a definition for veteran status to the County’s existing non-discrimination ordinance. More from The Journal and Courier.
- Local governments standing up while state leadership try to move back: Counties like Tippecanoe are leading the way in LGBTQ non-discrimination protections in Indiana. The state does not protect LGBTQ citizens from discrimination. Not to mention Indiana’s Lieutenant Governor said LGBTQ issues “is not an issue [he’s] focused on at all,” and we all know Indiana was the site of Gov. Mike Pence’s disastrous anti-LGBTQ law.
PRESIDENT OBAMA CONDEMNS ANTI-LGBTQ VIOLENCE IN UN SPEECH: In the final speech President Obama will make during his administration to the United Nations, he condemned global anti-LGBTQ violence, saying “If our religion leads us to persecute those of another faith, if we jail or beat people who are gay, if our traditions lead us to prevent girls from going to school, if we discriminate on the basis of race or tribe or ethnicity, then the fragile bonds of civilization will fray.” More from Pink News.
HRC shares five bisexual women who aren’t afraid to live their truth… The Associated Press photographs a pageant celebrating trans women in Barcelona… HRC sits down with HIV 360° Fellow Thomas Davis of the Los Angeles LGBT Center…
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