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=== Video – 1 new result for [webcams] === Seawall Video Cam Seawall web cam live video from Casa del Mar Condos in Galveston Island Texas. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Unsubscribe from this Google Alert: Create another Google Alert: Sign in to manage your alerts:

Apple’s New iOS 10 Has A Dirty Little Secret

Apple’s New iOS 10 Has A Dirty Little Secret

Guys with iPhones-10

So it turns out the built-in GIF search on Apple’s New iOS is an embarrassment of hardcore adult proportion.

Related: 10 Cutting-Edge Features Of The iPhone 7 We Simply Need

As Deadspin reports, developers are working overtime to spackle over the oversight — already the word “butt” has been blocked from search, which previously presented viewers a GIF of My Little Pony in an incredibly private moment of coitus.

Related: Blink And You’ll Miss The Gay Couple Featured In New iPhone 7 Commercial

Oh, and they’ve now deleted more key words like “huge,” which yielded similarly licentious results.

You’re invited to try other buzzwords that you can almost definitely conjure up if you give the subject of sex a good long think.

You can read Deadspin‘s intensely NSFW article here.

5 Tips To Getting The Results You Love From Your Online Dating Profile

5 Tips To Getting The Results You Love From Your Online Dating Profile


As the old saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression, and that is certainly true when it comes to looking for sex & love online. Your online dating profile is the window to the World of Wonderful You, and when your future ex-lovers have just a few seconds to check out your page, your profile should look its best.

Whether your dating hub is Scruff, Tinder or the new kid, LGBTQutie, here are five important tips for a profile that pops, not flops.

1. Be brave
At the end of every “Drag Race” episode, RuPaul asks the universe, “If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?” Nothing is sexier than someone with a healthy dose of modest confidence. That starts with accepting who, and what, you are, warts and all. Say your real age. Say what you want in a relationship. Give a little info about what you do for work or what you do with your life every day, and show everyone that you think you are interesting enough to deserve a little attention. Lying about your age or your income (or that critical part of pitch) may help you get laid once in a while, but once you admit the truth, the memory of that little lie will linger, like a red flag that there could be more to come. Yes, it’s hard. Many people exaggerate, so there has been a kind of “profile inflation.” But in the long run what will shine through is your integrity.
2. Pick a great pic
We are into the second decade of the 21st century, and every cell phone comes with a very good camera. There is no reason to post a profile photo that is grainy, blurry, or so small that your face cannot be seen. These suggest your photo is either old, or lifted from another profile. If you want to know what you really look like, have a close friend pick your photo for you. They see you for who you really are, and you can be certain that they don’t think you look like that mid-workout gym selfie you took 5 years ago. Show a little personality. Use a photo from a (recent) vacation (and then be ready to chat about it when someone asks, “Where is that photo from?”). Or post a photo posing with a dog. It shows friendliness, ability to care for other creatures, and hopefully how you have excellent technique when giving a butt scratch.
Speaking of butt scratches…
3. Be honest with what you want
If you are looking for sex, say so. There is no shame in looking for sex. In fact, sex is good. But fret not, romantics, because lots of people are looking for true love without jumping right to the spank and tickle, so keep things simple and make it easy for prospective suitors to sort through the field for eligible applicants. There is nothing more confusing than a self proclaimed romantic leading with a butt shot. Yes, navigating the boundaries of love and lust are difficult. But mixed messages are not sexy. They are simply exhausting.
4. Be accessible
We all have standards, but do you really need to make prospective suitors run a gauntlet to get a simple date or even hook up? Give people some hope they have a chance. Long lists of the things you don’t like in a mate, even when legit, make you appear to be a person who is impossible to please. And, yes, the phrase “no fats, no femmes” is offensive and says a lot more about you than anyone else. Say what you like–not what you don’t like–and put positive energy out there. And saying something like “I’m single because I don’t believe in settling for less” just means “I would prefer to be alone than compromise on anything, so you probably shouldn’t waste your time trying to make me happy.”
5. Don’t be an a$$#0!e
Are you so desirable, so irresistible, that you are overwhelmed by how many people contact you and ask you to love them, and you need help narrowing the field of eligible suitors?  Please. Calm down. You do not live a life so burdened by your own sexiness that you have the right to ask entire ethnic, racial, body type, or gender-expressive groups of people to not contact you because you find them generally undesirable. Keep your bigotry to yourself. Your selfish motives are not important compared to the hate you create with your marginalization of other human beings. Of course everyone has favorites, and if you have a “type,” a preference for, say, beefy blond guys, or trans women, or Pacific Islanders who look great oiled up and shirtless, then say so and happy hunting. But also, everyone deserves a chance to feel that someone is dreaming of finding them, and they don’t need to be informed that they are undesirable. And you may think, for example, “I’m not into black guys,” but if Taye Diggs stepped out of “How Stella Got Her Groove Back” and walked into your bedroom, stripped down to his Speedo and licked his lips, you would take that moment to confront your racial preference and you would get over it in a hurry.
Our friends at LGBTQutie are kindly offering Queerty readers a one-month free trial for an upgraded rainbow membership.

Google Alert – webcams

=== News – 2 new results for [webcams] === Cover Webcam on Your Computer Against Hackers — FBI Director Cosumnes Connection (subscription) Speaking at a conference this week, FBI Director James Comey offered up a little security tip: cover your webcam. If you go into any government office, … Diretor do FBI recomenda que as pessoas tapem suas webcams OlemeJornais Portanto, por via das dúvidas, siga o exemplo do diretor do FBI e de Zuckerberg e bloqueie a sua webcam o quanto antes. Esta não é a primeira vez … – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Unsubscribe from this Google Alert: Create another Google Alert: Sign in to manage your alerts:

Grindr quiere que la gente de tecnología para combatir las desigualdades LGBTQ

Grindr quiere que la gente de tecnología para combatir las desigualdades LGBTQ

duongcongminh posted a photo:

Grindr quiere que la gente de tecnología para combatir las desigualdades LGBTQ,

Lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, trans y gente queer conforman casi el 40% de los 1,6 millones jóvenes que experimenten falta de vivienda cada año. Mientras tanto, las personas trans son casi cuatro veces más probabilidades que el norteamericano promedio vive a menos de $10.000 al año. En Resumen, es un conjunto de problemas que afectan negativamente a la comunidad LGBTQ. Es hora de hacer algo al respecto.

Grindr, la aplicación de conexión para los hombres gay, está aprovechando su alcance masivo (tiene 2 millones usuarios diarios que gastan un promedio de 54 minutos de usarlo) y colocándolo hacia algo seria bueno. Nacido de Grindr para la igualdad, Hack4Equality es un hackathon que está culminando en un día de demostración la semana próxima en la sede de Los Angeles de Grindr.

“Realmente queremos que gran innovación para ayudar a la justicia de apoyo y acciones para la comunidad LGBTQ en cuestiones internacionales”, me dijo Grindr Head de personas y cultura Jeremy Foreshew.

En total, hay 13 retos en cuatro cuestiones principales que afectan a la comunidad LGBTQ: falta de vivienda, visibilidad trans y poder económico, internacionales asuntos LGBTQ (refugiados y viajes) y acceso a servicios de salud sexual y PrEP. Los socios de Grindr para esta iniciativa incluyen la casa blanca, proyecto de oportunidad de la oficina de censo de Estados Unidos, Planned Parenthood, la campaña de los derechos humanos, el que obtiene mejor proyecto y otros. El gobierno de Estados Unidos, por ejemplo, ha abierto el censo para permitir a los participantes de la Hack4Equality resolver la cuestión de la representación para las personas LGBT.

“Nos no estamos siendo representados porque nadie pregunta sobre nosotros o ha pedido históricamente sobre nosotros,” dijo Foreshew. “Mis colegas siempre datos anónimos de Grindr básicamente poner un filtro de arco iris sobre los datos del censo y averiguar si hay único LGBTQ temas o indicadores que pueden utilizarse para ayudar a resolver problemas”.

Grindr espera más de 100 tecnólogos para estar presente en el día de LA demostración, con cientos más participantes alrededor del mundo. A través de Hack4Equality, Grindr es la esperanza de algunos de los hacks terminan llegando al mercado, ya sea como productos independientes o los que viven dentro del ecosistema de Grindr.

“Cuando hablamos acerca de algo ser parte del ecosistema de Grindr, hablamos aprovechando la escala y la comunidad masiva”, dijo Foreshew. “Lo que es muy importante para nosotros es encontrar oportunidades donde la gente puede usar el alcance tienen y utilizan la buena voluntad que hemos creado con los millones de usuarios tenemos que clase de ese cálido apretón de manos.”

Featured Image: Ted Eytan/Flickr UNDER A CC BY-SA 2.0 LICENSE

Google Alert – webcams

=== Video – 1 new result for [webcams] === FBI Director James Comey says to cover webcams Comey says people should cover their laptop cameras to prevent hackers from spying. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Unsubscribe from this Google Alert: Create another Google Alert: Sign in to manage your alerts:

Pioneering Out Playwright Edward Albee Dies At 88

Pioneering Out Playwright Edward Albee Dies At 88


Edward Albee, Pulitzer-winning playwright of some of the most emotionally affecting works of his generation, has died at the age of 88 at his home in Montauk, Long Island.

His best-known and most-produced play, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, is widely regarded as a 20th centruy theatrical masterpiece. He once described the play as an effort to dig “so deep under the skin that it becomes practically intolerable.” Anyone who has witnessed the explosive marriage of George and Martha, either on stage or in the 1966 film starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, knows how close Albee hit his mark.

Below is an example of the kind of marital bloodsport the work is so famous for — “I swear if you existed I’d divorce you” —

While Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? was denied the Pulitzer the year it came out (the 14-member advisory board was split, with some shocked at the language and abusive behavior), Albee did win the award for A Delicate Balance in 1967. “Well, you can’t lose them all,” director Mike Nichols cabled him

Elizabeth Taylor won the Academy Award for the film version, directed by Nichols.

Albee’s plays challenged the way we behave, to our loved ones, the world at large and ourselves. “Most people want tidy, frivolous stuff,” Albee told the Los Angeles Times in 2002, “so they can go home and not worry about what they’ve seen.”

Albee was out, though he rejected the label of “gay writer.”

“Maybe I’m being a little troublesome about this,” Albee told NPR’s Renee Montagne, “but so many writers who are gay are expected to behave like gay writers and I find that is such a limitation and such a prejudicial thing that I fight against it whenever I can.”

“A writer who happens to be gay or lesbian must be able to transcend self. I am not a gay writer. I am a writer who happens to be gay,” he said, somewhat ironically, while accepting an award for pioneering LGBT writers and publishers.

“I don’t find that much difference between straights and gays in the problems of life,” he told the New York Times in 1994. “I don’t believe in ghettoization.”

Other notable works include The Zoo Story, A Delicate Balance, The Sandbox, The Goat, or Who Is Sylvia, The Lady from Dubuqe and The American Dream.