Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Trolls Trump Voters – WATCH

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Trolls Trump Voters – WATCH

triumph insult comic dog trump

If you’ve ever been morbidly curious about who Trump voters are and what they really believe, Triumph the insult comic dog is here to help.

Triumph has a new video in which he conducts a fake focus group with a very real group of Trump supporters. The point is to show outrageous fake Trump plans to deal with immigration, transgender bathroom rights and other issues to Trump supporters to see if they think those plans are over the top or just what we need to “make America great again.”

For instance, should we include handguns in all women’s bathrooms to protect cisgender women from transgender bathroom predators?

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And trap illegal Mexican immigrants in porta-potties placed near Home Depot and then ship them back to Mexico? Or demand that Hillary Clinton prove that she is in fact a woman? These Trump voters agree: yes, we should.

Watch the almost too-outrageous-to-believe video, below.

Editor’s Note: the below video is only funny if Donald Trump doesn’t actually win the presidency. Otherwise, it is a sign of the end times. 

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#AM_Equality Tip Sheet: August 12, 2016

#AM_Equality Tip Sheet: August 12, 2016

RUBIO RAILS AGAINST MARRIAGE EQUALITY ON TWO MONTH ANNIVERSARY OF PULSE TRAGEDY: A day after Trump courted anti-LGBTQ activists in Orlando, Rubio took to the same stage this morning to rail against marriage equality. Rubio calls for people to “not judge” the LGBTQ community, yet he continues to  support Kim Davis-style discrimination like the so-called “First Amendment Defense Act,” which would allow non-profit organizations and businesses contracting with the federal government to circumvent critical federal protections designed to protect LGBTQ families from harmful discrimination. Despite condoning a time where McCarthyism led to a witch-hunt against the LGBTQ community holding government jobs, Rubio consistently voted against the Employee Non-Discrimination act and vowed during his presidential campaign to reverse the executive order made by President Obama that bans anti-LGBTQ discrimination by government contractors. Read more on Trump and Rubio adding insult to injury in Orlando via TIME and The Huffington Post, and check out how, when it comes to opposing LGBTQ equality, Donald Trump and Marco Rubio are two dangerous peas in a pod.

NEW CDC DATA REVEALS LGB TEENS FACE STARTLING RATES OF VIOLENCE: Lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) teens are far more likely to experience violence and bullying, and attempt suicide, than their heterosexual peers, according to new national data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The data show just how deeply stigma and discrimination affect LGBTQ youth, how urgently they need their communities’ support and affirmation, and how far we have to go in protecting them. For the first time ever, the biannual Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) asked young people about their sexual orientation, allowing researchers to assess how being LGB affects teens’ risk of problems including depression, drug use and violence. The results are sobering. More from The New York Times.

  • In Texas, one mother is standing up for her transgender daughter’s right to use school bathrooms consistent with her gender identity. “Please understand I’m not fighting about bathrooms, I’m fighting about her life, I’m fighting about her well-being, I’m fighting for her happiness, I’m fighting for her future,” said Kim Shappley. More from KXAN.

THIS DAY IN LGBTQ HISTORY: On August 11, 1981, a group of brave, early HIV and AIDS activists gathered in Larry Kramer’s living room and made history – founding Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC), the world’s first AIDS service organization. Read this piece in The Advocate by Kelsey Louie, the current CEO of GMHC, about the history of the movement and work that remains.

HRC ALABAMA’S EVA KENDRICK: ROY MOORE MUST GO: In the Montgomery Advertiser, HRC Alabama state manager Eva Kendrick, citing suspended Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore’s unethical and anti-LGBTQ behavior and rhetoric, lays out why he must be permanently removed from the bench. “[Alabama] elected Roy Moore to be a Supreme Court justice, not a pastor,” she writes. Moore faces a second hearing on ethics charges next month. #NoMoore

HRC MOURNS THE LOSS OF ERYKAH TIJERINA: HRC is saddened to learn that Erykah Tijerina, a transgender woman, was found dead on Monday in her El Paso apartment. KFOX14 reports that police observed “obvious signs of foul play.” Tijerina was 36. She is at least the 16th transgender person murdered in the U.S. since January. Over 80 percent of those killed have been women and about 20 percent, including Tijerina, have been Latinx. More from HRC.

DOJ RELEASES REPORT DETAILING UNLAWFUL CONDUCT OF BALTIMORE PD: HRC is heartened to hear that the City of Baltimore recognizes the unlawful conduct by its Police Department  as detailed in a U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) report, and is committed to reform. As DOJ and Baltimore work together to improve policing in Baltimore, HRC will continue to work with Congress and the Administration to push for criminal justice reform on the federal level. This week, the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division released a report on its investigation of the Baltimore City Police Department (BPD) that concludes there is “reasonable cause to believe that BPD engages in a pattern or practice of conduct that violates the Constitution or federal law.” More from HRC.

HRC’S SARAH MCBRIDE ON MAKING HISTORY AT THE DNC: In an interview with Al Jazeera’s The Stream, HRC National Press Secretary Sarah McBride talks about her historic speech at this year’s Democratic National Convention, where she became the first openly transgender person to address a major party’s convention. Watch it here.

OPENLY TRANS ATHLETES ABSENT FROM OLYMPIC ROSTER: While there are many talented and successful transgender athletes around the globe, there are no openly transgender athletes competing in the Olympic Games in Rio. It was only earlier this year that the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) decided to allow transgender athletes to compete without gender affirming surgery. Previously, transgender athletes were required to undergo surgery and wait two years after before competing. Though there are no openly transgender Olympians in Rio, Rolling Stone reports that there are two athletes competing at the Olympics who are transgender. More from HRC.

MASS. MANDATES INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR SIDE EFFECT OF HIV DRUGS: Massachusetts has become the first state to require that insurers cover treatment for HIV-associated lipodystrophy syndrome, an often debilitating side effect of some old HIV medications, which some insurance companies did not previously cover. The law was signed yesterday by Governor Charlie Baker. More from MassLive.

GEORGIA PREZ SAYS NO TO ANTI-LGBTQ REFERENDUM: Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili has rejected an anti-LGBTQ organization’s proposal to hold a referendum on defining a marriage as a union between one man and one woman. More from Georgia Today.


The Washington Post explores how one Jewish summer camp is finding new ways to welcome nonbinary campers; Gay Star News celebrates nine inspiring transgender teens; The Advocate details why transgender rights can’t wait; ThinkProgress explores why bisexual men fear coming out; Adweek unveils Grindr’s newest line of athletic wear to benefit LGBTQ athletes; The Charlotte Observer profiles a transgender student who earned one of the state’s most prestigious scholarships to attend UNC Chapel Hill; and The New York Times takes a look at what the Olympics say about the climate for LGBTQ people in China.

Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to A.M. Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!

‘Rogue One’ Trailer Channels 2016: ‘The World Is Coming Undone’ – WATCH

‘Rogue One’ Trailer Channels 2016: ‘The World Is Coming Undone’ – WATCH

rogue one trailer

The first official trailer for the Star Wars spinoff film Rogue One was released Thursday night during coverage of the Olympics, giving fans more insight into what they can expect when the movie hits theaters December 16.

A previous teaser for the film got fans in a frenzy, and this latest one has already been viewed 3.2 million times as of publication.

Rogue One follows “a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire’s ultimate weapon of destruction.”

The trailer opens with an ominous declaration by Forest Whittaker’s character, Saw Gerrera: “The world is coming undone.”

As Mashable points out, this is an apropos choice for film-goers in 2016. For if you’ve survived 2016 thus far, those words will resonate with you.

The trailer also includes the most we’ve seen of the ultimate baddy, Darth Vader, since 2005’s Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (which some of us would maybe prefer to forget).

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More from Mashable: 

Every iconic visual that we associate with the Galactic Empire gets a spectacular shot, from Star Destroyers to TIE fighters to the mighty Death Star itself. […]

The focus is barely on Jyn Erso [star Felicity Jones] as the trailer takes most of its 135 seconds to briefly introduce us to other characters, such as intelligence officer Cassian Andor (Diego Luna), freelance assassin Baze Malbus (Jiang Wen) and the comic-relief robot K-2SO, a tall drink of CGI voiced by Firefly‘s Alan Tudyk.

Then there’s the eerie, blue-eyed Jedi-like spiritual warrior Chirrut Imwe (Donnie Yen), whom the gang meet on the planet Jedha, dropping Imperial guards like they’re sick beats. “I fear nothing,” Imwe says. “All is as the Force wills it.”

Watch the trailer, below.

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Marco Rubio, Provincetown, Belle and Sebastian, Greenland Shark, James Ellington: HOT LINKS

Marco Rubio, Provincetown, Belle and Sebastian, Greenland Shark, James Ellington: HOT LINKS

Marco RubioFLORIDA. Marco Rubio’s lead evaporates. “Incumbent Republican Senate candidates in the three key swing states surveyed — Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio — all polled better than Trump, the survey showed. But in Florida and Pennsylvania, both considered crucial to the party’s efforts to maintain control of the Senate, the races are now too close to call.”

HILLARY CLINTON. New ad shows Republicans pressing Trump to release his tax returns: “Clinton will release her 2015 tax returns “in the coming days,” a Clinton campaign official said, adding that Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine and his wife will also release a decade of tax returns.”

HEARTBREAKING. Levels of violence against LGBT teens show far greater risk: “These adolescents were three times more likely than straight students to have been raped. They skipped school far more often because they did not feel safe; at least a third had been bullied on school property. And they were twice as likely as heterosexual students to have been threatened or injured with a weapon on school property.”

GREENLAND SHARK. The longest-living vertebrate. “She was born during the reign of James I, was a youngster when René Descartes set out his rules of thought and the great fire of London raged, saw out her adolescent years as George II ascended the throne, reached adulthood around the time that the American revolution kicked off, and lived through two world wars. Living to an estimated age of nearly 400 years, a female Greenland shark has set a new record for longevity, scientists have revealed.”

RIO 2016. No Chinese among the openly gay Olympians: “The absence of Chinese athletes ‘shows that the environment isn’t here for sexual minorities to come out yet,’ Mr. Peng said in a telephone interview.”

minnesotaMINNESOTA. Former banker Stephen Habberstad may get $3.5 million after court rules he was fired because he’s gay: “People can have their own views on sexual orientation. That’s not the issue,” [attorney] Lienemann said. “The issue is that people have a right to work without that impacting their employment and their ability to earn a living. Discrimination happens even among people who you think are your friends and family who support you. It’s a hard reality for a lot of people.”

therayTHE RAY. Greg Berlanti developing first animated DC superhero series with a gay lead: “Berlanti will produce an animated series about DC Comics Freedom Fighter The Ray, with an eye on a future live-action iteration. Like so many other super mantles, The Ray identity has been assumed by multiple characters in the comics. But it’s the Ray Terrill iteration from Grant Morrison’s Multiversity that will inform the TV character. According to the CW Seed, Terrill’s backstory is that he’s a reporter who stumbles upon “a group of government scientists working on a secret project to turn light into a weapon of mass destruction.” Unfortunately, before he can get to a payphone to dictate the story to a transcriber, Ray is exposed to a “genetic light bomb,” and ends up with light-based powers.”

watersPROVINCETOWN. Still the place to paint and party: “Rent was always expensive in Provincetown; everything cost a lot,” insisted Mr. Waters, who first hitchhiked here in 1964 and has returned every summer since. “I don’t think it’s changed. Times have changed. And I’m 70 now, not 20. I’ve always liked to ride a bicycle here. The difference is that I used to steal a bike the first night I came and then paint it a different color the next day.”

BELLE AND SEBASTIAN. Olympic Village, 6 am. “Belle and Sebastian dig the Olympics, love the Olympic ideal, love that the world gets together for a big ‘sports day’ once every four years. We can’t be part of it, though we’d like to be. So we recorded a piece of music with Rio In mind: specifically the Track and Field. Here it is.”

FRIDAY FLESH. Team GB sprinter James Ellington.

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Rio 2016, Day 6 Report: Grindr Aftermath, Fiji’s First Medal Ever and Phelps’s 22nd

Rio 2016, Day 6 Report: Grindr Aftermath, Fiji’s First Medal Ever and Phelps’s 22nd


Swimmer Amini Fonua, of Tonga, one of the few openly gay Olympians in Rio — and our newest hero — took to Twitter to protest against the Daily Beast’s reporter Amini Fonua who used Grindr to out Olympic Athletes.

Shame this inhumane CREEP who thought it’d be funny to endanger people’s lives in the village 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼 @NicoHines

— Amini Fonua (@AminiFonua) August 11, 2016

As an out gay athlete from a country that is still very homophobic, @thedailybeast ought to be ashamed #deplorable

— Amini Fonua (@AminiFonua) August 11, 2016

Imagine the one space you can feel safe, the one space you’re able to be yourself, ruined by a straight person who thinks it’s all a joke?

— Amini Fonua (@AminiFonua) August 11, 2016

No straight person will ever know the pain of revealing your truth, to take that away is just… I can’t. It literally brings me to tears 😭😭

— Amini Fonua (@AminiFonua) August 11, 2016

It is still illegal to be gay in Tonga, and while I’m strong enough to be me in front of the world, not everybody else is. Respect that.

— Amini Fonua (@AminiFonua) August 11, 2016

He also posted a photo of his bare ass on Instagram, and wrote:

Yo @nicohines & @thedailybeast – if what you were looking for on Grindr was hot ass (and I don’t see any other reason why you’d be on there) here you have mine in all its proud glory. Now, kiss it and f**k off 👅🖕🏼 #pride

We can’t show you his Instagram photo, but you can check it out HERE. And you really should.

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Fiji won its first Olympic medal ever, in Rugby Sevens, and the country went crazy celebrating the achievement. The island nation of 900,000 inhabitants spread across nearly 300 islands beat its former colonial ruler, Great Britain, by 43-7.

This year marks the return of the sport  to the Olympics (the last time was in 1924). The version reintroduced to Rio 2016 was called rugby sevens, with faster play and smaller teams — well suited for Fijians.

Fiji fans stop traffic to celebrate Fiji 7s Olympic gold win. Only in #Fij Vinaka Ben Ryan and our boys for the win

— jn (@FijianNextDoor) August 12, 2016

Fiji’s prime minister Frank Bainimarama, who was in Rio during the entire tournament, announced one more day of national holiday (there had been three, already), so that people can celebrate the country’s gold medal.

It’s a sweet moment for the impoverished South Pacific nation which is still recovering from the devastation of Cyclone Winston in February, and it has all the potential to become one of the feel-good moments of the games, but Bainimarama’s radical anti-gay views make it a little hard for us.

It only took 2,160 years, but an athlete was finally able to break a record of twelve individual wins, set by Leonidas of Rhodes in 152 B.C. Last night Michael Phelps won his 13th individual gold for the 200-meter individual medley, bringing his total medal count to 26 (22 of them are gold, including team medals).

According to the Olympics’ official website, Leonidas of Rhodes was acclaimed as the greatest sprinter of the Ancient Games. Competing in the Games of 164 BC, he captured the crown in three separate foot races — the stadion, the diaulos, and the hoplitodromos. He repeated this feat in the next three subsequent Olympics, in 160 BC, in 156 BC, and finally in 152 BC at the age of 36. 

But then Phelps happened.

It wasn’t even close… #Phelps #Rio2016

— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) August 12, 2016

Here’s video of some 15-year-old local swimmer named Michael Phelps when he just maybe hoped to win one medal:

American Simone Manuel made history by becoming the first black female swimmer to win a gold medal.

“This medal is not just for me, it’s for some of the African-Americans who have been before me and been inspirations,” she told the BBC. “I hope I can be an inspiration for others. This medal is for the people who come behind me and get into the sport.”

Simone Manuel’s reaction to winning is gold:

— New York Magazine (@NYMag) August 12, 2016

It didn’t take too long…

Bulgarian runner Silvia Danekova has been temporarily suspended after testing positive for EPO, a banned substance that regulates how many red blood cells the body produces (one of the substances Lance Armstrong admitted using). The 33-year-old athlete said she was “shocked” at the results and that the only logical explanation she could give for the positive test was that the substance came from a contaminated food supplement. She was scheduled to compete on Monday, but she’s now waiting to hear the result of the test on her B sample.

Rio #Olympics2016: Bulgarian Silvia Danekova fails drugs test

— Zesty Europe News (@zesty_europe) August 12, 2016

Chinese swimmer Chen Xinyi tested positive for hydrochlorothiazide, a banned diuretic. The 18-year-old finished fourth in the women’s 100-meter butterfly and she was also scheduled to compete in the 50m meter freestyle, which begins today. The AP reported that Chen has applied to the International Olympic Committee to have her B sample tested and to get a hearing on the matter.

Chinese swimmer Chen fails doping test: Xinhua

— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) August 12, 2016


Ryan Lochte goes from platinum to green, with a splash of gold:


I don’t think @RyanLochte realizes what chlorine does to bleach blonde hair. Get a good purple toning shampoo sweetie! 😘

— Sasha Allison (@sashaallison127) August 10, 2016

Photo credit: Ryan Lochte/Instagram

Top photo credit: Amini Fonua/Twitter

The post Rio 2016, Day 6 Report: Grindr Aftermath, Fiji’s First Medal Ever and Phelps’s 22nd appeared first on Towleroad.

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Amber Rose Posts Snapchat Rant at Trolls Who Called Her Son ‘Gay’: WATCH

Amber Rose Posts Snapchat Rant at Trolls Who Called Her Son ‘Gay’: WATCH

Amber Rose

Model, actress, and designer Amber Rose took on social media followers earlier this week who called her 3-year-old son “gay” after she posted a photo of him wearing one of her wigs.

Complex reports that “trolls quickly flooded the photo with comments saying the child, whose father is rapper Wiz Khalifa, must be gay because he was wearing a wig.”

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Rose responded in a series of Snapchat videos:

“So I posted a picture of Sebastian playing with my wig earlier and all the comments are saying that my son is gay. He’s three. So everyone who is commenting, do me a favor, and go put a wig on your boyfriend, or your dad, or your baby’s father, and see if they turn gay and let me know. Oh—they didn’t turn gay? Wow! I’m so confused because I could’ve sworn you just said wigs make men gay. So how bout all you ignorant f**ks read a book and realize that your sexual orientation has nothing to do with the way you dress….educate yourself before you write a motherf**king comment.”



Of course Rose could have added that even if her kid was gay, there’s nothing wrong with that.

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