Pool Boy To Priest: Kindly Stop Sending Me Your Naughty Photos

Pool Boy To Priest: Kindly Stop Sending Me Your Naughty Photos


This just in: A sext scandal of biblical proportions.

A priest in California was just suspended after allegedly sending unsolicited photos to the church’s pool boy then firing the poor guy after he turned down his unwanted advances.

Monsignor Lawrence McGovern is, er, was the pastor of Presentation Parish. In a sexual harassment complaint filed late last week, the parish’s former pool boy, a married father of two, claims McGovern sent him naughty photos along with a text that read, “Oops. Sorry about that. The curse of the Internet. Shame on me. What is my penance?”

Related: Catholic Priest Allegedly Stole Millions Of Dollars To Pay Rent Boy Lover

When the pool boy asked the 73-year-old priest about the whole vow of celibacy thing, McGovern said: “Oh, that just means that you’re not married.” And when the pool boy said he really wasn’t interested in hooking up, McGovern fired him.

The lawsuit also claims McGovern used to lounge around in a speedo while the pool boy worked, making him “very uncomfortable.”

“It’s extremely disturbing that the person who is head of this parish would be sending photographs of his exposed genitals,” attorney Vince Finaldi, who represents the pool boy, said. “Someone’s who’s engaging in that type of conduct has very, very serious credibility issues and issues with judgement.”

Related: Orgy-Loving Priest Outed For Keeping Secret Grindr Account

For its part, the diocese office says it was totally unaware of any misconduct by McGovern until they received the lawsuit. Soon after, he was put on administrative leave “pending a full and complete investigation.”

Finaldi added that McGovern had absolutely “no business being in a parish and head of a school where numerous young children” walk around and called on the diocese to fire him immediately.

So far, McGovern has yet to comment on the matter.

h/t: Raw Story


Here’s What Donald Trump Said At That Antigay Rally In Orlando

Here’s What Donald Trump Said At That Antigay Rally In Orlando

donald trump

Donald Trump speaks to evangelical leaders at an event hosted by the American Renewal Project. Via C-Span.

Donald Trump spoke at an evangelical Christian rally in Orlando  last week, on the two month anniversary of the mass shooting at the LGBTQ nightclub Pulse.

The event, called “Rediscovering God In America,” was sponsored by the antigay American Renewal Project, whose stated goal is to “mobilize conservative Christian viewers and inspire right-wing pastors to run for elected office.” Marco Rubio also appeared at the event.

Related: Donald Trump Stumbles Through Explaining His Opposition To Gay Marriage

The leader of the organization, David Lane, has made repeated antigay statements, such as claiming the United States “deserves judgment” for such offenses as gay people praying at Obama’s inauguration.

Trump talked up his wins in the primaries with evangelical voters, while also looking to assure them that he is their best option between Clinton and himself. He has also tried convincing the LGBTQ community of the same, which is clearly in opposition.

“I hate to tell you, folks,” Trump said, “you got two choices. You got two choices. You’ve got two choices, and one choice, you’re not going for that choice. So I feel confident. I feel confident.”

What an endorsement of himself: I know you hate Hillary Clinton and will come crawling to me, so I’m not too worried. Boy oh boy, won’t that inspire them to run out to the polls in November!

Trump bemoaned religious leaders not being able to give endorsements out of fear of losing their tax exempt status.

“We’re gonna get your voice back. We’re gonna get it back,” he said.

Related: Twitter Slams Trump Spokeswoman For Antigay Remarks, Obama Blaming

Trump also repeated inflammatory and over the top rhetoric about Obama and Clinton being “the founders of Isis.”

“I made the statement before that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, these are the founders of Isis. These are the founders of Isis. Because of bad judgments,” he said. “These are the founders. And some (have said), ‘Well, that’s not very nice.’ Nice? If they said it about me it’d be fine. If I say something about them it’s terrible.”

“I said they get the Most Valuable Player Award. Isis is going to prevent them with the Most Valuable Player Award, you know, like in high school,” Trump continued, calling them “bad people, with bad judgement, and at the top we have an incompetent leader.”

Shockingly, Trump didn’t mention the shooting at Pulse, nor his promise to protect LBGTQ people at this rally like he did during his speech at the RNC, which was heavy on the sky-is-falling rhetoric.

In fact, Trump did not mention the LGBTQ community at all.

Related: Trump Promises To Protect The LGBTQ Community, Twitter Reacts

He did talk up his “big heart,” however.

“I have almost as big a heart as almost anybody in this room. We have some pretty good people. I know one person in particular. I don’t know, I think he’s actually a better person than I am, but that’s okay. But he knows I can do this stuff better, meaning open it up for you folks,” he said.

He encouraged the religious leaders to get “their people” out to vote.

“If you get everybody out to vote…we will win, and you will see things happen for the evangelicals. You will see things happen that you won’t believe, and most important for religion you’re gonna see things happen. For religion. All religions,” Trump said, adding that “once I win I will do my thing that I do very well.”

“It’s probably, mainly the only way that I will get to heaven, so I better do a good job,” he said, concluding his speech.

Watch Trump’s speech below.


Watch This Korean-American Teen Grapple with Being Gay in ‘Spa Night’ – TRAILER

Watch This Korean-American Teen Grapple with Being Gay in ‘Spa Night’ – TRAILER

spa night

Spa Night, an indie film following a Korean-America teen struggling to come to terms with his sexuality, makes its theatrical debut this week.

Directed by Andrew Ahn, Spa Night was a favorite among festival-goers at this year’s Sundance Film Festival and also at LA’s Outfest.

In 2012, we told you about Ahn’s short film Dol, which he used to come out to his family. Said Ahn at the time, “I made this film to come out to my parents. I knew I wouldn’t be able to tell them, to say the words ‘I’m gay.’”

Screen Shot 2016-08-15 at 9.42.14 AMAhn’s feature debut also looks at the obstacles involved in coming out as gay when you come from a traditional Korean-American family.

Set in Los Angeles’ Koreatown, Spa Night follows David Cho (Joe Seo in a breakthrough performance), a shy 18-year-old who lives with his financially-struggling immigrant parents. Cho takes a job at an all-male Korean spa after he discovers a secret cruising spot within its walls. While on the clock, he begins to realize hidden desires that threaten his life as a dutiful son and student.

Spa Night premieres in New York on August 19 at the Metrograph and August 26 in Los Angeles.

Watch the trailer, below.

You can also watch an interview with Ahn, below.

The post Watch This Korean-American Teen Grapple with Being Gay in ‘Spa Night’ – TRAILER appeared first on Towleroad.


Catholic Priest Sends Sexual Photos to Male Parishioner – VIDEO

Catholic Priest Sends Sexual Photos to Male Parishioner – VIDEO

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A high-ranking Catholic priest in Stockton, California is accused of having sent explicit photos of his genitals to a male parishioner who also worked for the Church.

Monsignor Larry McGovern reportedly texted the photos to the man who also worked as a pool maintenance contractor for the Church. When the man confronted McGovern about the photos, and in particular about his vow of celibacy, McGovern reportedly told him, “Oh, that just means that you’re not married.”

The man was then fired by the Church and is now filing suit.

As Fox 40 reports, attorney Vince Finaldi, who represents the parishioner, said, “It’s extremely disturbing that the person’s who is head of this parish would be sending text with photographs of his exposed genitals.” He added, “Someone’s who’s engaging in that type of conduct has very, very serious credibility issues and issues with judgement.”

The Church responded in a statement saying,

“Today the Diocese of Stockton learned for the first time of employment related allegations against Monsignor Lawrence McGovern, the Pastor of Presentation Parish in Stockton. In accordance with the Canon Law of the Church, Bishop Stephen Blaire has placed Monsignor McGovern on administrative leave pending a full and complete investigation.”

Watch a news report from Fox 40, below.

The post Catholic Priest Sends Sexual Photos to Male Parishioner – VIDEO appeared first on Towleroad.


#AM_Equality Tip Sheet: August 15, 2016

#AM_Equality Tip Sheet: August 15, 2016

TRUMP AND PENCE WOULD FAIL THEIR OWN IGNORANT TEST: Today media reports surfaced that Donald Trump would require immigrants to pass an “ideological test” that includes interviews about their feelings about LGBTQ equality. HRC President Chad Griffin rebuked Trump’s test saying, “What’s craziest about this ignorant, incomprehensible plan is that Donald Trump and Mike Pence would fail their own test. Just last week, Donald Trump courted votes in Orlando from some of the nation’s most notorious anti-LGBTQ activists, including people who have worked to export anti-LGBTQ hate abroad. Trump and Pence have vowed to to roll back nationwide marriage equality, supported vile laws like North Carolina’s HB2 and pledged to appoint anti-LGBTQ Supreme Court justices. Pence is best known by most Americans for the hateful denial-of-service law he peddled in Indiana last year, and even sought to divert funding from HIV programs to promote the abusive practice of so-called ‘conversion therapy.’” More from HRC.

  • Meanwhile Trump’s running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, continues to promote his epic brand of anti-LGBTQ hypocrisy. On Fox News Sunday, Pence again said that he opposes discrimination of all kinds, but thinks people “should have the right to refuse to serve a gay” for religious reasons. More from The Washington Blade.

DESPICABLE — TRUMP OPENS CAMPAIGN OFFICE ACROSS FROM PULSE NIGHTCLUB MEMORIAL: Adding insult to injury, two months after the tragedy at Pulse Nightclub, Trump is also setting up shop just across the street. The nightclub is now the site of a permanent memorial to the 49 LGBTQ people and allies lost — a memorial that Trump has never bothered to visit, despite repeatedly referencing the attack on the campaign trail. This comes just days after Trump shared the stage with anti-LGBTQ activists only 10 miles from the site Bloomberg Politics has more.

MOTHER OF PULSE NIGHTCLUB VICTIM BLASTS MARCO RUBIO: At the Disarm Hate rally in Washington, DC, this weekend, Christine Leinonen, the mother of Drew Leinonen, among the victims of the tragic shooting at Pulse Nightclub, blasted Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) for shamelessly citing the attack as a reason for running for re-election, while consistently voting against commonsense gun safety legislation. Rubio also has a long record of opposing LGBTQ equality, and last week on the two-month anniversary of the nightclub tragedy, spoke at a conference hosted by the notoriously anti-LGBTQ Liberty Counsel in Orlando. Leinonen told The Washington Blade, “[Rubio] didn’t feel our pain enough or long enough to make some real action that we can live in a safer society… He didn’t do that and that’s what he’s elected to do.”

  • Orlando survivor Brandon Wolfe also called out Rubio: In a statement read at an Orlando rally, Wolfe characterized the so-called “gay agenda” as “simply to survive the day.” More from Creative Loafing Tampa.
  • Bright side in the Sunshine State: The Sun Sentinel reports that a record eight openly-LGBTQ candidates are running for seats in the Florida State Legislature.

COURT DENIES MISS. GOV’S LATEST PUSH TO ENFORCE DISCRIMINATORY LAW: The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has denied Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant’s request to allow the anti-LGBTQ HB1523 law to go into effect while the state appeals a lower court’s ruling that the law is unconstitutional. Bryant’s request to expedite the appeal was also rejected. More from The Clarion Ledger.

  • Meanwhile, three churches in Jackson, Miss., joined Sunday in an LGBTQ-inclusive celebration. More from WILX.

RECORD CROWD EXPECTED AT CHARLOTTE PRIDE: Up to 120,000 people are expected at this year’s Charlotte Pride, as LGBTQ North Carolinians and allies celebrate equality and rally for the repeal of the discriminatory HB2 law, which was signed into law six months ago. The Charlotte Observer reports that the festivities will likely turn into one big civil rights march. More here.

ADVOCATES MOURN RAE’LYNN THOMAS: HRC is horrified and saddened to learn of the brutal murder of Rae’Lynn Thomas, a 28-year-old transgender woman from Columbus, Ohio. Thomas’s family reports witnessing her death at the hands of James Allen Byrd, an ex-boyfriend of Thomas’ mother who lived in the family home. 10TV reports that in her last words, Thomas expressed her love for her mother, brother and sisters. More from HRC.

STATE DEPT. SPEAKS OUT AGAINST ANTI-LGBTQ STATEMENTS IN INDONESIA: The U.S. State Department has strongly condemned anti-LGBTQ statements made by Indonesian officials, saying the nation must “uphold international rights and standards by ensuring equal rights and protections for all of its citizens.” More from The Manila Times.

IOWA PSYCHOLOGY BOARD REJECTS “CONVERSION THERAPY” BAN: On Friday, the Iowa Board of Psychology voted to reject a petition calling for banning therapists and licensed counselors in the state from practicing so-called “conversion therapy,” which preys on vulnerable LGBTQ people and families by making dangerous and discredited claims that it can change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. The board says it will explain its vote when it releases its full decision later this year.

SPELMAN COLLEGE CONSIDERS ADMITTING TRANS STUDENTS: Spelman College, an all-women’s historically black university in Atlanta, will be considering whether to admit transgender students. President Mary Schmidt Campbell shared the news in a welcome letter to students last week. More from The Atlanta Journal Constitution.

PATHETIC NOM!: The notoriously anti-LGBTQ National Organization of Marriage (NOM) is reeling from a lack of donations during a recent fundraising push that yielded just 256 contributions. NOM’s own president called the results “pathetic.” We prefer “heartening.” More from Metro Weekly.



The New York Daily News report on the Mets first LGBTQ Pride event in Citi Field; CBS News profiles a new school in Atlanta for LGBTQ youth; In a Huffington Post blog post, Eric T. Shoen-Ukre shares the impact of marrying his Nigerian partner; The Christian Science Monitor questions whether the historic number of LGBTQ athletes in Rio is a trend or a trendsetter; 76 Crimes celebrates the shrinking list of anti-LGBTQ nations; CBS 46 highlights Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed’s appointment of the first transgender person to a citizen panel; The Huffington Post explains the importance of the record number of out LGBTQ athletes competing in this year’s Olympics; PBS talks to bisexual and gay men affected by the blood ban; The Star Tribune highlights how LGBTQ entrepreneurs are viewing their identity as an asset; and Balkan Insight shares how the local LGBTQ community feels forced to stay in the closet.


Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to A.M. Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!


Donald Trump and Mike Pence Would Fail Their Own Ignorant Test

Donald Trump and Mike Pence Would Fail Their Own Ignorant Test

HRC today released the following statement in response to media reports that Donald Trump will require immigrants to pass an “ideological test” that would include interviews about their feelings about LGBTQ equality.

“What’s craziest about this ignorant, incomprehensible plan is that Donald Trump and Mike Pence would fail their own test,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “Just last week, Donald Trump courted votes in Orlando from some of the nation’s most notorious anti-LGBTQ activists, including people who have worked to export anti-LGBTQ hate abroad. Trump and Pence have vowed to to roll back nationwide marriage equality, supported vile laws like North Carolina’s HB2 and pledged to appoint anti-LGBTQ Supreme Court justices. Pence is best known by most Americans for the hateful denial-of-service law he peddled in Indiana last year, and even sought to divert funding from HIV programs to promote the abusive practice of so-called ‘conversion therapy.’”

Last week, on the two-month anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting that took the lives of 49 LGBTQ people and allies, Trump courted anti-LGBTQ activists just 10 miles from the site of the tragedy in Orlando. Among the organizations attending was Liberty Counsel, which supports and defends archaic laws criminalizing homosexuality with harsh punishments around the world, and has condemned President Obama and the U.S. government for speaking out against such laws, saying, “America should not be trying to make that country act in an immoral way.”

Trump has also doubled down on his anti-LGBTQ agenda by putting Indiana Gov. Mike Pence on the ticket. Pence became a national disgrace in 2015, for his “license to discriminate” bill that could have allowed businesses to deny service to LGBTQ people — and for subsequently defending the bill after an outcry from the business community and a majority of Hoosier voters. In a now notorious interview with ABC last year, Pence refused to answer eight separate times when asked whether businesses should be able to discriminate against LGBTQ people.

In recent weeks, Trump has also campaigned alongside Tony Perkins — leader of the Family Research Council, which has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Here’s a snapshot of how Donald Trump and Mike Pence align in their pursuit of undermining LGBTQ equality:

On Marriage Equality

·         Trump: Vowed to roll back nationwide marriage equality by appointing justices to the Supreme Court who would reverse nationwide marriage equality.

·         Pence: Pence opposed the Supreme Court’s nationwide marriage equality ruling, saying, “Like many Hoosiers, I believe marriage is the union between one man and one woman…” After the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which barred legally married same-sex couple from having their marriages recognized by the federal government, was ruled unconstitutional, he urged amending the state of Indiana’s constitution to outlaw marriage equality.

On Non-Discrimination Protections

·         Trump: Trump has committed to signing the so-called “First Amendment Defense Act,” a bill to enable taxpayer-funded discrimination against LGBTQ people in the federal government. Trump said at the Iowa Faith and Family Coalition, his priority as President would be to “preserve and protect our religious liberty.”

·         Pence: While in Congress, Pence voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. He opposed the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” by saying it would turn the military into “a backdrop for social experimentation.” He voted against the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, calling it a “radical social agenda.” As governor, his “right to discriminate” bill could have allowed businesses to discriminate and deny service to LGBTQ people because of who they are or whom they love.

On Transgender Equality

·         Trump: When asked about laws like North Carolina’s deeply discriminatory HB2, Trump said he supported the law, saying, “I’m going with the state. The state, they know what’s going on, they see what’s happening and generally speaking I’m with the state on things like this. I’ve spoken with your governor, I’ve spoken with a lot of people and I’m going with the state.” Trump previously told Sean Hannity that when it comes to laws like North Carolina’s HB2, Trump said he would “leave it up to the states.”

·         Pence: Opposed guidance from the Department of Education that clarifies that transgender students have a right under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to access restrooms consistent with their gender identity, saying, “The federal government has no business getting involved in issues of this nature.”


Paid for by Human Rights Campaign PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 


Rio 2016, Day 9 Report: Usain Bolt Fever, a Marriage Proposal, Brazilian Gymnasts and Andy Murray

Rio 2016, Day 9 Report: Usain Bolt Fever, a Marriage Proposal, Brazilian Gymnasts and Andy Murray


logoDay 9 of competitions started out with a traumatic off-pool experience for swimmers Ryan Lochte, Gunnar Bentz, Jack Conger and Jimmy Feigen; and it ended with a historical, worship-like experience, as an entire stadium roared when Usain Bolt became the first athlete to win three consecutive Olympic gold medals in the 100m.

The Jamaican sports superstar finished the race in 9.81 seconds, ahead of American Justin Gatlin who took the silver medal. Andre de Grasse of Canada won bronze. Gatlin, who had been banned for doping offenses twice, in 2001 and 2006, was booed by Bolt’s adoring fans the moment he came into view.

Known for his flamboyant personality and extreme self-confidence, Bolt didn’t disappoint. “Somebody said I can become immortal,” Bolt told reporters after the win. “Two more medals to go and I can sign off. Immortal.”

When a reporter for Brazilian news channel SporTV asked him about his now legendary status, he corrected him: “I was already a legend.”

If you haven’t seen it yet, watch Usain Bolt’s stunning gold in the 100m here t.co/ndXvn5Vq94 #Rio2016 pic.twitter.com/lFM9NwSt90

— BBC Sport (@BBCSport) August 15, 2016

Hahahaha yeah, Usain Bolt clowned everyone in the 100m on Sunday t.co/hSO4q73BQr

— SB Nation (@SBNation) August 15, 2016

His fans — inside the stadium and out — agree. Check out the celebration on the streets of Kingston, Jamaica in the video below:

Gymnast Arthur Nory also made history yesterday. For the first time ever, two Brazilian gymnasts shared the podium: he won the bronze and Diego Hypólito took the silver for the men’s individual floor exercise event.

Instagram Photo


Arthur Nory is so damn hot🔥 pic.twitter.com/SO3G1TU9TJ

— Emmanuel (@Emmanuelmacaro) August 14, 2016

The duo was all over sports news after the win, but Nory is no stranger to media attention. For months, Brazilian news outlets have speculated about his relationship with model Frederico Devito, who’s openly gay, after photos Devito posted on social media last year.


At the time, when Brazilian newspaper Extra asked him about their relationship, he was vague: “I’d rather not talk about it. People talk too much, and they and make up stories,” he said. The photos were soon taken down.

Just last week, he replied to a tweet that suggested the two of them were dating: “Guys, that’s enough!”

Track and field shocker: sprinter Wayde Van Niekerk of South Africa won the gold medal and broke a 17-year-old record in the men’s 400m race. Favorites Kirani James of Grenada and LaShawn Merritt of the United States took silver and bronze respectively.

To give you an idea of how incredible of an athlete Van Niekerk is, said CNN, he’s the only athlete in history to run 100m under 10 secs, 200m under 20 secs, and 400m under 44 secs.

vo1To make his story even sweeter, Van Nierkerk’s coach is 74-year-old great-grandmother Ans Botha, who has been coaching track and field since the 1960s.

“She’s an amazing woman,” Niekerk said on a press conference. “She has played a huge role in who I am today and kept me very disciplined and very focused on the role and who I need to be. I’m very grateful my coach has pushed me to the limit. Anything is possible. I’m just grateful I can trust in her work.”

Andy Murray of Great Britain can almost be called Rio 2016’s comeback kid. The tennis star is currently ranked world No. 2 in singles, but he was out very early in the double’s format, when he played with brother Jamie and lost to Brazilian duo Thomaz Bellucci and Andre Sá.

But yesterday he was back in all his glory. Murray became the first tennis player in history to win two singles gold medals. He defeated Argentina’s Juan Martin del Potro — who had already sent fan-favorite and  world No. 1 Novak Djokovic home — in a 4-hour struggle.

He was not the first person to win two gold medals for tennis, however, as BBC’s John Inverdale said when he interviewed him after the match.

“You’re the first person ever to win two Olympic tennis gold medals. That’s an extraordinary feat, isn’t it?” But the Scot shot back: “Well, to defend the singles title … I think Venus and Serena [Williams] have won about four each but hadn’t defended a singles title before.”

Twitter melted for Murray, known and loved for speaking out against sexism:

Yet another reason to love Andy Murray… t.co/qWPaIIkNmx

— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) August 15, 2016

Great one #AndyMurray
The first man to get two Olympic medals
As Venus and Serena got 4
Each#Rio2016 pic.twitter.com/5keOiO7aPg

— Sophia Cannon (@SophiaCannon) August 15, 2016

On and off the court, a class act. Well played #AndyMurray @Womeninsport_uk t.co/zboawuWexD

— Rachel Harvey (@HarveyBKK) August 15, 2016

Brazilian rugby player Isadora Cerullo’s marriage proposal from girlfriend Marjorie Enya might have started a trend. A second proposal happened in Rio, just moments after He Zi of China received her silver medal in the 3-meter springboard event. Boyfriend Qin Kai, a fellow Olympic diver, bent on one knee by the podium and offered the 25-year-old an engagement ring.

She said yes.

“I didn’t know that he would propose today, and I didn’t expect that I would marry myself out so early,” she said in a press conference.
“[Kai] said a lot of things there at the podium. He made a lot of promises, but the thing that has touched me the most is that I think this is the guy I can trust for the rest of my life.”

Chinese diver He Zi won silver, then had another special moment as fellow diver Qin Kai proposed to her. pic.twitter.com/KTebQFL35X

— SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) August 15, 2016


Photo credit: Instagram reproductions h/t Extra newspaper

The post Rio 2016, Day 9 Report: Usain Bolt Fever, a Marriage Proposal, Brazilian Gymnasts and Andy Murray appeared first on Towleroad.
