LochteGate, Frank Ocean, Henry Cavill, Dana Perino, DeezNuts, Naked Trump Statue: HOT LINKS
LOCHTEGATE. Ryan Lochte is sticking by his story, says gas station edited out 3 minutes of missing surveillance video, according to TMZ: “Our sources say Lochte and his team claim they were indeed taken out of a cab at gunpoint, but the video doesn’t show that because the gas station edited it out. We’re told Lochte mistook the uniforms worn by the security guards as police uniforms, and he claims during the missing 3 minutes he and the other swimmers were pulled out of the taxi at gunpoint.”
IRAN. As it turns out, President Obama stalled the already-planned delivery of $400 million to Iran to ensure that the US sailors would be returned immediately. The US had already signed off on finally paying Iran the $400 million it owed the country as part of the Iran nuclear deal when the sailors were captured: “What actually happened, according to the AP and others, is that President Barack Obama used the $400 million payment that had already been negotiated as a bargaining chip to ensure the Americans were released quickly and released unharmed.”
UBER. Get ready for driverless cars: “Ride-hailing service Uber says it will start hauling passengers with self-driving cars on the streets of Pittsburgh in next several weeks.”
SKIN. World’s hottest ex-con/model Jeremy Meeks is showing off his body.
HENRY CAVILL. Superman’s spit curl is back!

ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK. Justice department says it will stop use of private prisons.
MEANWHILE, ON FOX NEWS. Former WH Press Secretary Dana Perino (under George W. Bush) goes off on right-wing poll/truth-denier: “It is a real disservice to his supporters to lie to them that those polls don’t matter. You can not take twelve thousand people at a rally that are your definite supporters they are going to show up for the campaign and then say the polls are wrong.”
FIXER UPPER. HGTV stars Chip and Joanna Gaines are sick and tired of seeing the houses they remodeled for people on Airbnb or VRBO.
POOR JILL STEIN. She’s losing to Deez Nuts in Texas: “The New York Daily News reported Wednesday that a Public Policy Polling survey of Texas voters showed Stein and [slain Gorilla] Harambe winning less than two percent of registered voters, while “Deez Nuts” — a creation of Iowa teen Brady Olson — garnered 3 percent of voters.”
NYC. Statue of a naked Donald Trump removed from Union Square.
I’M RICH, B*TCH. NeNe Leaks reportedly owes $800,000 in back taxes to the IRS.
NOT COOL. Frank Ocean has reportedly been out drag racing (not like that) instead of giving us a new album.

THURSDAY THIRST. Italian beach volleyball player Alex Ranghieri.

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