Scott Brown, Russian Hackers, Kit Harrington, Indonesia, Massive Pearl, ‘La La Land’ – HOT LINKS

Scott Brown, Russian Hackers, Kit Harrington, Indonesia, Massive Pearl, ‘La La Land’ – HOT LINKS

Scott_P._BrownMASSACHUSETTS. Former Senator Scott Brown named in Fox News sexual harassment lawsuit: “Former Fox News host Andrea Tantaros claims in a new lawsuit that former US senator Scott Brown made sexually inappropriate comments to her while on set and put his hands on her lower waist. Tantaros, who complained to superiors about Brown’s conduct, outlines her complaint in a lawsuit filed Monday in the New York Supreme Court.”

RUSSIA. Hackers hack NYT, other US news sites: “The intrusions, detected in recent months, are under investigation by the FBI and other US security agencies. Investigators so far believe that Russian intelligence is likely behind the attacks and that Russian hackers are targeting news organizations as part of a broader series of hacks that also have focused on Democratic Party organizations, the officials said.”

TEXAS. AG Ken Paxton takes his war on transgender people one step further: “Two days after convincing U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor to temporarily block the Obama administration from protecting trans schoolchildren, Paxton’s office filed another lawsuit Tuesday — also in O’Connor’s court — challenging new.”

Kit HaringtonMEANWHILE IN WESTEROS. Kit Harrington says Game of Thrones will get really bleak before it gets better: “I think it’s going to get very dark before it gets better.”

INDONESIA. Activists tell high court that homosexuality must be criminalized to uphold country’s values: “They argued that not only was the country on the verge of a crisis of sexual morality, but it was at risk of having its core Muslim values overridden by international human rights claims that embrace LGBT rights.”

ALASKA. Juneau passes LGBT non-discrimination ordinance: “The Juneau Empire reports ( ) that on Monday the assembly voted 8-1 to pass the city’s first anti-discrimination ordinance, which will protect residents from discrimination when seeking housing or employment.”

PHOTO BOOTH. Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel take cute snaps with Hillary Clinton.

UNDER DAH SEE. Fisherman off the coast of the Philippines finds MASSIVE pearl worth $100 million. 

MÚSICA. Ricky Martin meets new boy-band CNCO, who recently won the Simon Cowell-produced Univision show La Banda (think ‘Latin American Idol’)

DAILY AWWW. ‘Lion Dog’ featured in a Amazon Prime commercial will melt your heart.

MOVIES. Musical La La Land starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone gets first trailer.

INSTASTUD. Adrian Conrad.

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Take a Dive and Dance with Boys in Their Undies with New Band Onsen – MUSIC VIDEOS

Take a Dive and Dance with Boys in Their Undies with New Band Onsen – MUSIC VIDEOS


New band Onsen has just released two music videos that will give you distinctly ethereal yet sexy vibes.

Squarely within the indie/electronic world, Onsen’s videos for “Follow the Numbers” and “Over and Know” come from the band’s debut album, Earthquake Weather. Among other things, the album tackles coming out and breaking up with your first boyfriend.

Onsen lead singer Drew Straus told Towleroad that the album “chronicled a series of huge changes” in his life:

“That period included my first relationships with men as well as the inevitable heartbreak that came with those first loves. More broadly, the songs are reactions to leaving behind a safer existence in San Francisco with a stable office job and a straight relationship and moving to LA as a musician.  While I wouldn’t say I specifically set out to make a queer record (whatever that means) my experiences in the gay communities in SF and LA have inevitable and wonderfully informed my life experiences and my art.”

The videos for “Follow the Numbers” and “Over and Know” were created by gay directors Price Peterson and Brandon Andrew, respectively.

“Follow the Numbers” follows a woman as she travels through an absurd party replete with nostalgic scenes reminiscent of the 80s. There’s also a cameo from Charlie Carver and a handful of boys in skull make-up and tight-whities.

The video for “Over and Know” is a reflection on isolation and desire. It features world champion synchronized swimmer Bill May & Olympian Kanako Kitao doing a routine which Straus waits to be invited to join but never is. “It’s about being an outsider and the feeling that somehow everyone knows it,” said Straus.

You can listen to more songs from Earthquake Weather, here.

The post Take a Dive and Dance with Boys in Their Undies with New Band Onsen – MUSIC VIDEOS appeared first on Towleroad.

Texas AG Paxton and Extremist Becket Fund File Lawsuit Aimed at Denying Healthcare to Trans Patients

Texas AG Paxton and Extremist Becket Fund File Lawsuit Aimed at Denying Healthcare to Trans Patients

Today, HRC blasted a federal lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and the extremist Becket Fund for Religious Liberty that seeks to overturn a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services regulation implementing Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act which bars discrimination in health insurance and by health providers accepting federal funds.

In the lawsuit, Texas — joined by Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska and Wisconsin — asks the federal government to block enforcement of the rule, which clarifies that federal protections barring discrimination based on sex include an individual’s gender identity and covers reproductive health. This lawsuit marks the latest attempt by Paxton to discriminate against LGBTQ Texans because of who they are. The case has been assigned to U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor, who earlier this week ruled against the Departments of Justice and Education’s guidance on schools’ obligations to transgender students. In March of 2015, Judge O’Connor also sought to block Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) rights for legally married same-sex couples despite the Supreme Court of the United States’ decision in United States v. Windsor (2013).

“Ken Paxton’s continued attacks on transgender Americans are politically motivated, designed to intimidate and simply beyond the pale,” said Jay Brown, HRC communications director. “After months of demonizing and targeting transgender students, it seems he has decided that all transgender people must be the target of his machination. We strongly oppose Paxton’s harmful lawsuit, and the courts should see it for what it is — a shameful, cheap political attack.”

Paxton has led a sustained, targeted attack on LGBTQ Texans, most recently with his filing of a federal lawsuit on behalf of Texas and 10 other states challenging the Departments of Justice and Education’s guidance regarding schools’ obligations to transgender students. Paxton, who currently faces three felony fraud indictments for violating state securities laws and civil fraud charges, has continually attacked his LGBTQ constituents, all in an attempt to cater to his most extreme, anti-equality supporters.

The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty represented Hobby Lobby in the 2014 Supreme Court of the United States case, Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby, in which the Court determined that select for profit businesses could cite religious religious beliefs as a reason to deny contraception coverage. The case filed by Paxton challenging the Affordable Care Act regulation prohibiting discrimination against transgender people and discrimination in reproductive care makes claims under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) and invokes the Hobby Lobby decision.

Wikileaks Releases Info On Gay Men In Saudi Arabia — Where Homosexuality Is Punishable By Death

Wikileaks Releases Info On Gay Men In Saudi Arabia — Where Homosexuality Is Punishable By Death

Earlier this year, Saudi Arabian prosecutors made a serious push to make demonstrating homosexuality in public or on social media punishable by death.

Related: If Killer Saudi Prince Al Saud Isn’t gay, He Certainly Liked Half-Naked Men Parading Around His Hotel Room

To this day, those found guilty of sodomy run the risk of being sentenced to years of imprisonment, stiff fines, corporal punishment in the form of beatings, floggings, and lashings, and, in the most extreme cases, public execution.

Related: The Saudi Arabian Punishment for Acting Faggy Online? 1 Year In Jail + 1,000 Lashes

A man was arrested in March simply for raising a rainbow flag outside his home. There have been roughly “50 cases of cross-dressers” and “35 cases of homosexuality” in Saudi Arabia in the last eight or nine months, according to The Daily Express and Saudi newspaper Okaz

Related: Saudi Arabia’s Young Men Gather Late At Night to Race Cars … and Cruise?

In 2014, a Saudi Arabian man who tried to find dates on Twitter was sentenced to three years of detention and 450 lashes for “promoting the vice and practice of homosexuality.”

Related: Saudi Prince Accused Of Forcing Maids To Watch As He Was “Stroked” By Young Male Aide

That’s why notorious whistleblowing organization Wikileaks is coming under considerable fire for their most recent data dump, which exposes the personal details of thousands of Saudi people, including rape victims, people with HIV, men convicted of gay sex, and men detained for “sexual deviation.” Much of the information is highly sensitive, including details of cases where men were either tortured or sexually abused by their employers.

Related: U.S. Denies Asylum To Gay Saudi Diplomat Who Claims He’s Facing Execution

Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange had this to say about the dump:

The Saudi Cables lift the lid on an increasingly erratic and secretive dictatorship that has not only celebrated its 100th beheading this year, but which has also become a menace to its neighbors and itself.”

Related: Saudi Police Arrest Journalist For Wearing Makeup, Heading To “Homosexual Party”

“They published everything,” a Saudi man told The Associated Press, traumatized by the fact that Wikileaks decided to reveal deeply personal information about a paternity dispute. “My phone, address, name, details. If the family of my wife saw this … Publishing personal stuff like that could destroy people.”

Related: “No Homo”: These #DNCLeaks Are Utterly Absurd And Surprisingly Gay

Social justice warriors quickly took to social media to voice their outrage:


“In Saudi Arabia LGBT is a crime punishable by long prison plus lashing or even death. This is malicious

— Al Giordano (@AlGiordano) August 23, 2016

why is it only women and gay people that wikileaks seems to have sensitive information about

— Jesstlé Toll House (@my2k) August 23, 2016

Next we will order @wikileaks to publish personal details of every gay person in Iran.

— Soviet Sergey (@SovietSergey) August 23, 2016

@wikileaks has published the personal information/data about gay ppl, HIV+ people and other things. They’re in Saudi Arabia. Death sentence

— Kalvin Chapman (@KalvinChapman) August 23, 2016

“WikiLeaks named teenage rape victims…the site published the name of a Saudi citizen arrested for being gay.” #ArrestAssange

— Matthew Chapman (@fawfulfan) August 23, 2016