Insane Trump Supporter Loses It at Florida Rally, Calls Media ‘Traitors’ – WATCH

Insane Trump Supporter Loses It at Florida Rally, Calls Media ‘Traitors’ – WATCH

trump supporter media traitors

Hostility towards the media is nothing new from the Trump campaign or from Trump supporters.

NBC News reporter Katy Tur recently wrote a piece for Marie Claire about her experience covering the Trump campaign, highlighting how Trump often stokes the crowd’s disdain for the media. Trump has also repeatedly singled Tur out at rallies, turning the ire of the crowd upon her. The danger was so real for Tur that at one event the Secret Service had to escort her out to make sure she was allowed to leave safely.

So suffice it to say, Trump voters don’t like the media.

But seldom has their hostility towards the media been so perfectly distilled as it is in a series of photos and videos that emerged on Twitter Thursday showing an incensed Trump supporter accusing the media of being traitors. Never mind that Trump himself is calling on Russia to interfere in our election so as to benefit him.

As Mediaite reports, the elderly man “went up to reporters and started haranguing them on his way out.”

Reporters were cordoned off in a pen when the unknown man started verbally assailing journalists, flipping them off, and saying that his name was “American Patriot.”

The absolutely insane footage and photos of the incident can be seen below.

“Go home! You are a traitor! I am an American Patriot!” Trump supporter screams at me and other journos in pen

— Noah Gray CNN (@NoahGrayCNN) August 12, 2016

Oh, just another lovely encounter with an angry @realDonaldTrump supporter after a rally by the media pen:

— Jeremy Diamond (@JDiamond1) August 11, 2016

Video: I tried to get the guy’s name, and he replied, “PATRIOT, AMERICAN PATRIOT! YOUR NAME IS TRAITOR!!”

— Frank Thorp V (@frankthorp) August 12, 2016

Trump supporter swings by the press pen in Kissimmee, FL to let us know we’re number one!!

— Frank Thorp V (@frankthorp) August 12, 2016

Also spotted at the Trump rally? A confederate flag with Trump’s name on it. Because America.

Spotted at Trump Kissimmee evening rally: stars & bars with Trump’s name on it (from supporters)

— Noah Gray CNN (@NoahGrayCNN) August 11, 2016

[Top image via Twitter]


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Two Months After Orlando Tragedy, Rubio Still Unwilling to Stand Up for LGBTQ Floridians

Two Months After Orlando Tragedy, Rubio Still Unwilling to Stand Up for LGBTQ Floridians

Today, on the two-month anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting that took the lives of 49 LGBTQ people and allies, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) courted anti-LGBTQ activists just 10 miles from the site of the tragedy in Orlando. Rubio, who has a long track record of opposing LGBTQ protections and basic gun safety measures, railed against marriage equality and criticized LGBTQ advocates for fighting against taxpayer-funded discrimination. Despite his own record of opposing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and President Obama’s executive order protecting LGBTQ workers — not to mention basic gun safety measures to keep military-style weapons out of the hands of terrorists and criminals — Rubio attempted to gloss over his dismal record of failing to stand up for LGBTQ Americans.

HRC called out Rubio and his rhetoric.

“Unfortunately, Marco Rubio has a long, documented history of opposing LGBTQ equality,” said JoDee Winterhof, HRC Senior Vice President for Policy and Political Affairs. “Speaking out of both sides of his mouth, Rubio suggested he believes employment discrimination against LGBTQ people is wrong, but yet he has consistently opposed even modest steps to provide non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ people. On a day when he should be honoring the victims of the horrific massacre in Orlando and advocating for commonsense gun safety measures, Marco Rubio is shamefully courting the votes of anti-LGBTQ activists and showcasing his opposition to the fundamental civil rights of LGBTQ people.”

Rubio has been an advocate for legislation enabling Kim Davis-style discrimination, including the so-called “First Amendment Defense Act” (FADA). FADA would allow non-profit organizations and businesses contracting with the federal government to circumvent critical federal protections designed to protect LGBTQ people and their families from harmful discrimination. And, he opposed repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump addressed the notoriously anti-LGBTQ activists yesterday at the same event, and when it comes to opposing LGBTQ equality, Donald Trump and Marco Rubio are two dangerous peas in a pod.

Polling released by the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute found that both Rubio and Trump are massively out of step with Floridians on LGBTQ issues. A 53 percent majority of Floridians support marriage equality, while a 70 percent majority support LGBTQ non-discrimination protections, which Florida lacks.

Opposed to Marriage Equality: Donald Trump and Marco Rubio both oppose marriage equality and have specifically vowed to nominate Supreme Court Justices who would vote to overturn last year’s landmark marriage equality ruling. Rubio vowed he would appoint Supreme Court justices who would overturn Obergefell and in late January, Trump told Fox News Sunday he would appoint justices to the Supreme Court who would reverse marriage equality. When asked to clarify by ABC’s George Stephanopoulos a week later, Trump again doubled down. During the presidential campaign, Rubio even promised that he would “never change” when it comes to opposing marriage equality.

Opposed to Transgender Equality: Rubio and Trump both oppose allowing transgender students to use facilities that correspond to their gender identity. Trump told The Washington Post he would reverse the administration’s guidance ensuring that transgender students are treated with respect, and can use restrooms that correspond with their gender identity. Trump has also endorsed North Carolina’s dangerous HB2 law, and has said he would let anti-LGBTQ governors write discrimination into state law.

Support Kim Davis-Style, Taxpayer-Funded Discrimination: Donald Trump and Marco Rubio both support and have said they would sign the so-called “First Amendment Defense Act,” (FADA) a bill to allow Kim Davis style discrimination in the federal government.

Revoking President Obama’s Executive Orders: Both Trump and Rubio have vowed to revoke President Obama’s executive orders on their first day in office — jeopardizing the President’s executive order protecting LGBTQ employees working for federal contractors. The loss of these protections is not just a hypothetical danger. Recently the House Armed Services Committee added an amendment to the defense authorization that would undermine President Obama’s executive order banning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity for federal contractors — an executive order that covers 20 percent of the workforce. And Trump has made clear he’s not going to fight these types of efforts.

Matt Baume Slams Article Outing Gay Athletes at the Olympics As ‘Lurid Clickbait’ – WATCH

Matt Baume Slams Article Outing Gay Athletes at the Olympics As ‘Lurid Clickbait’ – WATCH

grindr olympics

Yesterday, The Daily Beast published an article by straight journalist named Nico Hines in which Hines used Grindr to report on the sexual activities of gay athletes at the Rio Olympics. As we previously reported, that article included explicit details about certain gay athletes who hail from anti-gay countries. In providing enough details to discern the identity of those individuals, Hines effectively outed them and put their lives in danger.

RELATED: Straight Journalist Cruises Grindr at the Olympics, Outs Athletes From Anti-Gay Countries

Twenty-fours and several redactions later, Hines has still not spoken out about the article. TDB, however, has taken it down from its site, a move it called unprecedented but necessary.

RELATED: ‘Daily Beast’ Pulls Article That Outed Olympic Athletes Using Grindr, Apologizes

Vlogger and activist Matt Baume weighed in on the controversy providing some much-needed perspective and sass.

As to why gay athletes using Grindr could at all be considered newsworthy, Baume quipped,

“It may come as a shock, but when we’re not busy being sassy friends, gay people do have sex with each other…So yeah, of course gay people are hooking up in Rio. But whats different about these hook-ups is that at the Olympics there’s a high likelihood that you’ll encounter people that are closeted for their own safety.”

And outing people who are in the closet because they come from a place where it’s illegal to be gay is just plain heinous. Baume explains, “It’s one thing to out a politician who actively harms LGBTs [e.g. Larry Craig] but it’s another to out a volleyball player who could be thrown in jail just for asking someone out for a drink.”

Baume also cautioned against letting your guard down when using gay dating apps like Grindr. “They may feel like a safe space to let your guard down…but they’re not,” he says.

The other tragedy of TDB’s article, besides the endangerment of the lives of gay athletes, is that it could have done some good. But chose not to do so.

Baume says,

“This article could have been about how gay athletes from all over the world may be isolated or face consequences for being out at home but they’re able to connect at the Olympic village. Or it could have talked about the difficulties they’ll face when they return to their home countries. But instead we just got some lurid clickbait.”

Watch, below.

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Massive Kiss-In Planned at UK Supermarket Where Gay Couple Was Told to Stop Holding Hands

Massive Kiss-In Planned at UK Supermarket Where Gay Couple Was Told to Stop Holding Hands

Thomas Reese Sainsburys London

A mass kiss-in is planned for a UK supermarket whose security guard told a gay man that holding hands with his partner in the store was “inappropriate.”

As we reported:

A gay couple were left “stunned and shaking” after a security guard in a London supermarket accused them of “touching and behaving inappropriately.”

32-year-old Thomas Rees (above left) was shopping in Sainsbury’s in Hackney on Monday when he and his boyfriend Josh (above right) were “beckoned over” by the security guard. In 2014, a Sainsbury’s in Brighton, England apologized after a security guard asked a lesbian couple to leave the store following complaints from other customers

RELATED: Gay Couple Told To Stop Holding Hands, ‘Behaving Inappropriately’ In London Supermarket

Writes the organizer of the kiss-in:

This Monday, a security guard at a Sainsbury’s store in East London told a man in the store that holding hands with his same gender partner was “inappropriate”.

This isn’t the first time this has happened: in a Brighton Sainsbury’s just a couple of years ago, a security guard did the same thing: telling two women that kissing was “inappropriate” too.

Back then, the Supermarket chain promised us they’d sort out their training to ensure this could never happen again. Guess what? It has.

Last time thousands of people descended on the Sainsbury’s branch for big (consensual) kiss, puckering up in the aisles in an act of defiance. showing affection to someone, whatever their gender or sexuality, is something to be celebrated.

In a year that’s seen attacks all too often on the LGBT community, it’s high time that Sainsbury’s – with profits over £500 million this year – put their money where their mouths are and use their resources to ensure that homophobia becomes a thing of the past. a £10 voucher just doesn’t cut it.

The blokes who were told off in the store will be coming down to join us and saying a few words, and there’ll be a drag queen on a mic to keep eveything orderly.

If you have nobody to kiss then just ask ppl nicely for their consent to kiss and if they say yes then kiss them but if they say no then you should ask someone else.

Come down to Sainsburys at 6:30pm this Saturday: hold hands, pucker up, and tell Sainsbury’s enough is enough. oh, and invite ppl.

The Sainsbury’s is at 238-244 Hackney Road if you happen to be in London tomorrow at 6:30 pm.

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Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Trolls Trump Voters – WATCH

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Trolls Trump Voters – WATCH

triumph insult comic dog trump

If you’ve ever been morbidly curious about who Trump voters are and what they really believe, Triumph the insult comic dog is here to help.

Triumph has a new video in which he conducts a fake focus group with a very real group of Trump supporters. The point is to show outrageous fake Trump plans to deal with immigration, transgender bathroom rights and other issues to Trump supporters to see if they think those plans are over the top or just what we need to “make America great again.”

For instance, should we include handguns in all women’s bathrooms to protect cisgender women from transgender bathroom predators?

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And trap illegal Mexican immigrants in porta-potties placed near Home Depot and then ship them back to Mexico? Or demand that Hillary Clinton prove that she is in fact a woman? These Trump voters agree: yes, we should.

Watch the almost too-outrageous-to-believe video, below.

Editor’s Note: the below video is only funny if Donald Trump doesn’t actually win the presidency. Otherwise, it is a sign of the end times. 

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#AM_Equality Tip Sheet: August 12, 2016

#AM_Equality Tip Sheet: August 12, 2016

RUBIO RAILS AGAINST MARRIAGE EQUALITY ON TWO MONTH ANNIVERSARY OF PULSE TRAGEDY: A day after Trump courted anti-LGBTQ activists in Orlando, Rubio took to the same stage this morning to rail against marriage equality. Rubio calls for people to “not judge” the LGBTQ community, yet he continues to  support Kim Davis-style discrimination like the so-called “First Amendment Defense Act,” which would allow non-profit organizations and businesses contracting with the federal government to circumvent critical federal protections designed to protect LGBTQ families from harmful discrimination. Despite condoning a time where McCarthyism led to a witch-hunt against the LGBTQ community holding government jobs, Rubio consistently voted against the Employee Non-Discrimination act and vowed during his presidential campaign to reverse the executive order made by President Obama that bans anti-LGBTQ discrimination by government contractors. Read more on Trump and Rubio adding insult to injury in Orlando via TIME and The Huffington Post, and check out how, when it comes to opposing LGBTQ equality, Donald Trump and Marco Rubio are two dangerous peas in a pod.

NEW CDC DATA REVEALS LGB TEENS FACE STARTLING RATES OF VIOLENCE: Lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) teens are far more likely to experience violence and bullying, and attempt suicide, than their heterosexual peers, according to new national data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The data show just how deeply stigma and discrimination affect LGBTQ youth, how urgently they need their communities’ support and affirmation, and how far we have to go in protecting them. For the first time ever, the biannual Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) asked young people about their sexual orientation, allowing researchers to assess how being LGB affects teens’ risk of problems including depression, drug use and violence. The results are sobering. More from The New York Times.

  • In Texas, one mother is standing up for her transgender daughter’s right to use school bathrooms consistent with her gender identity. “Please understand I’m not fighting about bathrooms, I’m fighting about her life, I’m fighting about her well-being, I’m fighting for her happiness, I’m fighting for her future,” said Kim Shappley. More from KXAN.

THIS DAY IN LGBTQ HISTORY: On August 11, 1981, a group of brave, early HIV and AIDS activists gathered in Larry Kramer’s living room and made history – founding Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC), the world’s first AIDS service organization. Read this piece in The Advocate by Kelsey Louie, the current CEO of GMHC, about the history of the movement and work that remains.

HRC ALABAMA’S EVA KENDRICK: ROY MOORE MUST GO: In the Montgomery Advertiser, HRC Alabama state manager Eva Kendrick, citing suspended Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore’s unethical and anti-LGBTQ behavior and rhetoric, lays out why he must be permanently removed from the bench. “[Alabama] elected Roy Moore to be a Supreme Court justice, not a pastor,” she writes. Moore faces a second hearing on ethics charges next month. #NoMoore

HRC MOURNS THE LOSS OF ERYKAH TIJERINA: HRC is saddened to learn that Erykah Tijerina, a transgender woman, was found dead on Monday in her El Paso apartment. KFOX14 reports that police observed “obvious signs of foul play.” Tijerina was 36. She is at least the 16th transgender person murdered in the U.S. since January. Over 80 percent of those killed have been women and about 20 percent, including Tijerina, have been Latinx. More from HRC.

DOJ RELEASES REPORT DETAILING UNLAWFUL CONDUCT OF BALTIMORE PD: HRC is heartened to hear that the City of Baltimore recognizes the unlawful conduct by its Police Department  as detailed in a U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) report, and is committed to reform. As DOJ and Baltimore work together to improve policing in Baltimore, HRC will continue to work with Congress and the Administration to push for criminal justice reform on the federal level. This week, the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division released a report on its investigation of the Baltimore City Police Department (BPD) that concludes there is “reasonable cause to believe that BPD engages in a pattern or practice of conduct that violates the Constitution or federal law.” More from HRC.

HRC’S SARAH MCBRIDE ON MAKING HISTORY AT THE DNC: In an interview with Al Jazeera’s The Stream, HRC National Press Secretary Sarah McBride talks about her historic speech at this year’s Democratic National Convention, where she became the first openly transgender person to address a major party’s convention. Watch it here.

OPENLY TRANS ATHLETES ABSENT FROM OLYMPIC ROSTER: While there are many talented and successful transgender athletes around the globe, there are no openly transgender athletes competing in the Olympic Games in Rio. It was only earlier this year that the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) decided to allow transgender athletes to compete without gender affirming surgery. Previously, transgender athletes were required to undergo surgery and wait two years after before competing. Though there are no openly transgender Olympians in Rio, Rolling Stone reports that there are two athletes competing at the Olympics who are transgender. More from HRC.

MASS. MANDATES INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR SIDE EFFECT OF HIV DRUGS: Massachusetts has become the first state to require that insurers cover treatment for HIV-associated lipodystrophy syndrome, an often debilitating side effect of some old HIV medications, which some insurance companies did not previously cover. The law was signed yesterday by Governor Charlie Baker. More from MassLive.

GEORGIA PREZ SAYS NO TO ANTI-LGBTQ REFERENDUM: Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili has rejected an anti-LGBTQ organization’s proposal to hold a referendum on defining a marriage as a union between one man and one woman. More from Georgia Today.


The Washington Post explores how one Jewish summer camp is finding new ways to welcome nonbinary campers; Gay Star News celebrates nine inspiring transgender teens; The Advocate details why transgender rights can’t wait; ThinkProgress explores why bisexual men fear coming out; Adweek unveils Grindr’s newest line of athletic wear to benefit LGBTQ athletes; The Charlotte Observer profiles a transgender student who earned one of the state’s most prestigious scholarships to attend UNC Chapel Hill; and The New York Times takes a look at what the Olympics say about the climate for LGBTQ people in China.

Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to A.M. Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!