Grindr Priest Scandal Rocks Ireland’s Catholic Church: VIDEO

Grindr Priest Scandal Rocks Ireland’s Catholic Church: VIDEO

Diarmuid Martin grindr priest scandal

The Catholic Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin (above) has said he will no longer send trainee priests to a seminary in Maynooth following allegations of an “active gay subculture” at the Kildare college.

Martin’s comments came after anonymous allegations regarding seminarian activities in St Patrick’s College Maynooth, including that many had been using Grindr.

Wonder which Vatican correspondent will dare to ask a Grindr question on next @pontifex plane trip

— Angus MacKinnon (@AngusM1966) August 2, 2016

Although college authorities said they have “no concrete or credible evidence of the existence of any alleged ‘active gay subculture,’” Martin announced on Monday that seminarians will now be sent to the Irish College in Rome due to “an atmosphere of strange goings-on” in Maynooth.

RELATED: Gay Sex Scandal Involving Theology Students, Staffers Rocks Ireland’s National Seminary

“It seems like a quarrelsome place with anonymous letters being sent around,” said Martin, a trustee at the college. “I don’t think this is a good place for students,” he added.

Child abuse = Try and draw a veil over it.
Priests using Grindr = THIS MUST BE

— Auto_SF (@Auto_SF) August 2, 2016

However, the Irish Times reports that the three other archbishop trustees disagree with Martin. Catholic primate Archbishop Éamon Martin, Archbishop of Tuam Michael Neary and Archbishop of Cashel Kieran O’Reilly said they intend to continue sending seminarians to Maynooth as do the bishops of Elphin, Cork and Ross, Down and Connor, Ardagh and Clonmacnoise, Cloyne, Kildare and Leighlin, Clonfert, Clogher, and Killala.

@nwin @JohnMarkston1 @egaffo2000 Grindr is the modern day equivalent of ‘Priest Chat’ on Father Ted.

— Brian Ó hAllumhuráin (@playingwithdust) August 2, 2016

Yesterday, St Patrick’s said it shared Diarmuid Martin’s concerns and encouraged people “with specific concerns to report them appropriately”. The college added that “any student involved or promoting such behavior would be asked to leave the seminary formation programme.”

Father Brendan Hoban, a spokesperson for the Association of Catholic Priests, said this morning:

“I really don’t know what it is that’s happening [or what] Archbishop Martin’s intentions are. The Archbishop has transferred three students; Dublin has 99 parishes, over a million Catholics and only one diocesan priest under 40 years of age. So it seems extraordinary that attention is on moving the deck chairs on the Titanic instead of dealing with the real issues.”

He added that Martin “will damage Maynooth by what he is doing.”

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Major Homophobe Congressman Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) Sent Packing in Primary Loss

Major Homophobe Congressman Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) Sent Packing in Primary Loss

Tim Huelskamp

Tim Huelskamp, a Kansas Representative who spent his time in office crusading against gay people, lost his primary on Tuesday to newcomer Roger Marshall.

Huelskamp, a proud supporter of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) who spoke at its rallies, also pushed a federal marriage amendment that would have imposed a national ban on same-sex marriages.

Huelskamp argued that children would suffer in some unspecific, unquantifiable way; and the founding fathers, “never envisioned a society which would reject a basic understanding of nature.”

He attacked the Supreme Court’s DOMA ruling for the same reason. On the same day that President Obama endorsed marriage equality, Huelskamp amended major funding legislation on the House floor to reaffirm the Defense of Marriage Act.

Huelskamp also introduced the Military Religious Freedom Protection Act to prohibit gay marriages from taking place on military installations and protect anti-gay servicemembers.

The loser can try to work full time for NOM now.

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HRC Welcomes Hillary Clinton’s Historic Commitment to End the HIV and AIDS Epidemic

HRC Welcomes Hillary Clinton’s Historic Commitment to End the HIV and AIDS Epidemic

HRC welcomed Secretary Hillary Clinton’s announcement today detailing the plan she would embark on as president to end the HIV and AIDS epidemic in the U. S. and around the world. Her blueprint includes enhancing the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, convening working groups to develop aggressive actions to combat the spread of HIV, and launching a campaign to combat stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV.

“Throughout her career, Secretary Clinton has steadfastly fought to help meet the needs of people living with HIV,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “These additional steps build on the comprehensive plan put forth by Secretary Clinton to end the HIV and AIDS epidemic. We look forward to working with Hillary Clinton and her administration to implement and expand on these plans, secure necessary funding, and to set a timeline and targets to achieve an AIDS-free generation.”

The additional steps announced by Clinton include convening a working group to develop an aggressive timeline for ending AIDS, working to strengthen the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, and combatting stigma against people living with HIV and AIDS, including reforming outdated and discriminatory HIV criminalization laws.  The National HIV/AIDS Strategy, first released by the Obama administration in 2010, is the nation’s first-ever comprehensive HIV and AIDS plan with clear and measurable targets. Over the last year, HRC has joined with more than 70 activists and organizations in discussions with the Clinton campaign over strategies to end the HIV and AIDS epidemic

Clinton’s proposals build on the detailed plan she released earlier in the campaign. At the time, she called for expanding access to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, or PrEP, and capping out-of-pocket medical expenses and drug prices. Last week, Daniel Driffin, a Black gay man living with HIV, addressed the Democratic National Convention and discussed the need for increased resources and research on HIV and AIDS. It was the first time in 12 years that a person living with HIV addressed a national party convention.

HRC endorsed Hillary Clinton in January 2016. With 1.5 million members and supporters nationwide, HRC is planning an unprecedented organizational effort to register and mobilize the nation’s pro-equality majority, and elect pro-LGBT candidates up and down the ballot. In 2016, HRC expects that the pro-equality vote will be larger, stronger, and more energized than at any point in history.

To find out more about HRC’s work to promote HIV prevention, treatment and care, visit

Paid for by Human Rights Campaign Equality Votes and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Seattle Passes Ordinance Protecting Youth from So-Called “Conversion Therapy”

Seattle Passes Ordinance Protecting Youth from So-Called “Conversion Therapy”

The Seattle City Council yesterday unanimously approved an ordinance protecting youth from the discredited and dangerous practice of so-called “conversion therapy.” The measure, which imposes civil penalties on licensed mental health professionals who provide the harmful practice to minors, will become effective two months after openly-gay Mayor Ed Murray signs it. Seattle will become the third municipality—behind Cincinnati, Ohio and Miami Beach, Florida—to enact such legislation.

“Conversion therapy,” sometimes referred to as “sexual orientation change efforts” or “reparative therapy,” encompasses a range of practices that seek to change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. These practices are based on the false premise that being LGBTQ is a mental illness that needs to be cured, a theory that has been rejected for decades by every major medical and mental health organization.

California, Illinois, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont and Washington, D.C. currently have laws protecting LGBTQ minors from “conversion therapy” and more than 20 states introduced similar legislation this year. New York adopted regulations earlier this year protecting youth from “conversion therapy.”

There is no credible evidence that “conversion therapy” can change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. To the contrary, research has clearly shown that these practices pose devastating health risks for LGBTQ young people. Use of these dangerous practices lead to depression, decreased self-esteem, substance abuse, homelessness, and even suicidal behavior. That’s why they are universally condemned by the American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association, and American Medical Association.

HRC congratulates Councilmember Lorena Gonzalez, Legal Voice, Equal Rights Washington, the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and other local activists for working to protect LGBTQ young people across the great city of Seattle.

NCLR and HRC have partnered with state equality groups across the nation to pass state legislation to end this dangerous practice.​

For more information about the dangers of “conversion therapy” and NCLR’s #BornPerfect campaign visit or HRC’s resource page.

The Anti-LGBTQ Liberty Council Threatens Marriage Equality in Romania

The Anti-LGBTQ Liberty Council Threatens Marriage Equality in Romania

Post submitted by HRC staff with contributions from Molly Aronson

The Constitutional Court of Romania ruled that a proposal stating that marriage can only occur between a man and a woman is valid. Parliament must approve the proposal and it must still pass a nationwide referendum before it becomes law.

The Coalition of the Family started the proposal, which has been signed by more than three million Romanians. According to Romanian law, a proposal must receive 500,000 signatures in order to be considered valid. The court did not rule on the content of the proposal, but simply the validity based on the number of signatures.

The Liberty Counsel, an organization that has been designated an anti-LGBTQ hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, has praised the proposal and even submitted a major brief to support the referendum. The Liberty Counsel is known for repeatedly attacking the LGBTQ community with hateful rhetoric. They have called for the criminalization of homosexuality, the legalization of discrimination against LGBTQ people and the need for LGBTQ people to be “cured.”

The current chairman of the Counsel, Mat Staver, represents disgraced Kentucky clerk Kim Davis and infamous Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore. Staver was also featured in HRC’s Export of Hate campaign.

Romanian law currently states that marriage is between “partners,” with no genders specified. If the initiative to restrict marriage to one man and one woman passes, the potential to attain marriage equality in Romania in the future will become increasingly more difficult.

‘Gingers Have Souls’ Vlogger Michael Kittrell Comes Out as Transgender: WATCH

‘Gingers Have Souls’ Vlogger Michael Kittrell Comes Out as Transgender: WATCH

gingers transgender

CopperCab, a YouTube vlogger formerly known as Mikey Kittrell, who gained internet fame back in January 2010 with a video claiming that “gingers do have souls”, has come out as transgender.

coppercabSaid Kittrell, who now identifies as Claire:

“I’ve always felt different than everyone else around me. I went to a pretty conservative school growing up, and when I first made Gingers Have Souls, you know I wasn’t just getting picked on just because I was a redhead, a ginger. I was also being picked on because I was more feminine than other guys. I didn’t fit in. I didn’t play football. I didn’t hang out with girls after school. I didn’t fit in. I only have one friend, who I won’t bring up.”

RELATED: Gingers Do Have Souls

Claire planned to transition three years ago while on the show Hollywood Hillbillies, a show which followed Kittrell’s family to Hollywood as she sought a job in the entertainment industry.

She also released a single called “Gingerbread”.

She adds:

You ever play a Zelda gave, and you’re fighting a boss, and you find its weak spot, and you attack it alot, right? Well one reason I never came out before, especially on the internet was…well, I felt like a monster. And I wfelt like if I exposed my weak spot everyone could attack me on there.

I’m fixing to be 24 years old and I’m’ not going to live another year of my life pretending to be someone else. I’m just not gonna do it. I don’t care if you call me ugly, if you call me a tranny, if you call me names, if you pick on me, that’s fine. You can call me names. But im gonna be myself whether you accept it or not.


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