‘Bernie or Bust’ is a Risk Many Americans with Undocumented Relatives Can’t Take

‘Bernie or Bust’ is a Risk Many Americans with Undocumented Relatives Can’t Take

Bernie Sanders DNC Bernie or Bust

When loyal supporters of unsuccessful Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders say they will not vote for Hillary Clinton, it’s usually for one of two reasons: Either they believe in Sanders’ political revolution and want to use their vote as a statement, or they do not fear the possibility of a President Donald Trump.

Some voters with relatives who are undocumented say they can’t afford to make either of those choices, no matter how much they’re feeling the Bern.

Trump, the Republican nominee for president, has said since the start of his run that he wants to build a wall along the US-Mexico border and deport the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States.

During the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, some people who may have continued to support Sanders after he lost the primaries have been saying that they just couldn’t do it. They have family members at real risk of being deported if Donald Trump moves into the Oval Office, and feel spending a vote on Sanders instead of Clinton could help him.

Early in his run, Vermont Sen. Sanders faced criticism for attracting mostly white voters, but further along in his candidacy several minority groups started springing up to support him. One of them is Latinos for Bernie NYC, founded by Peruvian American Carmen Hulbert.

Hulbert doesn’t think undocumented people in the United States have any reason to fear a President Trump more than they do President Barack Obama, who in 2014 was called the “deporter-in-chief” for having overseen more than 2 million deportations from the start of his time in office.

That means she’s sticking with Sanders.

“We all know what [Trump says he] is going to do. But he is saying outlandish things from the beginning,” Hulbert says. “I am not afraid of Donald Trump. Because if we’re talking about deportation, we’ve already gone through horrible ordeals with deportation under Barack Obama.”

Hulbert has organized Latinos all over New York City, educating them on Sanders’ platform and converting them to his camp.

Helen Gym, a progressive organizer and the first Asian American councilwoman in Philadelphia, thinks Hulbert’s take — that Obama’s deportation record is as bad as Trump’s might become — is ludicrous.

She says Sanders supporters who don’t take the threat of deportation seriously are just upset their candidate didn’t win the nomination.

“I don’t have the patience to listen to embittered individuals who just feel like they didn’t get the right candidate [for a nominee],” Gym says. “This struggle will never rely on individual candidates. It’s about policy.” Which is why Gym, though ideologically to her left, is supporting Clinton.

Sanders said as much during his speech at the DNC, though he barely mentioned immigration.

“This election is not about, and has never been about, Hillary Clinton, or Donald Trump, or Bernie Sanders or any of the other candidates who sought the presidency,” he declared. “This election is about — and must be about — the needs of the American people and the kind of future we create for our children and grandchildren.”

Gym works on issues of poverty and education in Philadelphia, which is a sanctuary city for undocumented immigrants. She focuses on grassroots efforts for change — activism within communities first.

She says the abstinence of the “Bernie-or-Bust” crowd, which was loud and present at the DNC’s opening night, is particularly damaging for marginalized communities facing the possibility of Trump.

“Our families are being torn apart,” Gym says. “I don’t think [Trump] distinguishes between legal and undocumented immigrants at all.”

Meanwhile, Hulbert is sure her “never Hillary” stance will not put Trump in the White House.

“I don’t think the Bernie Sanders followers who won’t vote for Hillary will do a disservice to the country because the Republicans are going to vote for her,” Hulbert says. “Trump is not going to win.”

This article first appeared on PRI’s The World.

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Donald Trump Tells Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s 30,000 Missing Emails: WATCH

Donald Trump Tells Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s 30,000 Missing Emails: WATCH

Donald Trump Russia

In a stunning moment in a news conference on Wednesday morning, Donald Trump challenged the Russian government to try and find 30,000 missing Hillary Clinton emails.

RELATED: U.S. Spy Agencies Blame DNC Email Hack on Russia; Wikileaks Founder Won’t Say

Said Trump:

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be mightily rewarded by our press.”


The NYT reports:

Mr. Trump’s call was an extraordinary moment at a time when Russia is being accused of meddling in the U.S. presidential election. His comments came amid questions about the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s computer servers, which researchers have concluded was likely the work of two Russian intelligence agencies.

Later in the news conference, when asked if he was really urging a foreign nation to hack into the private email server of Mrs. Clinton, or at least meddle in the nation’s elections, he dismissed the question. “That’s up to the president,” Mr. Trump said, before finally telling the female questioner to “be quiet — let the president talk to them.”

Russia is likely likely behind the hack of DNC emails, U.S. spy agencies say but Wikileaks founder Julian Assange will neither confirm nor deny that assertion.

The emails, released earlier this week, showed that certain top Democratic National Committee officials looked for ways to potentially damage Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign. Democratic Party Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned just a day before the Democratic National Convention under pressure from the party.

The NYT reports:

“The assessment by the intelligence community of Russian involvement in the D.N.C. hack, which largely echoes the findings of private cybersecurity firms that have examined the electronic fingerprints left by the intruders, leaves President Obama and his national security aides with a difficult diplomatic and political decision: Whether to publicly accuse the government of President Vladimir V. Putin with engineering the hack.”

Julian AssangeThe NYT notes in a separate article that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange told ITV in June that he had the emails and that the timed them specifically to harm her before the Democratic Convention as revenge:

In the interview, Mr. Assange told a British television host, Robert Peston of the ITV network, that his organization had obtained “emails related to Hillary Clinton which are pending publication,” which he pronounced “great.” He also suggested that he not only opposed her candidacy on policy grounds, but also saw her as a personal foe.

First, citing his “personal perspective,” Mr. Assange accused Mrs. Clinton of having been among those pushing to indict him after WikiLeaks disseminated a quarter of a million diplomatic cables during her tenure as secretary of state…

…In addition, Mr. Assange criticized Mrs. Clinton for pushing to intervene in Libya in 2011 when Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi was cracking down on Arab Spring protesters; he said that the result of the NATO air war was Libya’s collapse into anarchy, enabling the Islamic State to flourish.

Assange said, when asked if he’d prefer Trump as president, that Trump is “unpredictable” while Clinton isn’t.

In an interview with CNN on Tuesday, Assange would not confirm nor deny that the Russian government hacked and is the source of the emails, The Hill reports:

“What we have right now is the Hillary Clinton campaign using a speculative allegation about hacks that have occurred in the past to try and divert attention from our emails, another separate issue that WikiLeaks has published,” he said.

“I think this raises a very serious question, which is that the natural instincts of Hillary Clinton and the people around her, that when confronted with a serious domestic political scandal, that she tries to blame the Russians, blame the Chinese, etc,” Assange added. “If she does that when she’s in government, that’s a political, managerial style that can lead to conflict.”

Assange said WikiLeaks would neither confirm nor deny that Russia was behind the theft of the controversial private communications.

Assange said Wikileaks likes to create “maximum ambiguity” in such matters.

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#AM_Equality Tip Sheet: July 27, 2016

#AM_Equality Tip Sheet: July 27, 2016

DNC’S HISTORIC NIGHT CONTINUES INCLUSIVE, PRO-EQUALITY MESSAGE: Democrats made history Tuesday, nominating the first female presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton, a leader with the most pro-LGBTQ agenda of any candidate who has run for president. Following his spouse’s historic nomination, President Bill Clinton noted Secretary Clinton’s 2011 speech in Geneva, where she declared, “gay rights are human rights.” Washington Blade International News Editor Michael Lavers tweeted: #LGBT activists overseas have told me @HillaryClinton‘s “Gay Rights are Human Rights” speech has literally saved lives. Tuesday also featured a lineup of speakers building on the convention’s strong pro-equality theme, including the need to pass the federal Equality Act. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe called out anti-equality lawmakers in his state for trying to write discrimination into state law. Actors Lena Dunham, America Ferrera and Debra Messing gave Hillary Clinton their nod as the candidate of inclusion and unity.

  • During yesterday’s roll call vote, Supreme Court marriage equality plaintiff Jim Obergefell of Ohio and first openly-lesbian U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin cast their state delegation votes for Hillary Clinton.
  • Today: Chelsea Clinton speaks at a luncheon hosted by HRC and Gay & Lesbian Victory Institute. The event will honor pro-equality elected officials and record number of openly LGBTQ delegates. HRC President Chad Griffin and Victory Institute President Aisha Moodie-Mills will also speak. Can’t make it? We’ll stream on Facebook Live starting at 11:30am EST.
  • Tomorrow: The first openly transgender person speaks at a convention. HRC’s national press secretary Sarah McBride will make history with her speech. HRC President Chad Griffin will also speak tomorrow.
  • North Carolina’s disastrous anti-LGBTQ HB2 law was dissected at an LGBT Congressional Caucus Meeting at the DNC. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said “If you’re against discrimination, then you’re against all discrimination.” More from WNCN.
    • Meanwhile, The Associated Press reports that Republican Gov. Pat McCrory and NC GOP legislative leaders have already wasted over $176,000 in legal fees defending the deeply discriminatory law. More here.
    • And as WRAL reports, from bluegrass to baseball outfields, the economic consequences of HB2 continue to mount. More here.
  • HRC President Chad Griffin, serving as Vice Chair of the Convention, was on the podium for much of last night’s historic moments. Check out his tweet:

ON DECK TONIGHT AT THE DNC: President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will take the stage. Over the last eight years, they have made history advocating for equality, and transforming through policy and leadership the lives of LGBTQ people and their families across the nation. They have both announced support for the Equality Act, and are the first sitting president and vice president to endorse marriage equality.

FDA MAY RECONSIDER BLOOD BAN: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration may be poised to change its unjustified policies requiring that gay and bisexual men to abstain from sex for one year before being permitted to donate blood. It is seeking public comment on its current blood donation recommendations, signaling the potential for changes to the ban. “We’re hopeful this call for comments represents the next step toward changing an outdated and short-sighted policy,” said Jay Brown, HRC Communications Director. More from Reuters.

SEATTLE ADVANCES ORDINANCE TO PROTECT YOUTH FROM SO-CALLED ‘CONVERSION THERAPY’: A subcommittee of the Seattle City Council has unanimously approved legislation banning the dangerous and discredited practice of “conversion therapy” on minors. The measure, which is supported by Mayor Ed Murray, heads to the full council on Monday. Cincinnati, Miami Beach, Washington D.C., California, Illinois, New Jersey, Oregon, New York, and Vermont already have similar protections in place. More from Komo News.

GAVIN GRIMM’S LAWYERS ASK SCOTUS NOT TO TAKE HIS CASE: Lawyers for Gavin Grimm, the transgender teen who sued his Virginia School District over its refusal to grant him access to the boys’ restroom, have asked the Supreme Court of the United States to decline to reconsider the ruling of the 4th Circuit. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit ruled in Grimm’s favor earlier this year. The school district has asked the Supreme Court to overturn the lower court’s ruling. More from The Washington Post.

LGBTQ SUPPORT AT HBCUs: Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) are stepping up for their LGBTQ students, including through programs like HRC Foundation’s HBCU Leadership & Career Summit. More from U.S. News & World Report.

EQUAL RIGHTS COALITION LAUNCHES AT GLOBAL LGBTI HUMAN RIGHTS CONFERENCE: At the Global LGBTI Human Rights Conference in Uruguay earlier this month, 29 governments announced the launch of an Equal Rights Coalition. The coalition seeks to strengthen cooperation between countries in advancing LGBTI rights. More from HRC.

PRINCE HARRY TACKLING HIV STIGMA: After Prince Harry streamed himself being tested for HIV via Facebook Live video last month, HIV testing in the UK has increased by 500 percent. The video was part of a pilot program that gave away 4,750 free at-home testing kits. More from Pink News.


The Huffington Post talks to LGBTQ teens who are struggling with homelessness; A study of U.S. middle and high school students suggests that eating disorders are increasing for LGBTQ youth reports Care 2 and CBC News; San Francisco Gate reports that Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff will be honored by GLAAD for his LGBTQ advocacy; and Bloomberg covers the purchasing power of the U.S. LGBTQ community.


GLAAD conducts day-long media training with Los Angeles trans leaders

GLAAD conducts day-long media training with Los Angeles trans leaders

Photo credit: GLAAD

On Saturday, GLAAD’s Transgender Media Program team led a day-long media training for members of L.A.’s Transgender Service Provider Network (TSPN), a network whose members include staff from a number of organizations providing services to transgender people in the Los Angeles area. Program director Nick Adams and senior strategist Alex Schmider conducted the training for 18 trans people who work in the movement every day, advocating for some of the most at-risk members of the transgender community.

The media training started with a broad overview of GLAAD’s longstanding commitment to working with national and local news outlets, TV networks, film studios,  journalists, and reporters to help guide them in their fair and accurate reporting and representation of transgender people. (Check out GLAAD’s resources for Media Professionals.) The traininng continued with specific information about identifying your audience, effective communication tools for reaching those people who are unfamiliar with transgender people, and ended with specific training on how to do media interviews with journalists.

As part of its mission, GLAAD provides free media trainings to empower transgender people, and advocacy groups like TSPN, to effectively share their stories, raise awareness about their work, and, ultimately, create the change needed to bring about full trans equality and acceptance for transgender people.

Ashlee Marie Preston, TSPN’s Communications Working Group Lead, who helped coordinate the media training spoke about the incentive to organize it.

“With trans people being the topic of discussion across the nation, members of LA’s Transgender Service Providers Network collectively expressed interest in taking advantage of a resource that would help us prepare ourselves for media engagement. TSPN approached GLAAD to request an all-day media training for its members. I expected the training to consist of a space in which members of TSPN would learn a few ‘pony tricks’ that would help us become expert interviewees during engagement by the press. Although those were among the many take-aways, we also left better informed around the work GLAAD has done over the years in building rapport with media outlets, and we were educated on how the unpacking of a diverse narrative is key in breaking down barriers, and projecting an accurate representation of who we are as a community. It was a call to action for us to own our stories and to join the conversation. This is only the beginning of our partnership with GLAAD. We fully intend to continue working with them as we move toward societal acceptance and competency around trans identities.”

For more information about some of transgender service providers in the network, check out the links below:

July 27, 2016


There’s a Big Gay Feud on This Season of ‘The Bachelorette’ – WATCH

There’s a Big Gay Feud on This Season of ‘The Bachelorette’ – WATCH

bachelorette gay

A former contestant on this season of The Bachelorette has accused one of this season’s finalists of being secretly gay and faking interest in women for reality TV fame.

Chad Johnson (above, right) was one of the male suitors vying for the heart of bachelorette JoJo Fletcher. However, after being eliminated on June 7, Johnson has taken to trash-talking the other guys on the show. His biggest beef to date is with final four contestant Robby Hayes.

In Johnson’s latest assault on Hayes, he tweeted during Monday’s episode that Hayes is only “pretending” to like women so he can be on the show. Said Johnson, “If I have to watch @RobbyHHayes pretend to like women for one more second on #TheBachelorette, I’m gonna blow my head off.”

If I have to watch @RobbyHHayes pretend to like women for one more second on #TheBachelorette, I’m gonna blow my head off. #TheBitchelorette

— Chad Johnson (@realchadjohnson) July 26, 2016

Hayes responded, “Been waiting for you to do that #mrirrelevant.”

Been waiting for you to do that #mrirrelevant t.co/VhtptO3Xc1

— Robby H Hayes (@RobbyHHayes) July 26, 2016

More on the boys’ feud via Us Weekly

This continues an ongoing feud between the pair. Last month, Johnson posted pics to Instagram of himself kissing Hayes’ ex-girlfriend Hope Higginbotham.

“A great girl like her deserves so much better than someone who lies, cheats and ends a four-year long relationship in order to pursue fame on a TV show,” Johnson captioned the post. “You’re amazing, I miss you already.”

Instagram Photo


Hayes responded to that barb as well, writing on Twitter, “That moment your ex and the ‘villain’ work together to spread lies about you. Ever hear of slander?”

That moment your ex and the “villain” work together to spread lies about you. Ever hear of slander?

— Robby H Hayes (@RobbyHHayes) July 27, 2016

Watch a video of Robby playing truth or dare with JoJo–which ends with him running through the halls of a hotel in his undies–below.

And watch an ABC News profile on Chad, here:

[Top photos via Twitter, Instagram]

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Freddie Gray, Crystal Meth, Chris Pine, Bill O’Reilly, DNC Hack, Paul Manafort: NEWS

Freddie Gray, Crystal Meth, Chris Pine, Bill O’Reilly, DNC Hack, Paul Manafort: NEWS

FREDDIE GRAY. Prosecutors drop charges against remaining officers in death of Freddie Gray: “Officers Garrett Miller and Alicia White were awaiting trial over the death of Gray, a black man, on April 19, 2015, a week after he suffered a spinal injury sometime during a police van ride.”

moscowDNC HACK. Kremlin says hacking allegations are “made-up horror stories.” “Moscow is at pains to avoid any words that could be interpreted as direct or indirect interference in the election process,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a conference call with reporters. “… We see that the Russian card is in the red corner on the writing table of all Washington politicians during the election campaign, and that very often they make it a trump card in their game.”

PAUL MANAFORT. Trump has no investments in Russia, but won’t prove it by releasing taxes.

BILL O’REILLY. Fact checking Michelle Obama.”Slaves that worked there were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government, which stopped hiring slave labor in 1802,” he said. “However the feds did not forbid subcontractors from using slave labor. So Michelle Obama is essentially correct in citing slaves as builders of the White House, but there were others working as well. Got it?”

musicFACING THE MUSIC. $3 million dollar lottery winner invested the money in a crystal meth ring: “[Ronnie Music Jr] “decided to test his luck by sinking millions of dollars of lottery winnings into the purchase and sale of crystal meth,” U.S. Attorney Ed Tarver said in a statement. “As a result of his unsound investment strategy, Music now faces decades in a federal prison.”

ABOUT TIME. Transgender to be removed from mental disorder list: “New evidence published in the Lancet Psychiatry journal on Tuesday supports no longer classifying transgender identity as a mental disorder under the World Health Organization and the American Psychiatric Association’s rubrics.”

MH370. Missing jet could be further north. “The crashed remains from the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 could be as much as 500km further north than the current search area, say scientists in Italy.”

BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER. The 2016 Monocle Restaurant Awards presents three of its favorites.


turtleSICK. Fisherman who smashed turtle to death claims it was self-defense: “Frank’s Facebook footage tipped off authorities about the crime. Washington confessed to killing the animal two days later, turning himself in at Gardner Betts Juvenile Detention Facility. On July 26, just over a month after the turtle slaying, authorities charged Washington with cruelty to a non-livestock animal. He was also charged with two misdemeanors related to killing wildlife. Washington said that he was simply protecting himself.”

BEYOND. Star Trek actors Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine get tested byGay Yee Hill of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory on their space knowledge. 

HIDDEN DOOR. Who wants one of these for their home?


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Nyle DiMarco Is Dripping Wet and Waiting for You in the Hamptons – WATCH

Nyle DiMarco Is Dripping Wet and Waiting for You in the Hamptons – WATCH

Nyle DiMarco

Nyle DiMarco, the male model who won America’s Next Top Model cycle 22 and the last season of Dancing With the Stars, is dripping wet and waiting for you.

DiMarco, who is also a deaf activist and sexually fluid, has been on holiday in the Hamptons this week and sharing some of his vacay exploits on Twitter.

Finally having a vacation at….

Have a great week everybody!

— Nyle DiMarco (@NyleDiMarco) July 25, 2016

For instance, while on vacation he invented a new breakfast ‘Hamptons taco.’

The Hamptons Taco: Fruits wrapped in a pancake

Snapchat: @NyleDiMarco pic.twitter.com/T4ErMU0sba

— Nyle DiMarco (@NyleDiMarco) July 26, 2016

He’s having so much fun he wants you to join him.

DiMarco posted a slow-mo video of him emerging dripping wet from a pool to egg you on.

Come and vacation with me in the Hamptons 😉 pic.twitter.com/Kq94eCYdWl

— Nyle DiMarco (@NyleDiMarco) July 27, 2016

The post Nyle DiMarco Is Dripping Wet and Waiting for You in the Hamptons – WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.
