No Tip? IHOP Waitress Finds “Gay Is Wrong!” Written On Her Receipt

No Tip? IHOP Waitress Finds “Gay Is Wrong!” Written On Her Receipt

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“Antigay Slurs Scrawled On Dinner Receipts” is officially a thing; an exciting new genre that has already commandeered an impressive number of hits in the “blogosphere,” a word we promise to never use again. So far, we’ve seen lesbian couples hassled by chefs, waiters learning they’ll burn in hell, and people totally lying about finding mean things written on their receipts. To name but a few.

Now Taylor Stewart, a waitress at the International House of Pancakes in Enid, Oklahoma, can add her story to this distinguished list.

Related: Portland Apple Store Prints Receipt For “Fag” Customer, Declines To Rectify Situation

“I’m a people person and that’s why I have this job because I love people,” she tells WQAD-TV, candidly.

“You know, and I like to serve them and, you know, make them happy.”

But on Monday night, one extremely rude customer managed to sully her usually sunny disposition — leaving an antigay slur scrawled on his dinner receipt.

Related: What This Restaurant Thinks Of Your Fairy Drink Order

While wrapping up a double shift, Stewart waited on a man and his three children, and screwed up one of the orders.

Though the mistake was quickly corrected and Taylor apologized, this customer continued being quite nasty to her, leaving a mess at the table (with the remnants of the meal, we mean), and storming out the door with his family once they were done eating.

Worst of all, instead of a tip for his family’s $36 meal, the man wrote “Gay is wrong!” on the receipt.
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“I was just shocked,” Taylor says. “I was more shocked than hurt, but I mean it did hurt. If you don’t like it, If you don’t agree with it, that’s fine. That’s your own opinion, but I mean just let people be who they are and don’t say hurtful things.”

Related: What This Restaurant Thinks Of Your Fairy Drink Order

Neither Stewart nor any of the other IHOP employees recognized the customer, and WQAD was unable to identity him based on the signature on his receipt.

And while we’re at it, here are two more examples of this Antigay Receipt business: In April, a lesbian waitress received Biblical verse instead of a tip. And back in 2014, a transgender customer dining with eight friends atWashington D.C.’s Bistro 16 received a receipt with the words  “Gay bitches” scrawled on it. Oh, and then there’s this.

So, you see? Even though we’re starting to worry that every story along these lines is a hoax, it appears this receipt business really is a thing.

Watch the report below.

UK Prime Minister Candidate Linked to ‘Gay Cure’ and Anti-Equality Organization

UK Prime Minister Candidate Linked to ‘Gay Cure’ and Anti-Equality Organization


Stephen Crabb, one of the five candidates to replace David Cameron as the UK’s next prime minister had to deny his homophobic views when he launched his candidacy to become the next leader of the Conservative Party Wednesday.

Crabb presents himself as the “blue collar” candidate for the job. The BBC called him “a rising star of the Tory [Conservative] party,” and pointed out that because he was “raised on a council estate by a single mother, he has a back story to which many Tory Members of Parliament  are attracted.’”

“I genuinely believe that what I stand for, the values that I represent,” he said when he announced his candidacy “are exactly those required to get us through the challenges ahead.”

It’s a shame that some of those values which Crabb represents are a stance against anti-marriage equality and a belief in conversion (or ex-gay) therapy.

Or, at least, they used to be.

The Independent reported that “in 2013, Mr Crabb voted against extending marriage equality to same-sex couples. He has also been linked to an organization [CARE or Christian Action Research and Education], which has advocated that homosexuality and bisexuality can be ‘cured’.” It has in the past sponsored a “gay cure conference,” an event with “a special focus on how religious professionals and friends/relatives can respond biblically and pastorally to those struggling with unwanted SSA (same-sex attraction)”.

From CARE’s website:

We support marriage as a lifelong commitment between one man and one woman. For this reason we, like many other religious and secular groups, stood against the introduction of same-sex marriage in the UK Parliament and in the Scottish Parliament during 2013 and 2014. We hold Government to account for the assurances they made about protections for people who cannot endorse the new definition of marriage.

Since the 1970’s, we have monitored the increasing impact of ‘adult’ material, which has become steadily more explicit and easy to access, especially through the internet. Pornography distorts reality; Leads to being unsatisfied by real life partners; Portrays people as prizes; Devalues sex.

London newspaper Metro reported that “Crabb started off his own parliamentary career by interning with CARE in the 1990s, and has reportedly maintained links with them since. In 2010, Crabb’s office hired interns from CARE.”

In March, however, after Crabb became Work and Pensions Secretary, he told The Daily Mail  that rumors that “he backs a ‘gay cure’ were ‘complete crap – I’ve never suggested being gay is a disease that requires therapy or a cure. I have great gay friends,’ he said”

Some people on Twitter didn’t seem to agree:


So of the three main contenders, May hates immigrants, Gove hates the poor and Crabb hates gays. Wonder what Liam and Andrea have to offer?

— Michelle Thomas (@onepoundstories) June 30, 2016


After #EURef fiasco hoped things couldn’t get worse @2tall4u2, but now this idiot wants 2 b PrimeMinister! 😱 #Crabb

— PrincessBagel (@PrincessBagel) June 29, 2016

#Crabb thinks it isn’t an issue that he voted against equal marriage & wants gay people cured.

We beg to differ

— ohchrisburton (@ohchrisburton) June 29, 2016

Someone who supports gay ‘cures’ should not be considered fit to lead. Here’s a cure for nasty #Crabb

— Gary Bibby (@garybibby) June 30, 2016

So #Crabb is a homophobe? 😱 #disgrace Stephen Crabb forced to deny he is homophobic as he launches leadership bid

— Ms C Maxx (@MsCatieMaxx) June 30, 2016

Summary:#May: hates immigrants #Gove: hates the poor #Crabb: hates gays#Fox: sacked for giving his mate taxpayer £#Leadsom: tax dodger

— Michelle Thomas (@onepoundstories) June 30, 2016

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Rachel Maddow Lauds Obama and Out Transgender Servicemembers for Lifting of the Ban

Rachel Maddow Lauds Obama and Out Transgender Servicemembers for Lifting of the Ban

Rachel Maddow transgender

Rachel Maddow took a look at yesterday’s historic announcement lifting the ban on transgender troops, allowing trans people to serve openly “effective immediately.”

Maddow started by talking about Bill Clinton’s early days in office when gays in the military consumed his first week, and the catastrophic compromise that ensued – Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

Which, of course, was undone by President Obama, whose strategy to do so was questioned at many points along the way. And it is Obama that should take the credit for that as well as the lifting of the transgender ban…along with another thing – service members who have been willing to come out and bravely declare they are transgender.

Says Maddow of the DADT repeal and the lifting of the trans ban:

“Both of them share this recognition that isn’t always reflected in the politics around these issues, but which is very very evident in the reality of military service, which is that…these folks are already there. They’re already there in place. The end of DADT wasn’t about letting gay people into the military. Gay people were already in the military. And the end of this policy won’t be letting trans people into the military. They’re already there…in considerable numbers.”


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Last-Minute Injunction Halts Mississippi’s Anti-LGBT ‘Religious Freedom’ Law

Last-Minute Injunction Halts Mississippi’s Anti-LGBT ‘Religious Freedom’ Law

If you protect three anti-LGBT religious beliefs but no others, you might be discriminating.

The post Last-Minute Injunction Halts Mississippi’s Anti-LGBT ‘Religious Freedom’ Law appeared first on ThinkProgress.

PHOTOS: Summer Is The Time For Big And Bold

PHOTOS: Summer Is The Time For Big And Bold


It doesn’t matter what your personal style is – underwear is where a man can have the most fun with how he dresses. Not just with the cut of the underwear, but with the color. This style guide is big and bold underwear. Each feature pair is designed with a pop or two of color, perfect for giving your underwear a summertime boost.




For more information, visit The Underwear Expert.

Photo Credit: Jerrad Matthew

Judge Strikes Down Mississippi Anti-LGBT ‘Religious Freedom’ Law HB1523

Judge Strikes Down Mississippi Anti-LGBT ‘Religious Freedom’ Law HB1523

Carlton Reeves

U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves struck down Mississippi’s heinous “religious freedom” law HB 1523 just moments before it was to take effect late Thursday night.

DOMA lawyer Roberta Kaplan filed suit against the bill in May.

mississippi hb 1523The Clarion-Ledger reports:

In his 60-page ruling, Reeves wrote that HB1523 “violates both the guarantee of religious neutrality and the promise of equal protection of the laws” and was therefore unconstitutional.

The order came days after Reeves disabled part of the bill on Monday, when he issued an injunction barring Mississippi from denying same-sex marriage licenses.

The bill, which was signed into law by Governor Phil Bryant in April, has made Mississippi the target of dozens of boycotts and protests.

RELATED: DOMA Lawyer Roberta Kaplan Files Lawsuit Against Mississippi Over ‘Religious Freedom’ Bill – READ

WREG Memphis reported at the time: 

The bill prevents state and local government agencies from taking action against state employees, individuals, organizations and private associations that deny service based on religious beliefs.

It does not prevent civil lawsuits based on claims of discrimination.

The measure’s intention is to protect those who believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman, that sexual relations should only take place inside such marriages, and that male and female genders are unchangeable.

Proponents say the legislation is an answer to states that have fined or taken business permits from companies that deny services such as event rentals and bakery services to same-sex couples.

Circuit clerks who do not want to give a wedding license to a same-sex couple could hand over those duties to a deputy clerk.

Opponents say the state is sanctioning discrimination.

The bill was considered to be the first of its kind as it combines the most hateful elements of ‘religious freedom’ bills with those of ‘first amendment defense acts.’

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Justin Bieber Pays Tribute to Pulse Nightclub Victims at Orlando Concert: WATCH

Justin Bieber Pays Tribute to Pulse Nightclub Victims at Orlando Concert: WATCH

Justin Bieber Orlando

At his show in Orlando last night, Justin Bieber performed his song “Purpose”, the track his album and the tour are named for, as names of the 49 Orlando Pulse nightclub victims, as well as that of Christina Grimmie, scrolled up a massive LED screen. After sitting intimately with his audience, Bieber walked toward the screen staring up at the names.


One fan account quoted the singer as telling his Orlando audience, “You’ve been through a lot here, and my heart goes out to all the families. You can’t take down Orlando!”


Bieber also posted a photo of his set with the words #ORLANDOSTRONG to Twitter, saying, “Thank you for tonight. Don’t ever be afraid to be yourself. #OrlandoStrong

Thank you for tonight. Don’t ever be afraid to be yourself. #OrlandoStrong

— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) July 1, 2016

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