This Great Dad Is Going to Walk Nearly 100 Miles for His Gay Son

This Great Dad Is Going to Walk Nearly 100 Miles for His Gay Son


A dad in Scotland has committed to walk nearly 100 miles (96 to be exactly) for his gay son to help raise money to combat homophobia in schools.

Neil Dallimore decided he wanted to do something to draw attention to the homophobia that children often experience from their own teachers after his gay son told him he was afraid to come out at school.

The Evening Times reports: 

Neil has an 11-year-old son who recently told him that he was gay but asked for it be kept a secret from his school teachers because he feared that he would be “treated differently”.

He said: “To hear your child ask that a part of his identity not be known to elders that are there to educate, protect and support him is a gut punch.

“His reason was simple enough – another boy had been open about his sexuality last year and afterwards the teachers treated him differently in a negative way.

“Too often I hear stories from my kids about how they’ve either been the target of or personally witnessed homophobic bullying and it’s a problem that few teachers have seemed to know how to handle.

“It’s worrying and upsetting to see your child treated like an outsider by other children based on sexuality and it must change.”

Dallimore has set up a crowdfunding campaign tied to his walk that will support Time for Inclusive Education (TIE), an organization calling for Scottish schools to teach and speak out about LGBT issues. Said Dallimore of why he is supporting TIE,

I searched last year for some hope of this problem being addressed through the education of LGBT+ issues in Scottish schools and was overwhelmed with appreciation and hope when I found the TIE campaign.

Jordan Daly and Liam Stevenson have been campaigning endlessly for over a year now to bring this issue to light and to change the way our children hear about LGBT+ issues in school: with care, sensitivity and openness.

You can donate to Dallimore’s campaign HERE.

[Top photo via Facebook]

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Chelsea Manning Faces Indefinite Solitary Confinement for Surviving Suicide Attempt

Chelsea Manning Faces Indefinite Solitary Confinement for Surviving Suicide Attempt
Pencil drawing of Chelsea Manning, a white transgender woman

Military prison officals have repeatedly obstructed Chelsea Manning’s access to medically necessary care, and are now trying to punish her for trying to take her own life, says her legal team.

Peter Thiel Shamed For Association With Racists

Peter Thiel Shamed For Association With Racists


Hot on the heels of his speech about being a proud gay man, Republican National Convention speaker Peter Thiel updated his calendar with a questionable speaking gig: a conference for insanely rich anarchists and racists.

It’s the annual conference of the Property and Freedom Society, and while the name may sound boring its members are anything but. There’s founder Hans Hermann-Hoppe from the University of Nevada, who said that in his ideal society, homosexuals and communists “will have to be physically separated and expelled from society.” There’s also Gerd Schulze-Ronhof, an author who says that the US, not Hitler, caused World War II. And Heiner Rindermann, a psychologist whose work is often cited by racists seeking to prove that immigrants have low IQs.

Related: Peter Thiel Wins: Gawker Is Toast, Officially Files For Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

In the past, attendees have also included Jared Taylor, a white nationalist who says that Trump is the first candidate to “say anything at all that resonates with a white advocate,” and that black people destroy Western civilization. There was also Tom Sunic, who helped a white-supremacy group called the American Freedom Party rebrand itself to get Trump elected.

Related: The Seven All-Time Strangest Remarks From Facebook Billionaire Peter Thiel

At any rate, Thiel has now changed his tune, pulling out of the conference after Towleroad and others highlighted his attendance. He had been scheduled to give a talk called “In Praise of Free Market Monopoly,” which certainly sounds like the kind of thing that would enrich the lives of the already-too-rich.

Alas, now Thiel’s name is gone from the event’s agenda, so the white nationalists will never know what he had to say about creating monopolies to crush the weak. Oh well, everyone’s loss.

Bachelor Party Ends With “Straight” Groom In Bed With Male Friend. Now What?

Bachelor Party Ends With “Straight” Groom In Bed With Male Friend. Now What?


It’s an age-old question — do some straight-identifying men fool around with other guys because they’re heavily inebriated, or does the alcohol simply allow them to act uninhibited, true desires escaping through pores alongside the distinctly unpleasant smell of boozy sweat. We know which scenario we believe rings true, but we’ll just go ahead and leave it open ended and get to our latest case study in repression:

A justifiably distraught wife wrote in to advice column Dear Coleen with a tale of bachelor party shenanigans run amok. In short, her husband, who is totally not gay or bi or anything other than straight (ha), hooked up with two guys during a weekend-long bachelor party. One of those guys was the groom.

Related: More And More Straight Guys Are Giving Each Other “Bro-Jobs”

Here it is in her words:

My husband went to Magaluf on a stag week recently and when he got back he confessed that he’d got drunk and slept with another man, blaming the fact that he was “so out of it”.

He told me he woke up and screamed when he realised he was in a hotel bed with this guy lying next to him.

But he also admitted he’d got very drunk on another occasion and slept with the groom (his friend), who surprisingly enough isn’t angry and just said: “It’s just a bunch of stuff that happened. I’m not bothered I slept with you, we did it and that’s it.”

My husband told me he isn’t gay or bi, and that it was simply down to overdoing it on the stag week in terms of drink and drugs, and that he regrets it. We have a four-year-old son and my husband is a very good dad.

He told me he wants to work on our marriage, and I want to be able to forgive him, but it feels hard and I don’t know how I’m going to be able to do it.

His friend’s wedding is in a week’s time and my husband and his friend want to keep what happened secret from the bride, but I’m not sure about that.

What’s your advice?

Here’s what Coleen had to say:

First of all, I don’t think you should tell the bride to be. I think it’s up to her fiance to tell her. The chances are she’ll shoot the messenger and still marry him anyway.

You have enough to deal with, so focus on yourself and your marriage.

It does sound like a big drunken, drug-fuelled mess, but if you want to work on saving your marriage, then that’s your decision.

Of course you’re going to find it hard though. The trouble with confessions is that while they unburden the confessor, the problem is dumped on the other person to deal with – and how do you do that?

In your case the positives are these: he was honest with you about what happened straight away and he’s reassured you that he’s not gay or bisexual (just a drunken fool).

You obviously need to set some boundaries now – number one is that you don’t want him going on any more stag dos because you can’t trust him in that environment, and he shouldn’t mind about that.

He should probably put some distance between himself and the groom to give you the space to work things out.

You might even need some relationship counselling to help you work out whether you can forgive him and move on.

All you can do is give it your best shot and, if you realise you can’t get past what he did, then at least you’ll know you tried your very best before walking away.

Oh Colleen, sweet ignorant Coleen.

While she makes some vaguely valid points, we’re having a bit of trouble with the brush-over of “he’s assured you that he’s not gay or bisexual (just a drunken fool).” Hooking up with one guy during a weekend bender? Maybe, just maybe, a so-called “drunken fool” move.

But two?

Related: This Straight Guy Is One Of The Most Successful Webcam Models Out There. Here’s Why.

What Coleen’s advice should be is: Work on your marriage if you love your husband, the father of your son. Go to couple’s counseling, all that. But you may also encourage your husband to go to individual counseling to get help navigating some repressed desires he’s clearly letting loose under the unacceptable umbrella excuse of inebriation. If he doesn’t get honest with himself and you, these behaviors are destined to repeat themselves.

Anything else you’d tell her?

Trevor Noah Recaps the Epic Billionaire Shade Bloomberg Threw at Trump: WATCH 

Trevor Noah Recaps the Epic Billionaire Shade Bloomberg Threw at Trump: WATCH 

trevor noah

On The Daily Show with Trevor Noah on Thursday, Noah recapped the Democratic Nomination which ended in the historic nomination of Hillary Clinton, the first woman to ever be nominated by a major political party for president.

Towards the end of his segment, Noah also did an overview of the shade that billionaire and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg threw at Donald Trump. And it was delicious.

Said Noah,

Bloomberg is everything Trump wishes he was. Trump has maybe $4 billion. While Bloomberg has $40 billion. Trump has a TV show. Michael Bloomberg has his own network. Trump has small hands. Michael Bloomberg’s whole body is tiny. So who better to burn Trump than a fellow billionaire?

Noah added,

This went from a convention speech into a billionaire roast battle. ‘Hey, Trump, is that your plane or did my jet take a dump? Your private island is so small you didn’t even have to relocate a native population! Knock, knock! Who’s there? Yeah, you would answer your own door you broke a** b*tch!’”

Watch the full segment, which turns to Bloomberg at the 12:49 mark.

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HRC President Chad Griffin Shreds Trump Claims That He’s Pro-LGBT in DNC Speech: WATCH

HRC President Chad Griffin Shreds Trump Claims That He’s Pro-LGBT in DNC Speech: WATCH

Chad Griffin Trump

Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin used his appearance at the Democratic National Convention to go to town on Donald Trump’s claims that he’s pro-LGBT.

Here are Griffin’s remarks in full:

Last month, our nation was rocked to its core by a senseless and hateful attack that claimed the lives of 49 LGBTQ people and allies at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. They were brothers and sisters, they were sons and daughters. Above all, they were human beings.

Yet while the nation mourned, Donald Trump strutted before the cameras, and exploited our national tragedy. He had the audacity to tell the American public that he was the true champion for LGBTQ people in this race, and that our community would be better off with him in the White House. He even challenged his skeptics to, and I quote – “ask the gays.”

Well, since he asked…Here goes:

While Donald Trump has threatened to strip away our rights, the Hillary Clinton I first got to know as a closeted kid growing up in Arkansas has always been willing to stand up for the voiceless, and she’s made fighting for equality a cornerstone of her campaign.

While Donald Trump has promised to legalize Kim Davis-style discrimination in all 50 states… Hillary Clinton has promised to sign the Equality Act into law.

While Donald Trump chose as his running mate a governor who tried to divert HIV funding in order to finance the abusive practice of so-called “conversion therapy”… Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, is committed to stopping the spread of HIV, banning conversion therapy for minors, and ending the hate and violence our community still faces.

And long before Donald Trump struggled to read “LGBTQ” off a teleprompter last week, Hillary Clinton stood before the United Nations and boldly declared that gay rights are human rights and human rights are gay rights.

I want to remind Donald Trump of one more thing. The LGBTQ community is as diverse as the fabric of our nation. We are Muslim. We are Jewish. We are women. We are black, white and Latino. We are immigrants and we are people with disabilities. And when you attack one of us, you are attacking all of us.

And that, my friends, is why together we are all with her.


The post HRC President Chad Griffin Shreds Trump Claims That He’s Pro-LGBT in DNC Speech: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.