Stephen Colbert and John Oliver Crash Hillary Clinton's 'Fight Song' (Video)
As if sneaking onto the stage at the Democratic National Convention weren’t enough, Stephen Colbert sneaks in to Clinton’s promotional video.
Stephen Colbert and John Oliver Crash Hillary Clinton's 'Fight Song' (Video)
As if sneaking onto the stage at the Democratic National Convention weren’t enough, Stephen Colbert sneaks in to Clinton’s promotional video.
Trump’s Icon Vladimir Putin Is No Friend to LGBTs
The GOP nominee claims to have our backs, while at the same time expressing admiration for a nation that criminalizes “gay propaganda.”
Relaxing at Atakapa Jungle
adamwright1989 resident posted a photo:
Adam takes a stroll and chills at Atakapa Jungle. Taken July 2016.
GOP’s New Hate Bill Not Hateful Enough for Liberty Counsel
The right-wing Liberty Counsel is now refusing to support a bill that protects all moral convictions regarding marriage — the group wants to it specifically demean same-sex marriage.
More History Made: First Openly Trans Person Addresses Democratic Convention
Sarah McBride, the national press secretary for the Human Rights Campaign, talks to Dems about her support for Hillary Clinton.
Sarah McBride Delivers Historic Convention Speech: 'I Am A Proud Transgender American' (Video)
Day 137/365 – Walking the Rainbow Road
Great Beyond posted a photo:
Capital Hill – the Heart of Gay Seattle – doesn’t have your standard zebra crosswalks. No, they have FAAAAAAB-lous crosswalks!
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