Stephen Colbert Brings Back Jon Stewart and the Old Colbert to Explain ‘Trumpiness’ – WATCH

Stephen Colbert Brings Back Jon Stewart and the Old Colbert to Explain ‘Trumpiness’ – WATCH

Jon Stewart Stephen Colbert

In a refreshing blast from the past, Stephen Colbert brought back Jon Stewart to The Late Show. He also brought back the old (Colbert Report) Stephen Colbert.

Turns out both of them have been living off the grid in “blissful, kale-fueled isolation” and neither have any idea that it’s not Jeb Bush who’s the presumptive nominee for the Republican Party, but Donald Trump.

And there’s a spit-take to be made by both of them.


Colbert later brought back his “The Word” segment from The Colbert Report, explaining that we’ve moved from ‘Truthiness’ to ‘Trumpiness’ in just a decade.

And the dazzling opening number:

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HRC and Walgreens Join Forces to Ensure Respectful Treatment of LGBTQ Patients

HRC and Walgreens Join Forces to Ensure Respectful Treatment of LGBTQ Patients

Today, HRC, in partnership with Walgreens, released a resource guide that helps pharmacists better understand the needs of LGBTQ customers and patients. The guide, which is being distributed by the pharmacy giant to more than 70,000 health care professionals across the country, provides pharmacists and pharmacy staff with information on LGBTQ identities and terminology, as well as the health disparities and unique concerns of LGBTQ patients.

“LGBTQ people often experience barriers to care, and, for many, their most frequent interaction with a health care professional occurs right in their own neighborhood pharmacy,” said Tari Hanneman, Director of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Health Equality Project. “This guide will help ensure that they are treated with dignity, respected in their identities, and able to gain the necessary and inclusive health care we all need to live and thrive.”

Similar to resources and trainings provided by HRC’s Health Equality Project to other healthcare providers, the guide recommends steps that pharmacies can take in establishing LGBTQ-inclusive care, including staff training, inclusive restroom policies and community outreach. In addition, it provides pharmacy specific information on transition-related services for transgender people seeking hormone replacement therapy and on HIV prevention and care — including the prescription medication PrEP, the daily pill regimen that can help people remain HIV-negative.

“With almost 8,200 drugstores nationwide, touching the lives of eight million customers daily in stores and online, we have a tremendous opportunity to serve as a model of quality and individualized care for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities,” said Richard Ashworth, President of Pharmacy and Retail Operations for Walgreens. “By making training materials available to all our pharmacists and health care service providers, we can do even more to create a welcoming environment and build LGBTQ patients’ confidence and trust that the health care advice we provide is sensitive to their unique needs and concerns.”

Walgreens received perfect scores on the Human Rights Campaign’s 2016 Corporate Equality Index, which measures LGBTQ-inclusive workplace policies and practices.

In addition to Walgreens, the guide has also been promoted and publicized by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy and The ASHP (American Society of Health-System Pharmacists) to their thousands of members.

The release of the guide comes almost two months after the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services finalized a nationwide rule banning discrimination based on sex stereotyping and gender identity in all health care programs that receive any federal funding, including pharmacies.  The new rule provides a life-saving layer of protections from discrimination for LGBTQ people and their families.

Read the full resource guide here.

Matt Baume Gives Mike Pence’s Vile Anti-LGBT Moments the Reading They Deserve: WATCH

Matt Baume Gives Mike Pence’s Vile Anti-LGBT Moments the Reading They Deserve: WATCH

Matt Baume Mike Pence

Mike Pence is far more extreme than Donald Trump, and Matt Baume lays out the evidence in a new video that will bring you up to date on all of Pence’s hideous homophobic moments.

For example, Pence opposed HR2410 in 2009, a bill that would have encouraged foreign governments to decriminalize homosexuality. He also supports gay conversion therapy, defunded HIV programs, opposed hate crime protections based on sexual orientation, opposed the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’. He opposed marriage equality and wanted to ban civil unions.

His most high-profile anti-gay moment, however, was his signing of Indiana’s anti-LGBT ‘religious freedom’ bill. You may remember that one.

Says Baume:

“Mike Pence may look comparatively stable next to Trump. But he’s actually way more extreme when it comes to LGBT issues — here’s just a sampling of some his worst hits. This is the guy who could be second in line to run the country, and that’s a huge problem since Trump’s one of the most impeachment-ready candidates we’ve ever had.”


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Michelle Obama Rocks ‘Single Ladies’ with James Corden in Carpool Karaoke Preview: WATCH

Michelle Obama Rocks ‘Single Ladies’ with James Corden in Carpool Karaoke Preview: WATCH

Carpool karaoke michelle obama

Michelle Obama promises to make headlines again on Wednesday night when she joins James Corden for an epic round of ‘carpool karaoke’. In a preview which hit the web last night, Corden is seen driving up to the White House when FLOTUS jumps in the car.

“I’ve been in a car maybe it was months ago with my daughter who learned to drive,” says Obama. “That was the only time in seven and a half years that I’ve been in the passenger seat rocking out like this.”

It’s time.


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Dan Savage Blasts Log Cabin Republicans for Continuing to Support the GOP That Hates Them

Dan Savage Blasts Log Cabin Republicans for Continuing to Support the GOP That Hates Them

Gregory T Angelo

Log Cabin Republican President Gregory T. Angelo sat down with LZ Granderson yesterday to denounce his own party’s platform, which Angelo agrees is the “most anti-LGBT in history.”


Why Angelo continues to remain in a party that hates him is a mystery.

dish_savageDan Savage goes off:

Log Cabin Republicans have been working to “transform the GOP from the inside” for forty years and not only hasn’t it gotten better, it has gotten worse. The 2016 Republican Platform, adopted today without a peep of protest from Log Cabin Republicans, is worse on LGBT issues than any Republican Party Platform in history. Worse than the GOP platform in 1980, when the religious right was ascendent; worse than the GOP platform in 1984, when AIDS hysteria was at its peak; worse than the GOP platform in 1992, when delegates to the RNC were waving “Family Values Forever! Gay Rights Never!” signs on the floor of the convention in Houston. Worst. Platform. Ever. Log Cabin Republicans spent months wriggling their tongues up Donald Trump’s ass and this is the thanks they get.

Whatever the Log Cabin Republicans think they’re doing “inside” the Republican Party, it isn’t working, it has never worked, and they need to stop pretending it’ll ever work. Today’s Republican Party, as Andy Towle pointed out, is an anti-LGBT hate group. Period. And the sanity and/or motives of any queer person who belongs to today’s GOP are suspect—same goes for yesterday’s GOP and most likely tomorrow’s GOP.

“Robert Siegel interviews Gregory Angelo, president of the Log Cabin Republicans, a group that advocates for equal rights for LBGT people,” says NPR.


You can back the GOP or you can advocate for equal rights for LGBT people. You can’t do both at once—and anyone who claims to be doing both is lying.


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