Gay Acrobats Create Stunning Video for ‘Brothers and Sisters Lost in Orlando’ – WATCH

Gay Acrobats Create Stunning Video for ‘Brothers and Sisters Lost in Orlando’ – WATCH

gay acrobats

We have seen an outpouring of tributes to the victims of the Orlando massacre over the last month. However, none have been as colorful or physically dynamic as a new video from aerialist Matthew Richardson.

The video shows two gay acrobats spin through the air, often times pressing shirtless torso against shirtless torso, performing what is in essence an acrobatic tango.


Halfway through the performance, the two become engulfed in colorful powder. And things get even more sensual.


A title card at the end of the video declares that the performance is dedicated to the “memory of our brothers and sisters lost in Orlando.” It also ends with a hopeful note postscript: “For anyone who has ever been afraid to be true to who you are…be proud to be you.”

From the video’s YouTube description:

‘The Arrow’ is a striking visual representation of a simple story – two male artists who fell in love. From the first time our eyes met, the first embrace, to creating a bond and love that is unbreakable. The video shows two talented men who transform their personal story into an exciting performance to send a powerful message. That we are proud of who we are, the love that we share, and that all love is equal.

Damian Siqueiros directed the video from a concept by Matthew Richardson. The song in the video is “Arrow” by The Irrepressibles.


Watch the video, below.

[h/t Gay Times]

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Virginia School Board Asks SCOTUS to Stay Pro-Transgender Bathroom Ruling

Virginia School Board Asks SCOTUS to Stay Pro-Transgender Bathroom Ruling

john roberts

A Virginia county school board has asked the Supreme Court to grant a stay of a lower court’s ruling that would require the board to allow transgender students to use bathrooms in accordance with their gender identity.

gavin grimmThe request comes a day after the 4th Circuit court of appeals refused to stay its ruling in favor of transgender student Gavin Grimm, who had sued The Gloucester County School Board for the right to use the boys’ restroom.

The Richmond Times Dispatch reports: 

The Supreme Court’s decision on the injunction would be the most significant ruling thus far in a case that has national implications. It would set precedent for other cases dealing with transgender rights working their way through the judicial system and settle, for a time at least, if Gloucester’s policy can be enforced.

PREVIOUSLY: 4th Circuit Rules for Transgender Teen in Virginia ‘Bathroom’ Case That Has Major Implications for NC’s HB2

Requests for stays of circuit court rulings are given to justices based on a pre-determined allotment. Chief Justice John Roberts is assigned to the 4th Circuit, meaning that the request for a stay was delivered to him. Roberts could grant or deny the stay of his own accord or he could have the entire Court weigh in. More from the Times Dispatch:

Carl Tobias, a professor of law at the University of Richmond, said traditionally the justice who receives a case refers it to the other justices, allowing the full court to vote on an issue.

Given the current make-up of the court, five of the eight justices would have to rule in the School Board’s favor in order for the injunction to be overturned. A four-four split would allow the 4th Circuit’s denial stand.

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After the UK, Which Nations are Most Vulnerable to an Anti-EU Revolt? These 5 Charts Give Clues.

After the UK, Which Nations are Most Vulnerable to an Anti-EU Revolt? These 5 Charts Give Clues.

UK Union JAck

The UK vote to exit from the European Union revealed the polarization of British society. There were gaps between the young and old, the haves and have nots, the more and less educated, and the local- and foreign-born.

Immediately after the polling results were announced last month, fears were rife that Brexit would trigger a domino effect, empowering an anti-EU movement across the continent. Which country, if any, would follow the UK’s footsteps?

We tried to address that question with a different approach. Using the latest EU data, we found out to what extent other major EU member countries share the indicators that contributed to Brexit.

1. Older population

The generational divide was evident in the referendum. Places with higher population of older voters picked Brexit while places with more younger voters chose to remain in the EU.


Data show that the population age 15 to 49 in the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, France and Finland makes up less than 45 percent of the total population.

All countries have a larger portion of people aged 15 to 49 compared to the population of 50 and above, but the smallest gaps were found in Germany, Italy, Finland, Bulgaria and Portugal. In those countries, the younger age bracket is less than 5 percent larger.

2. Foreign-born population

Nativism and nationalism are the main ideological forces behind the Euroskeptic movement. British referendum results showed that foreign-born voters overwhelmingly voted for “remain.”


Using that logic, we looked for countries with the fewest foreign-born people. The populations of Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary are less than 5 percent foreign-born.

However, even with larger foreign-born populations like the UK (13 percent), it may not be sufficient to change the final outcome.

3. Inequality

According to post-referendum analysis by the Financial Times, the two strongest indicators in determining voting preference were education level and occupation. Voters with a degree and a job classified as a “professional occupation” were more likely to vote “remain.”

Analysis by the Guardian found that annual income was another strong indicator. The higher your salary, the more likely you would vote to stay in the EU.

These findings point to another important factor — income inequality. The focus of the political establishment on urban development and the failure of their trickle-down economics have widened the gap between the rich and the poor, the urban and the rural. This in turn has fueled far-right populist political movements across the continent.


The EU data show that Bulgaria, Spain, Greece, Italy and Germany not only have higher income inequality, it has worsened in the past decade. Although Romania and Portugal rank high, income gaps in both countries have significantly narrowed.

4. Poverty

Poverty leads to social and political discontent, which could lead to revolt against status quo if not addressed. According to 2014 data from the EU, one out of every five residents in the UK were at risk of poverty or social exclusion. This number has barely changed since 2005.


This number was higher in another nine EU countries. Among them, Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland and Portugal have seen the number increase significantly in the past decade.

This indicator was developed by the EU as part of its strategy to promote social inclusion. See its definition here.

5. Refugees

The fears that the influx of refugees into Europe would burden the welfare system and change a nation’s identity are the main drivers of Euroskeptic movements.

The impacts were most felt in countries that took in the highest number of refugees. Five countries have received more asylum applicants than the UK from 2009 to 2015. They are Germany, Sweden, France, Italy and Hungary.


There were more than 1 million asylum-seekers in Germany, more than double that of Sweden, which had the second-highest number.

Final tally

Based on these five factors, the countries most vulnerable to Euroskeptic movements are Italy (with four of the five factors we chose), Germany (3), Spain (2), Greece (2), Hungary (2) and Bulgaria (2).

It should be noted that this simple analysis does not take into account the different sociopolitical circumstances and other unique factors in each country, which can play a much bigger role.

This story was first published on

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NEW MUSIC: Haley Bonar, Shura, Hot Hot Heat

NEW MUSIC: Haley Bonar, Shura, Hot Hot Heat

Haley Bonar

This week in new music: Haley Bonar is the princess of introspective indie pop on “Kismet Kill” (above), Shura channels Madonna, Janet Jackson, Kylie and John Hughes on Nothing’s Real, and Hot Hot Heat unfortunately splutter to an uninspired halt on their final album.

Haley Bonar – “Kismet Kill”

Haley Bonar (2)Haley Bonar (right) is a Canadian singer-songwriter currently based in the U.S. Quietly working away over seven albums and a number of EPs since 2003, Bonar is your ultimate fringe indie princess.

“Kismet Kill” is taken from forthcoming album Impossible Dream. The track is concerned with a prom queen who eventually entirely fails to realize her early potential. It’s all babies, crappy jobs and ill health from the prom high point. Happy thoughts.

While firmly indie, Bonar always retains a killer pop sensibility. I haven’t heard it yet but “Hometown” from Impossible Dream kinda sums it up:

“All grown up, saving up for my exit

Let it burn in the rearview mirror

The folks I know will all go on their

Way to staying the same

But the further that I get, the deeper

My regrets….

Hometown goes wherever you go.

Such a beautiful ring of black fire

I can see it for miles and miles

When I come back I’ll be

Something to somebody

Hometown goes wherever you go.”

It’s “Love Is A Battlefield” for disaffected indie kids and it’s quite brilliant.

Shura_-_Nothings_RealShura – Nothing’s Real

Nothing of course is perfect and in the constant search for perfect pop the path is strewn with road kill. Everything is blogged as the next big thing nowadays and the recent(ish) downtempo pop/sad pop genre has had a huge number of casualties.

One of the bright lights was Shura – aka Aleksandra Denton – on her early tracks “Touch” and “2Shy.” By rights Shura should have disappeared along with most of her contemporaries but Denton has taken her own sweet time in producing Nothing’s Real, a record as close to perfect pop as you’re likely to find this year and easily up there with Christine and the Queens.

The atmospheric instrumental opener “(i)” is probably a touch misleading. The aforementioned “Touch” and “2Shy” are better intros to an album that absolutely revels in its 80s pop forebears. “What’s It Gonna Be” for example could come straight from any of your favorite 80s teen dramas.

Shura also touches on Kylie brilliance on title track “Nothing’s Real.” You can also hear the influence of 80s Madonna on tracks like “Indecision.” There’s an added depth though – the title track for example is all about panic attacks, hospitalization, that sort of thing.

Shura is also not just another wannabe – between them, “Touch” and “2Shy” have close to 10 million plays on Spotify. With YouTube you can add in another 25 million or so plays.

Hot Hot Heat – Hot Hot Heat

Hot Hot HeatCanadian indie act Hot Hot Heat have over two decades failed to reach the heady heights of acts like Arcade Fire despite a similar pedigree.

Their fifth self-titled album is their last. They could have gone for a simple best of… but instead they’ve made a valiant attempt to recapture some of the urgency and vim of their earlier releases. It doesn’t entirely work unfortunately. Sometimes you think you’re listening to The Strokes or a North American take on Dogs Die In Hot Cars.

Nice comparisons there but it never quite takes off.


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O-Faces in Slow Motion Show What We All Have in Common – WATCH

O-Faces in Slow Motion Show What We All Have in Common – WATCH

o face

Davey Wavey has released a new video that focuses on one thing we all have in common regardless of our sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, political affiliation, or nationality: the orgasm.

The video shows a diverse group of individuals climax in slow motion to prove that despite all our differences we are all alike in at least one basic way: we all have a need and a desire to orgasm.

Said Davey Wavey of his latest video,

“At its core, this video is about compassion. We might not agree on gun issues or politics, or even the right for my marriage to be recognized, but when we pull back the layers – we can see the raw humanity underneath. And one of the most basic human things that we share is the orgasm. So let’s start there.”

PREVIOUSLY – Davey Wavey Followed a Recovering Meth Addict on the AIDS Ride and Finished Strong: WATCH

Rather than focus on how divided we are, Davey suggests we focus on something that links us to others. He says,

“When we’re in touch with our body’s pleasure, we’re better able to connect with ourselves, the people in our lives and the world around us. Orgasms might not solve all the world’s problems. But it’s a start.”

Watch the video (which is slightly work-unfriendly for moaning and O-faces), below.

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Star Trek Creator’s Son Understands Why George Takei is Mad About Gay Sulu

Star Trek Creator’s Son Understands Why George Takei is Mad About Gay Sulu


Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry’s son Rod has chimed in on the gay Sulu controversy, and says he understands why George Takei is upset, CBS News reports.

“In a way, it’s George’s character,” Roddenberry said. “I can understand why he feels strongly about it. I don’t see why everyone is bickering about it. It’s about (expletive) time. Let’s just do it.”

As for what his father might have thought:

“I think he would be 100 percent in favor of a gay character in ‘Star Trek,” said Roddenberry…”There’s so much going on in the world today. I think he would love any sort of social issue being brought into ‘Star Trek.’”

After news emerged last week of the character’s development in that direction, George Takei, who played Mr. Sulu in the original series, called it a “really unfortunate” turn of events.

Takei told The Hollywood Reporter that he had tried to convince Pegg and director Justin Lin that it was a bad idea.

RELATED: Simon Pegg: I ‘Respectfully Disagree’ with George Takei About Gay Sulu

“I told him, ‘Be imaginative and create a character who has a history of being gay, rather than Sulu, who had been straight all this time, suddenly being revealed as being closeted,” said Takei.

Takei’s statements caused immediate reaction from screenwriter Simon Pegg, who also plays Scotty, who said he “respectfully disagreed” with Takei, and Zachary Quinto, who plays Spock, who said he was “disappointed” by Takei’s reaction.

Pegg expressed sympathy with Takei’s sentiment that mainstream gay heroes were belatedly coming to the big screen, but rejected the idea that this meant a new character needed creating.

“He’s right, it is unfortunate, it’s unfortunate that the screen version of the most inclusive, tolerant universe in science fiction hasn’t featured an LGBT character until now. We could have introduced a new gay character, but he or she would have been primarily defined by their sexuality, seen as the ‘gay character’, rather than simply for who they are, and isn’t that tokenism?”

Pegg continued: “Justin Lin, Doug Jung and I loved the idea of it being someone we already knew because the audience have a pre-existing opinion of that character as a human being, unaffected by any prejudice. Their sexual orientation is just one of many personal aspects, not the defining characteristic. Also, the audience would infer that there has been an LGBT presence in the Trek Universe from the beginning (at least in the Kelvin timeline), that a gay hero isn’t something new or strange. It’s also important to note that at no point do we suggest that our Sulu was ever closeted, why would he need to be? It’s just hasn’t come up before.”

Added Pegg: “The viewing audience weren’t open minded enough at the time and it must have forced Roddenberry to modulate his innovation. His mantra was always ‘infinite diversity in infinite combinations’. If he could have explored Sulu’s sexuality with George, he no doubt would have. Roddenberry was a visionary and a pioneer but we choose our battles carefully.”

 Meanwhile, a new trailer revealed characters believed to be Sulu’s husband and daughter.
Sulu family

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