HRC Hails Federal Judge’s Decision to Block Part of H.B. 1523 in Mississippi

HRC Hails Federal Judge’s Decision to Block Part of H.B. 1523 in Mississippi

Today, HRC lauded U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves’ decision to block a provision of Mississippi’s discriminatory and harmful H.B. 1523 that would allow county clerks to deny same-sex couples from obtaining marriage licenses. The bill, deceptively titled “Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act,” enables almost any individual or organization to discriminate against LGBTQ Mississippians at work, at school and in their communities. The remainder of the harmful law will go into effect on July 1, and HRC will continue to push for the full repeal of the entirety of H.B. 1523. The ruling comes in a case litigated by Roberta Kaplan, the civil rights lawyer who argued in front of the Supreme Court of the United States in the landmark case United States v. Windsor.

“We are glad to see that Judge Carlton Reeves has struck down a key portion of H.B. 1523 that would have allowed clerks to invoke their personal beliefs to deny a loving, same-sex couple from getting a marriage license,” said Rob Hill, Mississippi state director for the Human Rights Campaign. “This law is not what we want for our state — as thousands of Mississippians have shown for months — and we will keep our focus on a full repeal of the law, so that no LGBTQ Mississippians have to live in a state that gives legal power to discrimination and hatred.”

“Exactly one year and one day after the Supreme Court guaranteed marriage equality in Obergefell, we are delighted that Judge Reeves reaffirmed the power of federal courts to definitively say what the United States Constitution means, recognizing that the issue of gay and lesbian Mississippians’ right to marry on equal terms as other couples ‘will not be adjudicated anew after every . . . session’ of the Mississippi Legislature,” said Roberta Kaplan, counsel in the case. “We remain confident that Judge Reeves will rule in favor of the gay and lesbian couples we are proud to represent in connection with our Establishment Clause claims in CSE III, and will do so very soon.”

For months, HRC — alongside representatives from faith communities and civil rights organizations — has hosted several rallies against the bill outside Gov. Phil Bryant’s residence and across the state protesting the law and its implementation. Read more about the law here.

In 2014, HRC launched Project One America, an initiative geared towards advancing social, institutional and legal equality in Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas. HRC Mississippi continues to work to advance equality for LGBTQ Mississippians who have no state level protections in housing, workplace, or public accommodations. Through HRC Mississippi, we are working toward a future of fairness every day — changing hearts, minds and laws toward achieving full equality.

What Exactly Is The Protocol After Hooking Up With A Straight Guy?

What Exactly Is The Protocol After Hooking Up With A Straight Guy?


A gay man who claims to have hooked up with a straight guy on his birthday wonders what he should do now that the candles have been blown out and the cake has been eaten. So, naturally, he’s turning to the Reddit community for guidance.

“I went out with some friends to a straight dive bar,” the birthday boy explains. “This guy approached me to wish me a happy birthday … and I decided to be flirty even though I was out of my element.”

Wait a minute. A gay man going to a straight dive bar for to celebrate his birthday? Is anyone else’s suspicions raised by this?

Related: “Straight” Guys Are Having More Bisexual Sex Than Ever Before, Study Finds

The birthday boy continues: “We were chit chatty throughout the night as he was flirting with a couple girls in the bar. At one point I decided to be competitive with this girl who was kinda throwing herself at him … and suddenly his attention started shifting to me.”

After some witty banter and suggestive body language, the alleged straight dude looked deep into the birthday boy’s eyes and said: “You’re with me tonight,” then suggested he join him back at his place, which was conveniently located within walking distance of the bar.

The birthday boy, who insists he’s never been “the type that’s obsessed with straight guys,” agreed.

“On the way up the stairs he tells me ‘I’m not really used to this,’ which kinda caught me off guard,” the birthday boy says. “As soon as the door closes to his apartment, he starts kissing me. We head back to his bed and things escalate from there. The whole time he was the pursuer. He always decided what we did and what positions.”

The shenanigans lasted until 5 o’clock in the morning.

Related: Has Gay Men’s Obsession With ‘Straight’ Guys Gone Too Far?

Now, the man isn’t sure what to do.

“Would it be weird to reach out to this guy?” he asks. “He gave me his number before we hooked up. On one hand I don’t want to bug him, but on the other I just want to check in and make sure he’s cool and not having some kind of crisis over his sexuality or anything like that.”

The birthday boy wonders: “I know my first experience with a guy was kinda bittersweet because I hadn’t really come to terms with that beforehand. Hoping he’s not in the same boat. Any thoughts?”

Naturally, his fellow Redditers had lots of thoughts, which they waste no time sharing.

“Why on earth are you calling this guy ‘straight’?” someone asks. “How is he straight?”

“Straight guys don’t do this shit,” another person writes. “Sorry to disrupt your fetish.”

“I hate this ‘I f-cked a straight guy’ shit,” someone else adds. “Like, that is an oxymoron, an impossibility. No, boo, you f-cked a dude who doesn’t call himself gay. There’s a diff.”

To which someone else responds: “I mean, it’s not totally impossible. A straight guy can experiment and then realize that he’s not gay afterwards. Plus rape is a thing.”

To which someone else clarifies: “Rape is not sex.”

Related: The Gay-Straight Binary Is Eroding. That’s Good For Everyone.

The majority of commenters seem to agree that the man is likely bisexual.

“This was soooo not his first time,” one person predicts.

“Obviously bi,” another person adds. “He’s not gonna go through any crisis for this shit.”

“Quite likely he’s curious, the opportunity came along so he went with it,” a third person hypothesizes.

“Judging by this, it isn’t his first time,” someone else agrees. “He may be bi.”

And as for whether the birthday boy should reach out to his allegedly straight paramour, the general consensus there seems to be: Sure, why not?

“Suppose a ‘hey how’s things’ text couldn’t hurt,” one person says. “If you don’t get a reply then that’s confirmation enough I would say that he isn’t interested.”

“By all means give him a call,” someone else adds. “WTF is the worst thing that can possibly happen if you do?”

“Text him in a casual way, like ‘how have you been lately,’” a third person suggests. “He doesn’t sound like dating material, but maybe he could make a nice f-ck buddy, assuming he’s good in bed and you are OK with it.”

What advice would you give this guy? Share your thoughts in the comment section below…

Watch RuPaul React To Stephen Colbert’s Drag Queen Alter-Ego “Raven”

Watch RuPaul React To Stephen Colbert’s Drag Queen Alter-Ego “Raven”

Stephen Colbert the late show RuPaul interview

RuPaul sat down for a conversation with Stephen Colbert last week on an episode of The Late Show, and the two had a fun and playful chat about everything from drag to gynecologist appointments.

Watch the hilarious interview below and (spoiler alert) see how beautiful Colbert looks in drag!

Warren + Clinton, Star Trek, James Bond, Gay Utopia, J.K. Rowling: NEWS

Warren + Clinton, Star Trek, James Bond, Gay Utopia, J.K. Rowling: NEWS

ON THE STUMP. Elizabeth Warren campaigned with Hillary Clinton for the first time on Monday: “I’m here today, because I’m with her, yes her.”

FAIL. Donald Trump tried to swipe back at Elizabeth Warren‘s epic takedown by calling her a racist.

RIP. Colton Haynes pays tribute to legendary street fashion photographer Bill Cunningham who passed away recently.

NEVER TRUMP. Conservative writer George Will leaves the GOP: “This is not my party.” But is it?

MALE MODEL MONDAY. Meet Zoran Karan. 

BET AWARDS. Actor and activist Jesse Williams gave a powerful speech touching on his involvement with the Black Lives Matter movement and systematic racism in America: “Just because we’re magic doesn’t mean we’re not real.”

TRAILERS. New Star Trek: Beyond teaser released.

JAMES BOND. Representative of HM’s government in Chicago cheekily implies 007 might be gay: “In 2016 our secret service was named the nation’s most LGBT-friendly employer, so way to go, James Bond,” he said, before adding with a cheeky leer, “Who’d have thought, eh, who’d have thought?”

HEADLINE OF THE DAY. “The Radical Plan to Turn One California Town into a Gay Utopia.”

MAPS. One year since full nationwide marriage equality in the U.S., a look at how and where anti-LGBT legislation has risen up in America. 

BREXIT. J.K. Rowling found the (gay) silver lining.

The book’s real, the review’s real and I’ve finally found something to laugh about in this whole terrible mess.

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) June 26, 2016

PROFILES IN COURAGE (AND LOVE). Meet the gay Indian couple who is speaking out against their country’s ban on homosexuality. 


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