Sean Hayes Regrets Not Coming Out During ‘Will and Grace

Sean Hayes Regrets Not Coming Out During ‘Will and Grace

Sean Hayes regrets

Sean Hayes tells Playbill that he wishes he had come out of the closet before he did:

“I got Will & Grace, and I thought, ‘Oh, this is different. I don’t know how to handle this. I’m not bright enough, I’m not quick enough, I don’t have the DNA to be a spokesperson for any kind of group of people.’ I had personal issues inside of myself that I regret. I regret not coming out sooner and helping more people, and I regret not coming out during the show. Everybody in the gay community knew I was gay, but it was this fight I had with the press because they want you to come out on their terms, and other gay people want you to come out on their terms, and if you don’t come out on their terms you’re just an asshole, and you’re wrong. Well, each individual human being has a lot of stuff that nobody knows about. Nobody knows what anybody else is going through at any point in their lives.”

He adds:

“We shouldn’t be fascinated that a straight man can play gay anymore. There’s nothing mind blowing about that anymore. It’s been done. I’d like everyone to just be treated equally, to see people look at you and accept you for who you are as a human being and your spirit. When I ask gay men and women who have children, ‘Tell me how they’re growing up in the world and what their views are as far as gay culture?’ Their answer is, ‘It’s all they’ve ever known, so it’s completely normal to them.’ And could you imagine, if it was ‘All the world has ever known’? What a much better place we’d all be in.”

Hayes is currently starring in An Act of God on Broadway.

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Pittsburgh Schools Unanimously Approve Transgender Nondiscrimination Policy: VIDEO

Pittsburgh Schools Unanimously Approve Transgender Nondiscrimination Policy: VIDEO

Pittsburgh Transgender Schools Board Policy

Pittsburgh’s school board unanimously approved a policy Wednesday that outlines the rights, protections and support schools will be required to provide for transgender students.

Board member Moira Kaleida said she had received 400 emails in favor and 20 emails against the policy. She added that the city is now “moving forward on the right side of law and history.”

Public School’s Board Approves Transgender Bathroom Policy

— News & Talk WAOK (@WAOK) June 24, 2016

LGBTQ Nation reports:

The guidelines allow students to use bathrooms and participate in physical education classes and intramural sports that align with their gender identity. It also lets students be addressed by their preferred name and gender pronoun.

Under the policy, students may request alternative accommodations, including a private office restroom, curtain partition or a separate changing space if they feel uncomfortable. Each school will also form teams that will receive specialized training to serve as a “visible resource” for students who have questions

RELATED: Here is the Obama Administration’s Sweeping Transgender Guidance for Schools: READ IT

“Under no circumstance should any student be required to use sex-segregated facilities that are inconsistent with their gender identity,” according to the policy.

However, board member Cynthia Falls expressed concern that different points of view were not given enough consideration. She noted that “we need to do due diligence to people who have different viewpoints.”

Watch a recent school board meeting on the issue of transgender policy issues in Pittsburgh’s Pine-Richland School District below.

The post Pittsburgh Schools Unanimously Approve Transgender Nondiscrimination Policy: VIDEO appeared first on Towleroad.

Vice President Joe Biden to Logo Trailblazer Honors: "We are Orlando"

Vice President Joe Biden to Logo Trailblazer Honors: "We are Orlando"


Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday addressed the Logo Trailblazer Honors in a video message. He said, “You know, our hearts are still heavy for Orlando, but you’re showing tonight that we are Orlando. We’re all Americans. Unbowed. Unrelenting. We endure. We overcome. We’re hopeful and we will not be silent.” The Logo Trailblazer Honors will air Saturday, June 25 at 8pm ET/PT on Logo and VH1.


During the ceremony, RuPaul dedicated a moment of silence to the victims of the shooting during Latin night at Pulse nightclub in Orlando. Watch:

Christina Aguilera, Glenn Close, Sia, Whoopi Goldberg, Boy George, and more also gave video tributes to Orlando:


June 24, 2016

GLAAD stands with Istanbul Pride, opposes violence

GLAAD stands with Istanbul Pride, opposes violence

Foter, (Istanbul Pride 2013)

GLAAD joined several other LGBT advocacy groups in signing a statement in solidarity with LGBT people in Turkey who have violent opposition to planned Pride activities.

On June 17, the governor of Istanbul banned LGBT people from holding pride marches in the city due to alleged security concerns.

The LGBT community gathered on June 19 despite this ban, planning a small march to honor Trans Pride. Before the march began, organizers of Istanbul Pride read a statement declaring their right to assemble.

Police officers did not protect their citizens’ right to assemble, and instead used tear gas, water cannons and rubber bullets to break up the gathering.

In response to this violence and lack of support from Turkish authorities, GLAAD joined 11 other organizations to urge Turkish authorities to allow for the LGBT Pride parade on June 26 and protect those who wish to participate.

The official statement reads:

“As organizations focused on the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people around the world, we are deeply concerned about recent crackdowns on LGBT pride parades in Istanbul and call upon the Turkish authorities to permit and protect those gathered for the LGBT Pride parade scheduled for Sunday June 26, 2016.

While Istanbul once had the distinction of hosting one of the few permitted Pride parades in the Muslim world, we have seen LGBT gatherings in Istanbul crushed with brutal force in recent years, including police use of tear gas, water cannon and rubber bullets to disperse participants. This is entirely unacceptable and is part of a broader trend rolling back freedoms of expression overall in Turkish society.

While there have been threats made by ultranationalist groups against the parades, and while those threats do present a significant security concern, it is crucial that the authorities protect the people celebrating Pride, rather than disperse them.

In light of the recent killing of 49 LGBT people and allies in Orlando, Florida, we express our solidarity with all organizations supporting the rights of LGBT people, along with organizations promoting fundamental democratic freedoms of speech, assembly and association in Turkey and convey our hope that Turkish authorities will act to protect the rights and safety of the participants in the upcoming Pride parade this Sunday in the face of any threats.”

This statement was also signed by the Human Rights Campaign, Council for Global Equality, Human Rights First, the Anti-Defamation League, Global Justice Institute (Metropolitan Community Churches), Immigration Equality, MSMGF (The Global Forum on MSM & HIV), the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Out & Equal Workplace Advocates, PFLAG National and Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights. 

June 24, 2016

LGBT organizations saddened by court decision

LGBT organizations saddened by court decision

Photo Credit: GLAAD

LGBTQ organizations throughout the country expressed sadness and anger over the 4-4 Supreme Court decision which upheld the challenge to the Obama administrations’s expanded DACA and DAPA programs that would have helped an additional 5 million undocumented people come out of the shadows.

“Because of this deadlock, millions of immigrants across the country, including many of the more than a quarter million LGBT undocumented immigrants here in California, will continue to live in daily fear of deportations that rip families apart,” said Rick Zbur, executive director of Equality California.

“It is time for Congress to do its job: pass legislation that protects the people and provide the Supreme Court with a ninth Justice. The LGBTQ community, immigrants, and people of color deserve a functioning legislative and judicial system. Everyone does, ” said Aaron C. Morris, Executive Director of Immigration Equality.

“We are extremely disappointed in today’s ruling which would have benefited up to a quarter million LGBT Asian Americans. Immigration laws and policies have a direct impact on the lives of LGBT people. Today’s decision diminishes our equality,” said NQAPIA Executive Director Glenn D. Magpantay.

“While today is a devastating setback for millions of undocumented Americans and their families across the country, we will continue to fight on. It is also our moral imperative to rise above partisan politics and hold Republican leaders accountable, making sure they do their constitutional duty and consider the President’s nomination to replace Justice Scalia” read a statement by Define American on its website. Define American was founded by out undocumented journalist Jose Antonio Vargas.

Related media:…


June 24, 2016

Yes, Bernie Sanders Is Voting For Hillary Clinton

Yes, Bernie Sanders Is Voting For Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders stopped by MSNBC this morning and confirmed – he’s with her.

The self-described Democratic socialist, progressive icon and LGBT advocate dropped the bomb on MSNBC’s Morning Joe that he’d be voting for Hillary, and also took the moment to completely slam Donald Trump:

Yes, I think the issue right here is that I’m gonna do everything I can to defeat Donald Trump.

Even though he’s with Hillary, he’s still planning on bringing the revolution to the Democrats – possibly within her administration.

After the MSNBC appearance, he had a very telling exchange with CNN’s Chris Cuomo:

Cuomo: Shouldn’t you be pushing for your position in a Clinton administration, if that happens, than just the party platform?

Sanders: That’s what we’re doing too.

Cuomo: Your poker face is terrible.

Watch the Sanders MSNBC appearance below, and have a toast to Democratic unity this pride weekend.

Anderson Cooper Doesn’t Like Being A Silver Fox; World Begs To Differ

Anderson Cooper Doesn’t Like Being A Silver Fox; World Begs To Differ


Despite being one of the most famous, not to mention lusted after, silver foxes of our time, Anderson Cooper says he actually pines for the days when he was a brunette.

“I don’t really like my gray hair,” he confessed to Kelly Ripa this week. “I wish I still had my brown hair.”

Say what?! We can’t imagine Anderson with anything but his signature silver locks.

Related: Andy Cohen Finally Opens Up About Sex With Anderson Cooper

The CNN anchor continued: “If I could I would probably color my hair but I can’t imagine sitting like at a salon with tin foil in my hair reading old copies of Rosie (magazine) for hours on end which is probably what’s required.”

Chances are, however, that’ll never happen.

“At this point it’s too late, the cow has left the barn,” Anderson said. “At this point it would look ridiculous.”


Related: Andy Cohen Is Definitely A Top, According To Anderson Cooper

According to Anderson, his hair first started turning gray when he was in his 20s.

“I had brown hair then in my 20s had salt and pepper hair and now I keep thinking, ‘There’s got to be some pepper in there somewhere’,” he said. “I keep looking and there’s no pepper.”

“In my mind,” he added, “I still have brown hair so every time I look in the mirror I think, ‘Who’s that old guy?’ And it’s me! Plus, I’ve started to look like a White Walker from Game of Thrones. With the paleness it’s just too much.”

Oh, Anderson, quit being so hard on yourself.

What do ya’ll think? Do you like Anderson as a silver fox or would you prefer him as a brunette? Vote in the poll below…

How do you prefer Anderson Cooper?

Related: Anderson Cooper Tells Kelly Ripa He’d Like To Have Sex With Her Husband