ACT UP Targets Donald Trump with Massive ‘Die-In’ at Trump Tower: VIDEOS

ACT UP Targets Donald Trump with Massive ‘Die-In’ at Trump Tower: VIDEOS

The activist group ACT UP paid a visit to Donald Trump at Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York City yesterday, staging a gun control rally that featured a die-in on the sidewalk. ACT UP NY, along with leaders from Muslim, Latinx and LGBTQ organizations, rallied against the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s use of the recent massacre at a gay bar in Orlando to polarize Americans.

“The protest was organized by activist group ACT UP NY (AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power) to combat Trump’s use of the recent massacre at an Orlando gay bar to push Islamaphobia while meeting with right-wing, anti-LGBT religious groups to appeal to conservative voters,” according to organizers.

Activists yelled chants like “Donald Trump, Toxic Dump” and “Stop the Hate, Stop the Killing.”  Between the chants, multiple community members spoke about the effects of violence and hate speech on the LGBT community.

“It’s awful that Donald Trump is using the Orlando massacre to push his agenda of xenophobia and bigotry when in this case, the hatred came from an American who grew up amid the hateful religious rhetoric spread by Evangelical leaders and right-wing politicians,” said ACT UP NY member Brandon Cuicchi.

More photos here from Peter Fahrni. And here’s a whole gallery from Pacific Press Agency.

LGBTQ / gun control rally outside Trump Tower rn in solidarity with #Orlando, apparently @realDonaldTrump on his way

— Mike Murphy (@mcwm) June 21, 2016

A few fascists came to counter-protest the #StopKillingUs protest in front of Trump Tower!

— Ash J (@AshAgony) June 21, 2016

Anti-Trump protesters lay down on the sidewalk outside Trump Tower (this protest has been going on for over an hour)

— Frank Thorp V (@frankthorp) June 21, 2016

Act UP Now doing a “die in” right outside Trump Tower

— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) June 21, 2016

Biggest anti Trump protest outside Trump Tower I’ve seen right now being staged by Act UP

— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) June 21, 2016

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Join the NYC Drag March! Friday, June 24 7PM gather at Tompkins Square Park 8PM march towards the Stonewall Inn Event invite: #nycdragmarch #pride #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtpride #nycpride #gay #lesbian #bisexual

Join the NYC Drag March! Friday, June 24 7PM gather at Tompkins Square Park 8PM march towards the Stonewall Inn Event invite: #nycdragmarch #pride #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtpride #nycpride #gay #lesbian #bisexual

VJnet posted a photo:

#nycdragmarch #pride #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtpride #nycpride #gay #lesbian #bisexual“>Join the NYC Drag March! Friday, June 24 7PM gather at Tompkins Square Park 8PM march towards the Stonewall Inn  Event invite: <a #nycdragmarch #pride #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtpride #nycpride #gay #lesbian #bisexual“>

Join the NYC Drag March! Friday, June 24 7PM gather at Tompkins Square Park 8PM march towards the Stonewall Inn Event invite: #nycdragmarch #pride #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtpride #nycpride #gay #lesbian #bisexual

Follow @vjnet on

Join the NYC Drag March! Friday, June 24 7PM gather at Tompkins Square Park 8PM march towards the Stonewall Inn  Event invite: #nycdragmarch #pride #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtpride #nycpride #gay #lesbian #bisexual

Why The Pulse Nightclub Massacre Is The LGBTQ 9/11

Why The Pulse Nightclub Massacre Is The LGBTQ 9/11

The Orlando shooting is the gay community’s 9/11, a moment of such hatred and violence that our frame of reference will forever be split into what came before and what came after. The events of the past weekend have changed our lives as LGBTQ people and as Americans forever. But for me, it immediately made me think about Pulse nightclub in Orlando, and how gay nightclubs changed my life for the better.

hideseekcomplex-05As a 19-year-old closeted soldier coming of age in Colorado, I can remember my first real gay club vividly. It was called Hide n’ Seek. It was nothing more than a simple two-floor building in a nondescript lot in west Colorado Springs, a conservative bastion, but to me it was my welcoming world. It was the first place I interacted with other gay men, the first time I felt like a true part of the community, and, in the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell era, the only place where I could truly be myself.

The now defunct Hide n’ Seek, Pulse, and the hundreds of other gay clubs just like them all across the country and globe are our spaces where we go to be free from the prying and judgmental eyes that even in 2016 police a lot of public affection we show to each other–or what to show each other. The eyes that express silent disapproval when we dare kiss in public, hold hands, or do any of the things that opposite sex couples take for granted.

These places have been our refuges since a time where gays and lesbians could be arrested for showing affection in public or beaten and worse just for being ourselves. Over the years, we have opened them more and more, to straight women seeking to have a good time without feeling the weight of the hetero male gaze and to men and women in various stages of their coming out process looking to test the waters. The attack on us in a space that is for and by us is a violation of the values of inclusiveness that are so dear to us as LGBT people– and, yes, as Americans.

Sister-Roma-San-Francisco-2-670x447That the gay community was targeted in what ended up being the worst mass shooting in American history has shocked us out of whatever post marriage equality complacency. LGBTQ people are still hated. We are still targeted. Gay men are still hated. Gay men are still targeted. The events of the past weekend should make it quite clear that gays haven’t yet made it to the Promised Land of post-marriage-equality freedom.

How many times have we searched for the escape and pure freedom of the dance floor at a gay club, feeling completely safe and secure in the knowledge that this space is for us to be completely free a to kiss other men, to dance like nobody’s watching?

There is a long history of violence in LGBT spaces. In 1973 32 people were killed in an act of arson at The Upstairs Lounge, a gay watering hole in New Orleans. In 2013, a man named Musab Mohammed Masmari poured gasoline on the carpeted entrance to a gay nightclub and set it ablaze, intending to hurt or kill the patrons dancing inside. (Thankfully, he didn’t hurt anyone, and was arrested while attempting to flee the country.)

But this is different. This attack was part of a growing worldwide antigay ideology, one that starts with ISIS in the Middle East, but is hardly limited to this band of genocidal terrorists. Omar Mateen’s attack on the LGBT community was not just deadlier. 49 people, mostly young gay men, have been executed for the unforgivable crime of being openly gay in America. It was also scarier because everyone knows how vulnerable our bars, clubs and community centers are to the violence of haters.

I am an Iraq war veteran. I served as an infantryman in Kirkuk for a little under a year after the invasion of Iraq. I am disturbingly aware of what it is like to look into the eyes of such men. Over there, the enemy was quite clear. The people who pledge allegiance to ISIS and believe in radical Islam want us to live in fear, and they despise gay people.

The terrorists who hate us and pledge allegiance to ISIS want us to think twice before we celebrate our freedoms as Americans. They want us to now think twice about attending that LGBT pride event, or going to that nightclub, or kissing our partners on the streets. But we know that we cannot give into that fear. We know that we also can’t give into the divisiveness and hate that is on the tips of our tongues right now because we are so shaken and afraid.

532e9c20702347fc8b1027e2196d98bd_18We know that we can say the words “radical Islam” without devolving into Islamophobia. We know that we must encourage our gay Muslim brothers and sisters to come out and speak up within their own communities, because we know that their voices can go so much further than ours alone. We know that we must always remember the lives that were lost in Orlando, that we must say their names, and that they must never be forgotten.

And we know that post-Orlando like in post-9/11, we will eventually come back to some semblance of normal despite the new threat hanging over our heads. We will continue to dance. We will continue to love. We will not cower in the closet or in the safety of anonymity on apps and web sites because of the actions of one sick individual, not matter how many copycats might be lurking. We will continue to celebrate pride as LGBT people because living our lives openly and honestly is the ultimate retaliation for the Orlando mass murderer and to those who want us to be afraid.

Rob Smith is a multimedia journalist and author of  Closets, Combat and Coming Out: Coming of Age as a Gay Man in the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Army.  Follow him on Facebook  and Twitter @robsmithonline.

Tennessee School Boots Teacher After He Started Gay Straight Alliance

Tennessee School Boots Teacher After He Started Gay Straight Alliance

Chris Richeson

How is this still a thing that happens? A school in Tennessee has refused to renew a contract with a beloved teacher, and gee whiz what a coincidence, it happened right after he helped some kids start a GSA.

Harassment at the Union County High School in Tennessee seems to be at epidemic proportions, with anonymous homophobic posters going up in the hallways. Sixty years ago, it would have been about black students; forty years ago, it might’ve been about Jews; now here we are in 2016 and apparently nobody’s learned anything from history.

After Chris Richeson helped some students start a GSA, he too became a target for harassment — from his coworkers. He says that school officials repeatedly pressured him to change the club, and stood in the way of club activities, even stuff as basic as making announcements.

Finally, the school told him they wouldn’t renew his contract, but not why. It isn’t too hard to guess.

Richeson says that there is literally zero record of any disciplinary activity against him, and that he had the highest performance rating it was possible for a teacher to have. So why else would they let him go?

It’s like in the 1970s, when California homophobes tried to put a bill on the ballot that would legalize the firing of any teacher even suspected of homosexuality. Back then, Harvey Milk helped defeat the measure. It’s a shame that Tennessee of 2016 is so far behind California of 1978.

He says that he’ll be leaving Tennessee, but his students aren’t so lucky. They’re stuck in a dangerous school that would rather sweep their very existence under the rug than protect them. Will there be another instructor at the school brave enough to stand up to this harassment and protect the kids left behind? Hopefully.

But it’s understandable that teachers would be afraid to take that step now. Instead, they may have to start something more secretive and underground — a hidden GSA, like how LGBTs had to creep around in the shadows in the 1950s. It’s ridiculous that in this day and age, we’re forcing kids to live like it’s the 1950s.

There’s a petition to reinstate Chris at the school. As of now it has 616 signatures. If we were him, we’d be reluctant to head back — maybe instead the petition should be for defending the ongoing existence of the school’s GSA.

The Republican Misdirection on Gay Rights Won’t Fool Us into Forgetting the Hate

The Republican Misdirection on Gay Rights Won’t Fool Us into Forgetting the Hate

clinton trump lgbt

Recently, we have seen some greater outreach to the LGBT community from the Republican Party. Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and others all make the same argument, which goes something like this: The Republican Party is better for gays because ISIS.

Seriously, that’s it: ISIS and reactionary governments in the Islamic Middle East discriminate, kill, and castrate gays. The Republican Party will keep those people out of the United States and take the fight to them from Syria to Iran to Libya. Ted Cruz wanted to carpet bomb them. Hillary Clinton will not: Her lax immigration and poor anti-terrorism policies will allow more radical Jihadists to come into this country to target gay people. Therefore, vote Republican.

The train of thought is remarkable, if only because its riddled with fallacies and misdirection. Saying you support the LGBT community because you only discriminate and demonize rather than kills us like ISIS is like saying segregation was a good idea because at least it wasn’t slavery. It is truly baffling. Still, it is worth the time to highlight the craven, sick, and dangerous game Republicans are playing. They are no friends of ours, and they know it. Luckily, we’re not letting their poisonous words stand.

Last night, openly gay New York City Councilman Corey Johnson appeared on Don Lemon’s show on CNN to debate Chris Barron, an openly gay conservative. The clip opens with a montage of Donald Trump reciting and implying the argument above. Mr. Barron parrots it back.

Here’s the link to the clip of me on @CNN w/ @donlemon debating Chris Barron on Trump & LGBT people! @dominiclowell

— Corey Johnson (@CoreyinNYC) June 22, 2016

Most obviously, it’s simply wrong to assume that Republican anti-terrorism policies will prevent more attacks on gay people. Most anti-gay attacks are from home grown terrorists, whatever their religion, color, or family background. Carpet bombing ISIS is both stupid and won’t achieve anything. Nor will tens of thousands more “boots on the ground.” And a ban on Muslim immigrants is over-inclusive, heinous, and just wrong. Don’t forget, Republicans also want to give these people easy access to military style assault weapons.

Mr. Barron, Mr. Trump, and Mr. Cruz are also ignoring the Republican Party’s dismal record on gay rights in this country. They oppose marriage equality even though it is the law of the land. They want the federal bench populated by reactionary judges molded from the same hateful cloth as the late-Antonin Scalia. They support broad “religious freedom” exceptions so private parties and public officials can just ignore anti-discrimination laws. They support Kim Davis. They can’t even bring themselves to pass an employment non-discrimination law in the House. They call us names. They spread hate.

But if you watch Mr. Trump and Mr. Barron, you will find yourself in another world entirely in which the Republican Party’s actual record on gay rights either never happened or doesn’t matter. It’s classic misdirection: pay no attention to what’s standing right in front of you because there’s something else out there that’s worse.

Of course there is. There always is and always will be. But that does not erase the facts in front of us.

For every Tony Perkins spewing hate and writing anti-gay legislation in this country, there’s an African politician who kills gay people. For every 30 Republicans that vote “no” on a bill simply because it included an LGBT non-discrimination provision, there are ISIS lunatics throwing gays off of buildings simply for being gay. For every Values Voter Summit that can’t go one minute without demonizing transgender individuals or equating gay marriage to slavery or lumping gays and pedophiles together, there are hundreds of Russians beating the life out of gays.

For our community, unfortunately, there will always be something worse out there. But that doesn’t mean Republican politicians, almost all of whom support policies that oppress LGBTQ Americans, are free to call themselves “pro-gay.”

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Racist, Vile Trump Supporter Goes Viral: ‘Go Cook My Burrito, Bitch’ – WATCH

Racist, Vile Trump Supporter Goes Viral: ‘Go Cook My Burrito, Bitch’ – WATCH

Trump supporter

A white supremacist (the ’43’ tattoo) Trump supporter caught on video at a Phoenix rally last week is going viral for typifying the kind of voter energized by the new Republican Party.

As Gawker notes:

…it listens to Slipknot, daydreams about appearing on an MMA-based reality competition show, smells like cocktail made of Mountain Dew, cough syrup, and creatine, and thinks anyone who appears to be Mexican should “BUILD THAT F**KIN’ WALL… FOR ME!”

RELATED: Donald Trump’s ‘Evangelical Executive Advisory Board’ is a ‘Who’s Who’ of Anti-Gay Figures

Trump’s supporter is yelling at Latino protesters outside the Trump rally.

“I f**ked your whole f**king family with my big c*ck, he shouts, before getting further enraged. “Get the f**k out of here! Our country! Our country! Proud f**king American. Made in USA, bitch. Made in f**king USA. Go f**king cook my burrito, bitch. Go f**kin make my tortilla bitch, and build that f**kin wall. For me! You’re lucky all these cops are here, bro.”


(h/t jmg)

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YouTubers Shout Out Who They’re #ProudToBe in Personal New Pride Campaign: VIDEOS

YouTubers Shout Out Who They’re #ProudToBe in Personal New Pride Campaign: VIDEOS


Who are you #ProudToBe? Youtube wants to know, and it wants you to broadcast it to the entire world.

Quite literally.

The video-sharing platform has just launched its Pride campaign, and the message this year is all about celebrating gender identity and expression.

The nearly two-minute spot is a montage of videos already hosted on the site, and it shows youtubers from different parts of the world talking about how proud they are of being whoever they are.


notafraidAgender, genderqueer, gay, omnisexual, polysexual, lesbian, pansexual, trans… Who cares? When identity is questioned, YouTube asks, answer with pride.

In a statement posted on the website, YouTube calls itself “a place where anyone can belong no matter who they are or who they love. That is why today we want to help people honor and celebrate who they’re #ProudToBe.”


“Now, more than ever, it’s important that we help accept, love, and celebrate one another. In the wake of the tragic events in Orlando, we stand together in support of the LGBTQ community. We stand together with everyone who has the courage to own and share their identity. We stand together to show the power of solidarity, the power of love, the power of pride. To those beautiful and brave voices who continue to make YouTube the vibrant, diverse and empathetic community it is, we are #ProudToBe with you.”

Check out the powerful video below.

YouTube wants you to join in. Upload a video or share a post with #ProudToBe in the title so others can find it.

Here are a few of our early favorites.

#ProudToBe RuPaul’s Drag Race Queens:

#ProudToBe the YouTube sensation behind AsapSCIENCE:

#ProudToBe a super cute straight ally in front of his messy closet:

#ProudToBe a gay Greek interviewing New York City Drag legend Miss Sherry Vine:

#ProudToBe Mash-Up maven Todrick Hall:

#ProudToBe a transgender feminist vlogger:

#ProudToBe the two moms of Olivia:

#ProudToBe a YouTube personality with over 3.1M subscribers:

Kyle Krieger:

The post YouTubers Shout Out Who They’re #ProudToBe in Personal New Pride Campaign: VIDEOS appeared first on Towleroad.

A GOP Congressman’s Weak-Kneed, Nothingburger Offer Of Condolence To Grieving LGBT Americans

A GOP Congressman’s Weak-Kneed, Nothingburger Offer Of Condolence To Grieving LGBT Americans

Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) thinks it’s the perfect time to ensure religious groups can discriminate against LGBT people.

The post A GOP Congressman’s Weak-Kneed, Nothingburger Offer Of Condolence To Grieving LGBT Americans appeared first on ThinkProgress.

The People Hurt By North Carolina’s ‘Bathroom Law’ Who Aren’t LGBT

The People Hurt By North Carolina’s ‘Bathroom Law’ Who Aren’t LGBT

North Carolina’s HB2 law erected huge barriers in front of people who experience employment discrimination and seek justice.

The post The People Hurt By North Carolina’s ‘Bathroom Law’ Who Aren’t LGBT appeared first on ThinkProgress.