Donald Trump to Campaign, Again, with Anti-LGBTQ Leaders and Designated Hate Groups

Donald Trump to Campaign, Again, with Anti-LGBTQ Leaders and Designated Hate Groups

Today, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is scheduled to meet with hundreds of anti-LGBTQ activists, just days after he repeatedly bragged about being right about predicting the tragedy in Orlando and campaigning as “far better” for the LGBTQ community than Hillary Clinton. Among the activists Trump is courting — Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, which has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

“Donald Trump continues to prove that he is no friend of the LGBTQ community, and his plan to meet with some of the most virulent anti-LGBTQ activists in the country underscores the terrible reality that, if elected, he would put everything our community has gained under President Obama at risk,” said JoDee Winterhof, HRC’s Senior Vice President for Policy and Political Affairs. “Aligning himself with hate group leader Tony Perkins and his anti-LGBTQ ilk should leave no doubt that Donald Trump stands on the wrong side of history when it comes to equality.”

At every turn during his campaign for the Republican nomination,Trump has vowed to roll back and block LGBTQ equality. Here are five key ways:

The last time Trump reached out to anti-LGBTQ activists, he reaffirmed his opposition to nationwide marriage equality, telling CBN’s David Brody that evangelical voters can “trust me” to oppose marriage equality. Here are highlights from last week underscoring how Trump continues to court anti-LGBT activists in the days after the massacre in Orlando:

Buzzfeed, 6/15/16: “In a speech in Greensboro [North Carolina], Trump noted the earlier meeting, then said, ‘Pat, your governor — he’s doing a fantastic job.’ Earlier this year, though, [Gov. Pat] McCrory signed into law one of the most aggressively anti-LGBT pieces of legislation in the country. The law overrides local LGBT nondiscrimination ordinances in the state by stating that state nondiscrimination law preempts local ordinances and bans transgender people from government restrooms that don’t match their birth certificate….Even before the praise for McCrory, several LGBT advocates questioned Trump’s Monday comments, contrasting them with his statements opposing marriage equality during the campaign, his support for the First Amendment Defense Act, and the records of several of his proposed judicial nominees as being hostile to LGBT rights.”

Politico, 6/16/16: “Donald Trump on Wednesday declared himself the biggest champion of LGBT community, saying he’s gotten huge praise for his response to the Orlando massacre at a gay nightclub. On Thursday, a swarm of protesters told him to shove it. Forced to take a break from the campaign trail to give a deposition at a law firm in Washington, Trump was met with dozens of protesters from the Human Rights Campaign…”

The Advocate, 6/17/16: “If Donald Trump is a friend to “the gays,” he has a downright clueless way of showing it. The Republican presidential candidate, who has been making the case these days that he’s better for LGBT people than Hillary Clinton, retweeted a thumbs-up photo of him Friday with his good pal, antigay pastor Robert Jeffress. The pastor said he was ‘honored to pray for my friend’ at a Dallas rally together. In the past, he’s also said 70 percent of gays have AIDS, that there’s a direct link between homosexuality and pedophilia, and a lot more….The church is well known in the city and worldwide…for its extremely, extremely homophobic pastor.”

Here is more on the five ways Donald Trump remains committed to rolling back LGBTQ equality if he succeeds in his quest to become president.

1.) Trump Vows to Roll Back Nationwide Marriage Equality

Donald Trump has long opposed nationwide marriage equality, calling himself a “traditional” guy, even waffling on whether he supports civil unions. Heading into the South Carolina Primary, Trump tripled down on his opposition to nationwide marriage equality.

In late January, Trump told Fox News Sunday he would appoint justices to the Supreme Court who would reverse nationwide marriage equality and when asked to clarify by ABC’s George Stephanopoulos a week later, Trump again doubled down.

Trump also told CBN’s David Brody that evangelical voters can “trust me” to oppose marriage equality, saying:

“I think they can trust me. They can trust me on traditional marriage. I was very much in favor of having the court rule that it goes to states and let the states decide. And that was a shocking decision for you and for me and for a lot of other people. But I was very much in favor of letting the states decide….”

2.) Trump to Sign a Law Sanctioning Kim Davis-style Discrimination

Donald Trump supports the so-called “First Amendment Defense Act,” (FADA), a bill to enable Kim Davis-style discrimination against LGBTQ people nationwide. FADA would undermine the rule of law and promote taxpayer-funded discrimination against same-sex couples. In a letter to the far-right organization the American Principles Project, Trump wrote in December, “If Congress considers the First Amendment Defense Act a priority, then I will do all I can to make sure it comes to my desk for signatures and enactment.”

FADA would allow organizations and businesses contracting with the federal government to circumvent critical federal protections designed to protect same-sex couples and their families from harmful discrimination. It would also enable federal employees to refuse to fully perform their duties if they believe they conflict with their objection to same-sex marriage. For example, an employee at the Department of Veterans Affairs could refuse to process a claim for survivor benefits for the same-sex spouse of a servicemember.

This is not the first time that Donald Trump has vowed to support sham religious refusal bills designed to enable discrimination against LGBTQ people. In a March debate, Trump said he agreed with Cruz’s answer on religious liberty and agreed that when it comes to opposing nationwide marriage equality and the right of same-sex couples to adopt,“I would certainly have rather left it to the states.”

And last fall at the Iowa Faith and Family Coalition, Trump said he would make the passage of legislation creating such broad loopholes to discriminate a priority. According to Breitbart, referencing Christians and religious liberty, Trump told the audience he would support such laws because “…We’re not being protected.” Breitbart reported, “He said his first priority if elected President of the United States would be to ‘preserve and protect our religious liberty.’ ‘We’ll be fighting as part [of a] common core, and we’re going to protect totally the First Amendment.’ ”

3.) Trump Would Let Anti-LGBTQ Governors Write Discrimination Into State Law

In one spectacular display of Trump’s brazen efforts to ‘have it both ways,’ he made nearly simultaneous statements speaking out of both sides of his mouth on North Carolina’s HB2. Almost immediately after Trump appeared on NBC and pledged his opposition to HB2, noting how unnecessary and damaging it has been to the state of North Carolina — he went on FOX later the very same day to assure conservatives he would do nothing to address it as president.

In an interview with The Today Show in April, Donald Trump opposed North Carolina’s HB 2 — saying:

“North Carolina, what they’re going through, with all of the business that’s leaving and all of the strife — and that’s on both sides — you leave it the way it is. There have been very few complaints the way it is. People go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate. There has been so little trouble. And the problem with what happened in North Carolina is the strife and the economic, I mean, the economic punishment that they’re taking. So I would say that’s probably the best way.

But later that day, Trump told Sean Hannity on FOX News that ‘he would leave it up to states’ and do nothing to intervene as president. Trump doubled down in May.

The Charlotte Observer reported, “Although Kimmel pressed him five times, Trump refused to explain his personal stance on North Carolina’s law that requires people in government buildings to use bathrooms matching their birth certificates. ‘What I support is let the states decide, and I think the states will do hopefully the right thing,’ Trump said.”

Essentially, he’s suggesting that if a state wants to go through with a law that puts LGBTQ people at risk for discrimination and harassment, he will stand by and hope for the best — in a year when 201 anti-LGBTQ bills were introduced in 34 states. As far as Trump is concerned, however, states should be free to violate federal laws — such as Title IX — and deny LGBTQ people equal treatment under the law.

4.) Trump Would Repeal President Obama’s Executive Orders

Trump says he looks forward to repealing President Obama’s executive orders, meaning the executive order protecting LGBTQ employees working for federal contractors is at risk. That means under a Trump White House, a company doing business with the government and receiving taxpayer dollars could say “you’re fired” to LGBTQ employees just because of who they are. And if there’s any doubt as to urgency with which Trump would approach this, The Washington Post reports, “If he’s elected president, Trump said that within an hour of taking the oath of office — but possibly within two minutes — he would undo many of Obama’s executive orders.”

The loss of these protections is not just a hypothetical danger. Just recently the House Armed Services Committee added an amendment to the defense authorization that would undermine President Obama’s executive order banning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity for federal contractors — an executive order that covers 20 percent of the workforce. And Trump has made clear he’s not going to fight these types of efforts.

Separate from the issue of executive orders, Trump said in an interview with the Washington Post that would rescind important guidance from the Obama administration that is intended to ensure transgender students have access to restrooms consistent with their gender identity.

5.) LGBTQ people, Women, Immigrants, Latinos/as: Donald Trump Puts us all at Risk

Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump attacked, belittled and maligned anyone and everyone he considers different. The LGBTQ community is as diverse as our nation, and includes women, immigrants, Muslims, people of color, people living with disabilities, asylum seekers and others Trump has attacked for political gain.|

Consider his attacks on immigrants, whom he has called “in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.” About 30 percent of LGBTQ immigrants — some 267,000 people — are undocumented adults, according to a 2013 study from the UCLA’s Williams Institute. Donald Trump would forcibly remove these people and deport them, breaking up LGBTQ families and doing massive damage to our economy in the process.

Trump has also called women “pigs” and other offensive terms; when FOX News anchor Megyn Kelly called Trump on it, he dismissively joked that he was ‘referring to Rosie O’Donnell.’

Equally troubling, Donald Trump attacked U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, claiming he had an “absolute conflict” in a case solely because of his “Mexican heritage” and his membership in a Latino lawyers association. Trump not only refused to apologize over his racist remarks about Curiel, who was born and attended law school in Indiana, he reportedly doubled down and urged campaign surrogates to continue attacking the judge for his heritage. 

Unfortunately, we’ve seen the same attacks lobbed against LGBTQ judges. When Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Vaughn Walker ruled that Prop 8 was unconstitutional, anti-LGBTQ activists in California sought to have his decision vacated. As Philip Klein, a columnist for the conservative Washington Examiner, wrote, similar attacks from Donald Trump should be viewed as an attack on all minority communities. “As an American Jew, I’m certainly familiar with the age old dual-loyalty smear… Trump could just as easily be arguing that a Jewish judge is against him because he refuses to be beholden to Jewish donors. Or an American Asian judge is against him because he wants to get tough on China. Or an Irish Catholic judge is against him because of his attacks on Pope Francis. Effectively, anybody who isn’t a white Protestant of European ancestry can be a target of Trump’s ethnic and racial attacks.”

Donald Trump’s attacks on Judge Curiel are not only an attack on the estimated 1.4 million Latino/a LGBTQ adults but a dangerous signal to all minority communities — including LGBTQ people — that they might be next.

In sum: Trump has vowed time and again to oppose LGBTQ equality and roll back our progress. His policy positions are extreme and dangerous — and he has attempted to obfuscate his views because he knows they are out of step with the vast majority of voters who’ll go to the polls in November.

In fact, support for LGBTQ equality has hit a record high in the last year. Nearly 80 percent of Americans support federal non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ people and a 55 percent majority say they would be less likely to vote for a candidate opposed to marriage equality. No matter how you look at it, Trump remains dangerously out of step with the majority of fair-minded Americans who believe that LGBTQ people should be treated equally under the law.


Paid for by Human Rights Campaign PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Violence Ensues at Istanbul Trans Pride After Turkey Bans Pride Parade

Violence Ensues at Istanbul Trans Pride After Turkey Bans Pride Parade

Post submitted by Associate Director, HRC Global Jordan Long

Supporters of LGBTQ equality have once again come under violent attack by Turkish authorities during Pride season. On Sunday, organizers of Istanbul Pride gathered to read a statement declaring their right to assemble before a small march planned to honor Trans Pride. Police not only failed to protect those assembled, but used tear gas, water cannons and rubber bullets to disperse supporters of the LGBTQ community.

Up to 17 activists were detained for several hours following the altercation.

This violence at the hands of police follows the Governor of Istanbul’s refusal to to recognize the right of the LGBTQ community to celebrate Pride in the central Istanbul neighborhood of Taksim, citing perceived threats to the safety of celebrants.

Istanbul Pride has been held in Taksim on the last Sunday of June since 2003 largely without incident, until last year when riot police used water cannons and rubber bullets to disperse peaceful LGBTQ marchers and their supporters. The incident drew worldwide attention, including from members of the U.S. Congress.

The government’s assertion that they cannot protect the marchers from violence in the Turkish capital fails to address its obligation to uphold the fundamental and constitutional rights of all Turkish people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

“The events of the past week are demoralizing to say the least. The failure of my government to uphold our rights goes against the fundamental right to freedom of assembly,” said Istanbul-based activist Ezgi Seref, who attended HRC’s Global Innovative Advocacy Summit. “It sends the message that LGBTQ people in Turkey and their supporters are less than equal. These actions pave the way for increased discrimination and hate-motivated crimes against LGBTQ people.”

HRC has been working with the Istanbul-based group SPoD on adapting HRC’s Municipal Equality Index (MEI) for use in Turkey. The MEI urges local governments to put in place LGBTQ-inclusive policies and practices. The project to bring an MEI-like survey to Turkey emerged after HRC hosted Turkish fellow Boysan Yakar in 2014 through the HRC Global Fellowship Program.

Can This ‘Golden Girls’-Themed Cafe Lure Fans To Washington Heights?

Can This ‘Golden Girls’-Themed Cafe Lure Fans To Washington Heights?


Since it’s an inconsiderably long trek by most people’s standards, it’s not easy getting Manhattanites up to Washington Heights. But maybe that’s because they have no brick-and-mortar paean to Blanche Devereaux, Dorothy Zbornak, Sophia Petrillo, and Rose Nylund.

One local resident is hoping to totally reinvigorate the neighborhood with the lure of a “Golden Girls”-themed café, which he thinks will attract fans in crotchety, curmudgeonly droves.

Related: We’re This Close To An Official Lego “Golden Girls”

According to DNA Info, in early September Michael J. LaRue plans to open Rue La Rue Cafe on 4396 Broadway at the Sofia Storage Building. The space will honor the late Rue McClanahan, a close friend of La Rue’s, and the actress who portrayed Blanche Devereaux in the legendarily campy ’80s sitcom.

“She was my best friend,” LaRue said in a Community Board 12 licensing meeting.

Related: ‘The Golden Girls’ Turns 30, Logo Plans On-Air Drag Salute

Apparently, he’s already lined up the indomitable Betty White to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony.

He intends to decorate the eatery with several items he’s inherited from McClanahan’s estate after she died in 2010. Diners at La Rue Cafe can expect soups, wraps, salads, baked treats, wine, and desserts (cheesecake, we’re guessing).

Bronx Man Has Nose Broken In Vicious Anti-Gay Attack

Bronx Man Has Nose Broken In Vicious Anti-Gay Attack

D Train New York Subway

An assailant in the Bronx used a gay slur before attacking a man and breaking his nose earlier this month.

According the the 48-year-old victim, the unidentified man jumped him when he was exiting the D train station at 183rd St. near the Grand Concourse at about 11:30 p.m. on June 4. The man said “You faggots make me sick” before shoving the victim down some steps and punching him in the face and body.

Although the victim has not been identified, neighbor Evelyn Reyes told the Daily News:

“Somebody pushed him down the stairs from behind and started beating on his face. He’s black and blue all around his eyes. He’s a nice person. Always says good morning. He’s nice.”

RELATED: NYC Woman Documents Disgusting Transphobic Attack on Busy Subway Train: WATCH

Pix11 adds:

Both men exited the train at the 183rd Street-Grand Concourse stop. A law enforcement source said the attacker waited for the victim upstairs then, when he spotted him, pushed the victim down the stairs and kicked and punched him as he lay on the ground.

During the beating, he allegedly told the victim, “You f—ing f—–s make me sick.”

The victim, a 48-year-old man, was treated for a broken nose, a cut above his eyes and numerous bruises, sources said.

The NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force is investigating the attack. No arrests have been made.

(Image via Wikipedia)

The post Bronx Man Has Nose Broken In Vicious Anti-Gay Attack appeared first on Towleroad.

#BiPride: In Powerful Video, Evan Rachel Wood Highlights Issues Facing Bisexual Community

#BiPride: In Powerful Video, Evan Rachel Wood Highlights Issues Facing Bisexual Community

In a powerful video released today, actor Evan Rachel Wood opened up about the many issues, stereotypes and misconceptions facing the bisexual community, including her own struggles.

“There are so many gray areas in this world, especially when it comes to gender roles and especially when it comes to sexuality,” she said in the video, which was released today in conjunction with LGBTQ Pride Month. “I found women very beautiful. I also found men very beautiful. I’m fluid.”

Wood has spoken out frequently about the issues facing bisexual people, most recently tweeting about HRC’s Health Disparities Among Bisexual People.

“I was getting crushes a lot on girls in middle school. People that I was afraid to be honest with for fear of losing them,” she said. “As open-minded as my family was, I was still terrified to talk to them.”

Recent surveys have shown that bisexual people are the largest group within the LGBTQ community: half of people who identify as LGB identify as bisexual. However, bisexuals are far less likely than their gay and lesbian peers to be out, citing stereotypes, skepticism and pressure to “choose” one sexual orientation as reasons for staying in the closet.

“I really started contemplating suicide because I had no way to express myself. I was also very, very confused because I didn’t know bisexuality was a thing,” she admitted. “There was no where to go. I think I already realized being bisexual or saying I’m bisexual was not cute and was looked down upon.”

Throughout the video, Wood shares a variety of statistics around health disparities in the bisexual community. For example, compared to other groups in the LGBTQ community, bisexuals face striking rates of poor health outcomes ranging from cancer and obesity to sexually transmitted infections to mental health problems. Bisexual adults are more likely to engage in self-harming behaviors, attempt suicide or think about suicide than heterosexuals, lesbians or gay men. Additionally, bisexual adults were three times as likely to report thoughts of suicide than heterosexual adults.

“I can only speak for my experience…there are many, many factors that come into play when dealing with statistics like this, but I can say it certainly heightens them and certainly makes them heavier and more frightening and more lonely and harder to bear and I hope that by sharing one bisexual story we’ll start to become real people with real stories and real struggles.”

Wood is bravely living openly and authentically, helping to shine a light on the dangerous but largely hidden crisis–the striking physical, mental and sexual health disparities bisexual people face. She hopes that by sharing these shocking statistics and her own person experience, more people will begin to recognize, respect and acknowledge the bisexual community.

“I want to wish everybody a happy pride month, no matter who you are,” she concluded. “I liked to call on you to stand by us and to acknowledge us and to open your arms.”

HRC Foundation, in partnership with BiNet USA, the Bisexual Organizing Project, and the Bisexual Resource Center, released A Resource Guide to Coming Out As Bisexual earlier this year to help bisexual people of all ages who are contemplating the important step of coming out.

For more resources for bisexual people, including HRC Foundation’s Supporting and Caring for Our Bisexual Youth report and Health Disparities Among Bisexual People, click here.