After Anti-LGBTQ Attack in Orlando,HRC Endorses Common-Sense Gun Violence Prevention Policy Measures

After Anti-LGBTQ Attack in Orlando,HRC Endorses Common-Sense Gun Violence Prevention Policy Measures

Today, HRC made a significant policy announcement in the aftermath of last Sunday’s hate-fueled attack  in Orlando targeting the LGBTQ community at Pulse nightclub’s Latin night.

During a special meeting of the Human Rights Campaign’s Board of Directors Thursday evening, the board adopted a resolution recommended by HRC President Chad Griffin that addresses both the epidemic of hate that has fueled anti-LGBTQ-motivated murder, assault and discrimination as well as common-sense gun violence prevention policies that would help keep the LGBTQ community safe. For decades, LGBTQ people have been a target for bias-motivated violence, and easy access to deadly weapons has compounded this threat. The resolution adopted in Thursday’s special meeting establishes HRC’s organizational position that the safety of LGBTQ people in the United States requires the adoption of common-sense gun violence prevention measures, including limiting access to assault-style rifles, expanding background checks, and limiting the ability for suspected terrorists, and those with a history of domestic abuse to access guns.

HRC President Chad Griffin issued the following statement on the resolution: “Forty-nine members of our community were murdered on Sunday morning because of a toxic combination of two things: a deranged, unstable individual who had been conditioned to hate LGBTQ people, and easy access to military-style guns. It is imperative that we address both issues in order to mitigate safety risk to our community. As a society, we must hold accountable lawmakers, religious leaders and other public officials who put a target on the backs of LGBTQ people through hateful rhetoric and legislation, because they are complicit in the violence fueled by their words and actions. The safety of the LGBTQ community depends on our ability to end both the hatred toward our community and the epidemic of gun violence that has spiraled out of control.”

More than 20 percent of hate crimes reported nationally in 2014 targeted people based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, according to the most recent FBI statistics available. Hate crimes reporting is not mandatory, and dramatically undercounts the number of hate crimes for all categories, particularly those based on gender identity. A recent investigation by The Associated Press found that more than 2,700 city police and county sheriff’s departments across the country had not reported a single hate crime to the FBI for the past six years, representing about 17 percent of these law enforcement agencies nationwide.

HRC has observed alarming violence from coast to coast against the backdrop of more than 200 anti-LGBTQ bills that have been introduced in 34 states in 2016 alone. In the wake of last year’s marriage equality ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States, anti-LGBTQ activists have introduced a wide range of legislation targeting LGBTQ people. These bills have mainly fallen into three categories: bills targeting transgender adults and youth, including blocking their access to appropriate restrooms and other public facilities; bills creating broad “religious” loopholes enabling virtually any individual or organization to discriminate; and bills aimed overriding local LGBTQ nondiscrimination protections offered by municipal governments. The onslaught of these bills, combined with the dangerous rhetoric that lawmakers employ in soliciting support for them, has given license to the view that LGBTQ people are second class citizens deserving of not only discrimination, but harassment, intimidation, and violence.

This wave of anti-LGBTQ state legislation is made possible by a lack of comprehensive federal LGBTQ nondiscrimination protections. Last year, HRC helped introduce the Equality Act to ensure that LGBTQ people are protected by our nation’s civil rights laws. Today, only 18 states and just over 100 cities  have comprehensive, statewide nondiscrimination protections inclusive of both sexual orientation and gender identity. While Orlando has established local nondiscrimination protections, Florida does not guarantee statewide protections and LGBTQ people remain at risk of being fired, evicted or denied services because of who they are.

As The New York Times editorialized this week, “Hate crimes don’t happen in a vacuum. They occur where bigotry is allowed to fester, where minorities are vilified and where people are scapegoated for political gain. Tragically, this is the state of American politics, driven too often by Republican politicians who see prejudice as something to exploit, not extinguish.” Sunday’s attack at Pulse nightclub has underscored, in the most tragic way imaginable, how deadly hate can be when it is compounded by access to military-style weapons.

HRC has occasionally adopted positions on broader policy issues which deeply impact the LGBTQ community, but this is the first time in the organization’s 36-year history that a special session has been called in order to do so. Moving forward, the Human Rights Campaign — which will remain focused achieving full federal equality, ending anti-LGBTQ hate, and ensuring the safety, health, well-being and legal protections of LGBTQ people — will work in coalition with gun safety advocates and other allies in the LGBTQ movement and beyond to realize its goals for stemming the epidemic of gun violence.

Full text of the resolution adopted by HRC follows below:





JUNE 16, 2016

In an emergency joint meeting held by the Boards of Directors of the Human Rights Campaign, Inc. (“HRC”) and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, Inc. (“HRCF”) held by teleconference on June 16, 2016, upon motion, duly made and seconded, both the Board of Directors of HRC and the Board of Directors of HRCF adopted the following resolution:

Whereas, HRC and HRCF Boards grieve the loss of 49 LGBTQ people and allies who were targeted and assassinated — as well as 53 others who were injured — in a premeditated and senseless assault that took place on Sunday, June 12th at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida:

Stanley Almodovar III, 23; Amanda Alvear, 25; Oscar A Aracena-Montero, 26; Rodolfo Ayala-Ayala, 33; Antonio Davon Brown, 29; Darryl Roman Burt II, 29; Angel L. Candelario-Padro, 28; Juan Chevez-Martinez, 25; Luis Daniel Conde, 39; Cory James Connell, 21; Tevin Eugene Crosby, 25; Deonka Deidra Drayton, 32; Simon Adrian Carrillo Fernandez, 31; Leroy Valentin Fernandez, 25; Mercedez Marisol Flores, 26; Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz, 22; Juan Ramon Guerrero, 22; Paul Terrell Henry, 41; Frank Hernandez, 27; Miguel Angel Honorato, 30; Javier Jorge-Reyes, 40; Jason Benjamin Josaphat, 19; Eddie Jamoldroy Justice, 30; Anthony Luis Laureanodisla, 25; Christopher Andrew Leinonen, 32; Alejandro Barrios Martinez, 21; Brenda Lee Marquez McCool, 49; Gilberto Ramon Silva Menendez, 25; Kimberly Morris, 37; Akyra Monet Murray, 18; Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo, 20; Geraldo A. Ortiz-Jimenez, 25; Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera, 36; Joel Rayon Paniagua, 32; Jean Carlos Mendez Perez, 35; Enrique L. Rios, Jr., 25; Jean C. Nives Rodriguez, 27; Xavier Emmanuel Serrano Rosado, 35; Christopher Joseph Sanfeliz, 24; Yilmary Rodriguez Solivan, 24; Edward Sotomayor Jr., 34; Shane Evan Tomlinson, 33; Martin Benitez Torres, 33; Jonathan Antonio Camuy Vega, 24; Juan P. Rivera Velazquez, 37; Luis S. Vielma, 22; Franky Jimmy Dejesus Velazquez, 50; Luis Daniel Wilson-Leon, 37; Jerald Arthur Wright, 31;

Whereas, since 1980, the Human Rights Campaign has worked to advance the civil rights of LGBTQ people wherever they have been denied or threatened; recognizing the strength and power of bipartisan coalitions across civil rights movements;

Whereas, we have battled more than 200 anti-LGBTQ bills that have been introduced in 34 states this year and we believe that lawmakers behind these bills — with their hateful and dangerous words and actions — eliminate critical protections and give license to others to harass, threaten and terrorize LGBTQ people;

Whereas, we recognize that the tragedy in Orlando that struck at the LGBTQ community, the Latinx community and the nation on an unprecedented scale may have been prevented in several ways: in our mission to realize LGBTQ equality by ensuring full legal equality at the city, state and federal level, including passing the Equality Act; ending the stigma that exists today against LGBTQ people; ensuring the health, safety and well-being of LGBTQ people in their everyday lives; and by ending the ability of dangerous, hate-filled killers to have easy access to deadly, military-style guns;

Whereas, the LGBTQ community has historically been the target of brutal hate crimes, violence and discrimination;

Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, the Human Rights Campaign and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation will continue to challenge leaders and individuals who target our LGBTQ community with hateful speech, and with policies that  threaten and undermine the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of our community in ways that can lead to violence; and

Resolved, that we will continue our tireless efforts to achieve full federal equality, end the stigma existing against LGBTQ people today, and ensure the safety, health well-being and legal protections of LGBTQ people in their everyday lives;

Resolved, the Human Rights Campaign and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation support common-sense gun safety reform within the United States, including limiting access to assault-style rifles, expanding background checks, and limiting the ability for suspected terrorists and those with a history of domestic abuse to access guns;

Resolved, that the Human Rights Campaign and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation will continue its primary focus of working for equality for LGBTQ people, and understand that given the reality of violence today, common-sense gun safety protections are vital to ensure LGBTQ people’s safety;

Resolved, that we stand with organizations and leaders who have committed a lifetime to this work, affirmatively supporting their efforts; and that we recognize our members and supporters, like many of their fellow Americans, are responsible gun owners, who, as survey after survey shows, also support sensible gun safety measures and restrictions on firearms without impacting the rights of responsible gun owners; and that we believe strongly in protecting the Constitutional rights of every American — believing we can protect those rights and innocent people from violence and recognizing that today, there are 49 fewer Americans who can access those rights.


Resolved, that staff is empowered to develop positions for the Human Rights Campaign and Human Rights Campaign Foundation and to make further recommendations to the Boards for action consistent with this resolution.

The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing is a true record of a resolution duly adopted at a meeting of the Boards of Directors of the Human Rights Campaign and Human Rights Campaign Foundation, and that said meeting was held in accordance with District of Columbia law and the By-Laws of the Human Rights Campaign and Human Rights Campaign Foundation by telephone on June 16, 2016, and that said resolution is now in full force and effect without modifications or rescission.

           IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed my name as Secretary of the Human Rights Campaign, Inc. and of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, Inc.,

the 16th day of June, 2016.

A True Record.


Robert Falk


PBS launches crowdfunding campaign for season two of LGBTQ web series 'First Person'

PBS launches crowdfunding campaign for season two of LGBTQ web series 'First Person'


PBS Digital Studios and WNET New York are bringing back the LGBTQ documentary web series First Person for a second season, and have launched a crowdfunding campaign to fund the production. First Person showcases the diverse members of the LGBTQ community and explores often-underrepresented issues through personal narratives. The First Person team hopes the campaign will both raise funds to cover the production costs of a full twenty episode season and give audiences a chance to voice their ideas for the direction of the show. Season two will be hosted by out comedian Mike Kelton, check out the video below to learn more.

The series’ first season featured several guests including trans YouTuber Skylar Kergil, non-binary trans poet and speaker Tyler Ford, and dealt with issues ranging from growing up intersex to bisexual erasure.

First Person’s season two crowdfunding campaign will run until Friday, July 8th. Their twenty episode first season is available on their YouTube Channel.

June 17, 2016

Vigil for Orlando

Vigil for Orlando

Adri Pendleton Photography posted a photo:

Vigil for Orlando

I live in a small, predominately white, conservative Christian town.
Yesterday I heard on the radio that there was going to be a vigil at our Sundial Bridge at Turtle Bay for the victims of the Orlando shooting. I had my camera gear with me, and arrived about 30 minutes before it started.
I was, and still am, honestly shocked at the number of people that showed up. There were straight couples, gay couples, and transgender people. People of all different ethnicities, religions, and backgrounds…and everyone was getting along wonderfully, showing the mutual love and respect that we should be showing each other every day. It was a truly beautiful sight.

My community has been filled with so much love and acceptance – I could not possibly be prouder of the people that live here.
I hope that one day, this will be normal. I hope that one day, everyone can get along & be respectful. I hope that one day, it won’t be anything out of the ordinary to be accepting of those that are different from you.

10 Things You Need To Know Before Binge Watching Season 4 Of ‘Orange Is The New Black’

10 Things You Need To Know Before Binge Watching Season 4 Of ‘Orange Is The New Black’


What’s the difference between season four of Netflix’s Orange is the New Black and the characters who inhabit the show?

Well, the former has now officially been released.

As of today you can spend as much or as little time watching the new season as your heart desires. We’re sure many of you just realized what you’ll be doing all weekend.

But if you’re like us, one side effect of binge watching is it’s a bit tough to actually retain much of what you’ve already seen.

So to help you along your journey, we’ve put together this handy little guide to everything you need to remember from season three.

Let’s begin!

1. Piper and her dirty panties

As you well know, the internet is full of weirdos. Piper (Taylor Schilling) capitalized on that fact when she embarked on a new business venture last season — selling the semi-soiled panties of female prison inmates on the web! God we wish we’d thought of that. With her brother facilitating the operation from the outside, what could possibly go wrong?

Well it’s Piper we’re talking about, so something will always go wrong. Besides some hiccups in the business, her love life last season was a bit of a disaster. Alex (Laura Prepon) was with her for a hot minute, but then Stella (Ruby Rose) came into the picture and things got crazy. Stella jacked all of Pipers hard-worn pantie cash; that’s cold.

Even colder was Piper’s retribution after she figured it out — some cleverly placed contraband in Stella’s bunk meant #ByeGirl.

2. Watch your back, Alex


Just because you’re paranoid, it doesn’t mean they’re not trying to get you. Alex spent the whole season thinking Lolly (Lori Petty) was trying to kill her. It was pretty obvious she wasn’t, and Alex eventually figured that out. But wait! The season ended just as we discover that mister drug kingpin really did send someone to kill her. But who?! Dun dun dunnn…

3. Our hearts broke for Sophia


Gloria’s (Selenis Levya) son was carpooling to visiting day with Sophia’s (Laverne Cox) son and wife and the two boys started hanging out. Sophia was convinced Nicky was corrupting her son Michael so she cut off the carpool arrangement. Well, turns out it was the other way around — Michael was a bad influence on Nicky. Either way, Gloria was pissed and spread nasty rumors about our girl Sophia. Some scuffles ensued, and Sophia pushed Gloria. Then Sophia got jumped in her salon and it was pretty painful to watch. Last we saw, Sophia was sent to SHU for “her own protection.”

4. Nicky, are you there?


Nicky (Natasha Lyonne) was transferred to a higher security prison after she was caught hiding drugs in the electrical office. That being said, Lyonne has been involved in press events for the upcoming season, so we can either expect to see her return, or we’re getting a new location in season four.

5. The Time Hump Chronicles 


There’s nothing like relaxing on a Sunday morning with your favorite erotic science fiction prison fantasy novel, and ours is, hands down, Suzanne aka Crazy Eyes’ (Uzo Aduba) The Time Hump Chronicles. The story made Suzanne something of a local celebrity at Linchfield, and even wound up getting her a girlfriend at the end of the season.

6. Church of Norma


All praise Norma (Annie Golden), who basically became a cult leader in season three, with fervent followers like Brook (Kimiko Glenn) and Poussey (Samira Wiley). You know who didn’t drink the Kool-aid, though? Norma’s friend Red (Kate Mulgrew), and it caused a rift. But then they made up. Aww, friendship! Brook had a more troubled path ahead, although her suicide attempt ended up bringing her and Poussey closer together. Oh and speaking of Red, she finally reclaimed the kitchen — thank god.

7. Baby drama


Adorable prison guard (thats a phrase we don’t use often) Bennett (Matt McGorry) vanished during the beginning of last season, probably because of his other job at How To Get Away With Murder. Daya (Dascha Polanco) finally gave birth to their child, though. She considered giving it to Pornstache’s well-intentioned mother (Mary Steenburgen), but wound up telling her she miscarried, deciding to give it to Cesar. But the Cesar got arrested, so jury’s still out as to who will be changing diapers.

8. Trigger warning


Pennsatuky (Taryn Manning) took over driving duties and got chummy with the new CO (James McMenamin). It seemed too good to be true, because it was. A very troubling power dynamic was quickly established, and it didn’t take the CO long to rape Pennsatucky. Boo (Lea DeLaria) found out and helped Pennsatucky plot revenge. But then that took a turn for the worse when the two almost sodomized the CO with a tool.

9. New era


The prison turned private, which is utterly terrifying. Like, why in the hell should the business of incarceration be for-profit?! But that’s for another post. Caputo (Nick Sandow) was made HBIC as some major changes began to be implemented. We’re sure this will be a major theme of season four.

10. Incidentals 


Hmm, what else do you need to know…Black Cindy (Adrienne C. Moore) converted to Judaism — la’chaim! The Martha Stewart-inspired Judy King (Blair Brown) is a new member of the inmate family, and oh! The season ended with a breakout as all the inmates headed for the lake for a freedom-tasting dip in the water.

Okay, binge away!


Antigay Youths Threaten Violence Against Istanbul Pride

Antigay Youths Threaten Violence Against Istanbul Pride

Various vigilante groups in Istanbul are threatening repercussions if a Pride march takes place on June 26.

Kürsat Mican, the head of the Anatolia Muslim Youth Association, told officials, “don’t make us struggle with these [people]. Either you do what’s necessary or we will. We will take all the risks and we will stop the march.

“We definitely don’t want them to walk naked on the sacred soil of our country in the blessed month of Ramadan,” he went on. “We are issuing a warning and we are not responsible for what will happen after this point.”

Of course, it’s important to point out that he doesn’t speak for the majority of Muslims, any more than the Rabbi who stabbed people at Jerusalem Pride speaks for all Jews, or the KKK represents all Christians.

Another group called The Alperen Hearths issued a statement promising similar violence: “the Alperen Hearths, who are the representatives of the people, will perform their duties on this soil which was passed to us from our ancestors. Our reaction will be very clear and harsh. Things they are mocking us by ignoring our values in this holy month.”

Was that a typo in the last sentence? A mistranslation? Either way it’s hard to miss their meaning.

It’s unclear if the march will go forward at this point. At least one politician, Republican People’s Party Deputy Chair Selin Sayek Böke is trying to calm the situation. “We are monitoring this,” she said. “We must all live together with our differences.”

Last year’s Pride in Istanbul was marred by a police crackdown that included rubber bullets and water cannons fired at marchers.

It’s a harsh reminder that violence in the United States may be rare and traumatic. But internationally, it’s a much more frequent problem. Russia in particular has seen massive protests and assaults against LGBTs simply trying to peaceably assemble. It’s more important than ever to talk about why Pride matters, and the lessons that Stonewall has for those still oppressed to this day.

Psychotherapist Matthew Dempsey Shares a Heartbreaking Message About Depression: WATCH

Psychotherapist Matthew Dempsey Shares a Heartbreaking Message About Depression: WATCH

Matthew Dempsey depression

Psychotherapist Matthew Dempsey has shared a powerful and personal message about depression following the suicide of a friend, Alex.

Dempsey describes how he found about his friend’s death on Facebook. He also speaks openly and frankly about his own struggles with depression.

RELATED: Matthew Dempsey Owns His Racism As A Gay White Man: WATCH

He explains:

Depression affects most of us yet we’re too afraid to talk about it when it’s hard to explain why we feel so down with no logical reason. In this video, I talk about the struggle with depression and what we can do.

This is a tribute to my friend Alex who we recently lost to suicide because of his lesser known hard fought battle with depression. Regardless of the darkness of his life, he leaves a legacy of light and love.

Watch the video below.

The post Psychotherapist Matthew Dempsey Shares a Heartbreaking Message About Depression: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

NRA Under Fire As 50 Mostly LGBT Groups Sign Pledge Backing Gun Control Legislation: VIDEO

NRA Under Fire As 50 Mostly LGBT Groups Sign Pledge Backing Gun Control Legislation: VIDEO


Following last weekend’s massacre in Orlando, a group of 50 mostly LGBT organizations including GLAAD, The National Center for Transgender Equality and Gay Men’s Health Crisis, have signed a pledge committing themselves to back gun control legislation.

The statement notes that LGBT people remain vulnerable to bias-motivated violence, especially the trans community and LGBT people of color.

Other groups signing the pledge include Pride at Work, The National LGBTQ Task Force and The Trevor Project.

Make your voice heard! Text DisarmHate to 644-33 Be part of the solution #DisarmHate #CommonSenseGunLaws #gunsense

— Elsie Love (@BaughLaw2) June 17, 2016

The statement calls on Congress to take action to prevent known and suspected terrorists and those convicted of violent hate crimes from legally buying guns and to ensure background checks are required on all gun sales.

RELATED: NRA’s Cox Claims ‘Gun Laws Don’t Deter Terrorists’

Dave Garcia, political director of the Los Angeles LGBT Center, told The Wrap:

“The gay community is well organized and extremely resourceful.There’s that expression: ‘Don’t wake a sleeping dog.’ I think they just woke up the gay dog.”

Dr. Scout, director at CenterLink, an association of leading LGBT centers, said the new alliance “could be a watershed moment in this fight. A lot of us,” he added, “have been involved in gun control in the past but now it’s a primary point in the agenda of our joint leadership.”

Help stop hate from turning into murder. #Filibuster to #DisarmHate

— Everytown (@Everytown) June 15, 2016

Sean Patrick MaloneyOne of the groups notably absent from the effort is Human Rights Campaign (HRC). However, the organization has signed onto an Americans for Responsible Solutions statement which calls for preventing gun violence without endorsing any specific proposals.

Yesterday we reported that House GOP leaders blocked a vote on a proposal by Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (right) to ban federal contractors from discriminating against employees on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Watch a Young Turks report on the NRA and gun control in the wake of the Orlando massacre below.

(Image via Twitter)

The post NRA Under Fire As 50 Mostly LGBT Groups Sign Pledge Backing Gun Control Legislation: VIDEO appeared first on Towleroad.

West Hollywood Plastered with Pro-Violence #ShootBack Signs: VIDEO

West Hollywood Plastered with Pro-Violence #ShootBack Signs: VIDEO

#shootback 2

In the aftermath of the Orlando massacre last weekend, the West Hollywood area has been plastered with controversial stickers and posters featuring a rainbow-colored version of the Gadsen flag and the hashtag #ShootBack.

Gadsen flagThe Gadsen flag (right), often used by the Tea Party movement, features a coiled, striking rattlesnake with the words “Don’t Tread On Me.”

The signage appeared near West Hollywood City Hall, the Pacific Design Center and along Santa Monica Boulevard on Thursday morning. A number of stickers and signs were to be seen near the Abbey Food & Bar, a well-known gay lounge.

#SHOOTBACK – Make it #viral
– via @NorthCrane

— Noah Berlin (@NorthCrane) June 17, 2016

The Los Angeles Times reports:

The signs were posted just days after Sunday’s shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Fla. The 29-year-old gunman, Omar Mateen, had spoken in the past of his hatred for gay people before killing 49 club-goers and wounding 53 more.

Capt. Holly Perez of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department West Hollywood Station said she first noticed one of the rainbow #ShootBack signs Wednesday night as she was running along Santa Monica Boulevard. She was surprised, initially thinking it was just something leftover from Sunday’s L.A. Pride parade and “a fluke.”

But then she kept seeing them — in the public right of way and on private property — and alerted others in the Sheriff’s Department.

“I understand the sentiment behind them and 1st Amendment rights, but it’s a bad message,” Perez said. “I hope it’s just people venting that they could do this, and I’m hoping their calmness will take over. It’s our job to keep you safe.”

RELATED: Tea Party Holds Anti-Same-Sex Marriage Rally in Iowa

West Hollywood Mayor Lauren Meister said “We are disturbed by [the signs]. We don’t believe in an eye for an eye, and we advocate against gun violence.”

Rainbow ‘#ShootBack‘ signs posted across West Hollywood

— KTLA (@KTLA) June 16, 2016

West Hollywood Councilman John Duran added that “Even during our heightened days of civil disobedience and protest, we have only advocated peaceful means, never arming ourselves and retaliating with violence.”

David Cooley, owner and founder of the Abbey Food & Bar, said said that “the best way to shoot back is to enact serious change to our gun policy. We need an outright ban,” he added, “on all assault weapons and better protections to keep all guns away from bad people.”

Watch an ABC report below.

(#ShootBack image via Twitter. Gadsen flag image via Wikipedia)


The post West Hollywood Plastered with Pro-Violence #ShootBack Signs: VIDEO appeared first on Towleroad.