Richard Simmons’ Rep: ‘He’s Not Transitioning Into A Woman’ – VIDEO

Richard Simmons’ Rep: ‘He’s Not Transitioning Into A Woman’ – VIDEO

richard simmons

A representative of celebrity fitness trainer Richard Simmons has denied that Simmons is transitioning to become a woman.

A statement was issued by rep Tom Estey on Wednesday in response to a report from tabloid The National Enquirer which ran a cover story with the headline, “Richard Simmons: He’s Now a Woman!”

Richard Simmons

Radar Online made similar claims, suggesting Simmons had been spotted “dressing as a female on occasion.”

The tabloids also speculated about the reason behind Simmons’ trip to the hospital last Friday. Simmons and his rep say he was treated for dehydration. Simmons has been reclusive in recent years after suffering a knee injury and having knee replacement surgery.

PEOPLE reports:

“It’s not true,” Simmons’ rep Tom Estey tells PEOPLE in response to reports about the fitness guru. “He is not transitioning into a woman. He has decided to live quietly the last few years. He had knee surgery a few years ago and has a bum knee. He is still on Twitter and Facebook and works behind the scenes continuing to inspire and motivate people to lose weight. When he decides to come back, he will come back.”

Estey adds, that Simmons “was in the hospital over the weekend for dehydration and was out the next day. He’s a human being. He was in the public eye for over three decades, but he deserves his privacy. He should be able to have a private life. He just needed a break. He is still taking care of the people who need his help.”

Simmons thanked fans for their support, writing on Facebook, 

“Thank you to everyone who has reached out with love and concern after hearing I was in the hospital. I was dehydrated and needed some fluids and now I am feeling great! Summer is here – drink plenty of liquids. Big hugs and kisses for caring. <3″

Watch a report from PEOPLE, below.

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J.K. Simmons Got Totally Swoll for the ‘Justice League’ Movie – PHOTOS

J.K. Simmons Got Totally Swoll for the ‘Justice League’ Movie – PHOTOS

jk simmons

“61 years old & making the young generation jealous.”

Actor J.K. Simmons is set to play Police Commissioner Gordon in the upcoming Justice League movie and looks ready to fight some baddies. Simmons, who won an Academy Award for his role in Whiplash, already had a noticeably defined physique–exhibit A: those guns in that black t-shirt…

But Simmons is taking it to a new level in training for his role in the upcoming superhero flick. In comic book movies these days, it would seem that even the supporting cast has to be jacked.

Simmons’ trainer, former U.S. Marine Aaron Williamson shared photos of Simmons on Instagram, often declaring himself stunned by Simmons’ strength.

Instagram Photo

Instagram Photo

Instagram Photo

[h/t Batman-News; SB Nation]

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HRC Watches Vermont Governor Sign Bill Protecting LGBTQ Youth from “Conversion Therapy” into Law

HRC Watches Vermont Governor Sign Bill Protecting LGBTQ Youth from “Conversion Therapy” into Law

Last month, Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin signed Senate Bill 132 into law, making Vermont the eighth jurisdiction—behind California, New Jersey, Oregon, Illinois, New York, Washington D.C., and Cincinnati—to protect LGBTQ youth from the dangers of “conversion therapy.”

HRC Legislative Counsel Xavier Persad attended the bill signing and spoke on the proven dangers of “conversion therapy,” highlighting the fact that it​ leads to depression, decreased self-esteem, substance abuse, homelessness, and even suicidal behavior.

“Conversion therapy,” sometimes referred to as “sexual orientation change efforts” or “reparative therapy,” is a range of practices that seek to change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. These practices are based on the false premise that being LGBTQ is a mental illness that needs to be cured, a theory that has been rejected by every major medical and mental health organization for decades.

HRC thanks Senator Brian Campion, Senator Claire Ayer, Representative Ann Pugh, and Governor Shumlin for their leadership and support in getting this bill passed and signed into law.

In February, NCLR, HRC, and the Southern Poverty Law Center filed a historic federal consumer fraud complaint against a major provider of “conversion therapy,” urging the Federal Trade Commission to take enforcement action against the organization and all practitioners engaging in similar fraudulent advertising and business practices.

NCLR and HRC have partnered with state equality groups across the nation to pass state legislation to end this harmful practice.

More information on the lies and dangers of efforts to change sexual orientation or gender identity can be found here.

Vermont; Conversion Therapy

TurnOUT! NC Weekend of Action in Charlotte to Repeal HB2

TurnOUT! NC Weekend of Action in Charlotte to Repeal HB2

This past weekend, TurnOUT! North Carolina (NC) organizers and volunteers were on the ground for a weekend of action in Charlotte talking with voters about the dangers of the discriminatory HB2 and the need for full repeal.

TurnOUT! NC canvassed local neighborhoods and events to engage Charlotteans in the efforts to repeal HB2 and gathered over 200 petition signatures. Volunteers were out early Saturday morning to beat the heat and talk to voters in the Dilworth area about HB2. Two mothers loaded their young children into strollers and canvassed together to ensure a better future for their children in North Carolina.

After spending a few hours talking with voters, TurnOUT! NC joined Stonewall Sports at Veteran’s Park for the “Inaugural Drag Ball Tournament”, a kickball tournament benefiting Time Out Youth Center. TurnOUT! NC received a huge showing of support from the league with petition signatures and commitments to volunteer.

On Sunday, TurnOUT! NC teamed up with HRC Charlotte to host a table at the HRC Community Family Picnic at Wedgewood Church. TurnOUT! NC field organizer Lara Nazario and HRC Senior Regional Field Organizer Ryan Wilson collected nearly 100 petition signatures from Charlotteans opposed to HB2. There was a face painting station and some of the kids broke into a water balloon fight on the church lawn while our organizers spoke with the parents about the harm that HB2 is having in North Carolina.

Since the North Carolina legislature passed the dangerous HB2 in March, dozens of HRC staff have been on the ground mobilizing pro-equality supporters and talking with voters about the dangerous implications of this harmful legislation.

TurnOUT! NC is working to mobilize thousands of pro-equality North Carolinians to speak out for full repeal of HB2. TurnOUT! NC has field organizers based in Asheville, Charlotte and the Triangle area. There are daily opportunities to volunteer with weekly phone banks and weekend canvassing opportunities.

If you live in North Carolina and want to join the efforts to repeal HB2, RSVP for upcoming phone banks and volunteer opportunities. For more information about our work in North Carolina, contact HRC Associate Regional Field Director Ryan Rowe at [email protected].

TurnOut North Carolina!; Charlotte; Weekend of Action; Repeal HB2; Lara Nazario; Ryan Wilson

TONC’s Field Organizer, Lara Nazario and HRC’s Senior Field Organizer, Ryan Wilson are all smiles at the HRC Community Family Picnic in Charlotte.

TurnOut North Carolina!; Charlotte; Weekend of Action; Repeal HB2; Ryan Wilson

TONC’s Field Organizer, Lara Nazario and HRC’s Senior Field Organizer, Ryan Wilson are all smiles at the HRC Community Family Picnic in Charlotte.

Turn Out North Carolina!; Repeal HB2; Charlotte; Ryan Wilson
TurnOut North Carolina!; Charlotte; Repeal HB2; Drag Kickball

TONC teams up with Stonewall Sports for the Inaugural Drag Kickball Tournament at Veteran’s Park benefiting Time Out Youth programs

Help ‘Supergirl’ Star Jeremy Jordan Bust His Teen Cousin Out Of A ‘Pray Away The Gay’ Facility

Help ‘Supergirl’ Star Jeremy Jordan Bust His Teen Cousin Out Of A ‘Pray Away The Gay’ Facility


Supergirl star Jeremy Jordan and his family have joined forces in an effort to free his 17-year-old cousin Sarah from a facility in Texas where she is being subjected to pray-away-the-gay style “therapy.”

When Sarah’s parents discovered she was planning to go to prom with her girlfriend, they sent her away to the compound for a year of ex-gay therapy. She’s reportedly barred from any contact with the outside world and is doing forced labor every day while also enduring Bible-based “treatment.”

She attempted to run away, but was found and returned to the camp.

My amazing friends & fans, PLEASE help us save my sweet gay cousin Sarah who’s trapped at a boarding facility in TX.

— Jeremy Jordan (@JeremyMJordan) June 4, 2016

Now Jordan and his family are asking for help to raise funds to cover the legal fees necessary to help get Sarah out of there. They’ve set up a GoFundMe campaign that has already raised over $40,000. Newly out dreamboat Colton Haynes has even contributed a hefty $5,000.

This absolutely breaks my heart. Pls help Jeremy Jordan’s cousin be her true self. #FreeSarah . Join me & donate.

— Colton Haynes (@ColtonLHaynes) June 6, 2016

Ex-gay conversion therapy has been in the news lately, as more states ban the practice on minors. The practice is already illegal in Vermont, New Jersey, California, Illinois, Oregon, and the District of Columbia as well as Cincinnati, OH.

As the Jordan clan points out on the GoFundMe page: “Not only does this type of ‘therapy’ not work, mental health professionals from organizations like the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics have found it to be psychologically damaging, especially for minors.”

h/t Just Jared

Oops! John Barrowman ‘Accidentally’ Reveals What His Husband Is Packing (Again)

Oops! John Barrowman ‘Accidentally’ Reveals What His Husband Is Packing (Again)


Oh, brother. Here we go again.

Arrow star John Barrowman has once again “accidentally” shared a nudie shot of his husband, Scott Gills.

Related: John Barrowman Accidentally Films Skinny-Dipping Husband On Facebook Live

You may remember last month when John was shooting a Facebook livestream in a hot tub and Scott crashed the scene by walking into the shot fully naked.

Well, the guys are currently in Melbourne for Oz Comic-Con. John was gearing up to make an appearance at the convention dressed as his character Malcolm Merlyn when he decided to post a picture of himself in his hotel room on Shapchap.

Related: John Barrowman’s Naked Bum Steals The Spotlight In Otherwise Boring Press Shot

Unbeknownst to John, his husband was in the shot, relaxing in full view in the nude on the bed in the background.


We had to censor the photo (we’re a family site, after all!), but those of you clever enough can find it elsewhere, we’re sure…


Lawmaker in Island Nation of Nauru Wants To Make It Illegal To Be Gay—Again: VIDEO

Lawmaker in Island Nation of Nauru Wants To Make It Illegal To Be Gay—Again: VIDEO

nauru micronesia

A Naura lawmaker has called on his government to repeal recent legislation decriminalizing homosexuality.

The island republic in Micronesia last month replaced a criminal code dating back to 1899 that banned homosexuality. The update also outlawed marital rape, slavery, forced child labor, the death penalty, solitary confinement and hard labor. Additionally, it prevents the imprisonment of people who attempt suicide.

However, RNZ reports that opposition MP Squire Jeremiah has said the reform was carried out without public consultation

Baron_Waqa Nauru Micronesia“He says most Nauruans resent having the legislation forced on them.

“The government, which has few opponents within parliament after suspending the bulk of the opposition two years ago, has passed a slew of reforms in recent months.

“Mr Jeremiah says once again the Nauru people are being subjected to dictatorial-style government by President Baron Waqa [right] and the Justice Minister David Adeang.

“He says decriminalising homosexuality is not in keeping with the views of the wider Nauruan community and older people in particular.

“Mr Jeremiah says the law change should immediately be repealed and all MPs who supported it should apologise to the people for their incompetence and failure.”

RELATED: Seychelles Lawmakers Approve Measure to Decriminalize Gay Sex

Under Nauru’s previous law, a refugee was convicted and fined in April for attempted suicide. Island authorities said the change was designed to “stamp out the practice.”

A report published this week has detailed the systematic sexual and physical abuse of female refugees in Nauru.

Watch a World News Australia report on Nauru’s controversial refugee detention center below.

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