KKK Distributing Anti-Transgender Fliers to Residents in Alabama: ‘Use a Tree in the Back Yard’

KKK Distributing Anti-Transgender Fliers to Residents in Alabama: ‘Use a Tree in the Back Yard’

kkk transgender

The Ku Klux Klan is reportedly distributing fliers to residents of Dothan and Mobile, Alabama, urging people to join them to “boycott this abomination.”

The fliers quote Deuteronomy and reads: “These freaks are jeopardizing the safety of bathrooms all across the nation for our women and children. This needs to stop.”

They also contain the sick advice: “If your (sic) confused and don’t know what sex you are today USE A TREE OUT IN THE BACK YARD.”

While they seem to be suggesting that trans people use a tree to go to the bathroom, the allusion to lynching is not lost on anyone, particularly those commenting on Facebook, where an image of the flier was posted.

Police are investigating, the Dothan Eagle reports:

Capt. Will Benny, the supervisor of CID, said a man made a report to the Dothan Police Department on Monday of having received a flier from the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) at his home. Benny said the man, an east Dothan resident, also reported his neighbor had received one too.

“It appears to be against transgender and transgender bathrooms and it was basically a recruitment flier,” Benny said.

Benny said there was actually no crime committed in the distribution of the flier, which he said also solicited donations from the public. Benny said the KKK flier and report were forwarded to the FBI as intelligence information.

Capt. Stacy Robinson also said the flier was forwarded to the FBI as a precautionary measure.

“Obviously any time you get hate-related material there’s a reason to be cautious and to investigate it,” Robinson said.

Similar fliers were also left in Mobile, the paper reports.

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Arkansas TV Reporter Gives Perfect Response To Viewer Who Can’t Stand His ‘Gayness’

Arkansas TV Reporter Gives Perfect Response To Viewer Who Can’t Stand His ‘Gayness’


As the old saying goes, “you can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.” What’s missing is this modern update: “Ignorant bigots will never be pleased about anything so you just have to do your best not to let their grating nonsense burrow too deep underneath your skin.”

An Arkansas TV reporter recently put this lesson to the test with excellent form after an irate viewer wrote him an email about how his “gayness” was a problem.

Mitchell McCoy, a reporter for KARK-TV, shared the ugly correspondence via Twitter:

I get many emails but this tops it. I’ve dreamt of being a reporter since I was 9 and I won’t stop on your behalf. pic.twitter.com/gyFCRHfPHi

— Mitchell McCoy (@MitchellMcCoy) May 23, 2016

“I watched KARK before you joined and it was a reputable broad cast [sic] until now,” the viewer, who signed the email “kark Channel 4 Fan,” begins. “I have been holding back for months but I can’t stand your gayness.”

“You are on television every night and our children should not be watching people like you. You are a disgrace to Arkansas and I will be asking your boss to take you off.” That’s just rude — you don’t see McCoy coming around to your boss and telling her you’re unfit to be making Dairy Queen chicken strips.

The “fan” concludes, “Do not be offended but society is not ready for gay men reading news.”

McCoy had the perfect response, keeping things light, bright and gay:

“I get many emails but this tops it. I’ve dreamt of being a reporter since I was 9 and I won’t stop on your behalf.”

He added:

With that said, no matter who you are or what you believe in – dream loudly and don’t let anyone get in your way. The minute you stop…

— Mitchell McCoy (@MitchellMcCoy) May 23, 2016

…is the minute you stop being who you are. It’s not worth it. #DreamOn #StepUpStopBullying

— Mitchell McCoy (@MitchellMcCoy) May 23, 2016


Just for reference, here’s a reel of McCoy being a damn good TV reporter:

h/t RawStory


Freshmen Strip Down for Naval Academy’s Greasiest Bonding Tradition, the Herndon Climb: WATCH

Freshmen Strip Down for Naval Academy’s Greasiest Bonding Tradition, the Herndon Climb: WATCH

Herndon Climb

Hundreds of Navy plebes enjoyed an annual tradition at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis yesterday, the annual Herndon Climb. The challenge involves balancing a midshipman’s hat on top of a giant obelisk (the Herndon Monument) greased with lard and covered in water.

Although the plebes appear to be having a great time, the event seems to have been created as much for the enjoyment of spectators.

CBS Baltimore reports:

“Friends and family cheered and jeered from the audience with every step and slip. After several changes in strategy, the mission was complete. Clocking in at one hour and 12 minutes, Chris Bianchi staked a claim on the monument…The shortest time was in 1975; those plebes did it in 20 minutes. In 1998, it took the class four hours and five minutes.”

Photos and video below:

Instagram Photo

Instagram Photo

Instagram Photo

plebes at #USNA complete Herndon Monument Climb up lard-covered obelisk. pics: Kevin Dietsch t.co/iteF499n55 pic.twitter.com/MSikLSX1ZX

— William Creighton (@wlliamcreighton) May 23, 2016

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Alabama GOP Passes Resolution Supporting Chief Justice Roy Moore

Alabama GOP Passes Resolution Supporting Chief Justice Roy Moore

roy moore

The Alabama Republican Party is standing behind Roy Moore, the state’s Supreme Court Justice, who was suspended earlier this month and charged with violating ethical rules for trying to stop probate judges from issuing marriage licenses in the state.

The charges could mean, among other things, that Moore will be removed from the bench.

Alabama.com reports:

The resolution describes the probe by the Alabama Judicial Committee as being “politically motivated.” The resolution also said that only the state legislature should have the authority to remove elected officials from office.

Read the resolution:


Supporters of Moore rallied over the weekend in Montgomery:

The event kicked off with a prayer from pastor Rusty Johnson, who called upon God to not only bless the rally and Justice Moore, but also “to stand against this militant homosexual movement that is invading our land, stand against the demonic influences that have come not only to the state of Alabama but across the United States of America” by granting to Christians “the power and authority” to “cast these wicked spirits out of our society.”


Right Wing Watch adds that Moore’s wife Kayla gave the keynote address and attacked drag queen Ambrosia Starling:

Conflating Moore’s suspension with the current right-wing outrage over transgender equality, Moore declared that she will not stand by and watch as men are allowed to enter the restroom with one of her granddaughters, which then prompted her to voice her outrage that her husband has been removed from the bench based on a complaint filed by “a man dressed as a woman.”

“This man dresses as a woman, with makeup, a blonde wig, a dress, jewelry and calls himself a drag queen,” Moore complained, as she demanded that the press investigate and expose him. “He works a regular job during the day and, at night, dresses as a woman and goes into nightclubs and bars. Now, I ask the press, who is he? Who is this man who hides his true identity? I charge you, find out who he is and let us know.”

After declaring that her husband did not serve in Vietnam to protect the rights of people like Starling “because up to the last couple of years ago, it was a mental illness,” she then read a reworked version of Martin Niemöller’s famous “First They Came For The Socialists” anti-Nazi quote.

As Towleroad’s Sean Mandell reported last week:

Starling, who goes by her drag name so as to protect her family, says she is seriously considering running for governor if Moore throws his hat in the ring for the 2018 race, as he is expected to do.

As we previously reported, Rachel Maddow is one of Starling’s many fans who suggested she would be well-suited for the state’s top job.

The post Alabama GOP Passes Resolution Supporting Chief Justice Roy Moore appeared first on Towleroad.


Gay Choirs in Chicago and Philadelphia Send Videos of Support to San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus: WATCH

Gay Choirs in Chicago and Philadelphia Send Videos of Support to San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus: WATCH

Chicago Gay Men's Chorus

The Chicago Gay Men’s Chorus and the Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus reached out to the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus with video messages and songs of support following the humiliating incident in Petco Park over the weekend when their voices were replaced by that of a female anthem singer and then taunted as they were left off the field.

The DJ responsible for the mishap apologized in a lengthy interview which you can listen to HERE.

Watch Chicago:


And Philadelphia:

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#AM_Equality Tip Sheet: May 24, 2016

#AM_Equality Tip Sheet: May 24, 2016

RESISTING PRESSURE, CHARLOTTE CITY COUNCIL STANDS UP FOR LGBT NON-DISCRIMINATION ORDINANCE: Yesterday, the Charlotte City Council stood strong as Republican lawmakers in Raleigh attempted to redirect blame for their disastrous HB2 mess. Senate President Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore yesterday reiterated their support for the vile HB2, with Moore saying that he would refuse to repeal the provision barring transgender people from the appropriate bathroom. HRC President Chad Griffin was on the ground and gave powerful testimony, calling for a full repeal of HB2, reminding the audience that anything less would leave people vulnerable to further attacks. Pointing out the risks and pitfalls of trusting that HB2 backers would negotiate, Griffin rightfully asked, “Who are you going to leave behind? Amongst those who you attacked in HB2, who will you leave on the cutting room floor?”

  • Charlotte Magazine’s Greg Lacour’s coverage of the Council’s actions is worth a read, especially his focus on City Councilmembers’ refusal to fall for “vague promises from a manifestly untrustworthy leadership in Raleigh,” and comments from Erica Lachowitz, a local transgender woman who spoke last night. Lachowitz told the Council: “I don’t think you realize how much you mean to me, my daughter, and my family.” After weeks of unjust pressure from the Chamber of Commerce and state GOP lawmakers to repeal the ordinance, words like that reminded the Council exactly what they’re fighting for. More from Charlotte Magazine.
  • A new Charlotte Chamber report reveals that Mecklenburg County has been dealt a massive financial blow because of HB2. Losses are estimated at $285 million, and as many as 1,300 jobs. Charlotte is the county seat of Mecklenburg.
  • NC’s discriminatory duo, Senate leader Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore, are continuing their attacks on LGBT people by attempting to combine their lawsuit with Gov. McCrory’s. Three federal judges are currently assigned to five separate lawsuits over the discriminatory HB2.
  • The San Francisco 49ers spoke out today against HB2, announcing a gift of $75,000 to the Equality North Carolina Foundation. The team’s CEO Jed York is in Charlotte and met with transgender North Carolinians to learn more about HB2’s harmful impact.
  • The Lumineers and the Dave Matthews Band will both donate proceeds from their shows in North Carolina to LGBT advocacy orgs working to repeal HB2.

NCs discriminatory HB2, which prompted more than 200 business leaders to speak out, was also met with disdain by Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts yesterday, who tweeted: “We cannot compromise on basic human rights. Any repeal of LGBT protections is bad for business, bad for Charlotte’s future.”

MAGNITSKY ACT TO INCLUDE PROTECTIONS FOR LGBTQ PEOPLE: The Global Magnitsky Act, a vital bill that would give the U.S. government the authority to freeze the U.S. assets of, and deny U.S. visas to, anyone who has committed “gross violations of human rights” against anti-corruption activists or human rights defenders around the world, is currently moving through the U.S. House of Representatives. This week, following months of advocacy by LGBT organizations, lawmakers in the House Foreign Affairs Committee clarified that the bill would indeed cover LGBTQ people, sending a clear message abroad that the U.S. will not tolerate human rights abuses against LGBTQ individuals. Should the bill become law, those who persecute people based on their sexual orientation or gender identity abroad may be blocked from entering the U.S. or from using U.S. financial institutions. More from HRC.

HOUSE LEADERS REMOVE ANTI-LGBT LANGUAGE FROM VA BILL: House leaders removed language from a VA bill that would have rolled back protections for LGBT people employed by federal contractors. In 2014, President Obama signed an executive order prohibiting federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. The proposed bill would have allowed hospitals, medical facilities, and long term care facilities to have contracts with the VA, regardless of whether they discriminated against LGBT employees. More from The Washington Post.

OREGON GOV. INSPIRES GRADUATES WITH SPEECH ON BEING OPENLY BISEXUAL: Oregon Gov. Kate Brown gave a powerful commencement speech at Willamette University over the weekend, emphasizing the importance of living as your true self. She spoke about being closeted as bisexual, fearing losing her job and eventually being outed in the press. Brown became the nation’s first openly bisexual governor last year when she was appointed following Gov. John Kitzhaber’s resignation. If she wins in November, Brown will make history again as the first openly-LGBT person ever elected governor.

THIS: POLITICAL JOURNALIST RALSTON’S MOVING ESSAY: In a first-person essay, political journalist Jon Ralston shares the beautiful story of loving and accepting his transgender son, writing: “Slowly but surely, I have come to not just accept it but to embrace it. I have learned a lot about transgender issues through my job. I have read a bit. But I don’t want to talk about bathrooms or locker rooms. I don’t want to debate the public policy issues in North Carolina or whether the president was right to sue. There will be plenty of time for that. My first instinct, as ever, has been to protect my child, to make sure Maddy is safe and happy. That’s all most parents ever want for their children.” Read it on Ralston Reports.


The Huffington Post profiles Jim Gray, Kentucky’s openly-gay Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate… Actress Laverne Cox responds to the criticism she’s received for her role in the Rocky Horror Picture Show remake… Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff says that his fight for LGBT rights isn’t about him, it’s about his employees… The Advocate highlights the former students of Trinity Academy who leaked the school’s anti-LGBT policy “for the greater good”… The Washington Post investigates why some Republicans are choosing to turn away from their party’s anti-LGBT stance… The Hartford Courant shares the story of teacher Dusty Rader, who sets an inspiring example for his students by living as openly transgender… News12 New Jersey covers the Highland Park school board’s unanimous approval of a transgender-inclusive facilities policy… and the Huffington Post shares former presidential adviser and North Carolina native David Gergen’s commencement address at Elon University, which he used to call for HB2’s repeal.

Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]Click here to subscribe to A.M. Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!


New film 'After Louie' launches Kickstarter campaign

New film 'After Louie' launches Kickstarter campaign

Photo Credit: After Louie

The new narrative film After Louie has launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise money to cover filming and post-productions costs. The film follows Sam (out actor and advocate Alan Cumming), a middle-aged gay man, who was a member of the AIDS advocacy group ACT UP in the 80s and 90s and is upset with what he believes to be the younger generation’s indifference towards AIDS and sex politics. Sam finds his perception of modern gay life challenged when he becomes unexpectedly involved with Braeden, a younger man. Actor and former GLAAD national spokesperson Wilson Cruz recently signed on to star in the film. Check out the After Louie Kickstarter trailer below and visit their page for more info:

Last year, GLAAD launched a PSA starring Cumming to raise awareness about the FDA’s blood donor deferral policy for gay and bisexual men. To further inform and inspire action toward the ongoing fight to beat the HIV and AIDS epidemic, GLAAD partnered with The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation in early 2015 and published a resource guide for journalists on covering HIV and AIDS, as well as launching a series of PSA’s with Hollywood talent including Whoopi Goldberg, Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Lane, Daniel Franzese, Tituss Burgess and more.

Though the dialogue surrounding AIDS and HIV has grown, After Louie draws attention to the lack of representation in entertainment. GLAAD’s most recent Where We Are on TV report shows that there is only one character depicted as HIV-positive across U.S. broadcast and cable scripted programming (Oliver on ABC’s How to Get Away With Murder). This lack of media coverage gives reason as to why ACT UP’s co-founder Larry Kramer (The Normal Heart) feels After Louie “needs to be made”.

May 24, 2016
