HRC Mississippi Takes Action in the Gulf Coast

HRC Mississippi Takes Action in the Gulf Coast

Post submitted by Harry Hawkins, Field Organizer HRC Mississippi and Rob Hill, HRC Mississippi State Director

Since Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed HB1523, “The Religious Liberty Accommodations Act,” into law, HRC Mississippi has been working to repeal this discriminatory, anti-LGBT law.

HRC Mississippi joined hundreds of allies from across the Gulf Coast at a rally for the repeal of HB1523 in Bay St. Louis earlier this month. 

Businesses posted signs stating “All Are Welcome” and I spoke with one local business owner who stressed that HB1523 is bad for business in the Gulf Coast, an area that relies heavily on tourism. 

“We are just getting back on our feet after Katrina,” she said. “And now we have this law!”

Since Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed HB1523 into law, more than 75 major national corporations and businesses have spoken out against the horrific measure, that would allow individuals, religious organizations and private associations to use religion to discriminate against LGBT Mississippians in some of the most important aspects of their lives, including at work, at schools, and in their communities.

At a different HRC gathering in Gulfport, HRC spoke with several Gulf Coast residents who are deeply concerned about the state, especially in light of HB1523.

One woman, Elaine, explained prior to the gathering that she intended to move from Mississippi after the passage of the shameful law.  She said that she wanted to find a place that was more welcoming and inclusive of all of its citizens, including LGBT people.

Upon reflection, however, she reported via email the following day that after she met “like-minded friends and colleagues” she decided to stay in Mississippi. 

“I was inspired and energized,” she wrote.  “I’m looking forward to being a part of HRC in every way possible.”

HRC Mississippi is giving people a way to connect and take action against HB1523. These events and interactions in the Gulf Coast are just a few examples of how to get involved.  

Other ways to take action include:

  • Text “MyMississippi” to 30644 for updates and actions across the state. 
  • Sign up for our newsletter at
  • Like HRC Mississippi’s Facebook page.   

We hope you can join us and to learn more about HRC Mississippi, click here.

PHOTOS: Sudsy Naval Academy Freshmen Mounting Rigid Pole Deserve Full Salute

PHOTOS: Sudsy Naval Academy Freshmen Mounting Rigid Pole Deserve Full Salute


What better way to mark the culmination of a year of intensive training than by scurrying to the top of a 21-foot-tall oil-slicked obelisk with your nearly-naked peers?

For the roughly 1,000 freshman at the U.S. Naval Academy, wrapping up the year by climbing the Herdon Monument is a rite of passage.

Some traditions should never be broken.

This year they accomplished their task of knocking off a cap on the tip and replacing it with a new one in 1 hour, 12 minutes and 30 seconds, which we hear is quite fast.

We give you the class of 2019:











Trump: I’m Against ‘Expensive’ Gender Neutral Facilities, and Trans Rights a States Issue – WATCH

Trump: I’m Against ‘Expensive’ Gender Neutral Facilities, and Trans Rights a States Issue – WATCH

Bill O'Reilly Donald Trump trans

Donald Trump told FOX News host Bill O’Reilly last night that he’s against gender neutral facilities but that transgender people need to be protected, and it should be left to the states.

Asked about Obama’s directive to schools on transgender rights, Trump said:

“Well, it’s not fine, and I would generally speaking leave it to the states to decide. Obama’s getting into a very tricky territory. We have to protect everybody…but this is such a tiny part of our population. I would really leave it up to the states.”

Asked if he has gender neutral facilities in Trump properties, Trump replied:

“No we don’t have that. I hope not. It would be unbelievably expensive nationwide. It would be hundreds of billions of dollars. It would be an unbelievably expensive thing to do. I think our country would rather have us spending money on other things. The number of people we’re talking about is really a small number.”

Also discussed: the EgyptAir crash, immigration, declaring war against ISIS, buying oil from ISIS, his attacks on Bill Clinton.


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Premier of Australia’s Victoria State Apologizes for Laws Criminalizing Homosexuality: FULL SPEECH

Premier of Australia’s Victoria State Apologizes for Laws Criminalizing Homosexuality: FULL SPEECH

Daniel Andrews

Daniel Andrews, the Premier of Australia’s state of Victoria (the most densely populated state, which includes Melbourne), today apologized for laws which convicted thousands of gay men of buggery, gross indecency and loitering for homosexual purposes before homosexuality was decriminalized in 1980.

Said Andrews: “There was a time in our history when we turned thousands of ordinary young men into criminals. And it was profoundly and unimaginably wrong.”

He continued:

“Young people. Old people. Thousands and thousands of people. I suppose it’s rare when you can’t even begin to conceive what was on the minds of our forebears in this Place. But I look back at those statutes and I am dumbfounded. I can’t possibly explain why we made these laws, and clung to them, and fought for them. For decades, we were obsessed with the private mysteries of men. And so we jailed them. We harmed them. And, in turn, they harmed themselves. Speaker, it is the first responsibility of a government to keep people safe. But the government didn’t keep LGBTI people safe. The government invalidated their humanity and cast them into a nightmare. And those who live today are the survivors of nothing less than a campaign of destruction, led by the might of the state.”


Tomorrow, a young bloke will get hurt. Tomorrow, a parent will turn their back on their child. Tomorrow, a loving couple and their beautiful baby will be met with a stare of contempt. Tomorrow, a trans woman will be turned away from a job interview. And tomorrow, a gay teenager will think about ending his own life. That’s the truth.

There is so much more we need to do to make things right. Until then, we can’t promise things will be easy. We can’t guarantee that everyone in your life will respect the way you want to live it. And we can’t expect you to make what must be a terrifying plunge until you know the time is right. But just know that whenever that time comes, you have a government that’s on your side.

You have a government that is trying to make the state a safer place – in the classroom, in the workplace. You have a government that is trying to eradicate a culture of bullying and harassment so that the next generation of children are never old enough to experience it. You have a government that sees these indisputable statistics – of LGBTI self-harm, of suicide – and commits to their complete upheaval. You have a government that believes you’re free to be who you are, and to marry the person you love.

Andrews concludes:

So let me finish by saying this: If you are a member of the LGBTI community, and there’s someone in your life that you love – a partner or a friend – then do me a favor: Next time you’re on a tram in Melbourne, hold their hand. Do it with pride and defiance. Because you have that freedom. And here in the progressive capital, I can think of nothing more Victorian than that. Speaker, it’s been a life of struggle for generations of Victorians. As representatives, we take full responsibility.

We criminalized homosexual thoughts and deeds. We validated homophobic words and acts. And we set the tone for a society that ruthlessly punished the different – with a short sentence in prison, and a life sentence of shame. From now on, that shame is ours. This parliament and this government are to be formally held to account for designing a culture of darkness and shame. And those who faced its sanction, and lived in fear, are to be formally recognized for their relentless pursuit of freedom and love. It all started here. It will end here, too.

To our knowledge, no jurisdiction in the world has ever offered a full and formal apology for laws like these. So please, let these words rest forever in our records: On behalf of the parliament, the government and the people of Victoria … For the laws we passed. And the lives we ruined. And the standards we set. … we are so sorry … humbly, deeply, sorry.”


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Fired Padres DJ Apologizes for Gay Men’s Chorus Flub, Explains What Happened: LISTEN

Fired Padres DJ Apologizes for Gay Men’s Chorus Flub, Explains What Happened: LISTEN

DJ Artform

DJ Artform, the man in the booth who pressed the button that launched a night of humiliation for the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus when their voices were replaced by that of a female anthem singer and then taunted as they were left off the field, apologized and spoke with a San Diego radio station on Monday.

The upshot? It was a rookie mistake, but one for which he had to take responsibility. Artform, a lifelong baseball fan and player, had found his “dream job” at Padres stadium, something that combined his love of music, and baseball. In an unfortunate confluence of events, his immediate boss had been in an accident and wasn’t there to supervise.

But Artform takes accountability that he pressed the button, and then stood by while it went down.

Said Artform to Scott and BR on The Mighty 1090 am:

“One of the worst nights of my life, and everybody else involved unfortunately. I failed to upload the correct anthem for the gay men’s choir and I went to the first thing I had which was from the prerecording from the night before and unfortunately obviously that was a solo female artist for the anthem and it didn’t fit to the programming of the day.

Artform says he read the label and thought the Chorus file was for another date. What they play are sometimes CDs, sometimes sound files.

“In a moment of panic I went to the first thing I saw that said anthem and unfortunately the female vocal artist is what played over the PA system and it was an extremely embarrassing moment…Those are my mistakes and I own up to them. I hold myself accountable.//My stomach was in knots. I should have intervened. I should have turned it down. There’s a lot of ‘coulda woulda shouldas ‘that we could have done to avoid the incident…my heart was racing. Every second was an hour.”

Artform was brought into an office at the end of the game on Sunday and fired after the incident made national headlines, but he says he totally gets why the incident was perceived the way it was – and a hate crime investigation was launched.

He adds:

“There’s a lot of twists and turns on how this thing got perceived and I understand completely about the issues that have been underlying the LGBT community and the gay men’s choir so this is something that I don’t take lightly. I spoke to the director earlier this morning and I gave him my personal apology. I’m doing things on my side to be as constructive and proactive with this whole ordeal and dilemma….All I can do at this point is show who I am as a man and as an individual and as a DJ and own up to my mistake and let everybody know there was no mal intent or discriminatory actions toward anyone that night….I have family members and friends that are part of the community.”


.@DJArtForm tells us exactly what happened with Saturday’s National anthem

— Scott and BR (@ScottandBR) May 24, 2016

He also released a statement on Facebook:

My deepest apologies and sincere regret toward the entire San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus & the LGBT community for the incident that occurred during the National Anthem. It was a very unfortunate mistake but it was just that, an error. I in no way, shape or form directed any type of hate, bad intent or discrimination towards the Chorus or anyone involved.

The incident was not a representation of myself, San Diego & it’s amazing Baseball fans.

I have felt the consequences of my mistake as my dream job has dissolved before my eyes which does not take away that I am extremely sorry for the horrible mistake that occurred. I have family members & friends that are a part of the LGBT community & I have always been a supporter of Equal Human Rights, so it pains me greatly to see that I am being accused of acting intentionally.

As a former high school and college baseball player, I understand the importance of ensuring equality for all in sports and am appalled by some of the negative, homophobic comments made by fans related to the National Anthem incident. I have reached out to LGBT leaders in San Diego and am currently in discussion regarding a meeting with the Chorus and LGBT leaders personally in order to be as constructive as possible about the error. I’ve let down my City, my family & everyone who had faith in me.
Once again, I’m truly sorry for this entire ordeal.


The post Fired Padres DJ Apologizes for Gay Men’s Chorus Flub, Explains What Happened: LISTEN appeared first on Towleroad.

Despite Threats And Attacks, Tunisian Activists Are Still Fighting For Greater LGBT Rights

Despite Threats And Attacks, Tunisian Activists Are Still Fighting For Greater LGBT Rights

“When the men insulted me and grabbed me, people just watched. When they started to beat me, people just watched.”

The post Despite Threats And Attacks, Tunisian Activists Are Still Fighting For Greater LGBT Rights appeared first on ThinkProgress.