Alabama GOP Passes Resolution Supporting Chief Justice Roy Moore
The Alabama Republican Party is standing behind Roy Moore, the state’s Supreme Court Justice, who was suspended earlier this month and charged with violating ethical rules for trying to stop probate judges from issuing marriage licenses in the state.
The charges could mean, among other things, that Moore will be removed from the bench.
The resolution describes the probe by the Alabama Judicial Committee as being “politically motivated.” The resolution also said that only the state legislature should have the authority to remove elected officials from office.
Read the resolution:
Supporters of Moore rallied over the weekend in Montgomery:
The event kicked off with a prayer from pastor Rusty Johnson, who called upon God to not only bless the rally and Justice Moore, but also “to stand against this militant homosexual movement that is invading our land, stand against the demonic influences that have come not only to the state of Alabama but across the United States of America” by granting to Christians “the power and authority” to “cast these wicked spirits out of our society.”
Right Wing Watch adds that Moore’s wife Kayla gave the keynote address and attacked drag queen Ambrosia Starling:
Conflating Moore’s suspension with the current right-wing outrage over transgender equality, Moore declared that she will not stand by and watch as men are allowed to enter the restroom with one of her granddaughters, which then prompted her to voice her outrage that her husband has been removed from the bench based on a complaint filed by “a man dressed as a woman.”
“This man dresses as a woman, with makeup, a blonde wig, a dress, jewelry and calls himself a drag queen,” Moore complained, as she demanded that the press investigate and expose him. “He works a regular job during the day and, at night, dresses as a woman and goes into nightclubs and bars. Now, I ask the press, who is he? Who is this man who hides his true identity? I charge you, find out who he is and let us know.”
After declaring that her husband did not serve in Vietnam to protect the rights of people like Starling “because up to the last couple of years ago, it was a mental illness,” she then read a reworked version of Martin Niemöller’s famous “First They Came For The Socialists” anti-Nazi quote.
As Towleroad’s Sean Mandell reported last week:
Starling, who goes by her drag name so as to protect her family, says she is seriously considering running for governor if Moore throws his hat in the ring for the 2018 race, as he is expected to do.
As we previously reported, Rachel Maddow is one of Starling’s many fans who suggested she would be well-suited for the state’s top job.
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