How Do You Deal With That Gay Single Life?

How Do You Deal With That Gay Single Life?


You know what’s great? A healthy relationship…with yourself. See what we did there?

Yes, pairing off can sometimes be appealing, but getting that foundation of self-love strong and solid is really what it’s all about.

That’s a lesson far easier said than done, though.

Below, guys sound off on how they feel about the nights alone, the meals for one, and that single life in general:



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2016-05-14_13-57-19_ILCE-6300_DSC04692 2016 aura lieu le 14 mai.
La Parade demarrera a 14h devant la Bourse et deambulera dans tout le centre de Bruxelles.
Chaque annee la Pride attire des dizaines de milliers de visiteurs vers la capitale et colore Bruxelles aux couleurs de l’arc-en-ciel. Il y a aussi le PrideVillage et le PridePodium autour de la Bourse. n’est pas seulement la plus grande fete de Bruxelles, mais c’est aussi un evenement avec un message politique. Avec cette manifestation, nous essayons d’obtenir plus d’egalite de droits pour tout le monde et surtout pour la communaute lesbigaytrans.

Robert De Niro, Mariah Carey, 20/20, Anderson Cooper 360, Cosmopolitan among #glaadawards recipients in New York

Robert De Niro, Mariah Carey, 20/20, Anderson Cooper 360, Cosmopolitan among #glaadawards recipients in New York


Jennifer Lawrence presented Robert De Niro with GLAAD’s Excellence in Media Award tonight at the 27th Annual GLAAD Media Awards at the Waldorf Astoria New York. Lee Daniels presented GLAAD’s Ally Award to Mariah Carey.

A complete press release including quotes from the honorees will be posted on Sunday, May 15. Photos and videos from the event will be posted to in coming days. Highlights are available now at

Following is a complete list of GLAAD Media Award recipients announced Saturday in New York:

  • Excellence in Media Award: Robert De Niro (presented by Jennifer Lawrence)
  • Ally Award: Mariah Carey (presented by Lee Daniels)
  • Outstanding TV Journalism – Newsmagazine: “Bruce Jenner: The Interview” 20/20 (ABC) [accepted by: Diane Sawyer, Caitlyn Jenner, and David Sloan, senior executive producer]
  • Outstanding TV Journalism Segment: “Interview with Jim Obergefell” Anderson Cooper 360 (CNN) [accepted by: U.S. Supreme Court plaintiff Jim Obergefell]
  • Outstanding Magazine Overall Coverage: Cosmopolitan [accepted by: Laura Brounstein, special projects director]
  • Outstanding Film – Limited Release: Tangerine (Magnolia Pictures)
  • Outstanding Individual Episode: “The Prince of Nucleotides” Royal Pains (USA Network)
  • Outstanding Digital Journalism – Multimedia: “Stopping HIV? The Truvada Revolution” Vice Reports (
  • Outstanding Newspaper Article: “Cold Case: The Murders of Cosby and Jackson” by Dianna Wray (Houston Press)
  • Outstanding Magazine Article: “Behind Brazil’s Gay Pride Parades, a Struggle with Homophobic Violence” by Oscar Lopez (Newsweek)
  • Outstanding Digital Journalism Article: “This Is What It’s Like To Be An LGBT Syrian Fleeing For Your Life” by J. Lester Feder (


  • Outstanding Daytime Program Episode: “¿El marido de mi padre o yo?” Caso Cerrado (Telemundo)
  • Outstanding TV Journalism – Newsmagazine: TIE: “Amor que rompe barreras” Un Nuevo Día (Telemundo) and “En cuerpo ajeno” Aquí y Ahora (Univision)
  • Outstanding TV Journalism Segment: “Víctimas de abusos” Noticiero Univision (Univision)
  • Outstanding Digital Journalism – Multimedia: “Campeones de la igualdad” (

GLAAD previously announced that it was acknowledging two web series, Beautiful As I Want To Be ( and This is Me (Amazon Instant Video), with Special Recognition Awards.

The Los Angeles GLAAD Media Awards were held on April 2 at the Beverly Hilton. For video, photos, and more, visit: The 27th Annual GLAAD Media Awards are presented by Delta Air Lines, Hilton, Ketel One Vodka, and Wells Fargo.

The GLAAD Media Awards recognize and honor media for their fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and the issues that affect their lives. They also fund GLAAD’s work to amplify stories from the LGBT community that build support for equality and acceptance.

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May 14, 2016