Toronto Pride 2015
MonkeyWearsTie posted a photo:
Commissioned by the Glow Centre, University of Waterloo
Toronto Pride 2015
MonkeyWearsTie posted a photo:
Commissioned by the Glow Centre, University of Waterloo
Ellen Page'in Gaycation Dizisinin İlk Bölümünü İzlediniz mi?
sosyokultur posted a photo:
2014 yılının sıcak bir Sevgililer Günü’nde eşcinsel olduğunu açıklayarak düşüncelerimiz doğrulayan Ellen Page’in Gaycation isimli dizisi başladı. Dizi tüm dünyayı gezerek farklı ülkelerde yaşayan eşcinsellerin hayatlarından kesitleri bizlere sunuyor.
Adam and CallMe
adamwright1989 resident posted a photo:
The loving family pair of Adam and CallMe. The human boy with his angel Dad.
Marco Rubio Gets Endorsed by Hobby Lobby CEO, Proponent of Discriminatory Anti-LGBT Policies
Earlier this week, founder and CEO of Hobby Lobby David Green endorsed Senator Marco Rubio for President.
As you’ll remember, the arts-and-crafts chain was thrust into the national spotlight during the U.S. Supreme Court case Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores in 2014. The Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby, allowing some private businesses to deny insurance coverage of birth control because of their personal religious beliefs under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). Setting a troubling precedent that could have profound impacts on access to appropriate healthcare for the LGBT community, the Court held for the first time that a for-profit closely held corporation could be recognized as a “person” under RFRA.
Rubio signed onto an amicus brief in support of Hobby Lobby and has been a staunch advocate for legislation that would allow religious-based discrimination. He supports the so-called First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), a federal bill which would allow government employees to discriminate against LGBT people, and the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act, which would block adoptions and foster care, all under the guise of religious liberty. He’s even vowed to appoint both an Attorney General and Supreme Court justice who would defend the right of people like Kim Davis to discriminate.
This has been a pillar of his campaign, but unfortunately for Rubio, the majority of Americans don’t agree.
Polling released by the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute involving more than 42,000 interviews in all 50 states found little support for so-called “religious refusal” bills that would allow a small business owner to deny service to LGBT people for religious reasons. Only 35 percent supported such a bill while 59 percent opposed. Even in his home state of Florida, 70 percent of respondents were opposed to such bills.
And HRC’s poll in September also found that 60 percent of Americans would be less likely to support a candidate for President who would allow government officials to refuse service to LGBT people based on their personal religious beliefs.
Ahead of tonight’s debate catch up on where Rubio and all the other candidates LGBT issues at:
The National Hispanic Latino Agenda demonstrates their deep support for LGBTQ Latinos in their policy statements
On Monday a coalition of 40 Latino organizations operating as the National Hispanic Latino Agenda sent out a press release highlighting their policy priorities which include strong support for issues that impact lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Latinos. Although some of the member organizations, significantly the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) and the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), have demonstrated their vocal support of LGBTQ issues in the past, this announcement is important both because of the broad cross-section of support that each of these leading organizations represent but also because of the specificity and comprehensiveness of the policy initiatives they included.
Respected institutions like ASPIRA, the first association created by Puerto Rican educators to address the educational attainment of Latino youth and The Southwest Voter Registration Education Project (SVREP) which celebrates 41 years increasing voter participation of Latinos attached their names to these policy priorities.
One of the top items calls for the expansion and full implementation of the President’s executive actions (DACA and DAPA) that provide deportation relief for some undocumented immigrants so that they also include LGBTQ people.
Other points specifically highlight the discrimination faced by LGBTQ people in healthcare settings. Many address the exclusion of the care of transgender people from health plans including state Medicaid programs. NHJLA also brings attention to the need of more training for medical personnel to ensure that LGBTQ people do not confront discrimination when they are accessing care.
This level of detail shows a deep and thorough consideration for policies that impact the day to day lives of transgender Latinos.
Among the LGBTQ specific policy concerns outlined in the statement are items that impact the health and wellbeing of transgender Latinx such as:
A full list of the LGBTQ related policy priorities is available here and a full list of the organizations in the coalition is available here.
Chad Griffin Speaks on The Economist's Panel "Inclusion at Home and Abroad"
Tennessee House Votes to Advance Empty Resolution Opposing Marriage Equality Ruling
Today, the Tennessee House voted 73 to 18 to advance House Joint Resolution (HJR) 0529, an empty resolution stating support for a Williamson County lawsuit opposing the US Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of marriage equality last June. The Senate must now concur with the resolution for it to achieve full passage.
This vote on HJR 0529 is entirely symbolic and allows lawmakers to express their animosity for the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling after lawmakers voted down the Natural Marriage Defense Act last month, an extreme measure which disgracefully sought to eliminate marriage equality in the state and require the state to defend in court marriage as “between one man and one woman.”
“Though only symbolic, this shameful vote to encourage defiance of the highest court in the land is a slap in the face to loving and committed same-sex couples all over the Volunteer State,” said HRC Legal Director Sarah Warbelow. “Lawmakers should be using their time and resources to help all families, but instead have prioritized a mean-spirited resolution that serves absolutely no legitimate purpose.”
Chris Sanders, Executive Director of the Tennessee Equality Project condemned House passage of HJR529 today on the House floor, stating, “Though it has no legal force, the resolution insults the LGBT community with yet another vote on something that should not be voted on, namely, basic rights. The resolution furthermore celebrates lawsuits against local governments in our state, which will take up the time of county clerks and the resources of taxpayers. Yet, the Legislature refused an amendment by Rep. Sherry Jones, which would have required the state to pay for legal costs associated with the lawsuits. Legislative attacks on Tennessee’s LGBT community have become desperate and bizarre.”
Thom Kostura & Ijpe DeKoe are one of the three Tennessee plaintiff couples in the Tanco v. Haslam case, which was decided as a part of the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic Obergefell v. Hodges ruling. Speaking earlier this month about HJR 0529, they stated,
“When Ijpe and I were stationed in Tennessee, we weren’t sure what kind of a welcome we would receive. We were quick to learn that Tennesseans have a long tradition of recognizing that a marriage, valid where celebrated, is valid everywhere. As marriage plaintiffs, Ijpe and I knew we were supported by countless of Tennesseans who respected our marriage and understood that we were not much different than any other loving couple deserving of protection under the law. We feel this resolution is in direct contradiction to the warm welcome we received while living in Tennessee, and are saddened that a small minority are so willing to undo the loving support of so many Tennesseans.”
HRC is currently tracking 25 active bills in Tennessee that could be used to restrict or eliminate the rights of LGBT people in The Volunteer State, including HB 2414, which is scheduled for a hearing on March 8 and seeks to prevent transgender students from accessing restrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity. The anti-equality legislation advancing in Tennessee is part of an onslaught of anti-LGBT bills being pushed in 2016 by anti-equality activists around the country.
To date, HRC is tracking nearly 200 anti-LGBT bills in 32 states. These range from legislation attempting to undermine marriage equality; proposals aimed to authorize individuals, businesses, and taxpayer-funded agencies to cite religion as a legal reason to refuse goods or services to LGBT people; bills seeking to restrict or criminalize transgender people who use restrooms or locker rooms consistent with their gender identity; and even legislation aimed at eliminating the ability of local governments to protect LGBT residents and visitors. For more information, visit:
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