Wisconsin Judge Under Fire for Horrific Anti-LGBT Remarks

Wisconsin Judge Under Fire for Horrific Anti-LGBT Remarks

This week, Wisconsin Supreme Court Judge Rebecca Bradley is making national headlines for a series of anti-LGBT writings she published as a college student, following Bill Clinton’s presidential victory in 1992.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel lays out some of Bradley’s most offensive comments. She implied that people living with AIDS did not deserve empathy, as they “basically commit[ed] suicide through their behavior.” She grouped LGBT people with murderers, repeatedly asserting that their activities were akin to suicide or killing people. Her statements were also extremely anti-choice, and she called voters for Bill Clinton in 1992 “totally stupid or entirely evil.”

Though Bradley has disavowed some of her earlier statements, saying that her views have changed and that she herself is “mortified” reading the words of her younger self, the venom with which she speaks about LGBT people, and people living with HIV and AIDS is deeply disturbing. Wisconsin deserves a justice who is committed to fair and impartial decisions for everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, and it is everyone’s job to hold elected officials accountable at the ballot box.

Appointed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court by anti-equality Governor Scott Walker to complete the term of a recently deceased justice last October, Bradley is up for reelection and has given Wisconsin voters a lot to think about. On April 5th, they will have the opportunity to let their voices be heard, and determine who will fight to ensure full equality under the law for all Wisconsinites. HRC is working to educate its thousands of members and supporters in Wisconsin about what’s at stake in this election.
