Church of Ireland challenged by report on homosexuality
All-Ireland Primate and Archbishop of Armagh … Primates of the Global South have been at odds since the Americans consecrated an openly gay bishop in 2003. The son of kidnapped missionaries Ken and Jocelyn Elliott has pleaded for their release as …
Daily Archives: January 19, 2016
MI5 Is UK's Most Gay-Friendly Employer
MI5 Is UK's Most Gay-Friendly Employer
The United Kingdom’s security service, MI5, has been deemed the country’s most gay-friendly employer, beating out 400 other organizations for the title. The survey, conducted by British LGBT organization Stonewall, was based largely on anonymous surveying …
Gay Lea Foods Co-operative Ltd Unveils New Initiatives to Grow Dairy Goat Industry in Ontario
Gay Lea Foods Co-operative Ltd Unveils New Initiatives to Grow Dairy Goat Industry in Ontario
At the Gay Lea Foods’ Annual Meeting, delegates approved by-law changes to expand the open membership to include dairy goat producers as producer members of the co-operative. As one of Canada’s leading dairy co-operatives and the largest dairy co …
What’s at Stake for the Next President
What’s at Stake for the Next President
President Obama’s final State of the Union address reminded us of how far we’ve come and all the gains our community has made.
Here are four ways the incredible progress under President Obama could be rolled back:
1.) Marriage Equality
Six GOP presidential candidates— Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee —have signed a pledge in support of the discriminatory First Amendment Defense Act (FADA). With the pledge– created by the American Principles Project, the Heritage Action for America (the action arm of the Heritage Foundation), and FRC Action (the legislative affiliate of the Family Research Council)–presidential candidates vow to pass FADA in their first 100 days in office. Donald Trump and Rand Paul have also voiced support for FADA.
FADA would enable Kim Davis-like discrimination against the LGBT community. It would allow non-profit organizations and businesses contracting with the federal government to circumvent critical federal protections designed to protect same-sex couples and their families from harmful discrimination. Following the U.S. Supreme Court decisions in U.S. v. Windsor and Obergefell v. Hodges, same-sex married couples are entitled to all federal spousal benefits regardless of where they live. Under FADA, however, individual businesses could run roughshod over the civil rights of these couples and deny them the spousal benefits they have earned and deserve.
2.) Critical protections for more than 20 percent of the American workforce
President Obama issued an historic executive order protecting LGBT employees of federal contractors from discrimination. Employment discrimination continues to be a critical problem facing the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. The executive order protects millions – more than 20 percent of the American workforce—and could be rolled back under a GOP Presidency.
3.) White House support for the Equality Act
President Obama and Vice President Biden have voiced their support for the Equality Act, federal legislation aimed to establish explicit, permanent protections against discrimination based on an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity in matters of employment, housing, access to public places, federal funding, credit, education and jury service. All of the Democratic presidential candidates have pledged support for the Equality Act, while none of the Republican candidates have indicated support for the Equality Act, and several have publicly opposed basic employment protections.
We need a President who will fight for its passage and sign it into law. No Republican running for president has yet expressed support for the Equality Act.
4.) Opposition to Dangerous “Conversion Therapy” Bills
In October 2015, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) published a report calling for an end to dangerous so-called “conversion therapy” for minors. Many of the GOP presidential candidates have not only gone on record in support of this widely debunked and dangerous practice, but some have gone as far as to fundraise with supporters of it.
Get the facts on the GOP Presidential candidates.
PHOTOS: GLAAD at the Chinese Rainbow Media Awards
PHOTOS: GLAAD at the Chinese Rainbow Media Awards
On January 17, GLAAD was in Beijing, China to celebrate the Chinese Rainbow Media Awards. GLAAD’s Director of Program, Global and US South, Ross Murray, brought greetings and offered support for recognizing media representations that accelerate acceptance for LGBT people in China.
Held since 2011, the China Rainbow Media Awards are the first ever Chinese media awards with a focus on LGBT issues. The China Rainbow Media Awards seek to direct media in a way that is diverse and positively representational of LGBT issues, aiming to create a more accepting social environment in China. They are modeled off of the GLAAD Media Awards.
“The Chinese Rainbow Media Awards recognize the power of the media to help people understand and accept LGBT people,” said Murray. “We are happy to support the Chinese Rainbow Media Awards, recognizing and rewarding the stories that accelerate acceptance for the LGBT community in China and around the world.”
The Chinese Rainbow Media Awards recognized the support of GLAAD, talking about a sisterhood partnership between the two organizations to further advocacy activities, the use of new media, and cultural exchanges. “We are hoping this will lead to more conversations between carious Western countries and China, help shape a better media narrative, and eventually create a better LGBT environment for everyone.” said Liangma “Sam” Liang, Director of The Chinese Rainbow Media Awards.
The Rainbow Media Awards recognized CCTV host Qiu Qiming as the China Rainbow Media Special Contribution Award. Qiming has paid attention to LGBTI issues for many years. He publicly supports LGBT communities and tirelessly promotes an accepting society; a society moving away from conservatism and traditionalism; a society embracing diversity. His programs have enabled a better public understanding of LGBTI issues, and have contributed positively to the elimination of stigma and prejudice.
In his Special Contribution Award acceptance video, Qiu Qiming states: “Discrimination itself is not that scary, yet when discrimination becomes normalized, it runs counter to justice and fairness. The gay community should be able to enjoy the sunshine, just like everybody else.”
Additionally, the following news reports were awarded:
Best Magazine/Newspaper Report – Vista Kan Tianxia: “She Talked with Officials of the Ministry of Education about “Homosexuality” in Textbooks”
Best Online Report – Net Ease News: “Images of China’s Gay Community”
Best Video Report – Phoenix Television: “Phoenix Big Vision: In My Name – Authentic Records of the Gay Community”
Best English Report – Global Times: “No pride on campus”
People’s Choice Award – NetEase News: “Seven Chinese Gay Couples Go to the United States to Marry.” The People’s choice Award was for the story of the seven same-sex couples who entered an online contest sponsored by Alibaba, and won a destination wedding to Los Angeles, where they were married by West Hollywood mayor, Leslie Horvath. GLAAD supported this campaign by sharing the story of the couples with media, as well as photos of the wedding. One couple returned to the United States in November to tell their story at the GLAAD San Francisco gala.
The China Rainbow Media Awards was organized by the Beijing Gender Health Education Institute and eleven other Chinese organizations, and are modeled after the GLAAD Media Awards. The 2016 China Rainbow Media Awards Ceremony was co-organized together with the United Nations Development Program.
Check out some photos below.
Market chat: Sensex rises from 20-month low
Market chat: Sensex rises from 20-month low
For more updates, join our experts at the daily live chat from 12pm to 1pm as they gauge the markets today. For live Sensex updates, click here.
Formidable legal expert’ to support Ashers Baking Co
Formidable legal expert’ to support Ashers Baking Co
The Christian-run bakery was taken to court because it declined to produce a cake with the slogan “Support Gay Marriage”. Taxpayer-funded quango the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland initiated the legal action, and in May Belfast County Court …
From Uganda to the United Kingdom: Challenges and Opportunities Facing LGBT People in 2016
From Uganda to the United Kingdom: Challenges and Opportunities Facing LGBT People in 2016
This includes the horrific targeting and execution of men who are perceived to be gay, who in a number of documented cases … In Northern Ireland, LGBT advocates are fighting to join the rest of the United Kingdom in achieving full legal recognition …
The Archbishop of Canterbury apologises to the LGBT community
The Archbishop of Canterbury apologises to the LGBT community
Since the consecration of the openly gay priest Gene Robinson as an Episcopal Bishop in … to get a resolution passed for the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada to withdraw from Communion activities. Mr Bryant, a former Anglican curate …