With situation spiraling, school admins quickly intervened to avert crisis

With situation spiraling, school admins quickly intervened to avert crisis
Revelations about Rozmiarek’s inappropriate chat room conversations of a sexual nature under the name “Agreatguy” with someone who turned out to be a decoy posing as a 13-year-old girl were contained in a report by a Beverly police detective. That report …


Alberta students to define their own gender: 5 big changes in new school guidelines

Alberta students to define their own gender: 5 big changes in new school guidelines
Now that gay-straight alliances (GSAs) have been made mandatory at any school where students want one, school staff are advised to support the establishment of the support groups whenever students express an interest in creating one. It’s also to be made …


'America needs some Josh Thomas!' Girls star Lena Dunham 'wants to work' with the Australian comedian and admits she 'freaked out' when she met him

'America needs some Josh Thomas!' Girls star Lena Dunham 'wants to work' with the Australian comedian and admits she 'freaked out' when she met him
Back in June, Lena Dunham tweeted ‘I love you’ to Australian comedian and actor Josh Thomas … which follows Josh – who realises early on in the series that he is gay. The show is described on its official Facebook: ‘Please Like Me is about cavoodles …


LGBT Rights Under Attack in New Mexico

LGBT Rights Under Attack in New Mexico

The legislative session in New Mexico is about to begin and LGBT rights are already under attack. HB55 — legislation that would negatively amend the New Mexico Human Rights Act and Religious Freedom Restoration Act, as well as overturn the New Mexico Supreme Court decision in Elane Photography v. Willock — has been filed.

The changes proposed in this bill would open the door to discrimination against LGBT New Mexicans.

Freedom of religion is a core American value; it’s a part of what makes America great. That’s why it’s already protected in the First Amendment to the Constitution. The rule of law is critically important, and we can’t just create sweeping exemptions that encourage people to pick and choose which laws they’re going to follow.

There are THREE things that you can do today to make a difference:

(1)   Join our friends at Equality New Mexico who are leading the fight in the Roundhouse by signing this petition

(2)   Contact your elected officials here to tell your legislators to stop HB55 because this bill is not in line with New Mexican values.

(3)   Join HRC members and supporters, along with our friends at Equality New Mexico, for a press conference on January 20 at the Roundhouse to demonstrate the strength of the LGBT community and call for an end to HB55. For further questions, or to RSVP or volunteer, please [email protected].


2 p.m. Live Chat: Reopening The Case Of Darrell 'Diamond' Jones

2 p.m. Live Chat: Reopening The Case Of Darrell 'Diamond' Jones
Darrell “Diamond” Jones was convicted of the 1985 murder of alleged Cuban cocaine dealer Guillermo Rodriguez in Brockton. Jones, now 48, maintains his innocence after three decades in prison. (Jesse Costa/WBUR) Jones’ quest for a new trial ties in to a …


Cheesy puns abound as White House hosts online chat

Cheesy puns abound as White House hosts online chat
Thomson ReutersU.S. President Barack Obama waves as he greets members of Congress as he departs after concluding his final State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress in Washington By Gina Cherelus (Reuters) – The White House attracted …


Skype Brings Group Video Calling to Its Mobile Apps

Skype Brings Group Video Calling to Its Mobile Apps
Skype is bringing group video chat capabilities to its free consumer mobile apps for Android, iOS and Windows 10 Mobile for the first time, giving consumers the chance to have video chats with a group of friends at one time. “To celebrate 10 years of video


Annise Parker on being “Houston’s lesbian Mayor,” HERO and her political future

Annise Parker on being “Houston’s lesbian Mayor,” HERO and her political future
Fourth largest city in the United States. I represent more people than the governors … Every time I saw my name in print, it was “Annise Parker, lesbian” or “Annise Parker, gay.” In ’97, I decided to run at-large for council.
