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This Is What We Can ALL Do To Help The Trans Community

This Is What We Can ALL Do To Help The Trans Community

Whether you’re gay, straight, bisexual, cisgender or any other sexual or gender identity, helping improve the lives of the trans community — a population facing disproportionate rates of violence — is a joint effort. In the video above, watch Trans Women of Color Collective national director Lourdes Hunter, LGBT Healthlink director Dr. Scout and National Center for Transgender Equality executive director Mara Keisling discuss ways we can all help enhance the trans community. 

Watch the full HuffPost Live conversation on transgender history here. 

Want more HuffPost Live? Stream us anytime on Go90, Verizon’s mobile social entertainment network, and listen to our best interviews on iTunes.

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Open Question: Does Having Gay Sex Make You Gay (LGBT)?

Open Question: Does Having Gay Sex Make You Gay (LGBT)?
My friend who is 24, he had a threesome with a gay man and a straight woman.

They all knew each other and are at the same university, near the end of the night the woman left and left the gay man and my friend.

Does the fact that my friend had sex with the man after the woman had left make him gay?

Murray Swanby Is A Pretty Boy In Pink

Murray Swanby Is A Pretty Boy In Pink


Whether it’s more of a “salmon” you’re into, or if a bold fuchsia is more your speed, pink is here to stay, so we have selected fall’s best pink underwear to incorporate one of our favorite pops of color into your wardrobe.

Related: Interview: Murray Swanby Is More Than A Pretty Face

Swanby shows off eight pairs of this seasons hottest colors…



You can see more of this photoshoot on The Underwear Expert.

Photo Credit: Jerrad Matthew Exclusively for The Underwear Expert

Underwear Expert

LGBT in Taiwan Election 2016 綠黨社會民主黨聯盟

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LGBT in Taiwan Election 2016 綠黨社會民主黨聯盟

Taiwan LGBT Pride Parade 2015 台灣同志驕傲遊行 主張LGBT 是基本人權; 國會通過「婚姻平權法案」LGBT是女同性戀者(Lesbians); 男同性戀者(Gays); 雙性戀者(Bisexuals)與跨性別者(Transgender)的英文首字母首字所構成的的一個集合用語。「LGBTQ」代表酷兒(Queer)和/或對其性別認同感到疑惑的人(Questioning)。
Taipei; Taiwan.